Find the smallest number in php / SQL - php

I have a code that looks for the smallest number in the average column. When in mysql, I put the column in "double", it works. But for some reasons and particular actions, my column must be in "text". I need a php / SQL code to show the smallest number.otherwise my code tells me that 13.06 is smaller than is my code:
$sql1 = "SELECT MIN(moyenne)as moyenneP FROM rangec where classe = '".$_SESSION['classroom']."' AND position = '".$_SESSION['anscol']."'
AND ecoles= '".$_SESSION['ecoles']."' AND trimestre= '".$_SESSION['trimestre']."'";
foreach ($bdd->query($sql1) as $classement)
$moyenneP =$classement['moyenneP'];
$moyenneP=''.round($moyenneP, 2).'';
I believe I have been explicit! Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Math issue in php

I'm trying to get percentage of two numbers in my app (laravel based) but i don't get the right numbers.
$pdts->price = 123.234
$pdts->newprice = 90.500
{{number_format($pdts->newprice / $pdts->price * 100, 0) } }%
it returns -73%, it should return -27%. How do I correct this?
Update To those still didn't get it
Guys I did defined my goal / what i'm looking for it should return -27%. How do I correct this? so I was looking to get -27% as the result and thanks to commenters I did find my solution.
I don't understand all this vote-downs and continued comments.
This is not really a programming question, it's more a math question.
But to get the result you want you need to calculate the difference in percentage.
- {{number_format(($pdts->price - $pdts->newprice) / $pdts->price * 100, 0) } }%
// -27%
Try this one,
$value = ($pdts->price-$pdts->newprice) / $pdts->price * 100;
$percentage = (int)($value).'%';
Here, percentage variable will have your required value.

PHP SQLite - prepared statement misbehaves?

I have the following SQLite table
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX kwd ON keywords(lang,kwd);
Working in PHP I typically need to insert keywords in this table, or update the row count if the keyword already exists. Take an example
$langs = array(0,1,2,3,4,5);
$kwds = array('noel,canard,foie gras','','','','','');
I now these data run through the following code
$len = count($langs);
$klen = count($kwds);
$klen = ($klen < $len)?$klen:$len;
$sqlite = new SQLite3('/path/to/keywords.sqlite');
$iStmt = $sqlite->prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO keywords (lang,kwd)
$sStmt = $sqlite->prepare("SELECT rowid FROM keywords WHERE lang = :lang
AND kwd = :kwd");
if (!$iStmt || !$sStmt) return;
for($i=0;$i < $klen;$i++)
$keywords = $kwds[$i];
if (0 === strlen($keywords)) continue;
$lang = intval($langs[$i]);
$keywords = explode(',',$keywords);
for($j=0;$j < count($keywords);$j++)
$keyword = $keywords[$j];
if (0 === strlen($keyword)) continue;
$sqlite->exec("UPDATE keywords SET count = count + 1 WHERE lang =
'{$lang}' AND kwd = '{$keyword}';");
$rslt = $sStmt->execute();
which generates the following trigger_error output
Keyword: noel
Last error: not an error
SELECT Result: {"0":1,"id":1}
Keyword: canard
Last Error: not an error
SELECT Reult:false
Last Error: not an error
SELECT Result: false
From the SQLite command line I see that the three row entries are present and correct in the table with the id/rowid columns set to 1, 2 and 3 respectively. lastErrorMsg does not report an error and yet two of the three $rslt->fetchArray() statements are returning false as opposed to an array with rowid/id attributes. So what am I doing wrong here?
I investigated this a bit more and found the underlying case. In my original code the result from the first SQLite3::execute - $iStmt-execute() - was not being assigned to anything. I did not see any particular reason for fetching and interpreting that result. When I changed that line of code to read $rslt = $iStmt->execute() I got the expected result - the rowid/id of the three rows that get inserted was correctly reported.
It is as though internally the PHP SQLite3 extension buffers the result from SQLiteStatement::execute function calls. When I was skipping the assignment my next effort at running such a statement, $sStmt->execute() was in effect fetching the previous result. This is my interpretation without knowing the inner workings of the PHP SQLite3 extension. Perhaps someone who understands the extension better would like to comment.
Add $rslt = NONE; right after trigger_error(json_encode($rslt->fetchArray())); and the correct results appear.
FetchArray can only be called once and somehow php is not detecting that the variable has changed. I also played with changing bindValue to bindParam and moving that before the loop but that is unrelated to the main issue.
It is my opinion that my solution should not work unless there is a bug in php. I am too new at the language to feel confident in that opinion and would like help verifying it. Okay, not a bug, but a violation of the least surprise principle. The object still exists in memory so without finalizing it or resetting the variable, fetch array isn't triggering.

