This is used to export excel
My controllers:
public function reportExport(Request $request)
return Excel::download(new ReportExport($request), 'LAPORAN ABSENSI.xlsx');
Export folder : ReportExport
return [
"att_cross" => $att_cross,
"belum_absen" => $belum_absen,
"absen" => $absen,
but, when I return one of the data is successful, for example :
return $absen;
I want to display the contents of the variable $absent, $belum_absen, $att_cross but I get an error message "Call to a member function all() on array "
how can I display the data for these three parameters?
Read the docs for Excel package, you need to map() the output.
is there any possible to return a function in a multiple add new Class Object ?
THanks in advance.
example :
public function model()
return new Users(['...' => user1, .....]);
return new Customers(['...' => customer1, .....]);
You can put them in an array and return both. You can then access the object you want and process it further.
Once the function reaches the return statement lines/codes below, that won't get executed. If you use an Advanced IDE (PhpStorm which I use) it will show you a message saying "Unreachable...".
To archive your goal, you can pass them in an array.
public function model()
return [
'user' => new User(....),
'customer' => new Customers(...)
So I want to display the three most recent data from the 'berita' table.
i have created a function in controller, and an error appears Call to undefined method stdClass::take()
public function index()
$data = [
'berita' => $this->BeritaModel->allData()->last()->take(3)->get(),
return view('user.v_home_smk', $data);
class SongsCollection extends ResourceCollection
public function toArray($request)
return [
'data' => SongResource::collection($this->collection),
'meta' => ['song_count' => $this->collection->count()],
in the controller
$data = new SongsCollection(Song::all());
it only display the image below, but without the meta array contain the song_count?
How to get the meta->song_count value ?
Laravel doc says:
Every resource class defines a toArray method which returns the array of attributes that should be converted to JSON when the resource is returned as a response from a route or controller method.
So, dd($data) will just dump the resource object which has the toArray method. If you want to get the meta field, you must call $data->toJson() method. If you just return $data in your api endpoint, laravel itself will call toJson method internally as stated in the above doc.
In the blade template, the laravel gives a song collection, which can not be retrive the meta from this collection, Below is how I get the meta data:
$datas = json_encode($datas,true);
$datas = json_decode($datas);
// dd($datas);
foreach($datas->meta as $link){
echo $link;
Hope this helps.
I have a route like this:
Route::get('post/{slug}', [
'as' => 'post.single',
'uses' => 'PageController#getSingle',
public function getSingle($slug)
//some db stuff and returning an array to view
return view('single', array('var1' => $var, 'var2' => $var2));
A post has a slug which is stored in the database.
If a post exists with slug, example: first-post
Then the route works as expected.
But if a post doesn't exists, example: second-post
Then the route gives me an error:
Trying to get property of non-object
I want it to show a 404 error page (404 page is already configured) gives and 404 page, so it's working as expected.
Any suggestion what should I do?
Eloquent has a neat firstOrFail method which either returns the first entity it finds, or if there is none throws an ModelNotFoundException which laravel converts to a 404 page.
public function getSingle($slug)
$var = YourModel::where('slug', $slug)->firstOrFail();
return view('single', compact('var'));
I think you should update your function like:
And you can not close bracket in return view
public function getSingle($slug)
//some db stuff and returning an array to view
return view('single', array('var' => $var));
UPDATE after OP change the question content:
public function getSingle($slug)
//some db stuff and returning an array to view
return view('single', array('var1' => $var, 'var2' => $var2));
You can learn about how to get first record from db with laravel 5.4.
I’ve recently discovered that presenters (like this one) implement the decorator pattern and are a great way to add fields and logic to existing Laravel models. Take the following example for my question below:
// Tack on a new readable timestamp field.
public function timeago()
return $this->object->created_at->whenForHumans();
// Wrap an existing field with some formatting logic
public function created_at()
return $this->object->created_at->format('Y-m-d');
I can then use these presenter fields in my view:
{{ $object->timeago }}
{{ $object->created_at }}
How would you implement the decorator pattern for an API that returns JSON responses rather than Blade views? In all the Laravel/JSON articles I have read, objects are immediately returned without undergoing any transformation / presenter logic. e.g.:
// converting a model to JSON
return User::find($id)->toJson();
// returning a model directly will be converted to JSON
return User::all();
// return associated models
return User::find($id)->load('comments')->get();
How can I implement presenter fields in my JSON response?
As you mentioned, User::all returns JSON, so do something like:
Some function to get data and return a decorated response:
public function index()
$news = News::all();
return $this->respond([
'data' => $this->newsTransformer->transformCollection($news->toArray())
The above function will call Transformer::transformCollection:
<?php namespace Blah\Transformers;
abstract class Transformer {
public function transformCollection(array $items)
return array_map([$this, 'transform'], $items);
public abstract function transform($item);
which in turn will call NewsTransformer::transform():
public function transform($news)
return [
'title' => $news['title'],
'body' => $news['body'],
'active' => (boolean) $news['some_bool'],
'timeago' => // Human readable
'created_at' => // Y-m-d
The end result being JSON with the format you require, in this case:
data: {
title: "Some title",
body: "Some body...",
active: true,
timeago: "On Saturday, 1st of March",
created_at: "2014-03-01"
By the way, Laracasts has an excellent series on building APIs -- hope that helps!
For clarity, the respond function in the first code snippet just wraps the data with a status code, and any headers, something like:
return Response::json($data, 200);