What is the proper way to use plaid with php/laravel? - php

I am using
for laravel(5.6).
Plaid package version is "travoltron/plaid": "^2.0" and guzzle version is "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "6.0".
I have followed the documentation and placed
in .env file.
now when i use
use Plaid;
public function auth() {
$authUser = Plaid::addAuthUser('user_good', 'pass_good', null, 'chase');
return $authUser;
it show me an error "count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable".
If my approach regarding using this package is wrong please suggest me better way
or guide me.

So, the Plaid package you're using is from an unofficial (community-maintained) package that hasn't been updated in 3 years.
While we can't really support community packages, I'd at least suggest using a more actively maintained library, like this one by TomorrowIdeas: https://github.com/TomorrowIdeas/plaid-sdk-php


Yii2 $model->_attributes assignment does not work in new version

I inherited a project that was created with Yii2, ver. 2.0.4, with the task to update said project to a more current version of Yii2 (2.0.15) because of the incompatibility of the older one with PHP 7.2+.
I noticed that there is a lot of use of assigning arrays to a model:
$model->_attributes = $array;
With the new version this results in an exception
'yii\base\UnknownPropertyException' with message 'Setting unknown property: app\models\model::_attributes'
For the time being I created a workaround with the following function:
function customSetAttributes(&$model, $array) {
foreach($model->attributeLabels() as $model_key => $model_label) {
if(!isset($array[$model_key])) continue;
$model->$model_key = $array[$model_key];
Also, the getter function now has a similar issue.
What I would like to know:
Was this type of assignment never intended in the first place (and I just haven't found the previous developer's code that enables it)? I skimmed over the Yii2 changelog but didn't notice anything related.
Is there a way to "salvage" the previous behaviour so I don't have to replace each occurence with my workaround function?
ActiveRecord::$_attributes was always private and never should be used in this way. I guess that previous developer edited framework core files in vendor directory and make this property protected/public.
You may try to emulate this behavior by creating virtual attribute using getter and setter:
public function get_attributes() {
return $this->getAttributes();
public function set_attributes($values) {
$this->setAttributes($values, false);
But this will not always work and it is more like an ugly hack to make crappy code work. I strongly suggest to fix code to use setAttributes() instead of _attributes.
Also you should compare yii2 package from vendor directory with source from https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-framework/releases/tag/2.0.4 - you may find more places where core was edited.

How to generate a Token in Symfony 3.4

I have my symfony 2.7 updatet to symfony 3.4.
I used in Symfony 2.7 the function generateToken() to create a token for a file upload task. I found just information about Securely Generating Random Values
for symfony 3.4. But how I can integrate it?
can I use the following Statement?
return bin2hex(random_bytes(32));
I know this might be late but hopefuly it will help somone else because there is no function out-of-the-box from symfony that can be used to generate tokens.
so what i did when i run into this problem is that i used the same token generator that is used by FOSUserBundle wich is this:
public function generateToken()
return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode(random_bytes(32)), '+/', '-_'), '=');
and as you can see it uses the random_bytes() function that is recommended in the official documentation of symfony combined with the php function base64_encode() wich is designed to make binary data survive transport through transport layers that are not 8-bit clean, such as mail bodies as explained in the official php documentation and they are using exactiy this example.

Call to undefined method Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel::load()

I'm trying to import excel file (.xlsx) using maatwebsite 3.0. How to fix This error
Call to undefined method Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel::load()
My controller
public function importsave(Request $request)
$path = $request->file('excel')->getRealPath();
$data= Excel::load($path, function($reader) {})->get();
if(!empty($data) && $data->count())
foreach($data->toArray() as $key=>$value)
Version 3.0 of that package doesn't handle imports yet. Release date for this feature is unknown. See this post for more details: https://medium.com/#maatwebsite/laravel-excel-lessons-learned-7fee2812551
I suggest you switch to version 2.*.
Else you want to continue further
ALL Laravel Excel 2.* methods are deprecated and will not be able to use in 3.0 .
Excel::load() is removed and replaced by Excel::import($yourImport)
Excel::create() is removed and replaced by Excel::download/Excel::store($yourExport)
Excel::create()->string('xlsx') is removed an replaced by Excel::raw($yourExport, Excel::XLSX)
3.0 provides no convenience methods for styling, you are encouraged to use PhpSpreadsheets native methods.
Hi there in version 3 the load method was remove so switch back to version two like so try using this command,
composer require "maatwebsite/excel:~2.1.0"
ALL Laravel Excel 2.* methods are deprecated and will not be able to use in 3.0 .
Excel::load() is removed and replaced by Excel::import($yourImport)
Excel::create() is removed and replaced by Excel::download/Excel::store($yourExport)
Excel::create()->string('xlsx') is removed an replaced by Excel::raw($yourExport, Excel::XLSX)
3.0 provides no convenience methods for styling, you are encouraged to use PhpSpreadsheets native methods.
^3.0 versions of maatwebsite/excel does not support loads.
Delete the config/excel.php file first .
Downgrade the maatwebsite/excel version by changing your composer.json file from
"maatwebsite/excel": "^3.1", to "maatwebsite/excel": "~2.1.0", and performing 'composer update'.
And if you get an error:
Undefined class constant 'XLSX' in 2.1 version
this is what you have to do.
Delete the config/excel.php before downgrading then perform the composer update.
Dont panic :) Just do like this
Just pass an empty array as the first parameter
Version 3.0 of Laravel Excel doesn't handle imports.
You could also use an alternative package that works with import such as:
https://github.com/Cyber-Duck/laravel-excel (Laravel Excel Fork)
https://github.com/rap2hpoutre/fast-excel (Faster alternative to Laravel Excel)
Both handles import.
You could also switch to version 2, but it means use an old version of a lib.