How do I validate a PHP integer within a variable?

I have integrated Yelp reviews into my directory site with each venue that has a Yelp ID returning the number of reviews and overall score.
Following a successful MySQL query for all venue details, I output the results of the database formatted for the user. The Yelp element is:
while ($searchresults = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {
if ($yelpID = $searchresults['yelpID']) {
if ( $numreviews > 0 ) {
$yelp = '<img src="'.$ratingimg.'" border="0" /> Read '.$numreviews.' reviews on <img src="graphics/yelp_logo_50x25.png" border="0" /><br />';
} else {
$yelp = '';
} //END if ($yelpID = $searchresults['yelpID']) {
} //END while ($searchresults = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result)) {
The yelp.php file returns:
$yrating = $result->rating;
$numreviews = $result->review_count;
$ratingimg = $result->rating_img_url;
$url = $result->url;
If a venue has a Yelp ID and one or more reviews then the output displays correctly, but if the venue has no Yelp ID or zero reviews then it displays the Yelp review number of the previous venue.
I've checked the $numreviews variable type and it's an integer.
So far I've tried multiple variations of the "if ( $numreviews > 0 )" statement such as testing it against >=1, !$numreviews etc., also converting the integer to a string and comparing it against other strings.
There are no errors and printing all of the variables returned gives the correct number of reviews for each property with venues having no ID or no reviews returning nothing (as opposed to zero). I've also compared it directly against $result->review_count with the same problem.
Is there a better way to make the comparison or better format of variable to work with to get the correct result?
The statement if ($yelpID = $searchresults['yelpID']) { is not operating as it should. It is identical to other statements in the file, validating row contents which work correctly for their given variable, e.g. $fbID = $searchresults['fbID'] etc.
When I changed require('yelp.php'); to require_once('yelp.php'); all of the venue outputs changed to showing only the first iterated result. Looking through the venues outputted, the error occurs on the first venue after a successful result which makes me think there is a pervasive piece of code in the yelp.php file, causing if ($yelpID = $searchresults['yelpID']) { to be ignored until a positive result is found (a yelpID in the db), i.e. each venue is correctly displayed with a yelp number of reviews until a blank venue is encountered. The preceding venues' number of reviews is then displayed and this continues for each blank venue until a venue is found with a yelpID when it shows the correct number again. The error reoccurs on the next venue output with no yelpID and so on.
Sample erroneous output: (line 1 is var_dump)
string(23) "bayview-hotel-bushmills"
Bayview Hotel
Read 3 reviews on yelp
Read 3 reviews on yelp (note no var_dump output, this link contains the url for the Bayview Hotel entry above)
string(31) "bushmills-inn-hotel-bushmills-2"
Bushmills Inn Hotel
Read 7 reviews on yelp
I suspect this would be a new question rather than clutter/confuse this one further?
Note: I'm aware of the need to upgrade to mysqli but I have thousands of lines of legacy code to update. For now I'm working on functionality before reviewing the code for best practice.
Since the yelp.php is sort of a blackbox; the best explanation for this behavior would be that it only set's those variables if it finds a match. Updating your code to this should fix that:
unset($yrating, $numreviews, $ratingimg, $url);
I also noticed this peculiar if-statement, do you realize that's an assignment or is this a copy/paste error? If you want to test (that's what if is for)
if ($yelpID == $searchresults['yelpID']) {

How to find the nearest cities using web services? [duplicate]

