Laravel get method parameters cannot be fetched - php

I faced a weird issue in Laravel today, the version am using is Laravel 5.5 and I have defined a route as below in the application.
Route::get('getplaylist/{playlistid}/{page}', 'Mycontroller#getplaylist');
And in my controller am trying to fetch the parameters, weirdly
dd($request->all()); // results in empty array []
whereas the below one works,
Any help would be appreciated on what is happening behind the scenes. The issue am facing is am not able to validate the request since an empty '[]' array is resulted.

Route parameters, like playlistid and page in your example, can be used with the $request->route() method.
You can also fetch all route parameters using $request->route()->parameters().

As #erikgaal already mentioned, these are route parameters, not request parameters.
But, as is written in the docs, it is one of the most basic and core parts of Laravel, that these route parameters get injected into the controller method. Therefore, with your route:
class Mycontroller
public function getplaylist(Request $request, $playlistid, $page)
// Do stuff


Laravel - Validate inside Controller without make CustomRequest

I would like to validate the get parameter where i passed throug the route to my controller.
get /order/{id} -> OrderController::order
public function order($id) {
// validation here (rules= require,between 1 and 1000)
return Order::find($id);
how can I validate inside my controller without creating a separate request class?
which validation class do i have to import? (this one: Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator ? )
Is this a good or common solution?
As #lagbox already wrote, you can check all of your questions inside the Laravel documentation.
Validation inside the controller
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class MyController extends Controller
public function order(Request $request, int $id)
$validated = $this->validate([
// .. put your fields and rules here
If your controller extends the base controller, that is shipped with every Laravel installation you have direct access to the validator via $this->validate.
With injecting the $request you have access to the fields that are send (POSTed) to your server.
If this is a good solution heavily depends on the projects size and other factors. It is definitely a good solution to start with. If your project grows and you need to have the same validation logic in various places you can again think about additional Form Request Validation.
To apply certain rules to the route parameter, f. ex. id, you can use Regular Expression Constraints.
Futher processing of request data
I personally would leave the validation inside the controller (or a form request class).
If there is any problem with the request data, then it should fail there and not continue to the service class.
You could say this is a kind of fail fast approach. Why moving more and more inside your code, if your request items might have an error (are not valid)?
$id is always present so required validation always passes.
So you only need to check between 1 and 1000 condition.
I think using regex constraints in the route is a good idea here.
->where(['id'=> '1000|^[1-9]{0,2}[1-9]$']);
If id is less than 1 or more than 1000 or any other random string it won't match the route and if there isn't any other matching routes too, it gives 404 error.
If you really want to validate the route parameter in the controller, you can use this:
$validator = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator::make(['id' => $id],
'id' => 'required|integer|between:1,1000'

Get the multiple query ? parameters passed in laravel url

AM using angular4 with laravel and am trying to append query parameters and read them in laravel as follows
My http request is get
The url after adding parameters look like
Now in my laravel routes i have
Route::group(['prefix'=> 'user-management','middleware'=>['auth:api']], function() {
Route::resource('users', "UsersController");
Now in my usersController i have
class UsersController extends Controller{
public function index(Request $request)
return $request->all();
Now the above returns
The problem comes when i want to access the paginator value which is null as above.
How do i go about this so that i can be able to retrieve attached values of globalfilter, paginator and sortfield.
I still would wish to continue using the route resource
According to the Url in your question http://localhost:8000/user-management/users?global_filter=12?paginator=10?page=0sortfield=username|ascz it seems you wrongly add ? twice and it caouse the first queryString eliminated and just second part detected, I suggest you use & instead of the second ?.

Laravel call controller based upon query string or post variables

I am creating APIs for an app. Now app developer wants me to create a fixed base url and pass the ROUTE NAME (Which will point to controller function) as POST variable. Example:
and POST variables like:
But in laravel we can define the routes based upon the url parts as:
I have tried using a single controller and loading the other controllers based upon SWITCH statements. But that doesn't seem to be a standard practice as i need to add switch condition every time I'll create a new API. Also middleware will not work on the loaded controllers dynamically.
Is there a way in laravel to achieve this? I am using laravel 5.4
You could implement a middleware that listens on the /Api route, which gets the ROUTE_NAME from the $request, then you could use the Route() helper function to find the url of that named route, then redirect the request to that route.
Something like:
// Generating ROUTE_NAME url...
$url = route($request->route_name);
// Redirect to that route...
return redirect()->route($url);
Obviously you'll need to add code to handle if it doesn't find a route etc, maybe return a json response back with a proper error code etc.

NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection when routing with additional controller in laravel 5.2

I got this error-->'NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php line 161'..When i try to call my additional controller in laravel 5.2..Already I did php artisan serve to activate localhost:8000..can you please explain the basic layout of routing with controller in laravel?
NotFoundHttpException occurs when no given route is matched to your given request to a certain endpoint/url.
Make sure you are sending the request to the correct url which is correctly defined in your routes.php (web.php for laravel 5.3+) with it's correct verb, (GET, POST, PATCH, etc).
Basic flow goes like this:
In your routes.php, you'd define a route like:
Route::get("/users", "UsersController#show");
then in your Http folder define that given controller with it's name which you referred in above call and anything proceeding # symbol is a callback function which gets called automatically.
So in your http/UsersController.php, you'd have:
public function show(Request $request) {
//Do something with your request.
return "Something"; //could be an array or string or
//whatever since laravel automatically casts it into JSON,
//but it's strongly recommended to use transformers and compact method.
For more information try looking at laravel docs, they provide an amazing way to get started tutorial. Laravel Docs

How to use the request route parameter in Laravel 5 form request?

I am new to Laravel 5 and I am trying to use the new Form Request to validate all forms in my application.
Now I am stuck at a point where I need to DELETE a resource and I created a DeleteResourceRequest for just to use the authorize method.
The problem is that I need to find what id is being requested in the route parameter but I cannot see how to get that in to the authorize method.
I can use the id in the controller method like so:
public function destroy($id, DeletePivotRequest $request)
But how to get this to work in the authorize method of the Form Request?
That's very simple, just use the route() method. Assuming your route parameter is called id:
public function authorize(){
$id = $this->route('id');
You can accessing a Route parameter Value via Illuminate\Http\Request instance
public function destroy($id, DeletePivotRequest $request)
if ($request->route('id'))
Depending on how you defined the parameter in your routes.
For my case below, it would be: 'user' not 'id'
$id = $this->route('user');
Laravel 5.2, from within a controller:
use Route;
I've found this useful if you want to use the same controller method for more than one route with more than one URL parameter, and perhaps all parameters aren't always present or may appear in a different order...
i.e. getParameter('id')will give you the correct answer, regardless of {id}'s position in the URL.
See Laravel Docs: Accessing the Current Route
After testing the other solutions, seems not to work for laravel 8, but this below works
assuming your route is
Route::post('something/{id}', ...)
I came here looking for an answer and kind of found it in the comments, so wanted to clarify for others using a resource route trying to use this in a form request
as mentioned by lukas in his comment:
Given a resource controller Route::resource('post', ...) the parameter you can use will be named post
This was usefull to me but not quite complete. It appears that the parameter will be the singular version of the last part of the resource stub.
In my case, the route was defined as $router->resource('inventory/manufacturers', 'API\Inventory\ManufacturersController');
And the parameter available was manufacturer (the singular version of the last part of the stub inventory/manufacturers)
you will get parameter id if you call
if you're using resource routing, you need to call with the resource name
// eg: resource
Route::resource('users', App\Http\Controllers\UserController::class);
in Terminal write
php artisan route:list
to see what is your param name
Then use
$this->route('sphere') to get param
