I have a Windows Azure VM running IIS/PHP. I have mapped an Azure file share to the VM. PHP always returns false when running is_dir('//server/share'). How can I map the Azure file share so that PHP can see it?
I was able to get PHP to see the mapped drive by adding the Azure storage account as an admin user on the server and using that account to connect as under basic settings for the web site under IIS.
See: Access mapped drive by IIS running asp.net mvc web application
I'm trying to host my project using Azure Web App. I created storage link
console output , but I still can't access my files. How can I fix it? Files appear in public folder if check from Kudu.
Thanks for asking question! If I have understood right you want to have a Laravel app running on Azure App Service. If so, you may wish to investigate this article which deploys an app to App Service on Windows and to this article if deploying to App Service on Linux.
I was able to setup WebSocket on Azure.WebSockets enabled on Azure
But my issue is : how to start the PHP ws server?
I have used this sample implementation https://github.com/ghedipunk/PHP-Websockets successfuy on my computer but I am not able to start the server in MS Azure.
All Azure Web Apps run in a secure environment called a sandbox. In the sandbox, each app is processed by Microsoft IIS. An app runs through PHP's Command Line Interface (CLI) is not allowed. For more details, please refer to Azure Web App sandbox.
In order to be able to run PHP-WebSockets in Azure, you need to host in something like a Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, or Containers, rather than Web Apps.
Is it possible to create an environment on local machine( i.e. localhost) where we can create and consume web service using PHP?
Is there any flow to create a web service like environment on localhost?
I would like to create an environment on localhost for web services where local machines, on intranet, get connected to main server (here again it's local machine) and can consume web services.
Like on internet we have Web Servers from where we can create and consume web services, Can we do the same on localhost?
I am using WAMP with
PHP 5.3 Apache 2.* MySQL 5Windows 8
It is easy to create a local web service. You will need a local web server (like IIS or xampp) to execute PHP locally.
Access you PHP application in your browser using http://localhost/<yourApp>.php and provide any webservice at a local URL as well, e.g. http://localhost/<yourService>.php. Your application can then access the webservice using the local URL.
This works both for REST or SOAP-style services.
EDIT: Your edit shows that you already set up a local environment to develop and test webservices. You should really be more specific in your question, maybe you are looking for a tutorial to create web services with PHP in genereal. If so, Google will be your best friend: https://www.google.de/#q=create+web+service+using+php+tutorial
We need to execute an .exe file in a remote Windows Azure Server.
We call it from PHP with shell_exec. The .exe should create new files in two different folders into the server and generate data entries in a data base and returns a string, but it doesn’t work.
We don’t have any problem executing it in our local server with windows 7 Enterprise and IIS 7. That’s why we thought it could be a permissions problem, and then we have created a .user.ini file with the following content:
safe_mode= off
safe_mode_exec_dir= off
Unfortunately it doesn’t work too.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
You are most probably working with Windows Azure Web Sites. This is a high-density shared hosting with tightened security. If you need things like shell_exec you shall move to Windows Azure Cloud Service (Web Role), where you have full control over the OS and web server / php settings.
Using Cloud Service you will be able to use shell_exec. However when you move to Cloud Service you have begin thinking of saving files in Azure Blob Storage, as the local storage for cloud service is:
Not persistent
not synchronized across role instances
If you want don't yet know what Role and Role Instance is, or are little confused, please go through this article.
Can any one suggest what is the configuration need to be done to run a simple php file in the Azure cloud service.
I am able to view my simple php file in Azure Web Site, But i cant view the same file in Azure Cloud service.
Can some one provide me some suggestions?
When you say "I am able to view my simple php file in Azure Web Site, But i cant view the same file in Azure Cloud service.", I believe you mean you can browse your PHP site in Windows Azure Websites however not with Windows Azure Service configured as something.cloudapp.net. Isn't it?
As you asked for suggestions here are some steps you can use to troubleshoot your problem:
When you access your PHP file i.e. servicename.cloudapp.net/phpinfo.php does it shows file not found error or it returns error related with PHP runtime? This is because you would need to put together PHP runtime as well as all the PHP files in your package before deploying it. If you miss any of important content, your site will not run. So you must be sure that all the contents specific to your application are in your Package which you deployed to Windows Azure cloud service.
To verify you have all the contents in your Package, you can rename cspkg to zip and then unzip it. After that you can rename cssx file to zip again and unzip it to see if all the contents are there.
You can enabled RDP access to your Azure VM and log into to check for consistency
Also for Azure Cloud Service you use this documentation: http://azurephp.interoperabilitybridges.com/articles/packaging-applications