Do you know some utility or a web site where I can give US city,state and radial distance in miles as input and it would return me all the cities within that radius?
Here is how I do it.
You can obtain a list of city, st, zip codes and their latitudes and longitudes.
(I can't recall off the top of my head where we got ours)
like someone mentioned above would probably work.
Then you can write a method to calculate the min and max latitude and longitudes based on a radius, and query for all cities between those min and max. Then loop through and calculate the distance and remove any that are not in the radius
double latitude1 = Double.parseDouble(zipCodes.getLatitude().toString());
double longitude1 = Double.parseDouble(zipCodes.getLongitude().toString());
//Upper reaches of possible boundaries
double upperLatBound = latitude1 + Double.parseDouble(distance)/40.0;
double lowerLatBound = latitude1 - Double.parseDouble(distance)/40.0;
double upperLongBound = longitude1 + Double.parseDouble(distance)/40.0;
double lowerLongBound = longitude1 - Double.parseDouble(distance)/40.0;
//pull back possible matches
SimpleCriteria zipCriteria = new SimpleCriteria();
zipCriteria.isBetween(ZipCodesPeer.LONGITUDE, lowerLongBound, upperLongBound);
zipCriteria.isBetween(ZipCodesPeer.LATITUDE, lowerLatBound, upperLatBound);
List zipList = ZipCodesPeer.doSelect(zipCriteria);
ArrayList acceptList = new ArrayList();
if(zipList != null)
for(int i = 0; i < zipList.size(); i++)
ZipCodes tempZip = (ZipCodes)zipList.get(i);
double tempLat = new Double(tempZip.getLatitude().toString()).doubleValue();
double tempLon = new Double(tempZip.getLongitude().toString()).doubleValue();
double d = 3963.0 * Math.acos(Math.sin(latitude1 * Math.PI/180) * Math.sin(tempLat * Math.PI/180) + Math.cos(latitude1 * Math.PI/180) * Math.cos(tempLat * Math.PI/180) * Math.cos(tempLon*Math.PI/180 -longitude1 * Math.PI/180));
if(d < Double.parseDouble(distance))
There's an excerpt of my code, hopefully you can see what's happening. I start out with one ZipCodes( a table in my DB), then I pull back possible matches, and finally I weed out those who are not in the radius.
Oracle, PostGIS, mysql with GIS extensions, sqlite with GIS extensions all support this kind of queries.
If you don't have the dataset look at:
Take a look at this web service advertised on It requires a subscription to actually use, but claims to do what you need.
The advertised method in question's description:
GetPlacesWithin Returns a list of geo
places within a specified distance
from a given place. Parameters: place
- place name (65 char max), state - 2 letter state code (not required for
zip codes), distance - distance in
miles, placeTypeToFind - type of place
to look for: ZipCode or City
(including any villages, towns, etc).
You can obtain a pretty good database of geolocated cities/placenames from - find an appropriate database dump, import it into your DB, and performing the kind of query your need is pretty straightforward, particularly if your DBMS supports some kind of spatial queries (e.g. like Oracle Spatial, MySQL Spatial Extensions, PostGIS or SQLServer 2008)
See also: how to do location based search
I do not have a website, but we have implemented this both in Oracle as a database function and in SAS as a statistics macro. It only requires a database with all cities and their lat and long.
Maybe this can help. The project is configured in kilometers though. You can modify these in
public List<City> findCityInRange(GeoPoint geoPoint, double distance) {
List<City> cities = new ArrayList<City>();
QueryBuilder queryBuilder = geoDistanceQuery("geoPoint")
.point(geoPoint.getLat(), geoPoint.getLon())
//.distance(distance, DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS) original
.distance(distance, DistanceUnit.MILES)
SearchRequestBuilder builder = esClient.getClient()
.setScroll(new TimeValue(60000))
.point(geoPoint.getLat(), geoPoint.getLon())
//.unit(DistanceUnit.KILOMETERS)); Original
SearchResponse response = builder
SearchHit[] hits = response.getHits().getHits();
while (true) {
for (SearchHit hit : hits) {
Map<String, Object> result = hit.getSource();
cities.add(mapper.convertValue(result, City.class));
response = esClient.getClient().prepareSearchScroll(response.getScrollId()).setScroll(new TimeValue(60000)).execute().actionGet();
if (response.getHits().getHits().length == 0) {
break scroll;
return cities;
The "LocationFinder\src\main\resources\json\cities.json" file contains all cities from Belgium. You can delete or create entries if you want too. As long as you don't change the names and/or structure, no code changes are required.
Make sure to read the README

PHP/MYSQL - Insert multiple rows into one column, works via phpmyadmin but only partially via myqli prepared statement?

