I am trying to build a Laravel Nova Filter for my Model "Question", based on data from two different tables. I have figured out the exact SQL query I would need to use, but cannot figure out how to use it in the apply() method of the Nova filter.
Table "questions" columns:
id, ...
Table "themes" columns:
id, question_id, theme_id
The SQL Query I am trying to use:
SELECT questions.*
From questions
Inner JOIN themes on questions.id=themes.question_id
WHERE themes.theme_id = 3 (value taken from the Nova Filter options)
My Filter in Laravel Nova QuestionsThemeFilter.php:
class QuestionsThemeFilter extends BooleanFilter
public $name = 'filter by theme';
public function apply(Request $request, $query, $value) {
// This is what I'm missing...
public function options(Request $request) {
$themes = Themes::all();
$themesArray = array();
foreach($themes as $item) {
$themesArray[$item['title']] = strval($item['id']);
return $themesArray;
So, how exactly should I do this?
Other question: Since I am a beginner in Laravel, how exactly should I start debugging this? Using dd() doesn't work (the filter just breaks) and I don't know how I can debug this. Is there a way to dump some values from the apply method (for example the $value)?
Thanks in advance for any help, highly appreciated :-D
Check the comments in the code
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
class QuestionsThemeFilter extends BooleanFilter
public function apply(Request $request, $query, $value) {
// Since you are using BooleanFilter $value will be an associate array with true/false value
$selectedThemes = Arr::where($value, function ($v, $k) {
return $v === true;
$selectedThemeIds = array_keys($selectedThemes)
// For debugging print some logs and check
return $query->join('themes', 'questions.id', '=', 'themes.question_id')
->whereIn('themes.theme_id', $selectedThemeIds);
// If you are using normal filter then below code will be enough
return $query->join('themes', 'questions.id', '=', 'themes.question_id')
->where('themes.theme_id', $value);
public function options(Request $request) {
// You can use Laravel collection method pluck
return Themes::pluck('id', 'title')->all();
Boolean Filter
I am trying to write a query that selects columns from a model then selects some columns from a morph relationship table. But I have no idea to select columns, and relation tables have different columns. So some column has no slug, some have.
public function index()
$menus = Menu::whereActive(true)
'menuable' => function ($q) {
// This gives error if there is no relation Pages model
$q->whereActive(true)->select('pages.id', 'pages.slug');
// Below not working
// if($q->type === Page::class){
// $q->whereActive(true)->select('pages.id', 'pages.slug');
// } else if($q->type === Category::class){
// $q->whereActive(true)->select('categories.id',
// }
->get(['id', 'menuable_id', 'menuable_type', 'name']);
$response = [
'menus' => $menus,
return $this->sendResponse($response);
class Menu extends Model
public function menuable()
return $this->morphTo();
class Page extends Model
public function menu()
return $this->morphOne(Menu::class, 'menuable');
class Category extends Model
public function menu()
return $this->morphOne(Menu::class, 'menuable');
How can I select specific columns from morph relation with checking morph type? I am using Laravel version 8.
The polymorphic relation is something the Eloquent aware of, and DBMS hasnot implemented this feature in it.
so there cannot be a sql query which join a table to another tables based on the morph column.
so you have to use distinct queries for every polymorphic join relation on your models:
//you can retrieve distinct menu based on their relation
//and having the ralations in the menu model:
public function posts
//scope in menu class can be like:
public function scopePage($query){
return $query->where('menuable_type',Page::class);
public function scopeCategory($query){
return $query->where('menuable_type',Category::class);
//with these you can eager load the models
public function page(){
return $this->belongsTo(Page::class);
public functioncategory(){
return $this->belongsTo(Category::class);
if you want a common interface to use one of these dynamically.
you can use:
I am not sure which columns you want to response, but as i can guess from your question, I suppose you want id and slug from both models.
public function index(){
$pagedMenu = Menu::whereActive(true)->hasPage()->with('page');
$categoriedMenu = Menu::whereActive(true)->hasCategory()->with('category');
$menues = $pagedMenu->merge($categoriedMenu);
$response = [
'menus' => $menus,
return $this->sendResponse($response);
You can perfom separate filters based on the morph-class. This can be achieved with the whereHasMorph (https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent-relationships#querying-morph-to-relationships).
