I am looking to create an application in which I connect with oauth2 to my discord account, in order to send in all the channels where I am, a message, with my own account (not as a BOT)
Only I don't see any options in the scope https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2#shared-resources-oauth2-scopes to do it. Even if I put them all in, I will be able to read messages at best, but not write them.
How could I do this? Thank you !
I am using various parts of GSuite - authenticating, accessing calendar and drive. I would like to offer users to be able to send direct messages to other users.
I cannot find any example of this online. I have found references to bots sending messages to rooms, but I want to send a message from the authenticated user, to another user in the gSuite.
Could anybody please point me in the right direction.
We want to send email to logged in users in our Drupal application. We are authenticating using AAD and our site is hosted in Azure app service.
we have a generic service account with a mailbox attached and we would like to notify the logged in users in case of any event using MS graph API and O365 connections.
Can we please get some guidance in this respect.
You can use the Graph API to send emails from your service account. Where you are going to have a problem is with identifying logged in users. An AAD token will be valid for your site even if the user originally signed in somewhere else, so logging signins isn't foolproof. Unless your users specifically sign out, the token will also be valid past when they stop using the site.
If you wanted to go down this road, then doing some logging of user actions and then sending the email to users that have been active within X amount of time might be an option.
If your goal is to notify users and you don't need an email specifically, then you might want to looking into using websockets or something similar to send notifications to the users within their browser.
I've logged in and used the Facebook CHAT api all right. The problem is that I want to have a system where anyone can send me a message, without actually being on the friend list.
When the sender is in the friend list, I see the message. Is there a possibility that I can configure my account to receive messages from anyone, independing on if they are in the friend list or not?
Best Regards.
The Chat API and the Message API are not the same.
You may want to think of Chat as a subset of messages.
When a message is received and the user is a friend you receive a chat notification, if not, no response.
I definitely know that you can't send a message to other users, but is it possible to allow users to send messages to me?
Lik something similar to Twitter's direct messaging API, where the user authenticates my app to allow them to send messages through the app to me?
Sending a private message to a user using graph API is impossible at this time.
You CAN however use this (using Javascript SDK): http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/send/
I have created an application which can post to users wall or even send emails to selected users, what I have not been able to come up with is the functionality to let an application send a message to users facebook inbox, I have googled it and found that applications are not allowed to send messages to users inbox however there's this product called rockmelt browser which does the same thing.
There's has to be some way which allows sending messages to users inbox.
Can somebody guide me on this?
It appears that you cannot send a message to a user's inbox. The closest thing may be this http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/livemessage.send/. It allows you to send a live message to a particular user's browser.
Hope this helps.
If you are sending the message from your application user to one of their Facebook friends, you can use a Request, which will show up in the notification area. When the user clicks on the notification, they'll be taken to your App Canvas where you can show them the full message and any other app interactions you want.