i have 2 fields on my project to upload documents(pdf, words) i use the following code to get the file extension on upload and rename the file with my custom name:
$ext= pathinfo($rsnew["File"], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
my problem that i need to add to this code that, if one of the field if not update with a new document then it use the current extension of the oldrecord that was previous upload, and no change to blank extension
any idea, thanks in advance
using this code but no working
$ext= pathinfo($rsnew["File"], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$ext2= pathinfo($rsold["File"], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// $trim = substr($docpath,0,4);// not using now
if($_FILES["File"]["size"] == 0) {
$rsnew["File"] = "$rname $docpath1 $docpath2 " . " " . "$docpath ID$randomNumber" . ".$ext2";
} else {
$rnew["File"] = "$rname $docpath1 $docpath2 " . " " . "$docpath ID$randomNumber" . ".$ext";
return TRUE;
I am having some trouble with a PHP script. I am trying to do two things:
Create an XML file in /usr/local/ezreplay/data/XML/ directory and add contents to it using inputs passed to it from a HTML form;
Upload a PCAP file which is included in the submitted HTML form.
Here is my PHP (apologies it is a little long but I believe all of it is relevant here):
// Check if the 'expirydate' input is set
if (isset($_POST['expirydate'])) {
// Convert the input string to a timestamp using 'strtotime'
$timestamp = strtotime($_POST['expirydate']);
// Format the timestamp as a 'mm/dd/yyyy' string using 'date'
$expirydate = date('m/d/Y', $timestamp);
// Check if all required POST variables are set
if ( isset($_POST['destinationip']) && isset($_POST['destinationport']) && isset($expirydate) && isset($_POST['multiplier']) && isset($_POST['pcap']) ) {
// Set the path for the XML file
$path = '/usr/local/ezreplay/data/XML/' . trim($_POST['destinationip']) . ':' . trim($_POST['destinationport']) . ':' . $expirydate . ':' . trim($_POST['multiplier']) . ':' . trim($_POST['pcap']) . '.xml';
// Initialize the contents of the XML file
$contents = "";
// Open the XML file in append mode
if ( $fh = fopen($path,"a+") ) {
// Add the opening 'config' tag to the XML file
$contents .= '<config>';
// If the 'destinationip' and 'destinationport' POST variables are not empty, add a 'destination' tag to the XML file
if ( trim( $_POST['destinationip'] ) != "" && trim( $_POST['destinationport'] ) != "" ) {
$contents .= "\n" . '<destination>' . $_POST['destinationip'] . ':' . $_POST['destinationport'] . '</destination>';
// If the 'multiplier' POST variable is not empty, add a 'multiplier' tag to the XML file
if ( trim( $_POST['multiplier'] ) != "" ) {
$contents .= "\n" . '<multiplier>' . $_POST['multiplier'] . '</multiplier>';
// If the 'pcap' POST variable is not empty, add a 'pcap' tag to the XML file
if ( trim( $_POST['pcap'] ) != "" ) {
$contents .= "\n" . '<pcap>/usr/local/ezreplay/data/PCAP/' . $_POST['pcap'] . '</pcap>';
// Add default tags to XML config file to ensure the pcap does not fail and loops continuously until expiration date hits
$contents .= "\n" . '<loop>0</loop>';
$contents .= "\n" . '<nofail>true</nofail>';
// Add the closing 'config' tag to the XML file
$contents .= "\n" . '</config>';
// Write the contents to the file
if ( fwrite( $fh, $contents ) ) {
// Success
} else {
echo "The XML config could not be created";
// Close the file
// Set the target directory and file name
$target_dir = "/usr/local/ezreplay/data/PCAP/";
$basename = basename($_FILES["pcap"]["name"]);
$target_file = $target_dir . $basename;
// Check if the file has a pcap extension
$allowedExtensions = array('pcap');
$basenameWithoutExt = null;
foreach ($allowedExtensions as $allowedExtension) {
if (preg_match('#\\.' . $allowedExtension . '$#',$basename)) {
$basenameWithoutExt = substr($basename,0,-1 - strlen($allowedExtension));
// Accept only .pcap files
if (is_null($basenameWithoutExt)) {
echo "Sorry, only .pcap files are allowed. Please try creating your Packet Replay again using a .pcap file.";
// Check if the file already exists
if (file_exists($target_file)) {
echo "The Packet Replay could not be started, the PCAP is already running.";
// Try to upload the file
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["pcap"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {
// Success
} else {
echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file.";
// Start the Packet Replay
$command = '/usr/local/ezreplay/bin/startreplay.sh ' . $path;
echo "The Packet Replay has been started.";
Now the file upload is working and I can see the final echo message being returned in my browser however the XML file is never created. I have changed the directory ownership to the apache user and even chmod 777 to eliminate any permissions issues but it still doesn't create the file.