PHP-FFMpeg prerequisites

I'm attempting to implement https://github.com/PHP-FFMpeg/PHP-FFMpeg
I copied the src/FFMpeg folder to my includes folder and made sure my autoloader knows where to find everything.
as a test I made a script that simply does:
$ffmpeg = FFMpeg\FFMpeg::create();
$video = $ffmpeg->open('video.mpg');
I get:
Fatal error: Class 'Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache' not found in /var/www/php/include/FFMpeg/FFProbe.php on line 203
My question is: does PHP-FFMPeg require Doctrine, because that is not stated in the documentation. What version do I need? Are there other prerequisites?
I could create a new question for this, but I'm not sure if I should. I now have PHP-ffmpeg implemented. I'm using Laravel, however that should be irrelevant for this question. I'm trying to enable progress monitoring. It works, however I need to pass in an ID so I can update the correct key in memcache.
$id = 12345;
$format->on('progress', function ($audio, $format, $percentage) {
//this works perfect, but doesn't tell me which item is being updated
Cache::put("progress", $percentage, .25);
//this does not work as I am unable to pass in $id, if I add it as the 4th argument above it will display the number of threads or something
//Cache::put("{$id}_progress", $percentage, .25);
I need clarification on the "on" method. I looked through https://ffmpeg-php.readthedocs.org/en/latest/_static/API/ and was not able to figure out how this method works. Any help would be appreciated.
You should follow the recommended instructions in the README.
Composer is the easiest way to install PHP-FFMpeg dependencies
The "on" method called on the format is an implementation of EventEmitter.
As you can see here : https://ffmpeg-php.readthedocs.org/en/latest/_static/API/FFMpeg/Format/ProgressableInterface.html it extends the EventEmitterInterface of https://github.com/igorw/evenement.
If you're really interested about how it works under the hood, have a look at here :
The progress listener is created here : https://github.com/PHP-FFMpeg/PHP-FFMpeg/blob/master/src/FFMpeg/Format/Audio/DefaultAudio.php#L96 and added at execution here https://github.com/PHP-FFMpeg/PHP-FFMpeg/blob/master/src/FFMpeg/Media/Video.php#L151
This is actually possible because FFMpegDriver extends the Driver provided by https://github.com/alchemy-fr/BinaryDriver
Hope this helps :)

Override package localization in Laravel

It should be "trivial", but after some chating on #laravel irc channel, I found it may be impossible for now. But I'll ask it here before doing it the ugly-go-horse way just to have the project done. If it's indeed impossible by current means, I'll fill a request on github (after handing over the project to my client).
I'm using Zizaco\Confide to handle authentication in my service. It uses Laravel Lang everywhere to get strings in one of the 8 bundled languages of the package. But I need to override some of those strings, and I don't want to modify the package files (which would defeat the whole purpose of Composer). How can I do this?
For example, I needed to modify confide::confide.alerts.wrong_credentials for pt_BR language. What I tried so far:
/app/lang/pt_BR/confide.php file, with contents return array('alerts' => array('wrong_credentials' => '...')). It works for Lang::get('confide.alerts.wrong_credentials') but not for the namespaced Lang::get('confide::confide.alerts.wrong_credentials')
/app/lang/pt_BR/packages/zizaco/confide/confide.php with return array('alerts' => ......)
/app/lang/pt_BR/packages/zizaco/confide/confide/alerts.php with return array('wrong_credentials' => ...)
/app/lang/packages/zizaco/confide/pt_BR/confide.php with array('alerts' => array('wrong_credentials' => '...')) - /app/lang/packages/zizaco/confide/pt_BR/confide/alerts.php with return array('wrong_credentials' => ...)
Any clue on what am I missing? Or does Laravel4 really lacks this feature?
Thanks in advance!
actually it fixed in Laravel 4.1 core
you can now overwrite it by doing
check this
laravel 4 language issue
correct path for overriding package languages
So, as for today, Laravel really does lack this feature.
I've asked for it creating a issue on github.
Meanwhile, this functionality could be achieved seamlessly using crynobone's Orchestra Platform 2 Translation Component, which can be found here
All you need to do is require it in composer.json
"require": {
"orchestra/translation": "2.0.*"
and replace the original translation package ('Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider') in /config/app.php
'providers' => array(
// ...
That's it! Now, having app/lang/en/packages/confide/confide.php will do it!
(please note that the path should be /packages/packagename/, not /packages/vendor/packagename/
It really saved me from a big headache, hope others find this useful too.
