I have a list of Job IDs to check their status. So, I'm simply looping through all the Job IDs to get their status on Media Convert.
function get_aws_job_id_status($job_id)
$result = [];
$client = \App::make('aws')->createClient('MediaConvert', [
// 'profile' => 'default',
// 'version' => '2017-08-29',
'region' => 'region',
'endpoint' => "endpoint"
try {
$result = $client->getJob([
'Id' => $job_id,
return $result;
} catch (AwsException $e) {
return $result;
I'm using the above function inside the loop to get the status.
Referred to AWS Docs and Stackoverflow, but still, when I don't find a record for the given Job ID, it returns "NotFoundException" error that is not going in catch block and breaking the loop. Is there any way to handle that exception so I can continue the loop?
I believe you need to call Aws\MediaConvert\Exception\MediaConvertException and catch for MediaConvert specific errors. I don't see any of your use statements but I assume the code would look something like the following.
Note I am catching for all MediaConvert client errors, but I believe you could specifically call out the NotFoundException by doing Aws\MediaConvert\Exception\MediaConvertException\NotFoundException
use Aws\MediaConvert\MediaConvertClient;
use Aws\Exception\AwsException;
use Aws\MediaConvert\Exception\MediaConvertException as MediaConvertError;
function get_aws_job_id_status($job_id)
$result = [];
$client = \App::make('aws')->createClient('MediaConvert', [
// 'profile' => 'default',
// 'version' => '2017-08-29',
'region' => 'region',
'endpoint' => "endpoint"
try {
$result = $client->getJob([
'Id' => $job_id,
return $result;
} catch (MediaConvertError $e) {
/*Oh no, the job id provided ca not be found.
Let us log the job id and the message and return it back up to the main application
Note this assumes the main application is iterating through a list of JobIDs and
can handle this and log that job id was not found and will not have the normal Job
JSON structure.
$error = array("Id"=>$job_id, "Message"=>"Job Id Not found");
$result = json_encode($error);
return $result;
Also keep in mind that if you are polling for job status's you may be throttled if your list grows too big. You would need to catch for a TooManyRequestsException [1] and try the poll with a back off threshold [2].
The most scalable solution is to use CloudWatch Events and track jobs based the STATUS_UPDATE, COMPLETE and ERROR status. [3]
[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/aws-sdk-php/v3/api/class-Aws.MediaConvert.Exception.MediaConvertException.html
[2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/api-retries.html
[3] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediaconvert/latest/ug/monitoring-overview.html
I am using the GoCardless Documentation here to try list all subscriptions for a customer.
I have followed the instructions as you can see below, however nothing at all is displaying when I run this script - does anyone know what I may have done wrong?
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new \GoCardlessPro\Client(array(
'access_token' => 'XXXXXx',
'environment' => \GoCardlessPro\Environment::LIVE
"params" => ["customer" => "CU000R3B8512345"]
Calling a method on its own doesn’t do anything. It’ll execute the given method, but it’s not going to print anything to your browser screen on its own.
As RiggsFolly says (and is documented in GoCardless’s API documentation), calling $client->subscriptions()->list() will return a cursor-paginated response object. So you need to do something with this result. What that is, I don’t know as it’s your application’s business logic and only you know that.
use GoCardlessPro\Client;
use GoCardlessPro\Environment;
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new Client(array(
'access_token' => 'your-access-token-here',
'environment' => Environment::SANDBOX,
// Assign results to a $results variable
$results = $client->subscriptions()->list([
'params' => ['customer' => 'CU000R3B8512345'],
foreach ($results->records as $record) {
// $record is a variable holding an individual subscription record
Pagination with Gocardless:
function AllCustomers($client)
$list = $client->customers()->list(['params'=>['limit'=>100]]);
$after = $list->after;
while ($after!="")
$customers = $list->records;
$list = $client->customers()->list(['params'=>['after'=>$after,'limit'=>100]]);
$after = $list->after;
I am developing a Web application. In my app, I need to login user to the AWS cognito system. I can log in to the system successfully. But the only problem is when the username and password provided by the user are not valid, my Laravel framework kills the application returning 500 internal server status code. But I want to do something else when the username and password are not valid. I tried using try catch block, but it is not overriding the error. Please, see my code below.
$client = new CognitoIdentityProviderClient([
'version' => 'latest',
'region' => env('AWS_REGION', '')
'credentials' => [
'key' => env('AWS_IAM_KEY', ''),
'secret' => env('AWS_IAM_SECRET', '')
$result = $client->adminInitiateAuth([
'AuthFlow' => 'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH',
'AuthParameters' => [
'USERNAME' => $request->email,
'PASSWORD' => $request->password,
//Error thrown here if the username and password are not valid.
catch(Exception $e)
//I want to do something here if the error is thrown because of the invalid credentials without killing the app by throwing 500 status code.
