While loop doesn't wait before displaying - php

In this code section, the query gets all the teachers and appends their assigned classes within the object
The weird thing is it works perfectly on local but not online, it is almost it doesn't wait for the while loop
$SID = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, htmlspecialchars($_POST["SID"], ENT_QUOTES));
$allTeachersArr = [];
$test = [];
$q = "SELECT onderwysers.*,klasse.Klas,klasse.Datum,klasse.Vak FROM `onderwysers` LEFT JOIN klasse ON onderwysers.ID = klasse.Teacher WHERE `SID` = '$SID'";
// echo $q;
$result = $con->query($q);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$subjectItem = new stdClass();
$filtered_array = [];
$isIn = false;
$var1 = $row['ID'];
$var2 = $row['Teacher'];
if (count($allTeachersArr) > 0)
foreach ($allTeachersArr as $item) {
if ($item->ID == $var1 && $item->Teacher == $var2) {
// do something
$filtered_array = $item;
$isIn = true;
if ($isIn == true) {
$notAdd = false;
// echo "updates";
$subjectItem->Klas = $row["Klas"];
$subjectItem->Datum = $row["Datum"];
$subjectItem->Vak = $row["Vak"];
foreach ($filtered_array->displaySubjects as $item) {
if ($item->Klas == $row["Klas"] && $item->Vak == $row["Vak"] && $item->Datum == $row["Datum"]) {
// do something
$filtered_array = $item;
$notAdd = true;
if ($notAdd == false) {
$temp = $filtered_array->displaySubjects;
array_push($temp, $subjectItem);
$filtered_array->displaySubjects = $temp;
} else {
//add new entry
$subjectItem->ID = $row["ID"];
$subjectItem->Title = $row["Title"];
$subjectItem->Name = $row["Name"];
$subjectItem->Surname = $row["Surname"];
$subjectItem->Afkorting = $row["Afkorting"];
$subjectItem->IdentityNumber = $row["IdentityNumber"];
$subjectItem->Geslag = $row["Geslag"];
$subjectItem->ContactDetails = $row["ContactDetails"];
$subjectItem->Email = $row["Email"];
$subjectItem->RegKlas = $row["RegKlas"];
$subjectItem->Status = $row["Status"];
$subjectItem->UID = $row["UID"];
$subjectItem->displaySubjects = [];
array_push($allTeachersArr, $subjectItem);
echo json_encode($allTeachersArr);
THE EXPECTED RETURNED DATA(This is local, online returns nothing)


Does not display the result of parsing

Good afternoon, please help me. At me when parsing the result of parsing is not displayed.
link my php file https://dropmefiles.com/cv4Q2
Please correct where I was wrong. Or help to rewrite a little code so that it displays the result of the parser.
Already tried all the options, it does not work in any way. My knowledge here is not enough.
1 file
part 1
function getForecastXML($cid='579432') {
$cid = "579432";
$hoffset = "4";
$appid= "d86ad74d22ce9cc528d8baee65acd408";
$lang= "ru";
$days = array();
$xml = #file_get_contents("http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?id=$cid&mode=xml&appid=$appid&lang=$lang&type=like");
if ($xml===false) { return;} else {
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml);
$cityname = (string)$xml->location->name;
$weekdays[0] = "Воскресенье";
$weekdays[1] = "Понедельник";
$weekdays[2] = "Вторник";
$weekdays[3] = "Среда";
$weekdays[4] = "Четверг";
$weekdays[5] = "Пятница";
$weekdays[6] = "Суббота";
if (count($xml->forecast->time)>0){
foreach ($xml->forecast->time as $fpart) {
$forecast = array();
$attr = $fpart->attributes();
$forecast['t']['min'] = (string)round(($fpart->temperature->attributes()->min)-273,15,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$forecast['t']['min'] = $forecast['t']['min'] > 0 ? "+".$forecast['t']['min'] : $forecast['t']['min'];
$forecast['t']['max'] = (string)round(($fpart->temperature->attributes()->max)-273,15,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
$forecast['t']['max'] = $forecast['t']['max'] > 0 ? "+".$forecast['t']['max'] : $forecast['t']['max'];
$forecast['p']['min'] = (string)round($fpart->pressure->attributes()->value,0,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
// $forecast['p']['max'] = (string)$fpart->PRESSURE->attributes()->max;
$forecast['w']['min'] = (string)round($fpart->windSpeed->attributes()->mps,0,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);
//$forecast['w']['max'] = (string)$fpart->WIND->attributes()->max;
//$forecast['w']['rumb'] = (string)$fpart->WIND->attributes()->direction;
$forecast['h']['min'] = (string)$fpart->humidity->attributes()->value;
//$forecast['h']['max'] = (string)$fpart->RELWET->attributes()->max;
$forecast['symb'] = (string)$fpart->symbol->attributes()->name;
$forecast['pict'] = (string)$fpart->symbol->attributes()->var;
$date = date('c',strtotime($hoffset.' hours',strtotime($attr['from'])));
$hour = date('H',strtotime($date));
$forecast['timestamp'] =strtotime($date);
$date = strtotime($date);
$dayofweek = date('w',$date);
$date = $weekdays[$dayofweek]." ".date('d.m',$date);
if ($forecast['timestamp'] > time()){
$days[$date][$hour] = $forecast;
} else {$days=array();}
//return array($cityname,$days);
return [$cityname => $days];
//echo [$cityname => $days];
part 2
$outputData = array();
if (count($this->forecast) > 0) {
foreach ($this->forecast as $date => $daypart) {
$outputData[] = $date;
foreach ($daypart as $dp => $data) {
$outputData[] = str_pad($dp, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$outputData[] = $data['symb'];
$outputData[] = $data['t']['min'];
$outputData[] = $data['t']['max'];
if (($data['p']['min']) > 0) {
$outputData[] = "Давление " . round($data['p']['min'] * 0.75006375541921) . "мм. рт. ст.";
} else {
$outputData[] = "В данный момент информация о погоде отсутствует";
echo implode(' ', $outputData);

