Mailgan email validation message":"Validations are not enabled." - php

I'm trying to use Email validator from Mailgun in my laravel project.
I'm following the documentation here But I'm always getting a message ": "Validations are not enabled.". I've tried the examples from the documentation for PHP and curl, but the result is the same "Validations are not enabled."
Does anyone know what is the problem?


Amazon SES not working with eu_west_1 but ok using us_east_1 PHP

Im rewriting a few scripts to make use of the new v4 signature for Amazon AWS.
I am trying to send an email using the code on this page:
When I use his code exactly as it is just adding secret keys etc I get an error saying my email address isnt verified on us_east_1. This makes sense as all my things are on EU_WEST_1.
So Ive tried adding the EU endpoint as a third parameter but get this error:
'Warning: SimpleEmailService::sendEmail(): 6 Could not resolve host: EU_WEST_1'
This is the line of code which seems to work but connecting to the wrong endpoint
$ses = new SimpleEmailService('apikey', 'secretkey');
I have tried adding the new endpoint as the third parameter like this
$ses = new SimpleEmailService('apikey', 'secret','eu-west-1');
But that just generates the error.
Can anyone tell me the correct code to use to set the eu-west-1 endpoint to send emails through?
I had faced the same problem with AWS PHP library for uploading files to S3. Even though I was setting up the region from us-east-1 to eu-west-1 it was still taking us-east-1 as by default. I would suggest you to look for region configurations in library and how it is overriding.
SES Email Host for us-east-1 and eu-west-1 are different. So even though if you are passing correct API and Secret, it might not work because of default region.
If this debug process doesn't work can share the screenshot of what you region you are getting before email dispatch. I would love to explore further.
I found the problem.
Looks like there was a typo within the code on github, it had these 3 lines in the file 'SimpleEmailServices.php:
const AWS_US_EAST_1 = '';
const AWS_US_WEST_2 = '';
const AWS_EU_WEST1 = '';
He'd missed the underscore in the AWS_EU_WEST1.

Callback error on YouTube socialite provider for Laravel

I am trying to set up Oauth with the YouTube Data API. I had a Laravel app which has Socialite set up. Out of the box YouTube isn't set up with this but I saw that there is a provider for YouTube here:
I have done all of the steps outlined on the page along with all routes that I need. I have also done the Oauth set up on Google Developer Console and got the client ID/secret key and set the callback.
When I use the login URL it works where I'm redirected for login with Google. The problem comes when the callback URL is reached. I get the error:
Undefined index: items
This occurs on the provider callback function which has the code:
$user = Socialite::driver('youtube')->user();
I have tried using stateless:
$user = Socialite::driver('youtube')->stateless()->user();
But get the same error. All caches have been cleared. I am pretty sure that the setup was done correctly as I'm also using the Twitch provider from which the setup was similar and it works correctly.
Please can anyone advise? Thanks.
Try selecting the fields you want to access first:
$user = Socialite::driver('youtube')->fields([
I'm facing the same issue. Is it possible that the API has changed? If I take a look at the raw response there
I also stumbled onto this issue:
When I tested it, I did not got the error, but my colleague did so I figured it had something to do with the account that tried to connect.
I changed my approach from:
$user = Socialite::driver('youtube')->stateless()->user();
And just received tokens by doing this:
$socialite = Socialite::driver('youtube');
$code = $request->input('code');
$response = $socialite->getAccessTokenResponse($code);
$response will contain an array of tokens. I used these tokens to connect it to an existing user in my database.
I don't know if this is the solution for your workflow, but it is a way to get around the mysterious error.
The issue is due to YouTube no longer automatically creating a channel for your google/gmail account like it did in the past. This results in responses completely missing an items array.
if you dd($response->getBody()->getContents()) the response for an account that throws an error you'll see this.
I've made a pull request for this here.

send mail using phpmailer yii2

I have installed zyx-phpmailer extension for send mail function in yii2 and working properly. But, when i checked via yii debugger the recipient is empty. If I using swiftmailer, there is no problem, but I must using zyx-phpmailer :(
code :
Result (yii debugger) :
From :
To : empty // <- this is a problem
Subject : Test
Text body (not set)
Successfully sent : Yes
How to solve this issue? I'm still learning using yii2 framework.
Check if your current mailer is actually the new extension and not SwiftMailer, you can trace it at runtime by calling this Yii::trace(Yii::$app->get('mailer')). Maybe you did not fully configure it.
Try ->setTo(['' => 'People Blabla']). The first one being the email address itself and the second one being the name.
it work;try
->setFrom(['' => 'My Example Site'])
->setTo([$form->email => $form->name])

soap Signature verification error - PHP

im facing some problem with consuming webservices with wssecurity. im using robrichard's wse-php which is working fine for encryption ( if i miss any mandatory field , server will throw an error msg with Mandatory field missing which means it can decrypt the msg im sending ) .
But i have problem with the signature. the server is returning signature verification failed error and when we view the log it is showing as
[2015-06-24 11:16:33,061] WARN uuid:3f6c703f-05e6-85e8-6b62-a4fa343cd54f []
[[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '3' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)']:
No Subject DN Certificate Constraints were defined. This could be a security issue
Please post your full code here. Did you have xml sample request ? Test with SoapUI first

Can't get "Live Delegated Authentication" to work

I try to get the Live Delegated Authentication to work for the purpose of reading the email addresses.
I am doing this in PHP with the help of the windowslivelogin library. The problem is that I get an error.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, i registered my application on the Azure webpage and got the appid and the secret into the code. This is what i use to initialize the Live Library :
$o = new WindowsLiveLogin();
return $o;
Then I call
And after I Login in to Live, it posts 2 things back, $_POST['stoken'] and $_POST['action'].
As soon as I call
It fails and gives back an error that the token is invalid.
I tried getting Consent straight away by making redirecting to
But that gives an 3007 error and says that it cant share the information
According to MS this means the following :
Consent Service API failed in the <method name> method. The application verifier is invalid.
The offer security level requires that a valid application verifier be passed with the request.
I am using the following URL, generated by the library
I don't understand most of the documentation Microsoft has on this thing, I think its really unclear and chaotic. Also the Sample I tried doesn't work. I get an error message, it can't validate/decode the token. Same I get when I try the processLogin().
Thanks in Advance,