As you can see in the above code if the user credentials are not valid, the SDK will throw the error. It will kill the app by returning 500 status code. I do not want to stop there. So, I used the try catch block to catch the error and continue in the code. But the try catch block is not catching the error as well.
This is the screenshot.
So, how can I stop the AWS sdk from stopping the application throwing 500 status code?
Finally, I found the solution. Laravel works with namespaces. So, instead of using just Exception in the try catch block, I needed to put "\" as a prefix. So the try catch becomes like this.
catch(\Exception $e) //pay attention to the "\"
I am trying to read the data from a txt file on my amazon AWS bucket. But the body key in the response array is shown as NULL. My code -
function s3_file_get_contents($path, $private = TRUE, $bucket = '') {
require_once(CODE_BASE_DIR . '/ds_engine/docSuggest/external/aws-sdk-3/aws-autoloader.php');
try {
$s3Client = new Aws\S3\S3Client(array('region' => S3_ENDPOINT_REGION, 'version' => S3_ENDPOINT_VERSION,
'credentials' => array(
$result = $s3Client->getObject(array(
'Key' => $path,
} catch (Exception $e) {
$error = $e->getMessage();
log_message('ERROR', '['.__FUNCTION__.'] Exception: '.$error);
return $error ? $error : $result['body'];
The file contains some text but nothing is displayed in the console. Rest assured, I have setup the connection properly and there is no issues in that. I am able to download the file but just not read from it.
P.S - The response metadata has an object URL. Using that the file can be downloaded. So I guess I am hitting the correct path but still no success.
The data is in $result['Body'], not in $result['body'].
Look at the documentation:
Use var_dump($result) to understand better than structure of the response.
I'm using AWS SDK V3 for PHP. Sometimes when I make calls to AWS S3 I get errors like 400 errors Bad Request RequestTimeout (client): Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period due to network problem even when the object I'm trying to interact with is there. What I need to do is to implement a retry mechanism. I wonder if we can do it simply with an option in the AWS SDK to specify the number of times we want a retry after an error.
I know that I can do that with simple try catch and retry, but I'm thinking may be the SDK already provides a much cleaner way to do that.
I already found static function Middleware::retry() but I have no idea how to use it.
You can specify the number of retries when constructing a new instance of any AWS service client class:
$client = new Aws\EC2\Ec2Client([
'region' => 'eu-central-1',
'retries' => 3
You can use something like this,
public function get_s3_connection(){
$sdk = new \Aws\Sdk([
'region' => 'us-east-1',
'version' => 'latest',
'credentials' => $credentials
$s3_connection = $sdk->createS3([
'retries' => 3,
'http' => [
'connect_timeout' => 15,
'timeout' => 20
'endpoint' => 'https://bucket.0123xyz.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'
return $s3_connection;
In the above code the retries => 3 means it will try 3 times and then stop trying.
You can also set the timeout and connect_timeout as show above.
You can also retry manually by surrounding the method with do-while loop, as shown below,
public function s3_connect_with_retry($total_retry = 3){
$retry_count = 0;
$do_retry = false;
$s3_connection = $this->get_s3_connection();
}catch(Exception $exception){
$do_retry = true;
}while($total_retry < $retry && $do_retry == true;);
When the connection breaks and throws exception the $do_retry value will become true and the $retry_count will increase. based on the $do_retry flag the retry happens until the $total_retry count is reached.
I am trying to set up SQS and after receiving the message, I need to delete it from the queue.
Creating Client -
$client = Aws\Sqs\SqsClient::factory(array(
'key' => '******',
'secret' => '******',
'region' => 'ap-southeast-1'
Sending Message
public static function SendMessage()
$command = "This is a command";
$commandstring = json_encode($command);
'QueueUrl' => self::$queueUrl,
'MessageBody' => $commandstring,
Receiving Message
public static function RecieveMessage()
$result = self::$client->receiveMessage(array(
'QueueUrl' => self::$queueUrl,
// echo "Message Recieved >> ";
foreach ($result->getPath('Messages/*/Body') as $messageBody) {
// Do something with the message
echo $messageBody;
foreach ($result->getPath('Messages/*/ReceiptHandle') as $ReceiptHandle) {
self::$client->deleteMessage(self::$queueUrl, $ReceiptHandle);
When I try to delete the message using the Receipt Handle in the receive message code, I get error from Guzzle -
Catchable fatal error: Argument 2 passed to Guzzle\Service\Client::getCommand() must be an array, string given,
Now after searching a lot for it, I was able to find similar questions which state that they were using wrong SDK version. I am still not able to narrow it down though. I am using the zip version of the latest sdk 2.6.15
Why don't you give this a try this:
'QueueUrl' => self::$queueUrl,
'ReceiptHandle' => $ReceiptHandle,
The Basic formatting example in the API docs for SqsClient::deleteMessage() (and other operations) should help. All of the methods that execute operations take exactly one parameter, which is an associative array of the operation's parameters. You should read through the SDK's Getting Started Guide (if you haven't already), which talks about how to perform operations in general.