If you need to automatically resolve the relationship you can use with. This will preload morphables automatically into your resulting collection.
The following example uses an orWhere with 2 separate queries per morphable.
$menus = Menu::whereActive(true)
->whereHasMorph('menuable', [Page::class], function (Builder $query) {
// perform any query based on page-related entries
->orWhereHasMorph('menuable', [Category::class], function (Builder $query) {
// perform any query based on category-related entries
An alternative way is to pass both classes to the second argument. In that case you can check the type inside your closure.
$menus = Menu::whereActive(true)
->whereHasMorph('menuable', [Page::class, Category::class], function (Builder $query, $type) {
// perform any query independently of the morph-target
// $q->where...
if ($type === (new Page)->getMorphClass()) {
// perform any query based on category-related entries
if ($type === (new Category)->getMorphClass()) {
// perform any query based on category-related entries
If required you can also preload nested relationships. (https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/eloquent-relationships#nested-eager-loading-morphto-relationships)
$menus = Menu::whereActive(true)
->with(['menuable' => function (MorphTo $morphTo) {
Page::class => ['calendar'],
Category::class => ['tags'],
So I have a class Order extends Model.
I created an Accessor called requiresApproval that returns true or false.
public function getRequiresApprovalAttribute(): bool
if ($some_physical_column_from_db === 'does not matter') {
return true;
return false;
When I have my Order model and I call $order->requiresApproval I get my boolean value. Everything works great.
However I need this accessor to appear on the list of attributes because I want to use it in my repository class in where condition within query.
So based on the official documentation, I added:
protected $appends = [
but when I dd() my Order, this attribute is not on the list of attributes (while $appends property indicates the accessor is there).
Long story short:
When in my repository I call:
public function getOrdersEligibleToBeSendToOptions(): Collection
$columns = [
return $this->model
->where('status_uuid', '<>', OrderStatusesInterface::STATUS_COMPLETED)
->where('requiresApproval', '=', true) // this fails
// ->where('requires_approval', '=', true) // this fails as well
I get:
What am I doing wrong? How can I use my accessor within repository class?
OK, this works, but the reason I don't like this solution is the fact that just half of the conditions are on the DB layer, the rest is by filtering what's already fetched.
If the query is going to return (let's say) thousand of records and filter returns just a few of them I personally see this as a huge waste of DB resource.
public function getOrdersEligibleToBeSendToOptions(): Collection
$columns = [
$results = $this->model
->where('status_uuid', '<>', OrderStatusesInterface::STATUS_COMPLETED)
return $results->filter(function ($value, $key) {
return $value->requiresApproval === false;
Eloquent queries work on the database fields, but you can use your accessor after fetching a colletion from the database like this.
Here is some good article about this:
return $this->model
->where('status_uuid', '<>', OrderStatusesInterface::STATUS_COMPLETED)
->filter(function ($row) {
return $row->requires_approval === true;
The model virtual attributes cannot be used within queries. Perhaps a better approach would be to create a scope to enforce this constraint on a query:
class Order extends Model
public function scopeRequiresApproval($query)
return $query->where('some_column', '>', 100);
return $this->model
->where('status_uuid', '<>', OrderStatusesInterface::STATUS_COMPLETED)
I'm developing a web API with Laravel 5.0 but I'm not sure about a specific query I'm trying to build.
My classes are as follows:
class Event extends Model {
protected $table = 'events';
public $timestamps = false;
public function participants()
return $this->hasMany('App\Participant', 'IDEvent', 'ID');
public function owner()
return $this->hasOne('App\User', 'ID', 'IDOwner');
class Participant extends Model {
protected $table = 'participants';
public $timestamps = false;
public function user()
return $this->belongTo('App\User', 'IDUser', 'ID');
public function event()
return $this->belongTo('App\Event', 'IDEvent', 'ID');
Now, I want to get all the events with a specific participant.
