How to insert a auto-incrementing id from 1 before in jQuery? I use below code to get aggregated data, for example, each quessionId has many related reasons. Below is my partial code of .js code in jQuery:
function fmtQuestionsByID(id,callback){
if(!DATA.questions[id] || !$('#card_'+id) )return;
var project = DATA.projects[DATA.questions[id].projectId];
var issueQuestionLists = DATA.alltags.reduce(function(a,b){
if(a[b['quessionId']]) {
} else{
a[b['quessionId']] = [{name:b['name'],color:b['color'],description:b['description'],reason:b['reason'],question:b['question'],issueId:b['issueId'],department:b['department'],_id:b['quessionId']}]
return a;
for(var i=0;i < DATA.questions[id].tags.length;i++){
var lid = DATA.questions[id].tags[i];
for(var l in issueQuestionLists){
var lb = issueQuestionLists[l]
for(var c=0;c< lb.length;c++){
var lc = lb[c];
if(lc._id == lid){
var info = lc;
console.log('info', info);
$('.tags_question').append('['']' + info.description + '。' + 'Reason: '+info.reason+ '。' ||'[no data]' );
And I use below html to get above data
<div id="questioninfo">
<span class="tags_question"></span>
In the console, I do have those dictionaries, but why the page only get one dict?
Thanks so much for any help.
Thanks so much for Swati's help, to change .html to .append.
You can define a variable which will store the value of count and then whenever you need to print it first increment it and then add that as well with the data which you are already appending .So your code will look like below :
var count = 0; //declare this
for (var i = 0; i < DATA.questions[id].tags.length; i++) {
//..other codes
var lc = lb[c];
if (lc._id == lid) {
count++; //increment
var info = lc;
console.log('info', info);
//add with other datas
$('.tags_question').append(count + '[' + + ']' + info.description + '。' + 'Reason: ' + info.reason + '。' || '[no data]');
I'm very new to coding and am creating an online system. Part of the system I have included Google Distance Matrix API which is JavaScript, whereas most of my other code is HTML or PHP. Unfortunately, I need the distance (which is calculated in JavaScript) to be in my PHP code so I can play about with it. I read I could use AJAX? I'm not terribly sure about what I'm doing but I had a go.
Before the page that includes the Google Map, there is a form. This means I have to use SESSION variables to move the data from the page before the Google page, to two pages after the Google page.. this is also where my Google script gets it's two locations to find the distance between. Which all works fine, I think.
PHP on Google page:
$date = $_POST['date'];
$time = $_POST['time'];
$length = $_POST['length'];
$numberofpeople = $_POST['numberofpeople'];
$useofbus = $_POST['useofbus'];
$_SESSION['time'] = $time;
$_SESSION['date'] = $date;
$_SESSION['length'] = $length;
$_SESSION['numberofpeople'] = $numberofpeople;
$_SESSION['pickuplocation'] = $pickuplocation;
$_SESSION['destination'] = $destination;
$_SESSION['useofbus'] = $useofbus;
$pickuplocation = $_POST['pickuplocation'];
$destination = $_POST['destination'];
HTML on Google page:
<body onload="initialize()">
<div id="inputs">
<pre class="prettyprint">
<form name="google" action="thirdform.php">
<table summary="google">
<td> </td>
<td><input name="Continue" value="Continue" type="submit" ></td>
<td> </td>
<div id="outputDiv"></div>
<div id="map"></div>
I won't post the JavaScript of the Google Matrix other than the AJAX:
var distance = results[j].distance.text;
$.get("thirdform.php", {miles:distance} );
I'm not sure if the code above is correct, I'm guessing I'm going wrong somewhere, probably here.
On the next page, (thirdform.php) PHP:
$time = $_SESSION['time'];
$date = $_SESSION['date'];
$length = $_SESSION['length'];
$numberofpeople = $_SESSION['numberofpeople'];
$pickuplocation = $_SESSION['pickuplocation'];
$destination = $_SESSION['destination'];
$useofbus = $_SESSION['useofbus'];
echo "</br>";
$distance = $_GET['miles'];
echo "DISTANCE: " . $distance . "</br>";
I'm not able to get anything in the PHP variable $distance - it's empty. Am I coding incorrectly? I followed an example on-line from this website somewhere which claimed to work. I've read several articles and searched on Google and on this website but there doesn't seem to be a clear answer anywhere that isn't too complicated and relates to what I'm trying to do. I've read plenty of examples but they're all far too complicated for me to use and change to put into my code. There was some code I read where the page was sent straight to next page however I need to show the Google Map on my page and therefore need to use the button to move to the next page.
