Stripe Webhook Testing Issue - Test payments don't call the webhook - php

I'm trying to integrate Stripe to accept payments on a website. I've come to the point where pretty much everything works from the client's perspective - test payments go through, everything is integrated and I can do stuff on payment intent succeeded (on the client). However, I can only detect that on the front-end.
Now, I want to show customer some sensitive data when payment is completed. I can't do it on front end - because then client does not even have to pay for that. I need to use webhooks.
So, I've created a sample webhook like this:
require_once 'stripe-php-7.97.0/init.php';
$endpoint_secret = 'endpoint_secret_code';
$payload = #file_get_contents('php://input');
$event = null;
try {
$event = \Stripe\Webhook::constructEvent(
$payload, $sig_header, $endpoint_secret
} catch(\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
// Invalid payload
} catch(\Stripe\Exception\SignatureVerificationException $e) {
// Invalid signature
file_put_contents("dump.txt", ob_get_flush());
// Handle the event
switch ($event->type) {
case 'payment_intent.succeeded':
$paymentIntent = $event->data->object;
// ... handle other event types
echo 'Received unknown event type ' . $event->type;
I've also created a webhook in the Stripe dashboard, like this:
However, based on the payment amount, I need to do something on this web hook - create a session, store data into the database and so on and so on. I've made it possible with Stripe CLI to test this webhook. However, how to test it using the test payments on the actual page? I have no idea how to do that - it does not work at the moment and without it, I can't be sure that it will work properly once everything goes live until I properly test it like this.
Does anyone have any tips, tutorials, or any kind of help to solve this? I'm pretty much stuck on it so any help would be greatly appreciated.


Trying to update a paymentIntent in stripe getting 500 error

I'm stuck on a "simple" stripe integration problem. I have a checkout page where the amount can change on the checkout page, so the paymentIntent needs to change after the amount does. I created a short php app that is IDENTICAL to the one that successfully creates the paymentIntent, but now I'm updating the paymentIntent. I successfully pass in the new cost and the payment intent id to the app. But when I execute the ONE LINE of code to do the update, the fetched php doc throws an error 500. I comment out that ONE LINE and I don't get the error. I tried uploading it to a secure server thinking that was it (but I can run the create.php on my localhost without a problem) that didn't fix it either. I've been working on this for 10 hours and need to get it done tonight. Do you think you could help? here's the code:
\Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey('sk_test_xxx...'); // I have the correct secret key
header('Content-Type: application/json');
try {
// retrieve JSON from POST body
$json_str = file_get_contents('php://input');
$json_obj = json_decode($json_str);
$cost = $json_obj->c;
$paymentId = $json_obj->pi;
['amount' => $cost]
$output = [
'amount' => $stripe->amount,
echo json_encode($output); // to verify that it changed it
} catch (Error $e) {
http_response_code(500); // even if I comment this line out, i get error 500
echo json_encode(['error' => $e->getMessage()]);
Ok, my stupid fault. The docs are a little unclear. It has you store the client_secret to actually do the charge later. To update a paymentIntent, you need to pass the paymentIntentId. They start with the same long string of letters and I thought they were the same.

Create a webhook programmatically in wordpress/woocommerce

i'm making a Plugin to make a integration of one ERP to Woocommerce and i'm thinking about using the web hooks for that integration, the problem create the web hooks when the plugin is activated for the first time, and not oblige people to create the woocommerce webhooks manually and configure them. i googled and tried several things but looks like no one works, also tried make a sql query, but don't worked.
i tried this:
function createWebhook($userID,$topic,$secret,$deliveryURL,$status)
$webhook = new WC_Webhook();
$webhook->set_user_id($userID); // User ID used while generating the webhook payload.
$webhook->set_topic( $topic ); // Event used to trigger a webhook.
$webhook->set_secret( $secret ); // Secret to validate webhook when received.
$webhook->set_delivery_url( $deliveryURL ); // URL where webhook should be sent.
$webhook->set_status( $status ); // Webhook status.
$save = $webhook->save();
return $save;
from this thread
without sucess, getting a lot of errors.
Anyway, thanks for the help. and i hope you'r ale in safety and with good health!
You are missing the webhook name
Add $webhook->set_name('Webhook Name');

FluidReview/SurveyMonkey Apply - webhook formatting/setup questions

I'm having trouble implementing webhooks in FluidReview (used to be SurveyMonkey Apply). Specifically, I want to send a webhook with the applicant and current application status, triggered upon any change in application state, so that we can update our CRM with the latest status data. The problem is that I can't figure out setup the webhooks in FluidReview, and their documentation is abysmal (Fluid Review Webhooks, Fluid Review Triggers). Can anyone help me out by providing an example of setting up a simple or advanced webhook?
Steps followed thusfar:
1) I have a php endpoint on my wordpress site that uses the following code snippet to save the JSON from a webhook to the error log:
if(isset($_GET['fr-listener']) && $_GET['fr-listener'] == 'fr') {
error_log("fr-listener==fr hook caught!");
if($json = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true)) {
// if($json = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true)) {
error_log("JSON found");
// $data = var_export($json, true);
// error_log("data dump: " + $data);
// print_json($json);
} else {
error_log("no JSON found");
$data = $_POST;
I can use this to successfully catch webhooks from Stripe (I used the above snippet to help develop my Stripe webhook catcher) and get a look at their JSON contents. When I catch one of the webhooks from FluidReview, I get the "no JSON found" response. This is how I have the webhook set:
My Webhook Action
(URL =, Method = POST, Request content = {{}})
2) I have tried both setting simple and advanced webhooks, and neither of them are producing the JSON output I'd expect.
I did some more testing and it turns out that the "Request content" field is just a blank text field. To have it send JSON data from FluidReview, write it out like this, using the piping variables ("{{variable name}}")
"first_name": "{{user.first_name}}",
} sandbox testing giving error