Any ideas why this is not working? The PHP and apache error logs don't show any issues and as I mentioned the script seems to be working to a degree as the file upload takes place perfectly.
I think the file is not being created due to "/" in the filename. As mentioned at Allowed characters in filename
I managed to fix this with the following edits.
// Set the target directory and file name
$target_dir = "/usr/local/ezreplay/data/PCAP/";
$basename = basename($_FILES["pcap"]["name"]);
$target_file = $target_dir . $basename;
// Check if the file has a pcap extension
$allowedExtensions = array('pcap');
$basenameWithoutExt = null;
foreach ($allowedExtensions as $allowedExtension) {
if (preg_match('#\\.' . $allowedExtension . '$#',$basename)) {
$basenameWithoutExt = substr($basename,0,-1 - strlen($allowedExtension));
// Accept only .pcap files
if (is_null($basenameWithoutExt)) {
echo "Sorry, only .pcap files are allowed. Please try creating your Packet Replay again using a .pcap file.";
// Check if the file already exists
if (file_exists($target_file)) {
echo "The Packet Replay could not be started, the PCAP is already running.";
// Try to upload the file
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["pcap"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {
} else {
echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file.";
// Check if the 'expirydate' input is set
if (isset($_POST['expirydate'])) {
// Convert the input string to a timestamp using 'strtotime'
$timestamp = strtotime($_POST['expirydate']);
// Format the timestamp as a 'mm-dd-yyyy' string using 'date'
$expirydate = date('m-d-Y', $timestamp);
// Check if 'destinationip', 'destinationport', 'multiplier' and 'pcap' required POST variables are set
if (isset($_POST['destinationip']) && isset($_POST['destinationport']) && isset($_POST['multiplier'])) {
// Set the filename and path for the XML file
$file = '/usr/local/ezreplay/data/XML/' . trim($_POST['destinationip']) . ':' . trim($_POST['destinationport']) . ':' . trim($_POST['multiplier']) . ':' . $expirydate . ':' . $_FILES["pcap"]["name"] . '.xml';
// Initialize the contents of the XML file
$contents = "";
// Add the opening 'config' tag to the XML file
$contents .= '<config>';
// If the 'destinationip' and 'destinationport' POST variables are not empty, add a 'destination' tag to the XML file
if (trim($_POST['destinationip']) != "" && trim($_POST['destinationport']) != "") {
$contents .= "\n" . '<destination>' . $_POST['destinationip'] . ':' . $_POST['destinationport'] . '</destination>';
// If the 'multiplier' POST variable is not empty, add a 'multiplier' tag to the XML file
if (trim($_POST['multiplier']) != "") {
$contents .= "\n" . '<multiplier>' . $_POST['multiplier'] . '</multiplier>';
// If the 'pcap' POST variable is not empty, add a 'pcap' tag to the XML file
if (trim($_FILES["pcap"]["name"]) != "") {
$contents .= "\n" . '<pcap>/usr/local/ezreplay/data/PCAP/' . $_FILES["pcap"]["name"] . '</pcap>';
// Add default tags to XML config file to ensure the pcap does not fail and loops continuously until expiration date hits
$contents .= "\n" . '<loop>0</loop>';
$contents .= "\n" . '<nofail>true</nofail>';
// Add the closing 'config' tag to the XML file
$contents .= "\n" . '</config>';
// Write the contents to the file
if (file_put_contents($file, $contents)) {
// Success
} else {
echo "The XML config could not be created";
// Start the Packet Replay
$command = '/usr/local/ezreplay/bin/startreplay.sh ' . $path;
echo "The Packet Replay has been started.";
I am trying to generate a thumbnail of the PDF I upload in laravel the thumbnail should be the first page of the PDF. Right now I am manually uploading an image to make the thumbnail like this:
if (request()->has('pdf')) {
$pdfuploaded = request()->file('pdf');
$pdfname = $request->book_name . time() . '.' . $pdfuploaded->getClientOriginalExtension();
$pdfpath = public_path('/uploads/pdf');
$pdfuploaded->move($pdfpath, $pdfname);
$book->book_file = '/uploads/pdf/' . $pdfname;
$pdf = $book->book_file;
if (request()->has('cover')) {
$coveruploaded = request()->file('cover');
$covername = $request->book_name . time() . '.' . $coveruploaded->getClientOriginalExtension();
$coverpath = public_path('/uploads/cover');
$coveruploaded->move($coverpath, $covername);
$book->card_image = '/uploads/cover/' . $covername;
This can be tedious while entering many data I want to generate thumbnail automatically. I searched many answers but I am not able to find laravel specific. I tried to use ImageMagic and Ghost script but I couldn't find a solution and proper role to implement.