Could anyone give me a nudge in the right direction? Thanks.
var map;
var geocoder;
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
var markersArray = [];
var origin = '<?php echo $pickuplocation; ?>';
var destination = '<?php echo $destination; ?>';
var destinationIcon = ' chst=d_map_pin_letter&chld=D|FF0000|000000';
var originIcon = '|FFFF00|000000';
function initialize() {
var opts = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(55.53, 9.4),
zoom: 12,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), opts);
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
function calculateDistances() {
var service = new google.maps.DistanceMatrixService();
origins: [origin],
destinations: [destination],
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING,
unitSystem: google.maps.UnitSystem.IMPERIAL,
avoidHighways: false,
avoidTolls: false
}, callback);
function callback(response, status) {
if (status != google.maps.DistanceMatrixStatus.OK) {
alert('Error was: ' + status);
} else {
var origins = response.originAddresses;
var destinations = response.destinationAddresses;
var outputDiv = document.getElementById('outputDiv');
outputDiv.innerHTML = '';
for (var i = 0; i < origins.length; i++) {
var results = response.rows[i].elements;
addMarker(origins[i], false);
for (var j = 0; j < results.length; j++) {
addMarker(destinations[j], true);
outputDiv.innerHTML += origins[i] + ' to ' + destinations[j]
+ ': ' + results[j].distance.text + ' in '
+ results[j].duration.text + '<br>';
function addMarker(location, isDestination) {
var icon;
if (isDestination) {
icon = destinationIcon;
} else {
icon = originIcon;
geocoder.geocode({'address': location}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: results[0].geometry.location,
icon: icon
} else {
alert('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: '
+ status);
function deleteOverlays() {
if (markersArray) {
for (i in markersArray) {
markersArray.length = 0;
<script type="text/javascript">
var distance = results[j].distance.text;
$('.button-class').click(function() { $.get("thirdform.php", {miles:distance}, function (data){alert(data)} ); });
Since you are overriding the form action with the $.get, try removing the form and using a <button> instead of an <input> button.
Then have your ajax request run on that <button>.
It's also worth noting that you should probably just send data from the php file. You can then do any other manipulation("DISTANCE: ", "<br />") in the html/js.
I made a TicTacToe Game! Just for fun. It works and all, but can't tell once someone has won. I used .inArray to look for winning solutions on the current board. The idea is once a winning combination of squares is on the board, an alert will pop up ("You won Bruh"). Maybe the inArray is comparing the win arrays to the chosen elements opposed to the elements of the win arrays to the chosen elements? I'm stumped. Check out the jsfiddle if you're interested and leave a response if you've figured it out. Thanks.
I ended up using a magic square and checking if combinations of 3 added to 15 and implemented self teaching and basic AI using possible combinations and a MySQL db. I used a second script to let the computer play itself and build up the database. It's not the most perfect code but see for yourself..
// TIC-TAC-TOE: //
//Good Old game. This version is meant to be a self//
//teaching system as a means to utilise and master //
//exchange between web-page, server and database. //
// Author: Dylan Madisetti
// Date: I don't remember?
var magiclist = [8,3,4,1,5,9,6,7,2]; //for humans
var squares = [8,3,4,1,5,9,6,7,2]; //Le Magic Square\\
var xs = []; //------------//
var os = []; // 8 | 3 | 4 //
var x = 0; //----+---+---//
var o = 0; // 1 | 5 | 9 //
var gameover = -1; //----+---+---//
var FirstMoves = []; // 6 | 7 | 2 //
var SecondMoves = []; //------------//
var ThirdMoves = []; //All Diagonals,rows and Columns add to 15\\
var moves = [];
var i = 0;
win = false;
end = false;
// I have a radio button for whether the human plays as x or o
if(document.getElementById('human').checked) {
humanmove("x",x,xs,moves,squares,gameover,i,magiclist,"o",o,os); //human move