Laravel - Import excel keep looping

i have an excel file with 5K rows and i'm importing it to my table in the DB successfully.
But the error, when the system finish all the rows, it keeps looping and the page doesn't stop running and not redirecting to my view.
My controller:
$path = $request->file('import_file')->getRealPath();
$data = \Excel::load($path)->get();
foreach ($data as $key => $row) {
$res = policies::where('phone', '=', $row['phone'])
->where('draft_no', '=', $row['draftno'])
->where('due_date', '=', $duedate)
if(empty($res)) {
$polic = new policies();
$polic->cust_id = $row['custno'];
$polic->policy = '';
$polic->bord_date = $borddate;
$polic->client_id = $row['clientid'];
$polic->client_no = $row['clientno'];
$polic->client_name = $row['clientname'];
$polic->draft_no = $row['draftno'];
if ($row['status'] == '') {
$polic->status = '';
} else {
$polic->status = $row['status'];
$polic->due_date = $duedate;
if ($row['curno'] == 'USD') {
$polic->currency = 1;
} else {
$polic->currency = 0;
$polic->amount = $row['amnt'];
$polic->zone = $row['zone'];
$polic->broker_id = $row['brokercode'];
$polic->broker_name = $row['brokername'];
$polic->remarks = $row['remarks'];
$polic->phone = $row['phone'];
$polic->insured_name = $row['insname'];
// $polic->cust_id = $row['valuedate'];
$polic->address = ''; //address
if (trim($row['status']) == 'P') {
$polic->paid_at = date('Y-m-d');
$polic->new = 1; //address
else {
//am updating the imported date in the DB
what is very strange that in my localhost is working fine, but in digitaloceans cloud, keep looping without redirecting.
Thanks for your help.
I can be because you have 5000 rows to insert and 5000 insert operation consumes lots of memory. What you can try is batch insert operation.
In your policies.php make all fields fillable
protected $fillable=['cust_id ','policy','bord_date','client_id','client_no','client_name ','draft_no','bord_date','status','due_date','currency','amount','zone','broker_id','broker_name','remarks','phone','insured_name','address','paid_at','new'];
And on your excel file import use exists rather than getting collections.
$path = $request->file('import_file')->getRealPath();
$data = \Excel::load($path)->get();
foreach ($data as $key => $row) {
$res = policies::where('phone', '=', $row['phone'])
->where('draft_no', '=', $row['draftno'])
->where('due_date', '=', $duedate)
if(!$res) {
$data[$i]['cust_id ']=$row['custno'];
$data['policy'] = '';
$data['bord_date'] = $borddate;
$data[$i]['client_id'] = $row['clientid'];
$data[$i]['client_no'] = $row['clientno'];
$data[$i]['client_name'] = $row['clientname'];
$data[$i]['draft_no'] = $row['draftno'];
if ($row['status'] == '') {
$data[$i]['status'] = '';
} else {
$data[$i]['status'] = $row['status'];
$data[$i]['due_date'] = $duedate;
if ($row['curno'] == 'USD') {
$data[$i]['currency'] = 1;
} else {
$data[$i]['currency'] = 0;
$data[$i]['amount'] = $row['amnt'];
$data[$i]['zone'] = $row['zone'];
$data[$i]['broker_id'] = $row['brokercode'];
$data[$i]['broker_name'] = $row['brokername'];
$data[$i]['remarks'] = $row['remarks'];
$data[$i]['phone'] = $row['phone'];
$data[$i]['insured_name'] = $row['insname'];
// $data[$i]['cust_id'] = $row['valuedate'];
$data[$i]['address'] = ''; //address
if (trim($row['status']) == 'P') {
$data[$i]['paid_at'] = date('Y-m-d');
$data[$i]['new'] = 1; //address
else {
//am updating the imported date in the DB

