I've been trying to load all of my data when the time I log in. Currently, I've only managed to display data through the console through vuex file. I just want to achieve this because wherever it loads all data when login, it will easier for me to call every function on every page.
I think the first step is to display it on vue devtools?
This is what I've tried.
I have this file on my "./store/modules/currentUser.js"
import axios from "axios";
const state = {
const getters = {};
const actions = {
axios.post(BASE_URL + '/transportation/driver/autoComplete').then(response => {
console.log(response.data); // how to pass result to devtools?
const mutations = {};
export default {
namespaced: true,
export default {
data () {
return {
methods: {
login() {
this.$store.dispatch('currentUser/loadEmployee', this.listdata);
This is my vuedevtools looks like
And I want to fetch all data on listdata array vue devtools
If you are using vuex, you should probably load state in dev tools.
However, your issue is caused by not having a mutation, so you never update the state.
import axios from "axios";
const state = {
transansportDrivers: []
const getters = {};
const actions = {
axios.post(BASE_URL + '/transportation/driver/autoComplete').then(response => {
commit('setTransportDrivers', response.data)
const mutations = {
setTransportDrivers: (state, drivers) => {
state.transansportDrivers= drivers;
export default {
namespaced: true,
I have two pieces of code, the Front-end in React and the Bakc-end in Laravel, the problem is im calling the API to get an array of a SQL join but in the useEffect React Hook it doest get the info, but if i make a button to get it works, i don't know why the useEffect Hook isn't working properly
I partially solved the question by treating the response as an array but if you are sending more than 1 thing i still dont know what to do
I have this pieces of code
public function show($id)
$returned = response('El lote solicitado no existe', Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
$lote = DB::table('lotes')
->leftjoin('articulos', 'lotes.idArticulo', '=', 'articulos.id')
->select('lotes.idLote', 'lotes.idArticulo', 'lotes.cantidad', 'lotes.consumoPreferente', 'lotes.observaciones', 'articulos.descripcion')
->where('lotes.id', $id)
$returned = response($lote, Response::HTTP_OK);
return $returned;
const [lote, setLote] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
document.title = `Lote ${id}`
}, [])
const { id } = useParams()
const getLote = async () => {
try {
const response = await axios.get(`${endpoint}/lote/${id}`)
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Error ${e}`)
The problem is that lote isn't setting in the useEffect hook, but if i call the getLote function outside of it works.
Another issue is that if i change the laravel part to this works properly on the useEffect call:
I think the key is here, if i use the 'findOrFail' it works properly but if make a SQL query it doesn't, but if im using the async - await it should wait, rigth?
$lote = Lote::findOrFail($id);
if($lote ){
$returned = response($lote , Response::HTTP_OK);
return $returned;
Also to mention im ussing axios to make the calls, could it be the problem too?
Do you know what could be happening?
The first thing you need to do is to make sure that id is already defined in useEffect, so you need to re-write useEffect like this:
useEffect(() => {
if(!id) {
document.title = `Lote ${id}`
}, [id]);
also, I would recommend putting function in useCallback
const getLote = useCallback(async () => {
try {
const response = await axios.get(`${endpoint}/lote/${id}`)
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Error ${e}`)
}, [id]);
It is crucial to add relevant dependencies in deps array.
I solved the question by doing an intermediate step
If the data that is being sended is only one object in the array
const [lote, setLote] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
document.title = `Lote ${id}`
}, [])
const { id } = useParams()
const getLote = async () => {
try {
const response = await axios.get(`${endpoint}/lote/${id}`)
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Error ${e}`)
If the data that is being sended are more than one object in the array
const [lote, setLote] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
document.title = `Lote ${id}`
}, [])
const { id } = useParams()
const getLote = async () => {
try {
const response = await axios.get(`${endpoint}/lote/${id}`)
let newLote = response.data
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Error ${e}`)
I don't know why this happens but this solution worked for me
axios.get("/api/session/" + this.roomId)
Above is a snippet from my axios call that uses my api.php route ('/api/session/{id} that loads through the controller the requested specific room => /api/session/3 is room 3).
Currently, this snippet is harcoded and always uses integer 1 for 'this.roomId'.
I did that, in oder to check if my vue is even working fine.
My question is now, how am I able to use a dynamic param for my prop roomId?
so I can always say something like
.get/.post('url', $id) ?
If you're passing the roomId as a prop into the component then you need to handle the change in the parent component. For that I'd need a bit more context on where the room-ids come from and how you select the room-id there.