ajaxmove("x",x,xs,moves,squares,gameover,i,magiclist,"o",o,os); //computer move
humanmove("o",o,os,moves,squares,gameover,i,magiclist,"x",x,xs); //human move
// AjaxMove Desc. Checks if can win or block if it//
//can't, Sends data to MYSQLtest which in turn //
//queries xos database and returns best move is //
//then used. //
function ajaxmove(status,counter,turn,moves,squares,gameover,i,magiclist,otherturn){
bestmove = 0;
if (turn.length >= 2){ //goes through each possibility
FirstMoves = turn.slice(0);
while (FirstMoves.length > 1){
FirstX = FirstMoves[0];
SecondMoves = FirstMoves.slice(1);
ThirdMoves = squares.slice(0);
$.each (SecondMoves,function(){
if (ThirdMoves.length > 0){
SecondX = this;
$.each (ThirdMoves,function(){
ThirdX = this;
if (FirstX + SecondX + ThirdX == 15){
bestmove = this;
ThirdMoves = ThirdMoves.slice(1);
FirstMoves = FirstMoves.slice(1);
if ((bestmove == 0) && (otherturn.length >= 2)){
FirstMoves = otherturn.slice(0);
while (FirstMoves.length > 1){
FirstX = FirstMoves[0];
SecondMoves = FirstMoves.slice(1);
ThirdMoves = squares.slice(0);
$.each (SecondMoves,function(){
if (ThirdMoves.length > 0){
SecondX = this;
$.each (ThirdMoves,function(){
ThirdX = this;
if (FirstX + SecondX + ThirdX == 15){
bestmove = this;
ThirdMoves = ThirdMoves.slice(1);
FirstMoves = FirstMoves.slice(1);
if (bestmove == 0){
async: false,
status: status,
moves: moves,
remaining: squares,
gameover: gameover
bestmove = data;
bestmove = Number(bestmove);
index = squares.indexOf(bestmove);
turn[counter] = bestmove;
select = magiclist.indexOf(bestmove);
moves[i] = turn[counter];
gamecheck(turn,squares,moves); //game check (see below)
if (win) {
alert ("You Lose!");
while (i <= 9){
moves[i] = "'" + status + "'";
async: false,
status: status,
moves: moves,
remaining: squares,
gameover: gameover
// HumanMove Desc. Allows human to make a move and//
//checks if they have won.Updates Database if so. //
//Also Triggers computer move. //
function humanmove(status,counter,turn,
$(".XOs").on('click', '.square:not(.clicked)', function() {
if (gameover == -1){
if (!$(this).hasClass("clicked")) {
data = magiclist[$('.square').index(this)];
turn[counter] = data;
index = squares.indexOf(data);
moves[i] = turn[counter];
gamecheck(turn,squares,moves); //game check (see below)
if (!(end)){
if (win) {
alert ("You Win!");
gameover = 1;
while (i <= 9){
moves[i] = "'" + status + "'";
async: false,
status: status,
moves: moves,
remaining: squares,
gameover: gameover
if (gameover == -1){
ajaxmove(otherstatus,othercounter,otherturn,moves,squares,gameover,i,magiclist,turn); //computer move
if (win) {gameover = 1;};
// GameCheck Desc. Runs through each possibility.//
//As data locations of divs are arranged in magic //
//square, checks if any three add to 15. Checks //
//for cat game as well. //
function gamecheck(turn,squares,moves){
if (turn.length >= 3){
FirstMoves = turn.slice(0);
while (FirstMoves.length >= 3){
FirstX = FirstMoves[0];
SecondMoves = FirstMoves.slice(1);
ThirdMoves = SecondMoves.slice(1);
$.each (SecondMoves,function(){
if (ThirdMoves.length > 0){
SecondX = this;
$.each (ThirdMoves,function(){
ThirdX = this;
if (FirstX + SecondX + ThirdX == 15){
win = true;
ThirdMoves = ThirdMoves.slice(1);
FirstMoves = FirstMoves.slice(1);
if (!(squares.length > 0) && win == false) { //if any remain
alert ("You Draw!");
gameover = 1;
moves[9] = "'c'";
$.ajax({type:'POST', //ajax to tell server Cat Game
async: false,
status: "c",
moves: moves,
remaining: squares,
gameover: gameover
end = true;
and the php if anyone is interested
// 1) Connect to mysql database
$con = mysqli_connect($host,$user,$pass,$databaseName);
$dbs = mysqli_select_db($con,$databaseName);
// 2) Query database for bestmove or insert data if gameover
$gameover = 0;
$col = 0;
$status = $_POST['status'];
$moves = $_POST['moves'];
$gameover = $_POST['gameover'];
$remaining = $_POST['remaining'];
$bestresult = 0;
if ($gameover < 0){
$required = (count($remaining) * 50); //seemed large enough to make a smart move
if (count($moves) > 0){
foreach ($moves as $move){
$columns[$col].=' AND ';
$columns[$col].= '`';
