Product Table
where i want to fetch only featured product. I have defined a column in database product_type in which four types of products(hot deals, newly listed, deals of the day and featured product)strong text can be listed which is optional.
Here is my model|query code in codeigniter
public function featured_product()
$arrResult = array();
$result = $this->db->get()->result_array();
$arrResult['result'] = $result;
$arrResult['result'] = '';
return $arrResult ;
When i try to fetch whole product list in api i get the result but i want to show only featured product.
You could try and use find_in_set:
I don’t know codeigniter, but I think, this looks useful:
I propose a different approach.
This is not an answer to your question, but I hope it will allow you to rethink your table structure.
Instead of storing all the product_types in a single column use a pivot table (also known as a junction table).
You'll want to store all the data that you currently have in product_types column in a separate table(the pivot, lets call it product_to_type) and reference the id of product_table and product_type in the pivot table.
Something like this:
Here's a nice db-fiddle to play around with if you want.
This has multiple advantages:
You have a atomic tables
You can add data to either table without causing trouble in other tables
Foreign key ensure data consistency(you can probably do a better job with that. The keys are used are decent but not great)
You can extract any sort of data with the correct use of joins
You can add indexes to make the query buttery smooth
I'm sure there are other advantages too.
As I have changed my database to separate table with product_id matching with product_type. Still I find the solution to my question with a function FIND_IN_SET().
Here is my updated modal query:
public function featured_product()
$arrResponse = array();
$data = 'featured';
$this->db->where('find_in_set("'.$data.'", product_type) <> 0');
$result = $this->db->get()->result_array();
$arrResponse['result'] = $result;
$arrResponse['result'] = '';
return $arrResponse ;
I need to make pagination in Laravel, and as I read laravel documentation here is a several way to do it. but in my cases it is a little bit complexity. So let say I've two table in my DB, table1 and table2(many to many relationship), I want to paginate table1 with specific ids. So I mean if table1 contains ids 1,2,3,4,5 ... n, I want to paginate only rows which id is 2 and 3
I have tried :
private function check_wear($type){
$products_id = array(); //here is ids which $type is set as 'ON'
$wears = DB::select("SELECT prod_id FROM wears WHERE ".$type." = 'on' "); //Select specific products ids. (in our case it is **table1**)
foreach ($wears as $wr){
return $products_id; //return array with ids which should be paginate
public function hat($locale){
$hat_prod_ids = $this->check_wear('coat');
$products = DB::table('products')->paginate($p); // 12 per page
my code only paginate one table with all data, is there any built-in function to somehow write a logic condition? for pagination
If you need to filter your pagination with elements which you've in $hat_prod_ids, you're able to use WhereIn() method, that one checks if your elements (in our case ids) exist in your $hat_prod_ids and returns true or false
$products = DB::table('products')
add that code and now you will be able to paginate only that ids which is matched in your array
I am using Laravel and I have two different collections that contain ID of products
First one is colorProduct and second is tagProduct
so I want to compare these two and get only same ID of products so how can I do this?
$colorProducts = Color::where('code', $request->color)->get()->first()->products;
$tagProducts = $tag->products->where('shop_id', $shop->id);
$colorAndTagProducts = collect();
foreach ($colorProducts->toBase()->merge($tagProducts)->unique('id')->groupBy('id') as $allProducts) {
if ($allProducts->count() >= 1) {
$colorAndTagProducts[] = $allProducts->first();
gives me all records form both collection but I only want same record
I dont know, if I understand correctly, but maybe like this?
I suppose Color and Product are in many to many relationship. And Product and Shop/tag in one to many.
$colorId = Color::where('code', $request->color)->get()->first()->id;
$shopId = $shop->id;
$products = Product::whereHas('colors', function ($query) use ($colorId) {
$query->where('id', $colorId); //id or color_id
})->where('shop_id', $shopId)->get();
The intersect method removes any values from the original collection
that are not present in the given array or collection. The resulting
collection will preserve the original collection's keys:
I did it with this method
I have a hasOne(Many) relation function like this:
return $this->hasOne('App\Models\ProductTranslation','product_id','id')->where('language_id', $language_id['id']);
Also, I tried to use
return $this->hasOne('App\Models\ProductTranslation','product_id','id')->select('')->where('language_id', '1');
In Controller use this
I try to receive only one specific column from the table, but it returned an empty array. In debug bar I see the query when I use it in PHPMyAdmin it return only one column as I want.
Is this possible?
