I have been trying to modify an XML document within an archived .tgz file by using the PharData class using php. I have no problem modifying the XML through DomDocument class, but I am having a hard time saving the whole process: I end up saving 2 different .phar documents alltogether, w/o modifying anything in the .tgz archive :
folder example image
Here is the code I have been using :
$phar = new PharData($path . '/' . $idClient . '/' . $tempDate->format('ym') . '/' . $file);
echo $phar . "\n";
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->load ('phar://' . $path . '/' . $idClient . '/' . $tempDate->format('ym') . '/' . $file . '/' . substr($file, 0, -4) . '.xml');
if ($dom === null) continue;
$ids = $dom->documentElement->getElementsByTagName('id');
foreach ($ids as $i_id) {
if ($i_id->nodeValue !== $id) continue;
echo $i_id->nodeValue . "\n";
echo $i_id->nodeName . "\n";
$sensor = $i_id->parentNode;
echo $sensor->nodeName . "\n";
foreach ($sensor->childNodes as $object) {
if ($object->nodeName !== 'type') continue;
echo $object->nodeName . "\n";
echo $object->nodeValue . "\n";
$object->nodeValue = $type;
echo $object->nodeValue . "\n" . "\n";
$dom->save('phar://' . $path . '/' . $idClient . '/' . $tempDate->format('ym') . '/' . $file . '.phar' . '/' . substr($file, 0, -4) . '.xml');
I used ImageOptimizer package for reducing image size. Source: http://image.intervention.io/getting_started/installation
In controller:
if (Input::hasFile('title_image')) {
$Product = Input::file('title_image');
$filename = time() . '.' . $Product->getClientOriginalExtension();
Image::make($Product)->resize(300, 300)->save( public_path('/uploads/avatars/' . $filename) )->move(public_path() . '/../../products', md5($Product->getClientOriginalName()) . ".png");
$product->title_img = "products/" . md5($Product->getClientOriginalName()) . ".png";
How can I fix this error???:
image not readable
Use getRealPath() when you upload an image.
if (Input::hasFile('title_image')) {
$Product = Input::file('title_image');
$filename = time() . '.' . $Product->getClientOriginalExtension();
Image::make($Product->getRealPath())->resize(300, 300)->save( public_path('/uploads/avatars/' . $filename) )->move(public_path() . '/../../products', md5($Product->getClientOriginalName()) . ".png");
$product->title_img = "products/" . md5($Product->getClientOriginalName()) . ".png";
Im using script to go through content of zipped files and the script just misses some of them
We have multiple ZIP archives on a server where invoices (Flat files) are stored. Im using following code to search though them:
foreach($zip_files as $zip_file){
echo $zip_file . "[" . $counter . "/" . $count . "]\n";
//Opening and reading zip file
$zip_content = zip_open($archive_path . "\\" . $zip_file);
while($file = zip_read($zip_content)){
$filename = zip_entry_name($file);
$content = zip_entry_read($file,4086);
if(strpos($content, "<MvxEnvelope>")){
if(strpos($content, "<Field>TETINR</Field>")){
$type = "TETINR";
$TINR_position = strpos($content, "<Field>TETINR");
$DIVI_position = strpos($content, "<Field>DIVI");
$TINR = substr($content,($TINR_position + 28), 10);
$DIVI = substr($content,($DIVI_position + 26), 3);
fwrite($map, $zip_file . ";" . $filename . ";" . $DIVI . ";" . $TINR . ";" . $type . "\n");
I would like the script to go through all files and not to miss some of them. Many thanks in advance
Currently I am working on a media uploader system.
When a user uploads files, I wanted the system to automatically check whether this file already exists, and if so, add a (x) to the basename.
