Laravel: make validation rule fail when using closure - php

Say I have a custom logic for validating the uniqueness of a FormRequest field, something requiring to find another resource in the database like below:
class CreateMyResourceRequest extends FormRequest {
public function rules() {
return [
'my_field' => [
Rule::unique('some_other_resource', 'some_column')
->where(function ($query) {
$otherResource = SomeOtherResource::where(...)->firstOrFail();
// Process the retrieved resource
The firstOrFail() call obviously makes the request fail with a 404 - Not found while I would like to return a 422 with a validation error on the field.
Is there a way to achieve this while still using the Rule::unique() provided by the framework?
Thanks in advance!

I'd suggest the following
public function rules()
return [
"your_field" => ["you_can_have_more_validations_here", function($key, $value, $cb) {
$queryResult = SomeModel::find(1);
if (someCondition) {
$cb("your fail message");
when the $cb run the validation will fail with 422

Don't use firstOrFail, instead just use first and check if the output is null. If it is, return false.
Alternatively, the more Laravel way of doing it is:
$query->leftJoin('otherresource', 'primarykey', 'foreignkey')->where(...)


Custom error code for laravel form request

I have an endpoint I would like to post a bulk update request like this:
"resources": [
"id": 5,
"name": "ABC"
I am trying to prevent someone updating a resource they are not the owner of. I can create the following rule to prevent this:
'resources.*.id' => ['required', 'exists:resources,id,team_id,' . $this->team()->id],
I'd like to customize the error code so that I receive a 403 error code when this rule is violated. All other rules I am happy with the normal 422 error code.
I am aware I can customize the message in the messages() method. Is there something similar so I can return my own error code? At the moment I just get the standard 422 code.
I am also aware I could load all the team resources in the authorize() method, but I wonder if there is a better way?
Maybe I'm a bit late, but hopefully, my answer can still help you or someone in the future.
You can see the Form Request Validation Class you created extends from Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest. Then if you look at the source code on the Laravel Framework, there is a function to handle failed validation attempts.
So the solution, you can override the default failedValidation function in the Form Request Validation Class you created. Here is a sample code you can use:
// ./app/Http/Requests/UpdateFooBarRequest.php
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator;
use Illuminate\Http\Response;
use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;
class UpdateFooBarRequest extends FormRequest
* Handle a failed validation attempt.
* #param \Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Validator $validator
* #return void
* #throws \Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException
protected function failedValidation(Validator $validator)
throw (new ValidationException($validator))
Credit: Discussion from Laracasts - How to make a custom FormRequest error response in Laravel 5.5
If you are extending FormRequest, then you can add your custom messages in the messages function,
public function messages() {
$messages = [];
foreach ($this->get('resources') as $key => $val) {
$messages["resources.$"] = "The data :attribute"; // will send 'The data exists'
$messages["resources.$"] = "The data is :attribute";
return $messages;
#Edit: 2nd Part of Question
If the authorize method returns false, an HTTP response with a 403 status code will automatically be returned and your controller method will not execute.
public function authorize()
return false;
Then it will send 403 requests instead of 422.

Call to a member function fails() on array

I have a problem with the laravel validation.
Call to a member function fails() on array
Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError thrown with message "Call to a member function fails() on array"
`#0 Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError in
public function postRegister(Request $request)
$query = $this->validate($request, [
'user' => 'string|required|unique:users|min:4|max:24',
'email' => 'email|string|required|unique:users',
'pass' => 'string|required|min:8',
'cpass' => 'string|required|min:8|same:pass',
'avatar' => 'image|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png|max:2048',
if ($query->fails())
return redirect('/registrar')
The error is because what the ->validate() method returns an array with the validated data when applied on the Request class. You, on the other hand, are using the ->fails() method, that is used when creating validators manually.
From the documentation:
Manually Creating Validators
If you do not want to use the validate method on the request, you may
create a validator instance manually using the Validator facade. The
make method on the facade generates a new validator instance:
use Validator; // <------
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class PostController extends Controller
public function store(Request $request)
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ // <---
'title' => 'required|unique:posts|max:255',
'body' => 'required',
if ($validator->fails()) {
return redirect('post/create')
// Store the blog post...
The ->fails() is called in the response of the Validator::make([...]) method that return a Validator instance. This class has the fails() method to be used when you try to handled the error response manually.
On the other hand, if you use the validate() method on the $request object the result will be an array containing the validated data in case the validation passes, or it will handle the error and add the error details to your response to be displayed in your view for example:
public function store(Request $request)
$validatedData = $request->validate([
'attribute' => 'your|rules',
// I passed!
Laravel will handled the validation error automatically:
As you can see, we pass the desired validation rules into the validate
method. Again, if the validation fails, the proper response will
automatically be generated. If the validation passes, our controller
will continue executing normally.
What this error is telling you is that by doing $query->fails you're calling a method fails() on something (i.e. $query) that's not an object, but an array. As stated in the documentation $this->validate() returns an array of errors.
To me it looks like you've mixed a bit of the example code on validation hooks into your code.
If the validation rules pass, your code will keep executing normally;
however, if validation fails, an exception will be thrown and the
proper error response will automatically be sent back to the user. In
the case of a traditional HTTP request, a redirect response will be
generated, [...]
-Laravel Docs
The following code should do the trick. You then only have to display the errors in your view. You can read all about that, you guessed it, in... the docs.
public function postRegister(Request $request)
$query = $request->validate($request, [
'user' => 'string|required|unique:users|min:4|max:24',
'email' => 'email|string|required|unique:users',
'pass' => 'string|required|min:8',
'cpass' => 'string|required|min:8|same:pass',
'avatar' => 'image|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png|max:2048',