Sorry, can't comment yet!
You can use spatie/pdf-to-image to parse the first page as image when file is uploaded and store it in your storage and save the link in your database.
First you need to have php-imagick and ghostscript installed and configured. For issues with ghostscript installation you can refer this. Then add the package composer require spatie/pdf-to-image.
As per your code sample:
if (request()->has('pdf')) {
$pdfuploaded = request()->file('pdf');
$pdfname = $request->book_name . time() . '.' . $pdfuploaded->getClientOriginalExtension();
$pdfpath = public_path('/uploads/pdf');
$pdfuploaded->move($pdfpath, $pdfname);
$book->book_file = '/uploads/pdf/' . $pdfname;
$pdf = $book->book_file;
$pdfO = new Spatie\PdfToImage\Pdf($pdfpath . '/' . $pdfname);
$thumbnailPath = public_path('/uploads/thumbnails');
$thumbnail = $pdfO->setPage(1)
->saveImage($thumbnailPath . '/' . 'YourFileName.png');
// This is where you save the cover path to your database.
I'm encountering an issue I've never come across before. I have some images uploaded as JPG or PNG with a duplicate of the image in WebP format, eg in this file naming convension:
https://example.com/uploads/memory-day.png >
If I delete a file through PHP using the unlink() function like normal, it works fine for everything else until I delete the PNG duplicate image. When I do that, the WebP file is also deleted and I can't see how it's happening -- is it a weird issue in the unlink() function with a file having a double extension? I can't seem to replicate it unless it's there's a WebP file involved.
For clarity, here's the PHP code that deletes the files (and yeah, I know it needs to be a prepare statement, I haven't updated it yet):
if(isset($_POST['delete'])) {
$countG = 0;
$err = 0;
foreach($_POST['delFile'] as $actionID) {
$action_id = $conn->real_escape_string($actionID);
$query = $conn->query("SELECT `filename`, `dir` FROM `fileuploads` WHERE `id` = '$action_id'");
$delF = $query->fetch_assoc();
$filenameDel = StripSlashes($delF['filename']);
$filenameDir = StripSlashes($delF['dir']);
if(file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $filenameDir . "/" . $filenameDel)){
if(unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $filenameDir . "/" . $filenameDel)) {
if(file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $filenameDir . "/auto_thumbs/" . $filenameDel)) {
unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $filenameDir . "/auto_thumbs/" . $filenameDel);
$delquery = $conn->query("DELETE FROM `fileuploads` WHERE `id` = '$action_id'");
} else {
} else {
if(!file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $filenameDir . "/" . $filenameDel)) {
//Remove from db if file is not there physically
$delquery = $conn->query("DELETE FROM `fileuploads` WHERE `id` = '$action_id'");
if($countG > 0) {
$green = 1;
$message1 = "$countG File(s) Deleted!";
if($err > 0) {
$red = 1;
$message2 = "Error deleting $err files!";
error_log(print_r(error_get_last(), TRUE));
SOLUTION: How to Save Uploaded File's Name on Database
this ended up helping me.
i am trying to add a file upload to a custom component using XML and database.
I know how to get file upload done in a static PHP environment but my knowledge
about the PHP MVC structure in joomla makes it so I am unable to add it.
What I have done so far:
• Added the field in the XML file (of the type file)
• Added the form fields in admin view project
• Added an extra field My_project table(same as the image upload column)
Until this point it works.(fields are shown in admin backend component)
Now when you save the document with a file uploaded in the admin back end it does not save it to the database.
if i put media as field type then it works, but when i change it to file it breaks down.
XML file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<field name="project_file" type="file"
label="Upload file"
description="Upload file"
directory="mysites" />
<field name="main_image" type="media"
directory="mysites" />
PHP file upload script i normaly use
$temp = explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
$extension = end($temp);
if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0)
echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br>";
echo "Upload: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"] . "<br>";
echo "Type: " . $_FILES["file"]["type"] . "<br>";
echo "Size: " . ($_FILES["file"]["size"] / 1024) . " kB<br>";
echo "Temp file: " . $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"] . "<br>";
if (file_exists("upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]))
echo $_FILES["file"]["name"] . " already exists. ";
"upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]);
echo "Stored in: " . "upload/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"];
echo "Invalid file";
but what part goes in the model and what part goes in the controller?
and how to call it.
entire view is called in the controller
class MysitesControllerProject extends JControllerForm {
function __construct() {
$this->view_list = 'projects';
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$files = $jinput->files->get('jform');
$file = $files['project_file'];
public function upload($files)
$file_name = $files['name'];
$src = $files['tmp_name'];
$size = $files['size'];
$upload_error = $files['error'];
$type = $files['type'];
$dest = "/home/vol3/byethost33.com/b33_13467508/bim-portfolio.cu.cc/htdocs/tmp";
if (isset( $file_name)) {
// Move the uploaded file.
