How to clear cache automatically on symfony? - php

I'm trying to create a new route like this:
#Route("/restaurant/", name="restaurant")
#Route("/work/", name="work")
#return Response
But when I visit /work/symfony in my browser, it returns this message:
Unable to parse file "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/apps/symfony/vendor/sensio/framework-extra-bundle/src/DependencyInjection/../Resources/config/annotations.xml": The XML file "/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/apps/symfony/vendor/sensio/framework-extra-bundle/src/DependencyInjection/../Resources/config/annotations.xml" is not valid.
When I clear the cache with the following command, it works:
php bin/console cache:clear -v
How can I fix this, without need to clear my cache all the time?

I found the solution by starting a symfony server instead of using XAMPP by running : symfony server:start as simple as that ...


VS Code can not reach Symfony\Component and Symfony\Bundle

I am trying to create a simple symfony project.
I run this on console:
composer create-project symfony/skeleton myProjectName
php -S -t myProjectName/public
Project succesfully run at localhost:8000. However, when I begin to inspect the code, I realized VS Code editor is indicating "Undefined type" error in projectDirectory/src/Kernel.php file. Do you have any ideas why this happens and any suggestions towards solution?
I use PHP v7.4.32 and Symfony 5.4 for development. My helper extentions are PHP Intelephense v1.8.2 and PHP IntelliSense v1.0.11.
The Error
Since it runs succesfully on browser, I dubted that the classes exist somewhere but the VSCode could not solve the relative paths. Then, I tried a couple of extensions. Installation of PHP v1.22.11089 created by DEVSENSE and PHP Namespace Resolver v1.1.9 created by Mehedi Hassan has solved the problem.

Symfony messenger can't consume messages

Few weeks ago I set up a Message system with Symfony Messenger and it worked great.
Today I wanted to create new object through message, so I went to my server and type the command to consume message
First I had this result
$ bin/console messenger:consume-messages amqp_notifications
/usr/bin/env: ‘php\r’: No such file or directory
It never happened before with my files, and I never changed the line ending or encoding of my file sin PHPstorm.
I tried to use $ php bin/console messenger:consume-messages amqp_notifications
but then I had this error.
Attempted to load class "AMQPConnection" from the global namespace.
Did you forget a "use" statement?
Pretty weird, because I have have the php-amqp ext installed as you can see on the screenshot of my phpinfo
I didn't change anything in my Message class or Handler.
Also, I tried to call new AMQPConnection() on a random action, just to try, and I didn't get the error.
I'm completely lost with this error this time, as everything is installed.
I use PHP 7.3.1 and symfony Messenger 4.2.2
It seems your second issue was already solved by ccKep on his comment.
The first one is that the specific shebang line #!/usr/bin/env php executes the first php found in the $PATH. So if you already have uninstalled it, which seems the case, or it has a symbolic link to another php version, you can get a wrong result.
Tries to check what is inside the $PATH and replace the PHP path for the correct one. You might get the place running which php.

Laravel swagger api-docs json file not found

Hello i am trying to add swagger into my laravel project.
composer require "darkaonline/l5-swagger:5.6.*"
so when i do
got info
Fetch error Not Found
already created docs folder with that json file.
Should i adjust route or change swagger base URL somewhere, not sure whats the problem. Tnx for your help.
You should run the command
php artisan l5-swagger:generate
after adding the annotations
And if you are still getting the Not Found http://your-host/docs/api-docs.json error.
Run chown www-data storage -R
if you still get "Not Found" error after running the
command : php artisan l5-swagger:generate
php artisan route:cache , worked for me
open in incognito in chrome or as a private tab in firefox
this problem for your internet explorer, chrome, FireFox

Laravel 4 Commands stopped working suddenly

Back from vacation, and when I'm trying to run one of my previously working command:
php artisan list
Throws me:
[root#api2]# php artisan list
{"error":{"type":"Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException","message":"Call to a member function getArgument() on a non-object","file":"\/var\/www\/html\/\/vendor\/laravel\/framework\/src\/Illuminate\/Console\/Command.php","line":153}}
And I seriously cannot understand why this happens. I tried debugging the file that throws an error. It awaits argument:
InputInterface $input but it gets NULL
I don't know what can go wrong on a framework level to stop receiving the required object.
Any ideas where to start debugging from? Or I can reload configurations / update laravel via cmd?
This is what I would do:
php artisan dump
composer dump-autoload
check for current Laravel version
and then go to that specific command and check for bug there.
Also, what kind of argument are you trying to pass to command ? Is that object - if so check where is implementation of that class ?

Trouble using sandbox of symfony

I'm new to symfony and I am trying to run a simple command on the command line but I get an error message.
When I try to execute the command:
d:\new_xam\xampp\htdocs\sf_sandbox_1_2\sf_sandbox>symfony propel:build-model "
I get the error:
'php.exe' is not recognized as an
internal or external command,operable
program or batch file.
Can anybody help me?
This is a fairly common issue on Windows systems for people new to Symfony and/or PHP. It seems to be an issue with the PHP path. See here:
Can you try to use the real path for PHP?
"C:\Program Files\PHP\PHP.exe" symfony propel:build-model
At your Symfony directory.
You should be able to prefix everything with "php".
So instead of symfony propel:build-model you can do php symfony propel:build-model.