Undefined variable: error in adding field into db

I'm getting error:Undefined variable: error
in my code:
public function add(){
$this->polls_model->rules = Pf::event()->trigger("filter","polls-adding-validation-rule",$this->polls_model->rules);
$template = null;
$template = Pf::event()->trigger("filter","polls-add-template",$template);
if ($this->request->is_post()){
$data = array();
$data["polls_question"] = $this->post->{"polls_question"};
$data["polls_pubdate"] = str_to_mysqldate($this->post->{"polls_pubdate"},$this->polls_model->elements_value["polls_pubdate"],"Y-m-d H:i:s");
$data["polls_unpubdate"] = str_to_mysqldate($this->post->{"polls_unpubdate"},$this->polls_model->elements_value["polls_unpubdate"],"Y-m-d H:i:s");
if (is_array($this->post->{"polls_status"})){
$data["polls_status"] = implode(",",$this->post->{"polls_status"});
$data["polls_status"] = $this->post->{"polls_status"};
$port_answer = isset($this->post->{"answer"}) ? $this->post->{"answer"} : array();
$data = Pf::event()->trigger("filter","polls-post-data",$data);
$data = Pf::event()->trigger("filter","polls-adding-post-data",$data);
$var = array();
$pollq_multiple_yes = intval($this->post->{'pollq_multiple_yes'});
$data['polls_multiple'] = 0;
if ($pollq_multiple_yes == 1) {
if(intval($this->post->{'pollq_multiple'}) > count($port_answer)){
$data['polls_multiple'] = 1;
$data['polls_multiple'] = intval($this->post->{'pollq_multiple'});
} else {
$data['polls_multiple'] = 1;
Pf::database()->query('START TRANSACTION');
$inserted = $this->polls_model->insert($data);
if($inserted === false){
$new_id = $this->polls_model->insert_id();
$insert_meta = true;
if(count($port_answer) > 0){
$custom = array();
$int = count($port_answer);
for ($i = 0; $i < $int ; $i++) {
$custom = array(
'pollsa_qid' => $new_id,
'pollsa_answers' => e($port_answer[$i]),
$insert_meta = $this->answers_model->insert($custom);
if($insert_meta === false){
$errors = Pf::validator()->get_readable_errors(false);
foreach ($errors as $key => $value) {
$error[$key][0] = $errors[$key][0];
$this->view->errors = $error; // error here!
$var['content'] = $this->view->fetch($template);
if (count($error) > 0){// and here!!!
$var['error'] = 1;
$var['error'] = 0;
$var['url'] = admin_url($this->action.'=index&ajax=&id=&token=');
echo json_encode($var);
I edited code, added function code.
This is my add function, if I want add poll with answers.
It gives me this error to my log.
I found this tutorial Undefined Variable error in View
I've googled it but didnt find anything special what helps me out.
Initiate the variable as an array.
because if the $error is empty the compiler will see it as an array.
if not it will get an error.
$error = [];
$errors = Pf::validator()->get_readable_errors(false);
foreach ($errors as $key => $value) {
// $error[$key][0] = $errors[$key][0];
// the right way is below
// i actually dont know what you want to do but this is the right way
// but providing [0] will make it some how constant.
$error[$key] = $errors[$key]
$this->view->errors = $error; // error showing here!
$var['content'] = $this->view->fetch($template);
if (count($error) > 0){ // and here???
$var['error'] = 1;
$var['error'] = 0;
$var['url'] = admin_url($this->action.'=index&ajax=&id=&token=');

How to get all the results where parent is an item from an array

I have an array that consists names of parents ,I want to get all the results where any of the name is a parent.Here is my code.I am not able to get the list of names where parent is equal to the names in district array.
Here is my complete code.
$functionname = 'core_course_get_categories';
$username = array('key' => 'name', 'value' => '2016');
$params = array('criteria' => array($username));
$server_url = 'localhost/moodle' . '/webservice/rest/server.php' . '?wstoken=' . '9cdaccf3a7ad2f0f94922ccfd02559f4' . '&wsfunction=' . $functionname;
$rest_format = 'json';
$curl = new curl;
$rest_format = ($rest_format == 'json') ? '&moodlewsrestformat=' . $rest_format : '';
$resp = $curl->post($server_url . $rest_format, $params);
$res = json_decode($resp);
// drupal_set_message('<pre>'. dpm($res) .'</pre>');
$district = array();
$Ctsc = array();
$School = array();
$Grade = array();
$parent = array();
foreach ($res as $r) {
$a = $r->parent;
$c = $r->name;
if ($a == 0) {
$b = $r->id;
foreach ($res as $r) {
if ($r->parent == $b) {
$district[] = $r->name;
$Ctsc[] = $r->description;
$School[] = $r->sortorder;
$Grade[] = $r->depth;
foreach ($res as $r) {
$q = $r->name;
if (in_array($q['parent'], $district)) {
$Ctsc[] = $q->name;
if ($Ctsc['parent'] == $district) {
Usage of in_array() is wrong.
Instead of
if(in_array($q['parent'] == $district)){ ... }
if(in_array($q['parent'], $district)){ ... }

