laravel reponse json message not translated - php

I am using laravel 8 with sanctum api (vue 3 spa).
I have never used localization before....and for this app I need that.
I created a middleware SetLocale with this content
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if(session()->has('locale')) {
return $next($request);
and registered in both web and api (app/Http/Kernel.php) #middlewareGroups
From the login form there is a select that change locale and make a post request to server to change the locale
Session()->put('locale', $request->input('locale'));
return response()->json(['locale' => app()->currentLocale()]);
In the login form the server validation responds with the locale messages.... but the problem is the customized message (Customize laravel sanctum unauthorize response) it is not translated - it gives me in 'en' ... even if the locale is 'de'
$this->renderable(function (\Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException $e, $request) {
if ($request->is('api/*')) {
return response()->json([
'message' => trans('_custom.not_authenticated')
], 401);
The file is there for every language _custom.php (resources/lang/de, resources/lang/en, etc )
example for _custom.php "de":
return [
'not_authenticated' => 'Nicht berechtigt'
The message is still in en ... but if press login (without changing anything) .... the validation errors are in 'de'
Why ? What I missed ?
Could be that the message is returned before the middleware runs ?
*** UPDATE 1 ***
It seems to work partially using in request Accept Language header .... but there is another problem.
In vue I have this approach for the axios:
const api = axios.create({
withCredentials: true,
headers: {
common: {
'Accept-Language': document.documentElement.lang
export default api;
In the vue app when changing the language .... I also update the document.documentElement.lang value ... but when making a request it still the default value 'en'
Is there any way I can change dynamic the value for the 'Accept-Language' header instead of adding for each request the header ?


Using Laravel and Ajax and a custom package controller, how to login and redirect a user with ajax

I have a pretty base Laravel 9 install.
I wrote a custom package that is installed that provides a route and a controller action. The controller action is designed to Login a user via ajax, and return a response that tells the front end where to redirect the now logged-in user.
* CustomLogin
* #param Request $request
* #return string A json response with either success or fail
public function customLogin(Request $request){
// Do some other things to make sure this is ok
$user = User::firstOrCreate([
'something_cool' => $request->address
return response()
'success' => true,
'message' => 'Successfully Login',
'url' => route('dashboard')
], 200);
This all works, I have tested it by logging that the Auth::login($user) works. The response works as well. But then in my JS:'/custom-login', {
address: address,
proof: response.proof,
signedMessage: response.signedMessage
.then(function (response) {
window.location.href =;
.catch(function (error) {
//this.errorHandle('fail', 'Something went wrong.')
The is just a simple route to the default Laravel dashboard.
There is also a session file created in storage\framework\sessions.
My /dashboard route is:
Route::get('/dashboard', function () {
return view('dashboard');
I did test this as just a controller action in App\Http\Controllers and it worked fine. But somehow in the custom package, the login works and then the redirect to the /dashboard returns a HTTP 302.
How can I log a user in from a custom package controller and have it stick?

Laravel testing. Get rout autoredirects from "/signin" to "am/signin", when for post I need to manually write "am/signin". Why post acts like this?