If you have this part down, then you'll want to watch changes on the roomId prop and re-fetch the data when ever it changes. You can do something like this in your room component:
import axios from 'axios'
const props: {
roomId: {
type: Number,
required: true
export default {
data() {
return {
room: null
methods: {
async fetchRoom() {
try {
const response = await axios.get(`/api/session/${this.roomId}`)
this.room = response.data
} catch (err) {
// - handle error
watch: {
roomId: {
immediate: true // so it's executed when component is created
handler: function () {
How is it possible to use the Directus data in getsby.js
I've setup a Directus app, and added tables and data/columns but I have no clue how to use it in gatsby.js, I have build a template like this in jsx:
const path = require('path')
exports.createPages = ({ boundActionCreators, graphql }, { urlPrefix }) => {
const { createPage } = boundActionCreators
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
allDirectusPost {
edges {
node {
).then(result => {
if (result.errors) {
console.error('GraphQL query returned errors')
result.data.allDirectusPost.edges.forEach(edge => {
try {
let node = edge.node
let path = `posts/${node.id}`
layout: 'index',
component: path.resolve('src/templates/post.jsx'),
context: {
post: node,
console.log(`Generated page '${path}'`)
catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to generate page posts/'${path}': ${error}`)
and I have a homepage static site in gatsby.js like this
import React from 'react'
import Link from 'gatsby-link'
// import postsTemplate from '../templates/post.jsx'
const IndexPage = () => (
<h1>Hi people</h1>
<p>Welcome to your new Gatsby site.000</p>
<p>Now go build something great.</p>
<post />
<Link to="/page-2/">Go to page 2</Link>
export default IndexPage
how do I call the directus data in that gatsby file?
For each item in your Directus table, a new page will be created based off the src/templates/post.jsx component. This will be a completely separate set of pages to the IndexPage.
The steps to source pages from Directus is very similar to the steps to source pages from Markdown. I recommend you read https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/adding-markdown-pages/ one more time (though it looks like you did read it, since your gatsby-node.js code looks like it was borrowed from there). In posts.jsx, instead of querying markdownRemark(frontmatter: { path: { eq: $path } }) you want to query allDirectusPost(edges: { node: {id: {eq: $path } } }).
So, I am new to angularjs. I want to use MVC structure. So, I was thinking that storing the response from php in my service, then use them in my controller.
(function () {
angular.module('dataService').service("incidentService", function ($http) {
var Data = [];
return ({
getData: __getData
function __getData() {
return Data;
function __setData($http, $q) {
var defer = $q.defer();
$http.get('PHP/NAME.php',{cache : 'true'}).
Data = data;
Data = data;
(function () {
.controller('Ctrl', Ctrl);
/** #ngInject */
function Ctrl($scope, $http, $q,baConfig, incidentService) {
var DataSet = incidentService.getData();
By doing this way, the problem is my dataSet does not get updated when the data array in my service is updated. I know that we can return a defer promise to controller to get the data, but can we set the data first in service, then use get method to use them?
OK, I think the biggest issue with why this doesn't work is because you're assigned the data returned by the $http call to nData rather than just Data.
The next issue is that there's not a getMonthlyData method defined on the service.
That being said, this looks overly complicated.
Your service should look more like this:
(function () {
angular.module('dataService').service("incidentService", function ($http,$q) {
var service
service.getData = __getData()
return service
function __getData() {
if (!service.Data) {
return $http.get('PHP/NAME.php',{cache : 'true'}).then( function(data) {
service.Data = data
return $q.when(service.Data)
else {
return $q.when(service.Data)
Then in your controller you just get the data via incidentService.getData()
While I'm experimenting with angular2 a small obstacle came up:
I have php code witch returns chunks of responses using "ob_flush".
In the front end I successfully made "xhr=XMLHttpRequest" requests and received the responses and handle it using "xhr.onprogress()" and "xhr.onreadystatechange()".
Now when I tried to get the same functionality using angular2 http.get(), I couldn't output the results as they arrive from the server! instead the results are shown by angular at the end of the process after receiving the last response.
I think the rxjs Observer object is buffering the responses!.
