How to run object detection in web application - php

I have finished an object detection project and I want to make a demo of it with a web application. I use YOLOv3 on Darknet for training. I intend to get the weights that I got from the training and use it in the web app. I decided to allow the user to upload an image, then take that image through a Python script, which will load my trained weights and do the detection. I decided to use PHP for the server-side and test everything on the localhost first.
I am totally new to web application and I don't know if I decided right

It is possible to do are headlines to get you started
>First create the image upload form
>PHP script to first move the image to a folder accessible to .py for processing
then execute the .py script
>Save the result of the processing to a log (.json works best with php)
>Decode the .json with PHP
>if you need to do calculations with PHP, do so
>Lastly give the user the results they expect to get


Are php files stored on a web server?

I am trying to learn how to use php via ajax and interact with wamp and databases. I do not understand how this works & it's slowing my progress significantly.
When I hear/read "upload php files to your server", what does that mean? I was under the impression that you included all files (php/js/html/etc) in the same folder locally when putting a website/app/etc online - am I mistaken? Are files stored on server and then initiated when called?
Where should php files (specifically scripts to pull and send information) be located? Not understanding this is bottle-necking my progress greatly, so thanks for the help.
A server is a Computer with High Specification which keeps running all time so that anyone can have access anytime.
let us see an Analogy.If you had hands on language's Such as C,C++,Python. You must have heard They are High level Language and need to be converted to machine code before they are Executed.
Similarly when we are on web our web browser only understands HTML (That is How to display data on screen)
PHP is a Scripting language (which means how program will work is decided by PHP)
A Database is location Where You can store Data For latter (PHP my need to access this data for computing eg: check if user is a valid user).
When You create a Website You Want a computer That is available all time (server).But they are expensive so You rent some space from Company such as GoDady ..Now This is like having Your own Computer. Uploding Files to Server Means Putting website Files to Your New Computer.
Now suppose You Want to Access your file on your local computer What you do?
Similarly on Server 'C' is Your websites Name so if your php file is in myfolder directory on your server.
When you request webpage it go to the server there it processes Php scripts and sends back only Html components that Browser Understands.

Python > PHP - Download files and folders overwriting

I develop some python applications so I know how to do this in python locally, but am working with some PHP developers (I know nothing of PHP) who say this can't be done in PHP. This is the idea: A php driven remote website which creates / hosts files. Using a web browser I want to download from this website a series of folders and files onto the local machine overwriting already existing files/folders with the same name. So in my browser I click on a download button which asks me to browse to a local or network folder to download the folders and files to. Currently we are just downloading a single .zip file containing all these files and folders which we have to unzip and manually move, copy paste, etc, very messy and cumbersome. There must be a better way with PHP and some other language?
No, it's not possible to access from a PHP (server-side language) to the Client Machine (from a Browser) and manipulate directly his file system, hard drive, or something like that. This is not the way it works.
Just think about it for a moment, if it could be accomplish, we have serious security threat, for example we visit a page like and they have a PHP script that create unlimited folders and files to fill up all our HD... and that is soft.
But hopefully the browsers dont allow this by security design.
Look at this:
As you can see at the Diagram, the Browser and the Server response each other through HTTP Requests & Responses. There's no a communication between them like a local program running at the Client OS. You treat with his Browser, and there's no way to command the Browser to manipulate the client hard-disk, and if that can happend, look at the security consern that I mentioned before.
To be more clearer, your PHP script is running at your server, not at the client machine. It only response when a user/browser request a specific resource at your server, and response with a HTTP Response, and it can contain HTML, or Json, or a File (to be downloaded or visualized by external program), or whatever.
You have limited options:
If it is something for a Intranet, or
local network, and you have access to that network, locally or
remotely like with a VPN access. You could share a folder over
network, in that way you can use a Php Script or Python script in
order to create the folders and copy the files to it, without have to
download a zip, and unzip manually from the Browser.
Using a Java Applet. Why? Because a Java Applet runs
on the Client Side, so you have access to his computer (if the user
allow it), and you certeinly can manipulate (create, delete, read,
etc. folders and files) his hard-drive. So when the user choose the files to download,
you fire the Java Applet, and let em request to the server the files
that the user has marked. When you have the files downloaded, create
or overwrite the files on the client machine.
Create and run a program in the Client Machine, in detriment of a Web Page, by this way you gain the needed flexibility. But of course, it have his own complexities.
So IHMO i think the Java Applet maybe is the best suited solution for you:
Do not have to change much your actual business model
It doesn't require a large time investment.
It is cross-platform, Java can work on a plenty of operating systems, and Java Applets in the most popular browsers.
By the way, I personally dislike Java, but it's a tool, and you have to use the right tool for a job.

