Route [LaravelInstaller::welcome] not defined - php

Im facing a problem to my website , i tired by improving memory linit and setting up new mySql Databased ! anyone can please help me to resolve this problme ?
debug infor enabled in this url to view error log , please visit the mentioned url
Environment information
Laravel version : 8.23.1
Laravel locale : en
Laravel config cached : false
PHP version : 7.4.16

It looks like the route name is not defined.
You will have to post the contents of your routes/web.php for us to be helpful. Does the route appear when you do php artisan route:list?
Your routes file must contain something like
Route::get('/', [ControllerName::class, 'methodName'])->name('LaravelInstaller::welcome');


symfony : Variable "dashboard_controller_class" does not exist

i want to set up admin for my symfony projet :
symfony composer req "admin:^4"
Then creating the controller :
symfony console make:admin:dashboard
After starting the server and going to /admin url i get following error : Variable "dashboard_controller_class" does not exist
I searched but not found where to declare this variable ? and what is it about ?
Could you help me please ?
I tried adding to the service.yaml file :
dashboard_controller_class: App\Controller\Admin\DashboardController
class: '%dashboard_controller_class%'
It is the cache that generated the error, I just have to delete the corresponding cache folder
Thank you

This cache store does not support tagging with Laravel 8

each time when i try to authenticate (default laravel authentification) on my laravel app, when i submit my form, i have this error :
This cache store does not support tagging.
I need to resfresh my browser, and it work juste fine ! I'am not able to know why or to find the error
And i am note able to find why this happen ! This the link to the error
I use PHP8 / Laravel 8 / JetStream
Thanks for your help
Don't set your cache driver to file inside of your .env to file, set instead to:
Setting to Redis might work too

How to debug Laravel 5 projects?

I ran command
php artisan optimize
and changed debug settings in app.php file to be
'debug' => 'true',
and added 'everyone' to have full access over 'storage' folder. I don't know what else I can do to let debugger work in my Laravel 5 project.
I'm stuck with 'Whoops, looks like something went wrong' message.
Any Ideas??
The debug => true will just show you the full error stack when you hit an error with your app. It doesn't give metrics and statistics. If you are looking for that kind of information check out the article here:
The error you are receiving is a general error, likely server-side configuration. Without any information on your setup it will be pretty hard to determine what your issue is. Based upon your question and comments to others responses I have a couple of things for you.
You stated "I don't know what else I can do to let debugger work in my Laravel 5 project". Laravel 5 doesn't have a native debugger any more which I imagine is why your page just shows "Whoops, looks like something went wrong". Your statement would indicate that you have a debugger, so which are you trying to use, or was that statement incorrect?
You stated that you changed the debug settings the app.php file. Is there a reason why you changed this in app.php? The debug setting by default is 'debug' => env('APP_DEBUG') which is sufficient in most cases. You should have a .env file in the root of your project (created automatically if you did a composer create-project, if not you need to copy .env.example to .env on your own). The .env file will enable debug for you as there is a line that states APP_DEBUG=true.
Jesse Schutt gave great information in his response above (which I recommend upvoting), including a link to a debug bar that is compatible with L5. Yet again you are stating that you are satisfied with your error stack which implies that you actually have one. If you were satisfied with it, you would have no need to have posted here as you would already have more information on your error. If you are assuming that the filp/whoops is in l5 still and that's what you want you'll have to re-enable it. Follow the instructions at

Add syslog handler in Laravel for paperTrail .

How could i link Laravel log files to PaperTrial ?
According to this article :
I followed steps and reached to step 4 putting Syslog Monolog handler in the /app/route.php file ,went to PaperTrial dashboard but i didn't see any output.
Any help ? thanks.
For Laravel 5.1 after setting up the forge, you should add to bootstrap/app.php file the following code just before the return of the $app variable
$monolog->pushHandler(new Monolog\Handler\SyslogHandler('papertrail'));
return $app;
The parameter (in this case 'papertrail') can be whatever you want to, this name will show on the papertail's event screen.
I have it working using the standard logging facility instead of Monolog. This way there is nothing extra to install. Just add this to rsyslogd's conf:
### Laravel Log
$InputFileName /path/to/vhost/dir/app/storage/logs/laravel.log
$InputFileSeverity error
And make sure that this log gets included in the send action, if you are not sending everything.
Then issue
service rsyslog restart
From my experience using Laravel 5.2.* with Forge, Step 4 from that article is not necessary anymore. All you have to do after Step 3 is set your Environment .env settings in Forge to APP_LOG=syslog for each site you want to use with papertrail.
However, this means that Laravel will not log to laravel.log anymore in this environment. But, in other environments (e.g. dev environment) you could of course continue logging to laravel.log by simply not making any changes to the .env file there.

Laravel Framework not showing errors

Can anyone explain if there is a way to catch or log errors when the following code is executed?
//This has example has no semicolon.
Route::get('user/{id}', function($id)
return View::make('profile')
//This example has no dollar sign (part of a blade template).
Welcome {{ userName }}
I end up with an empty page for these and there have been a few other times this has happened where I can't remember the details.
I have debug set to true in app/config/app.php and I don't get any errors in the log files at app/storage/logs
Is this normal or do I have a problem with my setup?
Laravel log commands aren't working for me. See the comment in reply to msturdy.
Sorted this now. I downloaded the latest Laravel and still had identical issues. Eventually I found out that Apache was pointing at a old version of php (5.3.0) that lived on a different drive (no idea how I've done that), anyway I had my command line pointed at the correct version of php, so that's why I've had no issues when installing/updating Laravel.
Small chance anyone would see similar issues as it was a bit of a random situation (my apologies). I now get the prettiest runtime exception page I've ever seen when running the examples :). Thanks msturdy