I tried with:
Event::with('participants')->where('IDUser', 1)->get();
but the where condition is applied on the Event and not on its Participants. The following gives me an exception:
Participant::where('IDUser', 1)->event()->get();
I know that I can write this:
$list = Participant::where('IDUser', 1)->get();
for($item in $list) {
$event = $item->event;
// ... other code ...
but it doesn't seem very efficient to send so many queries to the server.
What is the best way to perform a where through a model relationship using Laravel 5 and Eloquent?
The correct syntax to do this on your relations is:
Event::whereHas('participants', function ($query) {
return $query->where('IDUser', '=', 1);
This will return Events where Participants have a user ID of 1. If the Participant doesn't have a user ID of 1, the Event will NOT be returned.
Read more at https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/eloquent-relationships#eager-loading
#Cermbo's answer is not related to this question. In that answer, Laravel will give you all Events if each Event has 'participants' with IdUser of 1.
But if you want to get all Events with all 'participants' provided that all 'participants' have a IdUser of 1, then you should do something like this :
Event::with(["participants" => function($q){
$q->where('participants.IdUser', '=', 1);
In where use your table name, not Model name.
for laravel 8.57+
Event::whereRelation('participants', 'IDUser', '=', 1)->get();
With multiple joins, use something like this code:
$userId = 44;
Event::with(["owner", "participants" => function($q) use($userId ){
$q->where('participants.IdUser', '=', 1);
//$q->where('some other field', $userId );
Use this code:
return Deal::with(["redeem" => function($q){
$q->where('user_id', '=', 1);
for laravel 8 use this instead
Event::whereHas('participants', function ($query) {
$query->where('user_id', '=', 1);
this will return events that only with partcipats with user id 1 with that event relastionship,
I created a custom query scope in BaseModel (my all models extends this class):
* Add a relationship exists condition (BelongsTo).
* #param Builder $query
* #param string|Model $relation Relation string name or you can try pass directly model and method will try guess relationship
* #param mixed $modelOrKey
* #return Builder|static
public function scopeWhereHasRelated(Builder $query, $relation, $modelOrKey = null)
if ($relation instanceof Model && $modelOrKey === null) {
$modelOrKey = $relation;
$relation = Str::camel(class_basename($relation));
return $query->whereHas($relation, static function (Builder $query) use ($modelOrKey) {
return $query->whereKey($modelOrKey instanceof Model ? $modelOrKey->getKey() : $modelOrKey);
You can use it in many contexts for example:
Event::whereHasRelated('participants', 1)->isNotEmpty(); // where has participant with id = 1
Furthermore, you can try to omit relationship name and pass just model:
$participant = Participant::find(1);
Event::whereHasRelated($participant)->first(); // guess relationship based on class name and get id from model instance
A bit OOT, but this question is the most closest topic with my question.
Here is an example if you want to show Event where ALL participant meet certain requirement. Let's say, event where ALL the participant has fully paid. So, it WILL NOT return events which having one or more participants that haven't fully paid .
Simply use the whereDoesntHave of the others 2 statuses.
Let's say the statuses are haven't paid at all [eq:1], paid some of it [eq:2], and fully paid [eq:3]
Event::whereDoesntHave('participants', function ($query) {
return $query->whereRaw('payment = 1 or payment = 2');
Tested on Laravel 5.8 - 7.x
Im new in Laravel 4, and right now im coding for small project, i use laravel as framework to build my website, but my code i always wonder it's optimize or not because in my model i just wrote:
Category Model
public function parents()
return $this->belongsTo('Category', 'cat_father');
public function children()
return $this->hasMany('Category', 'cat_father');
Post Model:
class Post extends BaseModel{
public $table = "post";
protected $primaryKey = 'idpost';
public function Category()
return $this->belongsTo('Category', 'cat_id');
because i didn't know how to join 2 tables in laravel 4, i have a condition is find all post from my categories, which it hadn't belong to category name "Reunion", but i didn't know how to do that, therefore i wrote 2 lines code for that purpose (im not sure wrote code in controller is best way but i didn't know how to call method from Model to controller and get return value)
My method from controller for select all post, it hasn't belong to category name "Reunion"
public function getAllPostView()
$getCat = Category::where('cat_name','=', 'Reunion')->firstOrFail();
$post = Post::where('cat_id', '!=', $getCat->idcategory)->get();
return View::make('layouts.post')->with('post',$post);
My question, my code is optimize when i wrote it in controller? and how to wrote it in model and get parameter for passing it to controller and use it to view.
