So for example we have url:
So when user types this url in browser i want to redirect him to page localhost://menu/SOMETHINGELSE/shoes/nike
localhost://menu/men/clothes/addidas => localhost://menu/SOMETHINGELSE/clothes/addidas
How can i do this in Laravel?
Add redirect in your web.php route file.
Route::redirect('/menu/men/shoes/nike', '/menu/SOMETHINGELSE/shoes/nike');
Else you have to handle on a controller basis, imagining something like a CategoryController.php.
class CategoryController {
public function view(Category $category) {
if ($category->slug === 'nike') {
return redirect('menu/SOMETHINGELSE/shoes/nike');
I have this route declared on laravel:
Route::get('pages/{page}/{slug}', 'Common\Pages\CustomPageController#show')
->middleware(['web', 'prerenderIfCrawler']);
This route works fine and works if you make requests to:
The problem is that I need a more friendly url as well as.
I want remove the suffix called pages, The numbers for the pages will never change and will be static for each one.
I've tried to make static routes for each one but can't get it to work.
Route::get('other-page', array('as' => 'other-page', function() {
return App::make('Common\Pages\CustomPageController')->show(2);
}))->middleware(['web', 'prerenderIfCrawler']);
I would appreciate a little help.
You could always get the URL segment in the Controller and use that to know what page you are on. If you don't want to do that you could pass extra information in the 'action' to specify the page:
Route::middleware(['web', 'prerenderIfCrawler'])->group(function () {
Route::get('test-page', [
'uses' => 'Common\Pages\CustomPageController#show',
'page' => 'test-page',
Then you can get this extra information in the Controller:
public function show(Request $request)
$page = $request->route()->getAction('page');
If you knew all the pages you can use a route parameter with a regex constraint to restrict it to only those page names:
Route::get('{page:slug}', ...)->where('page', 'test-page|other-page|...');
public function show(Page $page)
You could just make use of a wildcard to catch your routes like this:
Route::get('/{slug}', 'Common\Pages\CustomPageController#show')
->middleware(['web', 'prerenderIfCrawler']);
Then in your controller:
public function show($slug)
$page = Page::where('slug', $slug)->first();
// ...
Just be careful with where you place the route. It should be at the end of your routes otherwise it will catch all the request of your app.
// ...
// my other routes
// ...
Route::get('/{slug}', ...);
By the way, if you want to bind your page models using the slug attribute do this:
Route::get('/{page:slug}', 'Common\Pages\CustomPageController#show')->//...
Then in your controller:
public function show(Page $page)
{ ^^^^^^^^^^
// ...
Check this section of the docs.
When i submit form, it goes to the Preferences Controller in setPreferences method.
Below is my controller.
public function index(){
$data['page_title'] = 'Preferences';
public function setPreferences(){
$preferences = $_REQUEST;
if($this->Preferences_model->set_value($preferences)){ //model is autoloading
In my model, it update the table, sussessfully, but it is not redirecting again to the Prefrences page. Now it is going to blank page like this
Here is my Model
function set_value($array){
foreach ($array as $key=>$value){
return $this->db->affected_rows();
How can i redirect it to the View http://localhost:88/personalsite/Preferences/?
I used redirect('Preferences') but it is still not redirecting.
Try this
redirect('preferences');//The function will build the URL based on your config file values(`.htaccess` and `routes.php`).
if not working then use else condition in setPreferences function like:
if($this->Preferences_model->set_value($preferences)){ //model is autoloading
echo 'not redirect';
also check .htaccess and routes.php file (May be your path is going to override)
I have a route of GET type with some parameters. For example
I want to check value of the parameter id and if this id=1 then redirect to another route else continue with it. What I am doing is like this
return Redirect::to(URL::route('my-another-route'));
//What should I do here so my route works as before.
In else part I want my routes to myController#myAction along with parameters.
You can do it as:
return Redirect::to(URL::route('my-another-route'));
return app()->call(myController::class, ['id' => $id], 'myAction');
The easiest way to get this to work and route to your controller is put your Route back to the way it was and then the if statement to the top of your controller condition:
public function myAction() {
if ($id == 1) {
return Redirect::to(URL::route('my-another-route'));
to the top of your controller method.
Also, if you're only using uses => 'Controller#method' on with your route you can just do:
Hope this helps!
I need to restrict the access to some parts of the application depending on the user logged in. I mean for example to let a user edit only its own posts on a blog application.
Is there a better approach than in every function of the controller, if the user is not the owner of the required post, redirect to some error page?
For example if my routes are /post/{post_id}/edit, /post/{post_id}/preview, /post/{post_id}/delete, can I somehow declare a general function in the PostController like:
if(Post::find($post_id)->user_id != Auth::user()->id){
return View::make('access-error');
In your controller you can do something like this:
public $check = ['edit', 'preview', 'delete'];
public function callAction($method, $parameters) {
if(in_array($method, $this->check, true) &&
$post_id = $parameters['post_id'] &&
Post::find($post_id)->user_id != Auth::user()->id) {
return View::make('access-error');
return parent::callAction($method, $parameters);
You could throw a 401 error and catch it elsewhere to display a custom page
What I basically want is user permissions.
I've got an table called 'accounts' in my database. There is a column called 'group_id'.
I want to set it when the 'group_id' = 3, then the user is admin. Then he can view special sites, buttons, and things like that. I've tried to implement something like that:
public function ($roleName) {
$role = $this->roles;
if ($role->name == $roleName) {
return true;
return false;
Also, I don't know what and how the model is needed, do I need an new one and things like that.
Old post, but maybe someone will find this useful
Add a method to your User model that returns true if the user is an admin. In our case here, it's simply "is our group_id equal to 3?"
// models/User.php
class User extends Eloquent
public function isAdmin()
return $this->group_id == 3;
Next add a filter that can be used to protect routes
// filters.php
Route::filter('admin', function($route, $request)
if ( ! Auth::user()->isAdmin())
return App::abort(401, 'You are not authorized.');
Finally use the filter to protect a group of routes. I this simplified case, only an admin user could access /admin
// routes.php
Route::group(array('before' => array('auth|admin')), function()
Route::get('/admin', function()
return Response::make("You're an admin!");
Based on this post:
I suggest Authority for Laravel 4
I personally use Verify package for user management.