Display php array element from a function

Hello I have the following array that is a result form a function that is being called based on (isset)
function: list_activity_details_array() returns:
{"activity_related_to_id":"2","activity_id":"14","activity_type_icon":"fa fa-phone","activity_title":"call","activity_created_by":"User Last","activity_create_date":"03-08-2015","activity_due_date":"04-01-2015","acitvity_url_param":"contact_id","activity_details":"email and call details"})
How can I view the array element in html. for example. if the field is activity_details. How can I only view the activity_details by calling the function and the element?
Here is the code that shows the array:
function list_activity_details_array(){
global $connection;
//$contact_id = $_REQUEST['contact_id'];
$activity_id = $_REQUEST['activity_id'];
$get = "SELECT * FROM activity_base WHERE activity_id = '$activity_id' "
or die("Error: ".mysqli_error($connection));
$query = mysqli_query($connection, $get);
//Get activity base information
$activity_array = array();
while ($activity = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
$activity_related_to_id = $activity ['activity_related_to_id'];
$activity_id = $activity['activity_id'];
$activity_type_id = $activity['activity_type_id'];
$activity_entity_type_id = $activity['activity_entity_type_id'];
$activity_title = $activity['activity_title'];
$activity_created_by = $activity['activity_created_by'];
$activity_status_code_id = $activity['activity_status_code_id'];
//Reverse Date
$activity_create_date = date("m-d-Y", strtotime($activity['activity_created_on']));
$activity_due_date = date("m-d-Y", strtotime($activity['activity_due_date']));
if ($activity_type_id == "1"){
$activity_type_icon = "fa fa-envelope";
}else if ($activity_type_id == "3"){
$activity_type_icon = "fa fa-suitcase";
}else if ($activity_type_id == "2"){
$activity_type_icon = "fa fa-phone";
if ($activity_entity_type_id == "1") {
$acitvity_url_param = "acct_id";
$acitivty_is_for ="accounts_base";
//$page_url = "account-profile.php";
}else if ($activity_entity_type_id == "2") {
$acitvity_url_param = "contact_id";
$acitivty_is_for ="contacts";
//$page_url = "contact-profile.php";
}else if ($activity_entity_type_id == "3") {
$acitvity_url_param = "contact_id";
$acitivty_is_for ="contacts";
//$page_url = "contact-profile.php";
//Get detailed activity information
//If activity is Email
if ($activity_type_id == "1") {
$email_details = email_activity_details($activity_id);
while ( $email = mysqli_fetch_assoc($email_details)) {
$activity_details = nl2br($email['email_message']);
}else if ($activity_type_id == "2") {
$call_details = call_activity_details($activity_id);
while ( $call = mysqli_fetch_assoc($call_details)) {
$activity_details = $call['call_details'];
}else if ($activity_type_id == "3") {
$meeting_details = meeting_activity_details($activity_id);
while ( $meeting = mysqli_fetch_assoc($meeting_details)) {
$activity_details = $meeting['meeting_details'];
//Get creator user info
$user_query = get_user_info($activity_created_by);
while ($user = mysqli_fetch_array($user_query)) {
$activity_created_by = $user['user_full_name'];
$activity_array['activity_related_to_id'] = $activity['activity_related_to_id'];
$activity_array['activity_id'] = $activity['activity_id'];
$activity_array['activity_related_to_id'] = $activity['activity_related_to_id'];
$activity_array['activity_type_icon'] = $activity_type_icon;
$activity_array['activity_title'] = $activity['activity_title'];
$activity_array['activity_created_by'] = $activity_created_by;
$activity_array['activity_create_date'] = $activity_create_date;
$activity_array['activity_due_date'] = $activity_due_date;
$activity_array['acitvity_url_param'] = $acitvity_url_param;
$activity_array['activity_details'] = $activity_details;
$activity_array['activity_title'] = $activity['activity_title'];
$encode = json_encode($activity_array);
if (isset($_REQUEST['activity_id'])) {
Looks like JSON to me so you'll need to
$foo = json_decode($output);
Which then should allow you to refer to:
echo $foo['activity_related_to_id'];
// Outputing 2
