Search / Replace All PHP Variable in Blade using Visual Studio Code - php

So, I am just curious if there are any simple method to select / replace all declared PHP variable in blade using Visual Studio Code. Because, I am trying to make the static version from its original version and the code itself has ~~500 line of code so it would take some times to remove / edit those variables manually. Or maybe using Regex Method ? (since I am not really expert about those regex rules).
Thanks before

Ctrl + Shift + F
this is the VS Code shortcut


Automatically convert short array syntax to long (traditional) in PhpStorm?

How to automatically convert short array syntax to long(traditional) in PhpStorm?
I used the feature "Code -> Inspect Code" in PhpStorm and then one by one click convert short syntax to long.
Inspect code
Manually convert
There has to be a way to automate this job? Are there macros in PHPStorm?
go to Settings(Ctrl + Alt + S)-> Editor -> Code Style -> PHP -> Code Conversion -> Array Declaration Style -> tick Force short declaration style Checkbox.
press OK -> press Ctrl + Alt + L -> voila
Bartosz is right. To avoid manual work you can use Short Array Syntax Converter tool with revert (short into long array syntax) option. But be aware, that
Reverting has not yet been thoroughly tested, so use with extreme
I'm afraid it's not possible. If it was a failing inspection, there would be a "Fix all problems in file" option in the submenu. Intentions don't have this functionality.
Have You tried setting PHP version to 5.3 and then only search for this via Inspect code? Don't have PhpStorm installed anymore.

Vim Snipmate or Plugin to Autocomplete PHP Object Syntax

Is there a plugin or snippet that I can use to automcomplete -> or => by pressing - or = + tab?
I just can't stand typing > all the time.
I tried creating the following snippets for snipmate, but they don't work because - and = are affixed to the end of a variable.
Here's a snippet for you:
:inoremap <expr> <Tab> getline('.')[col('.')-2]=~#'[-=]' ? ">" : "\<Tab>"
This is an expression mapping that maps <Tab> in insert mode to > if the character before the cursor is either - or =.
See :h :map-expression.

Echo'ing a "{FORUM_NAME}" and Ignoring the "{}"

I'm looking for something that Is really hard for me to do.. I really tried to search all over the net for Solution, But I couldn't seem to find any. I also tried doing this for hours.
What I'm doing: Making a theme for PHPBB2, Installed a MOD that can include PHP in themes.
What is the problem: When I'm doing {} tags in php, It just can't echo those tags.
Let's say I have a function that creates a Table for me, like that:
I put in the function those strings:
The title stays blank, I actually want it to echo {FORUM_NAME}.
How can I do this?
P.S: I can't do this
CreateMyTable(?>{FORUM_NAME}<?php , 1000, red);
It's not going to work becuase <? = <!-- PHP --> , ?> = <!-- ENDPHP -->.
Thanks for your help :)
If you look in the PHPbb2 template class, you'll find that the template is simply an evaluated set of PHP using the eval() function. You can either print the contents of the PHP before it is parsed using eval() and then use the variable name that the template gives, IE something like (which may not work depending how your template is setup):
CreateMyTable(((isset($this->_tpldata['.'][0]['FORUM_NAME'])) ? $this->_tpldata['.'][0]['FORUM_NAME'] : '' ),1000,randomcolor());
Please note, in order to do it similar to the way above you'd actually have to insert this into your template class.
An much better solution is to avoid using the mod that allows PHP in templates and use JavaScript in the templates to create the function, then print a call to that JavaScript function.
This will work:
I also noticed that red is used without quotes - is this also a constant? If it's a variable it needs to have a $ in front of it. If it's a string it should be between quotes.

VIM: Show PHP function / class in command line?

Is there any way to show the current PHP function or class name in the VIM command line? I found a plugin for showing C function names in the status line but it does not work for PHP and in any case I prefer the command line be used to save valuable vertical lines.
While looking for something completely unrelated in TagList's help I've just found these two functions:
Adding this in my statusbar works beautifully:
Also, did you read the Vim Wiki? It has a bunch of tips trying to adress the same need. There is also this (untested) plugin.
If you are short on vertical space maybe you won't mind using a bit of horizontal space?
TagList and TagBar both show a vertical list of the tags used in the current buffer (and other opened documents in TagList's case) that you can use to navigate your code.
However, I'm not particularly a fan of having all sorts of informations (list of files, VCS status, list of tags, list of buffers/tabs…) displayed at all times: being able to read the name of the function you are in is only useful when you actually need to know it, otherwise it's clutter. Vim's own [{ followed by <C-o> are enough for me.
I don't know anything about PHP, and I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes, but having looked at some PHP code I came up with this function which I think takes a simpler approach than the plugins that have been mentioned.
My assumpmtion is that PHP functions are declared using the syntax function MyFunction(){} and classes declared using class MyClass{} (possibly preceded by public). The following function searches backwards from the cursor position to find the most recently declared class or function (and sets startline). Then we search forward for the first {, and find the matching }, setting endline. If the starting cursor line is inbetween startline and endline, we return the startline text. Otherwise we return an empty string.
function! PHP_Cursor_Position()
let pos = getpos(".")
let curline = pos[1]
let win = winsaveview()
let decl = ""
let startline = search('^\s*\(public\)\=\s*\(function\|class\)\s*\w\+','cbW')
call search('{','cW')
sil exe "normal %"
let endline = line(".")
if curline >= startline && curline <= endline
let decl = getline(startline)
call cursor(pos)
call winrestview(win)
return decl
set statusline=%{PHP_Cursor_Position()}
Because it returns nothing when it is outside a function/class, it does not display erroneous code on the statusline, as the suggested plugin does.
Of course, I may well be oversimplifying the problem, in which case ignore me, but this seems like a sensible approach.

autocomplete in eclipse

I have been using gvim for a while and now im trying eclipse and a feature that I really miss is the auto complete. Not just typing pre and getting preg_replace as a suggestion, but if I have a variable name that I have been using like $_POST['confirm_delete'] then confirm_delete comes up as a suggestion if I type con.
Can I get this feature with eclipse?
Yes, Eclipse does have autocomplete. But not for unknown array indices like $_POST['myindex']. Autocomplete works for all your normal variables and classes/methods.
This might help : once you have already typed confirm_delete in your file somewhere, you can use eclipse's global autocomplete feature Alt + /. For example if you type con and Alt + / it will complete it with confirm_delete if it is the only word in the file that starts with "con" (otherwise type a few extra letters to be sure).
This works everywhere in the file, even in comments.
Eclipse (also Netbeans) cant auto complete array indexes.