Using a mysqli prepared statement I would like to insert an array into a mysql database table.
Being aware that bind-param and arrays do not go together, we would like to write the query in php first, then process this as a prepared statement:
$tagQuery = "INSERT INTO word_tags(speaks) VALUES ";
// Count total array values
$icoderayInsideCount = count($icoderayInside);
foreach ($icoderayInside as $icoderayInsideKey=>$icoderayInsideValue)
// Last value
// Currrent Array Key Total / Last Array Value
if ($icoderayInsideKey == $icoderayInsideCount)
$tagQuery .= "('$icoderayInsideValue')";
// All other values
$tagQuery .= "('$icoderayInsideValue'), ";
// Send array (keywords) to database
if ($stmt2 = $link2->prepare($tagQuery))
if (!$stmt2->execute())
// #2 If it can prepare but can't execute, why?
echo "Error {$link2->errno} : {$link2->error} (Cant execute?) <br/>";
// Dump query to check the end result
// #1 If it cant prepare, why?
echo "Error {$link2->errno} : {$link2->error} (Cant prepare?)";
When i run this via PHP / Server i get:
Error 1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '('DONGLES'),' at line 1 (Cant prepare?)
So, the statement prepares but is not being executed.
The value of the generated query, $tagQuery is:
INSERT INTO word_tags(speaks) VALUES ('PMP3670B_BK'), ('PRESTIGIO'), ('MULTIPAD'), ('7"'), ('800X480'), ('1GHZ'), ('ARM'), ('CORTEX'), ('A8'), ('CPU'), ('512MB'), ('DDR3'), ('DRAM'), ('ANDROID'), ('4.1'), ('JELLY'), ('BEAN'), ('MALI'), ('400'), ('MP'), ('GPU'), ('VIDEO'), ('4GB'), ('INTERNAL'), ('FLASH'), ('MEMORY'), ('SUPPORT'), ('32GB'), ('SDHC/SD'), ('USB/WI-FI/HEADSET'), ('PORT'), ('LITHIUM'), ('POLYMER'), ('BLACK'), ('HDMI'), ('OUTPUT'), ('UPTO'), ('1080'), ('HD'), ('USB2.0'), ('MINI'), ('HIGH'), ('SPEED'), ('FOR'), ('3G'), ('DONGLE'), ('OTG'), ('CABLE'), ('INCLUDED')
The fourth value from the end is('DONGLE') which is what the error message is complaining about.
When i run this exact same query through phpmyadmin there is no error involved.
What i assume is happening, is that there is some kind of length limit involved within creating a prepared statement... Or something to this effect.
Have scratched my brains for hours now to try to solve this and have not found any relating information.
If anyone could offer some assistance / advice / indication / input or otherwise as to what the conflict of problem may be within this, it would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks so much for the time and effort in readying through this!
#Mihai - Thanks for the thought.
It seems that the word dongle does have something string to it. In the original string, before being parsed to an array, it looks like this: DONGLE,
I run preg_replace to remove this comma from the string before parsing it to an array:
$icode = preg_replace('#,#', '', $icode);
Then into an array:
$icoderayInside = explode(" ", $icode);
Still cannot think of any reason this would cause a conflict as the output string, the query is as i have previously stated and includes no comma, or anything... Any would be greatly appreciated!
Original input is stored in mysql as varchar, latin_general_ci:
Brought into php then processed to an array with additional requirements:
// Convert Var a + b to String
$icode = $itemCode . ' ' . $description;
// Clean of Unwanteds
$icode = preg_replace('#,#', '', $icode);
$icode = preg_replace('#\(#', '', $icode);
$icode = preg_replace('#\)#', '', $icode);
// Creates array from sting
$icoderayInside = explode(" ", $icode);
// Remove array duplicates
$icoderayInside = array_unique($icoderayInside);
Before being built into the query. Any assistance would be GREATLY appreciated!
// Currrent Array Key Total / Last Array Value
if ($icoderayInsideKey == $icoderayInsideCount)
// dump here shows:
$icoderayInsideKey == 49
$icoderayInsideCount == 49
This was really tricky,but I got it : The tricky wrong part is that
if ($icoderayInsideKey == $icoderayInsideCount)
It should be
if ($icoderayInsideKey == ($icoderayInsideCount-1))
Because the last key in the array equals to the array (length -1) So you should change your if condition