I am integrating in PHP. I have used this sdk for my development.
For testing, I have created an sandbox account. When I am executing the code - I'm getting below error:-
AuthorizeNet Error: Response Code: 3
Response Subcode: 1
Response Reason Code: 87
Response Reason Text: (TESTMODE) Transactions of this market type cannot be processed on this system.
How will I recover this issue and will make an successful test?
I have also checked payment processing using But not helped me so much.
Any help is appreciated.
EDIT:- code is below
function authorizeNet($options)
require_once '../anet_php_sdk/AuthorizeNet.php'; // Make sure this path is correct.
$transaction = new AuthorizeNetAIM('YOUR_API_LOGIN_ID', 'YOUR_TRANSACTION_KEY');
$transaction->amount = $options["gift_amt"];
$transaction->card_num = $options["card_no"];
$transaction->exp_date = $options["card_expiry"];
$response = $transaction->authorizeAndCapture();
if ($response->approved) {
echo "<h1>Success! The test credit card has been charged!</h1>";
echo "Transaction ID: " . $response->transaction_id;
} else {
echo $response->error_message;
in the place of YOUR_API_LOGIN_ID and YOUR_TRANSACTION_KEY - I placed correct information. Here I don't want to disclose so I haven't mentioned it here.
This error indicates that the account that you are using was created for Card Present (retail) transactions, but you are trying to integrate to our Card Not Present (e-commerce) APIs or vice versa. The only way to resolve this is to open a new sandbox account with the correct market type.

PayPal notify_url not being called after extensive sandbox testing

I'm designing a website for a charity board game event, wherein people can watch the event live, and can donate money to a charity (Child's Play) in order to force players to play continuously for 60 hours. Because the donations are going directly to Child's Play, I need to use the notify_url setting to pass my IPN notification URL in; we've done this marathon twice before and have had no problems, but we recently ported it over to PHP.
Now, I've been testing the site extensively for the past few months using the sandbox, and everything was working perfectly. The marathon is only a couple of weeks away now, so I switched over to the actual PayPal system, fired off a test donation, and now I've got a problem: for some reason, PayPal is not hitting the notify_url at all. I've verified the URL by switching back to sandbox temporarily, and everything works fine. I've also added a few calls to error_log in the listener code to see if it's just getting caught in the code somewhere, but have found out it hasn't been hit at all.
If anyone can offer any suggestions here as to what I can do, I'd greatly appreciate it. Obviously I'm under a bit of a time crunch, so I'd really appreciate it if you could respond sooner rather than later.
EDIT: Here's the relevant code:
if (isset($_GET['paypalipn'])) {
// tell PHP to log errors to ipn_errors.log in this directory
ini_set('log_errors', true);
ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__).'/ipn_errors.log');
// intantiate the IPN listener
$listener = new IpnListener();
// tell the IPN listener to use the PayPal test sandbox
$listener->use_sandbox = false;
// try to process the IPN POST
try {
$verified = $listener->processIpn();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Process the IPN
if ($verified) {
$errmsg = ''; // stores errors from fraud checks
// Split the custom variable
$split_custom = explode("&", $_POST['custom']);
$custom_array = array();
for ($i = 0; $i<count($split_custom); $i++) {
$current_set = explode("=", $split_custom[$i]);
$custom_array[$current_set[0]] = $current_set[1];
if (!isset($custom_array['game'])) {
$custom_array['game'] = 0;
if (!isset($custom_array['player'])) {
$custom_array['player'] = 0;
if (!empty($errmsg)) {
// manually investigate errors from the fraud checking
$body = "IPN failed fraud checks: \n$errmsg\n\n";
$body .= $listener->getTextReport();
mail('', 'IPN Fraud Warning', $body);
} else {
mail('', 'Successful IPN', $listener->getTextReport());
error_log("donor_un: ".$custom_array['donor_un']);
process_donation($_POST['mc_gross'], $custom_array['player'], $custom_array['game'], $custom_array['donor_name'], $_POST['payer_email'], $custom_array['donor_un']);
} else {
// manually investigate the invalid IPN
mail('', 'Invalid IPN', $listener->getTextReport());
For the ipn listener class I'm using the one created by Micah Carrick and available here:
I asked my direct contact at PayPal about this and got the following response...
In regards to the IPN issue, we had an outage last night. It was fixed
at about 1-2am, the IPN’s are delayed because we had a backed up queue
of about 2.5 million IPN’s which did not send out. We are currently
working through these IPN’s. I’d expect normal functionality shortly.
You can also see plenty of people talking about this issue on Twitter.
We're having the same problem.
It worked perfectly fine for a few months now and the script remains untouched. PayPal IPN is enabled inside the PayPal account as well and our IPNs just stopped this morning.
There might be a problem over at PayPal, we're still trying to figure it out.