P.S (use Laravel 5.8.34)
I choose 'Entity Layers for Translated Fields and Non-Translated Fields' approach for translation in the project and have a database like this Database picture
If you want to get only that language_id type of translation then you might do like this.
$language_id = 1;
$products = Product::with(array('translation'=>function($query) use($language_id){
and if you want to select name then like this
make sure you've to select id,name id is a must.
$language_id = 1;
$products = Product::with(array('translation'=>function($query) use($language_id){
Remove where conditions from models.
As per your DB structure in Language it's belongsToMany with role
Languages.php model
public function role(){
returh $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Role','role_translations','language_id','role_id')
$language_id = 1;
$products = Product::with(array('translation.role'=>function($query) use($language_id){
I am working on an application where part of it needs to search through a number of different fields on the same model with AND - AKA find age whereBetween $from and $to AND where gender is $gender. Where I am getting lost is this model has a many to many relationship with Category and I need to filter by category in the same query. I am trying to do this in one query because it needs to be pretty fast.
Here is what I have so far:
$categories = Input::get('categories');
$query = Program::with('categories')->whereIn('category', $categories)->query();
if ($ages = Input::get('ages')) {
if ($gender = Input::get('gender')) {
$query->where('gender','like', $gender);
// Executes the query and fetches it's results
$programs = $query->get();
I have put this together from so many different sources that I would like to know if this even works, or if it is the most efficient method possible. There is of course a table programs, a table categories, and a table program_category with columns id, program_id, and category_id.
Thanks in advance for your help!
So, in the end figured it out:
$query = Program::whereHas('categories', function($q) use ($categories)
$q->whereIn('', $categories);
'categories' is the name of the relationship function on my Program model. $categories is my array of category ids. Thanks again for your help.
This will work if fields are available in the right table as you queried for and you may write it like this:
$categories = Input::get('categories');
$query = Program::with('categories')->whereIn('category', $categories);
// declare $from and $to if not available in the current scope
if ($ages = Input::get('ages')) $query->whereBetween('age', array($from,$to));
if ($gender = Input::get('gender')) $query->where('gender', $gender);
// Executes the query and fetches it's results
$programs = $query->get();
In my CodeIgniter project I'm getting the list of projects and successfully output them on a page. However, the data in one of the columns on that page should be retrieved from a different table in DB using the project ID. Could anybody help me to figure out how that can be done? Basically I need to make another query to that other table specifying the project id but don't actually know how to do that with CodeIgniter.
In the model I'm getting the list of projects with the following function:
function get_projects_list($page, $limit){
$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM Project WHERE deleted != 1 LIMIT %d, %d", ($page-1)*$limit, $limit);
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
return $query->result();
And in the controller I call the following function:
$projects_list = $this->Project_management_model->get_projects_list($curPage, self::$LIMIT_PER_PAGE);
$data['projects_list'] = $projects_list;
$data['cur_page'] = $curPage;
$data['page_count'] = $pageCount;
$this->load->view('project_management_view', $data);
And in the view I simply run on the $data with foreach and list the results in a table. In that table there's a column where I need to show a result from another table based on the ID of the project of that very row.
Thanks for helping.
You didn't mention whether you are using ActiveRecord or not. I am assuming that you are. I'll also guess that maybe what you need to do is use a JOIN.
If you were using straight SQL, you would do this using some SQL that might look something like this:
SELECT a.appointment_time, u.user_real_name FROM appointment a, site_user u WHERE u.site_user_id = a.user_id;
That would pull the user's name from the user table based on the user id in the appointment table and put it with the appointment time in the query results.
Using ActiveRecord, you would do something like this:
$this->db->select('appointment_time,user_real_name')->from('appointment')->join('site_user', 'site_user_id=appointment_user_id');
But why don't you tell us a little bit more about your question. Specifically, do you want this column in the other table to be related to the rows from the first table? If so, my JOIN suggestion is what you need.
I've actually found a way to do that with a custom helper. Creating a new helper and loading it in the controller gives an option to use the function from that helper in the view.
public function get data()
$query = $this->db->get('project_table');
$result = $query->result();
$data = array();
for ($i = 0;$i < count($result);$i++)
$data[$i] = $result[$i];
$data[$i]['project_data'] = temp($result[$i]->id);
return data;
private function temp($id = 0)
$query = $this->db->get('project_table2');
$result = $query->result();
if (count($result) != 0)
return $result[0]->data;
you can do it by some thing like that,or you can use sub-query by query function of database.