$columns[$col].= ($col + 1);
$columns[$col].= '`=';
$columns[$col].= $move;
$moves = implode(' ',$columns);
$sql = '
FROM xos
WHERE status=\'';
$sql .= $status;
$sql .= '\' ';
if (count($moves) > 0){
$sql .= $moves ;
$results = mysqli_query($con,$sql); //fetch result
$results = $results->num_rows;
echo $con->error;
if ($results > $required){
if (count($moves) == 0){
$col = 1;
$reset = $sql;
foreach ($remaining as $bestmove){
$sql .=' AND ';
$sql .= '`';
$sql .= $col;
$sql .= '`=';
$sql .= $bestmove;
$sql .= ' ';
$results = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
$results = $results->num_rows;
if ($con->error){
echo $con->error ."\n";
echo $sql .":";
echo $results ."\n \n";
if ($results >= $bestresult){
$bestresult = $results;
$bestplay = $bestmove;
$sql = $reset;
$sql = '
FROM xos
WHERE status=\'c\'';
if (count($moves) > 0){
$sql .=' AND ';
$sql .= $moves ;
$results = mysqli_query($con,$sql); //fetch result
$results = $results->num_rows;
if ($results > $required){
if (count($moves) == 0){
$col = 1;
$reset = $sql;
foreach ($remaining as $bestmove){
$sql .=' AND ';
$sql .= '`';
$sql .= $col;
$sql .= '`=';
$sql .= $bestmove;
$sql .= ' ';
$results = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
$results = $results->num_rows;
if ($con->error){
echo $con->error ."\n";
echo $sql .":";
echo $results ."\n \n";
if ($results >= $bestresult){
$bestresult = $results;
$bestplay = $bestmove;
$sql = $reset;
$max = count($remaining) - 1;
$bestplay = rand(0,$max);
$bestplay= $remaining[$bestplay];
};echo $bestplay;
$sql = "INSERT INTO `xos`(`1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, `9`, `Status`) VALUES (";
for ($i = 0; $i <= 8; $i++) {
$sql .= $moves[$i];
$sql .= ",";
$sql .= "";
$sql .= $moves[9];
$sql .= ")";
if ($con->query($sql) === false){
echo $con->error;
echo $sql;
At first glance, it looks like in
var maybe = $.inArray(this,xs); //if Xs match combos win
you're checking if the array xs is found in the currently checked winning combination instead of just comparing this to xs (both 1-dimensional arrays). [Tried $.inArray(wins, xs) but it won't work.]
Could this be it?
UPDATE: this version works:
I fixed your code to retrieve the ids of the X'ed fields with this:
var xs = $(".x").map(function(i, el) {
return parseInt($(el).attr('id'))
}).get(); // get ids as array
And also the detection of the win situation:
$(wins).each(function() {
var found = true;
for(var i =0; i<this.length; i++) {
found &= ($.inArray(this[i], xs) > -1);
if (!found) return;
alert("You Won Bruh");
var all = $(".square");
$(all).addclass('clicked'); //stops more turns
You have a couple of issues.
First, you are putting all of the locations of .x into an array, and then seeing if that array is in the wins array.
Unfortunately, $.inArray() will only return an index if the items are the same item, not if they have matching values.
$.inArray([4,5,6], [[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]) // returns -1
var ary1 = [1,2,3];
var ary2 = [4,5,6];
$.inArray(ary2, [ary1, ary2]); // returns 1
$.inArray(ary2, [ary1, [4,5,6]]); // returns -1
Secondly, if you are at a state in the game where you have more than 3 X's, you will never match a winning position:
X O _
X O _
In this case xs will equal [1,4,5,7]. This is a winning position, but will not match any of your arrays.
There are a number of other ways to go about this. The easiest, given your wins array, is to iterate through each and check if the div at each location in the array is an X. If so, stop and declare a win.
Note, I cleaned up some other code in this example.
Removed the redundant clickable class, and use
Replaced .click() with .on().
Removed the .square IDs and just use the div order in XOs as the location, using .eq() with the array position. IDs shouldn't start with numbers, and it is better to store data in a jQuery data attribute, like <div data-location="1">, and retrieve it with .data('location'). But, in this case, it wasn't needed as the div order tells us where it is.
Replaced $(array).each(function(){}) with $.each(array, function(){}). This is the correct way to iterate over a normal array that is not jQuery objects.