I use Laravel 9, but it is updated version. I mean, the project was written in laravel 5.4 and updated it to 9 later.
Here's my routes
Route::group(['middleware' => 'locale', 'prefix' => '{locale?}'], function () {
Route::get('/signin', 'Front\UsersController#getSignin');
Route::post('/signin', 'Front\UsersController#postSignin');
Here's my tests
public function test_get_signin(){
$response = $this->get('/signin');
public function test_post_signin(){
$response = $this->post('am/signin');
It works well when I do $this->post('am/signin');
But it is not correct. By the idea it must work when I write $this->post('/signin') without manually adding what should be added automatically. But in fact I get status code 405.
UsersController method for post('/signin) route.
public function postSignin($lang, Request $request){
// If the class is using the ThrottlesLogins trait, we can automatically throttle
// the login attempts for this application. We'll key this by the username and
// the IP address of the client making these requests into this application.
if ($this->hasTooManyLoginAttempts($request)) {
return $this->sendLockoutResponse($request);
if (Auth::validate(['email' => $request['email'],'password' => $request['password']])
|| Auth::validate(['username' => $request['email'],'password' => $request['password']])) {
$verify = User::where(['email'=> $request['email']])->first();
$verify = $verify?$verify:User::where(['username'=> $request['email']])->first();
if($verify->status =='blocked'){
if ($request->expectsJson()) {
return response()->json(array('verify'=> trans('email.profile-block')), 422);
return response()->json(array('verify'=> trans('validation.active_account').' '
.trans('').' <a class="resend-link" href="/'.$lang.'/resendtoken/'.$verify->email_token
.'">'.trans('car.here1').'</a> '.trans('validation.resend_link')), 422);
}elseif($verify->status =='pending'){
return response()->json(array('verify'=> trans('car.company_napp')), 422);
}elseif($verify->status =='active'){
if(filter_var($request->email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){
$field = 'email';
$field = 'username';
if (Auth::attempt([$field => $request->email, 'password'=>$request->password],$request->remember)) {
UserLoginInfo::create(['user_id'=>Auth::id(),'ip_address'=> $request->ip(),
if ($request->remember) {
User::where('id', Auth::id())->update(array('signed_in_for_remember_me' => Carbon::now()));
return Auth::user()->balance;
// If the login attempt was unsuccessful we will increment the number of attempts
// to login and redirect the user back to the login form. Of course, when this
// user surpasses their maximum number of attempts they will get locked out.
return $this->sendFailedLoginResponse($request);
more short:
$this->get('/signin'); gives status code 302
$this->post('am/signin'); gives status code 302
$this->post('/signin'); gives status code 405
I tried
to use withoutMiddleware() - no positive result.
public function test_get_signin(){
$response = $this->withoutMiddleware('locale')->get('/signin');
public function test_post_signin(){
$response = $this->withoutMiddleware('locale')->post('/signin');
removed "?" symbol from 'prefix' => '{locale?}' in route group - no use.
commented the : Route::get('/signin', 'Front\UsersController#getSignin'); - no use again.
instead of withoutMiddleware('locale') I also used just a withoutMiddleware() - no use again.
Both routes work well when testing with browser. I mean. User can enter his signin page and also successfully be signed in.
What's going on? How can I force post to work automatically with "/signin"? It's also weird, if I manually have to write "am/" then why it returns 302 instead of 200?
I created a new project and tried to experiment there with route group and get, post methods.
Here's the routes
Route::group(['middleware' => 'locale', 'prefix' => '{locale?}'], function () {
Route::get('/test', function () {
return view('welcome');
Route::post('/test', function () {
return view('welcome');
here's the tests
public function test_1()
$response = $this->get('/test');
public function test_2()
$response = $this->post('/test');
test1 and test2, both of them return status 404
And when I use tests like this, I mean, adding a prefix manually
public function test_1()
$response = $this->get('/am/test');
public function test_2()
$response = $this->post('/am/test');
both of them return 200
This is good, very good. But why in my situation of my current project I get for get method 200 instead of 404 and for post 405 instead of 404, I don't have an idea. The interesting fact. I commented the whole exceptions Handler.php's code and no use. The get method everytime returns 200 when it must return 404.
Update 2
I've got some new interesting info from my experiments. If in my current project I want to test get method with uri "/signin" without '/am' part with $this->withoutMiddleware(); then I get 500, but without $this->withoutMiddleware(); I get 200
And to know what 500 want to say I used $response->dd(); and got this result
Spatie\LaravelIgnition\Exceptions\ViewException: Undefined variable
$errors in file
on line 1
And if use $this->withoutExceptionHandling(); instead of $response->dd();
We'll get this result
Illuminate\View\ViewException : Undefined variable $errors (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\dashboard\test\hayvcar\resources\views\front\transport\index.blade.php)
Caused by
ErrorException: Undefined variable $errors
Have you tried delete cached files?
Delete everything in bootstrap\cache and try again on host.
I've explained the whole situation here, for another question, which in this case, it doesn't matter if it's testing or using in browser, when you cache your routes, laravel look for the cached file, instead of defined routes in web.php and api.php.
So if in cached file, you've had route with am/signin then, doesn't matter if you change it to signin or not, in web.php/api.php, it always looking for cached file, which in this case is am/signin.
Temporary questions, answer them by question number :
So you've commented everything in postSignin method, and didn't worked or just a part of it?
You said in browser is working, method is getting $lang from route? because in tests, as far as i can see, you're not passing anything.
Have you tried to change post to patch just for test? (that's because of Patch verb)
You might also try withoutExceptionHandling(); to get more details on error and test output. are you posting full test or just a basic test?
You can add this line to top of your test, $this->withoutExceptionHandling(); and get more details.
Remove $lang from method or just try a new method like below:
public function postSignin(Request $request){
return something or return $this->sendFailedLoginResponse($request); or etc.
How did you upgraded your project to Laravel 9? Create a new Laravel project and only test these two routes, get and post.