DSC_2193.jpg would become DSC_2193 (1).jpg
DSC_2193 (2).jpg would become DSC_2193 (3).jpg
So I came up with the following function:
private function setFileName($path)
if (file_exists($path)) {
$file = pathinfo($path);
if (preg_match('/\(([0-9]+)\).' . $file['extension'] . '/', $file['basename'], $matches)) {
return $this->setFileName($file['dirname'] . '/' . preg_replace_callback('/\(([0-9]+)\).' . $file['extension'] . '/', function($matches)
return '(' . ($matches[1] + 1) . ')';
}, $file['basename']) . '.' . $file['extension']);
} else {
$basename = substr(basename($path, $file['extension']), 0, -1);
$basename .= ' (1).' . $file['extension'];
return $this->setFileName($file['dirname'] . '/' . $basename);
return $path;
Now I was wondering: would this be the right approach to achieve this? If not: maybe someone can come up with a better alternative. If it is the most efficient way, maybe someone benefits from this.
You can do it easily using while cycle. Here is simple scratch:
private function setFileName($path)
$file = pathinfo($path);
if (file_exists($path)) {
$i = 1;
while (file_exists($file['filename'] . ' (' . $i . ').' . $file['extension'])) $i++;
$filename = $file['filename'] . ' (' . $i . ').' . $file['extension']; // don't know if you want also directory path
$filename = $file['filename'] . '.' . $file['extension'];
// some code to rename/move_uploaded_file...
I don't know what you want then if you have $filename set (move_uploaded_file, or just return $filename), so the rest of code is up to you.
I'm trying to rename all files in a folder, I want the last character before the extension to be removed.
This is the code I'm using:
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM tblphotoseries WHERE photoSerieID = ' . mysql_real_escape_string($photoSerieID) . ' AND FKuID = ' . $_SESSION['uID'];
if($series = GetFromDB($sql)){
foreach ($series as $serie){
$path = '../uploads/' . $serie["FKcatID"] . '/' . $_SESSION['uCode'] . '/' . $serie["seriesCode"] . '';
$files = scandir($path);
foreach($files as $file) {
if($file != ".." && $file != "."){
$new_name = explode(".", $file);
$ext = $new_name[1];
$new_name = $new_name[0];
$new_name[strlen($new_name) - 1] = "";
$new_name = $new_name . "." . $ext;
$new_name = (string)$new_name;
echo $file . " -> " . $new_name . "\n\r";
if(file_exists($path . '/' . $file)){
echo "file_exists \n\r";
if(rename($path . '/' . $file, $path . '/' . $new_name)){
echo "rename successful \n\r";
echo "rename failed \n\r";
This outputs the following:
AA04a_.jpg -> AA04a.jpg
rename failed
AA04b_.png -> AA04b.png
rename failed
AA04c_.png -> AA04c.png
rename failed
Can anyone spot what's going wrong here? Privileges are ok, I've tried chmod 0777 on the file before renaming as well, without success.
$new_name[strlen($new_name) - 1] = "";
had to be replaced by
$new_name = substr_replace($new_name, '', strlen($new_name) - 1, 1);
But what's the best and easiest way to copy a file or folder between a local and remote server using php? These are files located above the web folder, so I'll need to use paths instead of the URL.
I would do it using PHP's built-in FTP functions.
EDIT: Ahh, you want secure. This is what I would use then: SSH2-SFTP
Well i made this function hope it works for you copy files from ftp:
$ftpConnection = the conection, example ftp_connect(
$path = the ftp path.
$destination = the local file.
function ftpRecursiveFileListing($ftpConnection, $path, $destination) {
$contents = ftp_nlist($ftpConnection, $path);
foreach ($contents as $currentFile) {
if (strpos($currentFile, '.') === false) {
$dir = basename($currentFile);
echo "<br> <b> Directorio </b>" . $dir;
mkdir($destination . "/" . $dir);
ftpRecursiveFileListing($ftpConnection, $currentFile, $destination . "/" . $dir);
} else {
$file = basename($currentFile);
echo '<br> <b>archivo </b>' . $file;
echo '<br> <b>path </b>' . $path;
echo '<br> <b>completo </b>' . $path . "/" . $file;
ftp_get($ftpConnection, $destination . '/' . $file, $path . '/' . $file, FTP_BINARY);