You had two problems in your program:
First, you had the following:
xs[i] = number;
xs[i] was still getting a string because parseInt() does not modify its parameter. Instead, it returns the numeric value. So I changed that code to the more compact:
xs[i] = parseInt(number);
Secondly, in your $(wins).each() loop, you were using $.inArray(), but you already have the individual array, so you really wanted to do an array subset comparison there. Since Javascript/jQuery has no built-in array subset function, I just compared each element in the array:
console.log( 'template: ' + this );
var allIn = true;
for( var i=0; i<this.length; i++ ) {
console.log( this[i] );
if( $.inArray( this[i], xs ) == -1 ) allIn = false;
if ( allIn ){
alert("You Won Bruh");
And now it works. I only did it for X's, not for O's...I'll leave that up to you! You can see my jsfiddle solution here:
EDIT: my solution now works. See the jsfiddle for proof.
I have got a ordered list
<li id="prev">
<a href="#fragment-1>Next</a>
I want to increment the href value to
<a href="#fragment-1">...
<a href="#fragment-2">...
<a href="#fragment-3">...
<a href="#fragment-4">...
When the next is clicked it should stop from 4 and return to 1 allso is it possible with javascript at all
Thank you
Give your link an id first to make it easier to select.
document.getElementById('the_id_here').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
var n ='-')[1] * 1 + 1;
if (n > 4)
n = 1; ='-')[0] + '-' + n;
}, false);
Not exactly what you want but should be close enough to aim you in the right direction, check
<ul id="list"></ul>
$(function() {
var $list = $('#list'),
count = 4,
i = 0,
cur = 0;
for (; i < count; i++) {
$list.append('<li>frag' + i + '</li>');
$('a', $list).eq(0).css('color','red');
$('#next').click(function(ev) {
if (cur >= count) cur = 0;
$('a', $list).css('color','blue').eq(cur).css('color','red');
A jQuery solution:
$('#prev a').click(function(){
var href = $(this).attr('href');
var num = parseInt(href.substr(href.indexOf('-') + 1));
if(num == 4)
num = 1;
$(this).attr('href', '#fragment-' + num)
A solution similar to Delan's one but with jQuery and without the usage of a test.
$('#next').on('click', function(e) {
href = $(this).attr('href');
var n = href.split('-')[1] * 1 + 1;
n = n%5; = href.split('-')[0] + '-' + n;
This solution makes the counter start at 0 and not 1
use a hidden field to hold the value, and an onclick function to increase it and submit the form. SEE: How can I increase a number by activating a button to be able to access a function each time the button is increased?
if(!isset($_GET['count'])) {
$count = 0;
} else {
$count = $_GET['count'];
<script type='text/javascript'>
function submitForm(x) {
if(x == 'prev') {
} else {
<form action='hidfield.php' method='get' name='form'>
<input type='hidden' name='count' id='count' value='<?php echo $count; ?>'>
<input type='submit' name='prev' value='prev' onclick="submitForm('prev')">
<input type='submit' name='next' value='next' onclick="submitForm('next')">
I'm creating a pricing array jQuery and for this project the amount of different products I need is going to be +200 so the easiest option I could research would be listing from a SQL table.
This is what I have so far:
$(document).ready(function() {
/*** CONSTANTS ***/
var KEY = 0;
var VALUE = 1;
var POINTS = [ ["250", 46.5 ], ["500", 53.5], ["1000", 67], ["2500", 107.5], ["5000", 175], ["10000", 310] ];
var SHIPPING_COSTS = [ ["Pickup", 0], ["Next Day Delivery", 30], ["Same Day Print/Same Day Delivery", 65] ];
for (var i = 0; i < POINTS.length; i++) {
$("#quantity").append("<option value='" + POINTS[i][VALUE] + "'>" + POINTS[i][KEY] + "</option>");
for (var i = 0; i < SHIPPING_COSTS.length; i++) {
$("#shipping").append("<option value='" + SHIPPING_COSTS[i][VALUE] + "'>" + SHIPPING_COSTS[i][KEY] + "</option>");
$("select.autoUpdatePrice, input.autoUpdatePrice").bind("mousedown click change", function(event) {
function Calculate() {
var net = parseFloat($("#quantity").val());
/* Calculate the magical # by adding the form fields*/
var designFee = $("#abcDesignFee").attr("checked") ? $("#abcDesignFee").val() : 0.0;
var proofFee = $("#abcProofFee").attr("checked") ? $("#abcProofFee").val() : 0.0;
var MyPrice;
MyPrice = parseFloat( parseFloat(proofFee) + parseFloat(designFee) + net + parseFloat($("#shipping").val()));
$("#DumpHere").html("Your Price: $" + formatNumber(MyPrice));
$("#abcName").val($("#quantity").find(":selected").text() + " " + ProductNamePlural);
Create a PHP file and read the data from SQL into an array. Print that array after json_encode(). Then use jQuery.getJSON() on document ready to fetch it and process it.