Profile Settings middleware

I have a user profile page and user profile/settings page
the problem is I made a middleware for settings page to prevent any auth user from entering other users settings page or update them Unless the ID OR SLUG IS MATCHED to the auth user but I'm using Vue whenever I use the API routes to fetch or update the data it says unauthorized 401 or 500.
middleware :
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if ($request->slug != auth()->user()->slug) {
return redirect()->to('/');
return $next($request);
API route :
VueJs :
email :,
username :,
password : this.password,
education_level : this.education_level,
fb_url : this.fb_url,
twitter_url : this.twitter_url,
field : this.field
Controller :
public function show($slug)
$user = User::findBySlugOrFail($slug);
return response()->json($user);
public function update(Request $request, $slug)
$user = User::findBySlug($slug);
return response()->json('user updated',200);
I Want to let the user update his settings and secure the API at the same time.
I'm really lost at this point Any help is appreciated!
You have a GET request for the API route, but using a PUT request in Vue.
Updating Route::get to Route::put should solve the problem.
Also, since its an AJAX request, you should be returning a JSON response so it can easily be consumed. You can return something similar to:
return response()->json(['error' => 'unauthorized'], 401);

Laravel different 404 pages for different namespaces/route-groups

I have three different Http namespaces in Laravel: Frontend, Backend, and API. There is also a different namespace for each route group. Here is an example code (frontend route group) from RouteServiceProvider:
protected function mapFrontendRoutes(Router $router) {
'namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers\Frontend',
'middleware' => 'web',
], function ($router) {
require app_path('Http/Routes/frontend.php');
Now, I want to setup three different 404 pages for these namespaces/route groups:
API - show 404 response in JSON format
Frontend - errors/404.blade.php
Backend - have a separate view in backend/errors/404.blade.php
How can I create these? I have been searching the web and have come across nothing regarding this.
Laravel version: 5.2
You can achieve that by overriding (add) renderHttpException method in App\Exceptions\Handler. The method receives the HttpException as parameter and returns a response.
Something like this:
protected function renderHttpException(HttpException $e) {
$status = $e->getStatusCode();
if (Request::ajax() || Request::wantsJson()) {
return response()->json([], $status);
} else if(Request::is('/backend/*')) { //Chane to your backend your !
return response()->view("backend/errors.{$status}", ['exception' => $e], $status, $e->getHeaders());
}else {
return response()->view("errors.{$status}", ['exception' => $e], $status, $e->getHeaders());

Slim Basic Authentication

Good day everyone!
I have a working slim code here with slim-basic-auth and when I go to a restricted directory, this shows up:
Everything works, but what I wanted to do is to redirect it to my login page instead of showing a popup login box. Here is my login page:
My slim code:
$pdo = new \PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=databasename", "username");
$app->add(new \Slim\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication([
"path" => "/main",
"realm" => "Protected",
"authenticator" => new PdoAuthenticator([
"pdo" => $pdo,
"table" => "accounts",
"user" => "accountUsername",
"hash" => "accountPassword"
"callback" => function ($request, $response, $arguments) use ($app) {
return $response->withRedirect('/main/contacts');
When I try to login using the popup login box, it works but I really want to redirect it to my login page instead of that.
Any help would be much appreciated.
The middleware implements HTTP Basic Access Authentication. Authentication dialog is triggered via response header. It is up to the browser vendor to decide how credentials are asked. Most browsers use the popup login dialog you described.
What you are trying to do is a bit unorthodox way of using HTTP Basic Authentication. However you can suppress the login dialog by removing the WWW-Authenticate header from the response. Note the you need at least version 2.0.2 for this to work.
$app->add(new \Slim\Middleware\HttpBasicAuthentication([
"path" => ["/main"],
"authenticator" => new PdoAuthenticator([
"pdo" => $pdo,
"table" => "accounts",
"user" => "accountUsername",
"hash" => "accountPassword"
"error" => function ($request, $response, $arguments) {
return $response
However with code above you still have to set the Authentication: Basic request header somehow. One way to do is using an AJAX request.
url: "",
username: $("username").val(),
password: $("password").val(),
success: function(result) {
alert("Authorization header should now be set...");
At this point it looks like you're not trying to use the Http Basic Authenticator but rather a normal login process so you'll need to use sessions and such.
A very simple example is adding this close to the bottom of your middleware stack.(meaning it will be executed first as it will be at the top of the stack)
$middleware = function (Request $request, Response $response, $next) {
if (!isset($_SESSION['__user'])) {
//don't interfere with unmatched routes
$route = $request->getAttribute('route');
if ($route && !in_array($route->getName(), ['login'])) {
return $response->withStatus(403)->withHeader('Location', $this->router->pathFor('login'));
return $next($request, $response);
Looking at the HttpBasicAuthentication middleware it will always send the WWW-Authenticate header making your login form useless as it will trigger the auth pop-up.