JFile::upload( $src, $filepath );
Placing new field in database and XML form is only half of work. You also have to write file save/upload functionality. There are two places you can do it. In controller (for example save task procedure) or model (there are 2-3 functions where you can do it). Look into this file /administrator/components/com_media/controllers/upload.php (upload procedure). I would just extend your save function so before data will be saved into database file will be stored on file system. You can find original save function declaration in /libraries/legacy/controller/legacy.php (for Joomla 3.0.1, for other versions it shouldn't be hard to find)
Here is sample save function:
public function save($key = null, $urlVar = null){
// youre file upload code
return parent::save($key = null, $urlVar = null)
My Requirement is as follows:
When user uploads a file i should check for "File already Exists", if file exists i must show confirm box if 'OK' i have to replace and if cancel the reverse.
This is my following code
if (file_exists($path . $documentName)) {
$msg = $documentName . " already exists. ";
<script type="text/javascript">
var res = confirm('File already exists Do you want to replace?');
if (res == false) {
$msg = 'File Upload cancelled';
} else {
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["document"]["tmp_name"], $path . $documentName)) {
$msg = $documentName . " File Replaced Successfully";
$successURL = $document_path . $documentName;
$msg = $documentName . "Upload Failed";
My problem is even if i give cancel the file is getting replaced.
just let me know where I'm wrong or Is there any other approach?
Please help me to close this issue
Note:jquery Not allowed.
Your problem is that you mix javascript and PHP. The PHP-Code will be run on the server and generates the HTML-document. At this point, the file gets replaced already.
Then, this document (with the javascript-code inside) will then be send to the user and there the javascript-code is run. And in that moment, the user gets to see the confirmaion-dialog, even though the file already was replaced!
Take a look at the source-code that your php-code is generating and you will see what I mean.
A solution would be to add a checkbox to confirm overwriting files. Then after hitting the upload-/submit-button, your php-script would check if this box was checked and either replace the file or not.
#Gogul, honestly, this is not the right way to go. Better that you handle the file submission with an AJAX request which receives a response back from your server (either uploaded successfully, or file exists) which you handle appropriately. If presenting the user an option to replace the file, again handle that action with AJAX.
You can do AJAX request in raw JavaScript (jQuery not required) - see here: http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_xmlhttprequest_send.asp
You are mixing server side code with client side javascript. The solving of your problem is more complicated if you don't want the user to reupload the document:
Store the file in a temporary location under random filename. Output a yes/no form to the user, including the random filename and original filename.
If the user answers yes, move from temporary location to $path, else remove the file from temporary location.
Guys i came with with this following solution
$documentName = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9.]/s', '_', $_FILES["document"]["name"]);
if (file_exists($path . $documentName)) {
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["document"]["tmp_name"], "F:\\Content\\enews_files\\temp\\" . $documentName);
$msg = $documentName . " already exists. <a href='confirm.php?confirm=1&filename=" . $documentName . "&language=" . $lang . "'>Replace</a>||<a href='confirm.php?confirm=0&filename=" . $documentName . "'>Cancel</a>";
} else {
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["document"]["tmp_name"], $path . $documentName)) {
$msg = $documentName . " Upload Success";
$successURL = $document_path . $lang . '/' . $documentName;
$msg = $documentName . " Upload Failed";
$lang = $_GET['language'];
$path = "F:\\Content\\enews_files\\" . $lang . "\\";
//$path = "D:\\test\\test\\" . $lang . "\\";
$documentName = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9.]/s', '_', $_GET["filename"]);
if ($_GET['confirm'] == 1) {
//echo sys_get_temp_dir();die;
if (copy("F:\\Content\\enews_files\\temp\\" . $_GET["filename"], $path . $documentName)) {
unlink("F:\\Content\\enews_files\\temp\\" . $_GET["filename"]);
header("Location: uploaddocument.php?message=success&fname=$documentName&lang=$lang");
} else {
echo $res = move_uploaded_file($_GET["tempname"], $path . $documentName);
echo $msg = $documentName . " Upload Failed";
header("Location: uploaddocument.php?message=failed&fname=$documentName");
} else {
unlink("F:\\Content\\enews_files\\temp\\" . $_GET["filename"]);
header("Location: uploaddocument.php?message=cancelled&fname=$documentName");
I got this spark from #Marek. If any one has better solution kindly provide.
I don't have enough reputations to vote your answers sorry.
Thank you so much for all your support.