Web application interacts bi-directional with server program?

I want to write a web application to play chess against the engine Crafty. I'm not new to PHP and javascript, but must learn how to interact with a server process : how can a web application and/or (jQuery) ajax interact bi-directionally with a (linux) program running on the server?
At this moment i am developing on (Apache) local host. Crafty is installed on my Ubuntu PC. This well-known chess engine has no GUI, it runs in terminal by the command
$ /usr/games/crafty
and so you can play chess against it and even see it's calculations :
I can make Crafty run by PHP, using the functions proc_open() or exec(), and most documentation i found states that the output stream should be a file .. But i think i don't want such setup, because then the webpage should be constanty polling that file (eg. by ajax) to see if some new data was appended, right?
How can Crafty talk to the web page directly, saying "i have calculated another variation" or "i have decided a move" etc, then display this info on the web page and let the user give some counter move, just like in terminal. Isn't it possible to use some session / stream / listener?
I have no clue at all, can anybody point me in a right direction?
I recommend you make use of fifos and the & operator - here is why:
You do not want to start crafty on every PHP request, you want to start it only once per game
You don't want to have crafty end at the end of your Request
Your move-requests will want to interact with this allready running instance.
So what I would do is something like:
Prepare a pair of FIFOs using mkfifo - you can do this from PHP or from the shell
On game start, run something like /usr/games/crafty <stdin.fifo >stdout.fifo 2>stderr.fifo &
For your moves, make an AJAX PHP request write to stdin.fifo
For the server moves do long polling with AJAX, on the server side opening stdin.fifo, then stream_select()

Quick deploy standalone PHP script to accept uploaded files?

I need to accept a large number of images from a 3rd party, and I already have an apache server up and running. As the 3rd party is not tech-savvy, I would like to give them a simple web form to upload files.
They don't need to be able to access the files they've uploaded, although I suppose it would be nice for them to verify what they've already sent, especially being that there is a large number of files.
There is also no requirement to be able to upload all files at once, and I think I can talk them through packaging the files into a 4-5 zip files, so single upload would be acceptable.
If I need to write a PHP script myself then so be it, but I was wondering if such a standalone script already exists in the wild, nice and polished etc :)
Nice ajax file manager:

Scan folder on local (user's) PC and upload all files(images) to web server

I wish my users could select a directory from their PC and upload all files from this directory, so they could upload whole album(directory) instead of uploading every single file separately.
I would like to ask you if this is somehow possible using PHP or JavaScript and without using any framework.
thank you
First of all, PHP can't do anything to the user's local computer. Since it never runs there (unless the user's computer is the server also).
JavaScript runs on the user's local computer but isn't setup to handle things like this.
Java and Flash runs on the user's computer and can be setup to do exactly this.
Look at SWFUpload. I highly recommend it.
And if you want Java, check out RadUpload. The lite edition is free.
A thing to note, what these Flash and Java solutions both do is accept a file selection from the user and then send that to a PHP script which does the actual uploading.
It would probably make more sense for them to upload a .zip containing multiple images - which is possible in PHP.
I do not think it is possible as you describe it. Create a small utility which they can run on their PC that will do the job. Also check out how Facebook upload image works. They upload dozens of images at the same time.
Not possible using purely php/javascript. However, take a look at, it is a java-based file uploader that allows you to completely hide the interface, and, if you wish, power the whole interface via javascript. However, it is not free, perhaps not suitable for a personal project.
This may not meet your requirement of Javascript, but if you wish you could build your uploader object as an activex object and use CURL to actually perform the upload or do it as a Java applet.
I had built a Java applet based uploader for a client and I found resources on line and used that as my base for building the uploader.
SWFUpload, as mentioned in one of the answers you received is a good one.