So how can I change this behavior?
here is my php code, testing.php:
echo date('H:i:s')." Loading data!";
echo "Ready to run!";
here is my angular2 code:
template: `
<button (click)="callServer()">run the test</button>
<div>the server says: {{msg}}</div>
export class AppComponent {
constructor (private http:Http){}
.subscribe(res=> this.msg= res.text());
When I run this code it shows after 5 seconds:
(19:59:47 Loading data!Ready to run!).
It should instantly output: (19:59:47 Loading data!).
Then after 5 seconds replaces the previous message with:(Ready to run!)
You need to extend the BrowserXhr class to do that in order to configure the low level XHR object used:
export class CustomBrowserXhr extends BrowserXhr {
constructor(private service:ProgressService) {}
build(): any {
let xhr = super.build();
xhr.onprogress = (event) => {
return <any>(xhr);
and override the BrowserXhr provider with the extended:
bootstrap(AppComponent, [
provide(BrowserXhr, { useClass: CustomBrowserXhr })
See this question for more details:
Angular 2 HTTP Progress bar
After studying rxjs and reading Angular2 source code, I came up with this solution
I found it's better to make custom_backend, I think this is the recommended approach by angular Dev team.
import {Injectable} from "angular2/core";
import {Observable} from "rxjs/Observable";
import {Observer} from "rxjs/Observer";
import {Connection,ConnectionBackend} from "angular2/src/http/interfaces";
import {ReadyState, RequestMethod, ResponseType} from "angular2/src/http/enums";
import {ResponseOptions} from "angular2/src/http/base_response_options";
import {Request} from "angular2/src/http/static_request";
import {Response} from "angular2/src/http/static_response";
import {BrowserXhr} from "angular2/src/http/backends/browser_xhr";
import {Headers} from 'angular2/src/http/headers';
import {isPresent} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {getResponseURL, isSuccess} from "angular2/src/http/http_utils"
export class MyConnection implements Connection {
readyState: ReadyState;
request: Request;
response: Observable<Response>;
constructor(req: Request, browserXHR: BrowserXhr, baseResponseOptions?: ResponseOptions) {
this.request = req;
this.response = new Observable<Response>((responseObserver: Observer<Response>) => {
let _xhr: XMLHttpRequest = browserXHR.build();
_xhr.open(RequestMethod[req.method].toUpperCase(), req.url);
// save the responses in array
var buffer :string[] = [];
// load event handler
let onLoad = () => {
let body = isPresent(_xhr.response) ? _xhr.response : _xhr.responseText;
//_xhr.respons 1 = "Loading data!"
//_xhr.respons 2 = "Loading data!Ready To Receive Orders."
// we need to fix this proble
// check if the current response text contains the previous then subtract
// NOTE: I think there is better approach to solve this problem.
body = buffer[buffer.length-1].replace(buffer[buffer.length-2],'');
let headers = Headers.fromResponseHeaderString(_xhr.getAllResponseHeaders());
let url = getResponseURL(_xhr);
let status: number = _xhr.status === 1223 ? 204 : _xhr.status;
let state:number = _xhr.readyState;
if (status === 0) {
status = body ? 200 : 0;
var responseOptions = new ResponseOptions({ body, status, headers, url });
if (isPresent(baseResponseOptions)) {
responseOptions = baseResponseOptions.merge(responseOptions);
let response = new Response(responseOptions);
//check for the state if not 4 then don't complete the observer
if(state !== 4){
//this will return stream of responses
// error event handler
let onError = (err: any) => {
var responseOptions = new ResponseOptions({ body: err, type: ResponseType.Error });
if (isPresent(baseResponseOptions)) {
responseOptions = baseResponseOptions.merge(responseOptions);
responseObserver.error(new Response(responseOptions));
if (isPresent(req.headers)) {
req.headers.forEach((values, name) => _xhr.setRequestHeader(name, values.join(',')));
_xhr.addEventListener('progress', onLoad);
_xhr.addEventListener('load', onLoad);
_xhr.addEventListener('error', onError);
return () => {
_xhr.removeEventListener('progress', onLoad);
_xhr.removeEventListener('load', onLoad);
_xhr.removeEventListener('error', onError);
export class MyBackend implements ConnectionBackend {
constructor(private _browserXHR: BrowserXhr, private _baseResponseOptions: ResponseOptions) {}
createConnection(request: Request):MyConnection {
return new MyConnection(request, this._browserXHR, this._baseResponseOptions);
In the main component we have to provide the custom bakend like this:
providers: [
provide(XHRBackend, {useExisting:MyBackend})
Now when we use http.get() it will return a stream of Observable