second question is how to order "POST" because some cases post need to be ordered from new to old
This is how you do it:
$exclude = 'Reunion';
$posts = Post::select('posts.*')->join('categories', function ($j) use ($exclude) {
$j->on('posts.cat_id', '=', 'categories.idcategory')
->where('categories.name', '<>', $exclude);
could just use simple joins
public function getAllPostView()
$getCat = Category::where('cat_name','=', 'Reunion')
->join('post','post.cat_id', '!=','Category.idcategory')->get();
return View::make('layouts.post')->with('post',$post);
Look out for same field names in both the tables if so can use select
$getCat = Category::select('Category.idcategory as cat_id','Category.cat_id as pos_id','many other fields')
// 'as cat_id' not required for unique field names
->join('post','post.cat_id', '!=','Category.idcategory')
->where('cat_name','=', 'Reunion')
I have three tables - Campaigns, Actions and Activists. A Campaign has many Actions, and an Action belongs to both an Activist and a Campaign.
Each action has a client_id (from the client_id of the campaign it belongs to), so when a client views a list of activists, they should only see those who have taken an action on one of their campaigns.
Likewise, when viewing an individual activist, they should only see those actions related to their campaigns.
public function actions()
return $this->hasMany('Action');
public function campaign()
return $this->belongsTo('Campaign', 'campaign_id');
public function activist()
return $this->belongsTo('Activist', 'activist_id');
public function actions()
return $this->hasMany('Action');
public function index()
$activists = Activist::with('actions')->whereHas('actions', function($q) {
$user = Sentry::getUser();
$q->where('client_id', $user->client_id);
foreach ($activists as $activist)
$activist->total = $activist->actions()->count();
public function getActivist($id)
$activist = Activist::with('actions')->whereHas('actions', function($q) {
$user = Sentry::getUser();
$q->where('client_id', $user->client_id);
$activist->total = $activist->actions()->count();
I'm seeing the following:
On the /activists page, I'm correctly seeing only those activists who have taken an action related to my client_id, but also every action they've taken. Likewise, count() returns a full count of all the activists' actions.
On the /activists/{id} page, it correctly returns null if the activist hasn't taken any actions related to my client_id, but where they have, I again see all of their actions and a full count.
AFL. There's something blinding obvious I'm missing, right?
[edit] Updated to add:
Using the client_id filter on both with and whereHas rectifies the 'all actions appearing regardless' issue, but the count issue remains (and I'm not sure this is remotely the right way to improve this):
public function index()
$filter = function($q) {
$user = Sentry::getUser();
$q->where('client_id', $user->client_id);
$activists = Activist::with(array('actions' => $filter))
->whereHas('actions', $filter)
public function getActivist($id)
$filter = function($q) {
$user = Sentry::getUser();
$q->where('client_id', $user->client_id);
$activist = Activist::with(array('actions' => $filter))
->whereHas('actions', $filter)
I've solved this now, but for reference:
This, obviously in hindsight, ignores any of the prior queries and simply counts data returned from the actions() method as defined in the activist model.
I should have provided an alternate method in the model that includes the appropriate where function, like so:
public function actionsClient($id)
return $this->hasMany('Action')->where('client_id', $id);
Meaning the count could then be invoked with:
$activist->total = $activist->actionsClient($id)->count();
for a single campaign and
foreach ($activists as $activist)
$activist->total = $activist->actionsClient($activist->id)->count();
on the index. I'd previously tried this, but as described here - How to access model hasMany Relation with where condition? - relations must be described in camelCase (actions_client > actionsClient).
In my usage this worked for me:
$clients = Profile::select('id', 'name')->orderBy('initial')->whereHas('type', function ($query) {
$query->where('slug', 'client');
})->office()->pluck('name', 'id');
You already have the instance of $activist eager loading their actions, meaning you already know the actions of the activist beacause they are already in the instance, so why call actions() again instead of just doing this: