Ubuntu 20 running on WSL, PHP 7.4
I am trying to debug code but cannot seem to get any output from the script.
To replicate:
echo "output text";
called from the terminal with
php myfile.php
The script runs but returns nothing.
You are trying to do int in right way.
You can tell php to execute a file like the following:
php myfile.php
... or
php -f myfile.php
You can check the following two things.
First one is that make sure you have installed php cli.
In your script try to put that line #!/usr/bin/php on very top of the file. So your file will looks like the following:
echo "output text";
Hope that helps you or at least gives you a right direction.
For Debug your system needs some tools.
Run: php -v and see your php version.
You need to make sure you have module php installed.
Install: phpx.x-cli
Okay, I'm at a bit of a loss here.
I'm testing out running PHP scripts from within powershell and it just keeps opening NotePad ++ rather than executing the script. I cannot figure out why this won't work...
I'm using a pretty basic PHP script to test:
echo 'Hello, World!';
And I'm calling it using the standard way I run .ps1 files:
PS C:\php> c:\phpfiles\test25.php
The execution policy is set to unrestricted... what am I doing wrong?
You should pass the path of the file as an argument to the PHP executable. If (lets say) PHP is installed in c:\php, then you must do:
PS c:\php\php.exe -f c:\phpfiles\test25.php
I am working in a Windows machine. I need to run a script that will execute a php file. When I run where php to find my php executable location I get the following:
After that I tried something like this:
#!/c:/xampp/php c:/xampp/htdocs/Bash/testingphp.php
I don't get any error, but I don't know if the script is doing something. Just for reference I am using cygwing to run the scripts. How do I know if my script is really working??
Thank you in advanced
As stated by #Etan, your second line is a comment, but your paths are also incorrect. You need to use /cygdrive/c/, not /c:/. Here is the corrected script:
/cygdrive/c/xampp/php /cygdrive/c/xampp/htdocs/Bash/testingphp.php
Is there a correct way to use php from the command line...or rather...is one way more correct than another ?
If you create a file, say test.php with the following code:
print "This is a test".PHP_EOL;
print "This is another test!!";
then chmod +x text.php (make it executable on linux).
You can then run in the following ways.....
php test.php
I prefer just using ./test.php, but often see php test.php in examples.
is the following correct syntax for the shebang line
or is this more correct
#!/usr/bin/php -q
I've seen both, and see that the -q flag is to quiet the html stuff, but was wondering if
php compiled with cli compatibility really needs the -q flag ???
Thanks for your help :)
On the first line of an interpreter script, the "#!", is the name of a program which should be used to interpret the contents of the file. For instance, if the first line contains
"#! /bin/sh"
, then the contents of the file are executed as a shell script.
In your case it means excute the script using the php file in /usr/bin location.
Using php test.php means that you are running your test.php with php so u don't need the first line. where as for ./test.php your file needs to be executable and first line is required.
And about the -q flag look at this
specifically on
rob 23-Mar-2007 11:48
There are better expanations if you see for -q. here's another one
If you are writing little php scripts for your own purposes, #! is fine.
If they are to be on some kind of world visible box (e.g. web server), then I'd say not so fine - since you have made them executable they are now a security risk.
I tend to use #! for perl, sh (which are always little private, non production things) and php somefile.php for PHP (which may or may not end up on a server).
I have this PHP script (test.php):
$cmd = "/usr/bin/sass --watch file1.scss";
Now I call my PHP script from CLI this way:
/usr/bin/php test.php
And I get no output (it should print SASS is watching for changes).
If I call the SASS command directly from the shell, it outputs correctly.
Info: I'm using the PHP 5.3.6 version on OS X Lion
Edit: Please, note that this command watches for changes, it seems to behave differently to a regular command.
Edit2: The command works, it compiles correctly. The only thing lacking is the output (I want to debug and see errors :)
Some command line utilities like sass, manipulate the output pipe in some way that PHP can't use.
So, in this particular case, there is no solution.
system() returns a string. Just echo it.
According to http://se.php.net/system you need to pass in a second argument to system() and the return value of the command will be set in that variable:
system($command, $return);
echo $return;
I just began learning PHP. I've installed php5 on Linux and wrote very simple code just to get going.
How can I run scripts? I tried using the -f option, but it works as a cat command and just spits out the code to standard output.
The interactive interpreter option works fine. Is a web browser the only way to execute a PHP script?
A simple:
php myScript.php
… should do the job.
If it is acting like cat, then you probably forgot to switch out of template mode and into script mode with <?php
Shorter way for command line:
php -r 'echo "Hello "; echo "Jay";'
php -r 'echo dirname("parent/child/reply") . "\n";'
As already mentioned, you can execute your PHP with the following.
php myScript.php
If you wish to pass an argument(s), you can simply do so like this:
php myScript.php Apples
In your PHP file you can use this argument by accessing the $argv array like this:
echo 'I like ' . $argv[1];
The above would print our "I like Apples".
Note the array index is 1 and not 0. 0 is used for script name. In this case $argv would be "myScript.php"
For more information, check out my blog post Running PHP from the Command Line - Basics.
Actually, PHP's main purpose is to generate web pages, but there are at least two other options:
command line (CLI) script execution,
interactive shell - which is actually the variant of the previous option,
The first one can be achieved in many ways (eg. by giving proper permissions to the file and calling script by providing its URI, eg. ./index.php), the second one can be invoked by php -a command (as stated in the documentation mentioned above).