How to check for required fields in object?

i have example object with fields
name => John
surname => Dow
job => engineer
and output form with placeholders. some required, some not.
what is best practice for check if it requred and show error with null fields?
There are multiple ways actually you can do that inside of controller method or make use of Laravels Request Classes for me I prefer to use Request Classes
look below I will list the two examples
Validate inside the controller's method
public function test(Request $request){
/*filled will check that name is set on the current
request and not empty*/
//Do your logic here
Second way is by using the Validator Facade inside your controller
use Validator;
class TestController{
public function test(Request $request){
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'title' => 'required|unique:posts|max:255',
'body' => 'required',
/*continue with your logic here if the request failed on
validator test Laravel will automatically redirect back
with errors*/
Third way my favorite one personally
you can generate a Request class using this command
php artisan make:request AddBookRequest
that will generate the request class under "app/Http/Requests/AddBookRequest" , inside of any generated request class you will find two methods authorize() and rules()
in the authorized method you have to return truthy or falsy value this will detect if the current user making the request has authorization to fire this request inside of the rules method you do pretty much as you did in the Validator in the second way check the example
public function authorize(){
return true;
public function rules(){
return [
'title' => 'required|string',
'author_id' => 'required|integer'
then simply in your controller you can use the generated request like this
use App\Http\Requests\AddBookRequest;
public function store(AddBookRequest $request){
/* do your logic here since we uses a request class if it fails
then redirect back with errors will be automatically returned*/
Hope this helps you can read more about validation at
I think "simple is the best", just through object and check if properties exists
Ref: property_exists
if (property_exists($object, 'name')) {
// something for exists property
} else {

Very Confusing MethodNotAllowedHttpException on a put request laravel

So far all attempts to modify the routing methods have failed.
Been following some documentation on laravel restful controllers and have one set up to do basic editing and adding of items to a database. It was going well till I hit the snag on... well I'm not sure what precisely is triggering the problem, but basically, everything works till I hit submit on the form and then it's Game Over.
Normally I'd be able to diagnose this by checking to see if I'm using the right call, or made a spelling mistake or something. But this is a new request for me, so I can't quite debug where the problem is coming from.
This is the error those who know what to look for. In full here.
MethodNotAllowedHttpException in RouteCollection.php line 218:
My routes are pasted here.
A printout of the routes is here:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests\ContactFormRequest;
use App\UserEdit;
use DB;
use App\Http\Requests;
class EditUserController extends Controller
public function index()
$array = UserEdit::all()->toArray();
return view('UserEntry', compact('array'));
public function create()
$id = UserEdit::find(715)->toArray();
return view('NewUser', compact('id'));
public function store(UserFormRequest $request)
//$user = new UserEdit([
// 'name'=>$request->get('First_Name'),
// 'email'=>$request->get('email'),
// 'username'=>$request->get('name')
//return \Redirect::route('users')->with('message', 'Nice Work.');
public function show($id)
try {
$array = UserEdit::findorFail($id)->toArray();
return view('UserEdit')->with('array', $array);
} catch(\Exception $e) {
return \Redirect::route('users.index')
->withMessage('This user does not exist');
public function edit($id)
$user = UserEdit::findorFail($id);
return view('EditUser')->with('user',$user);
public function update($id, UserFormRequest $request)
$user = UserEdit::findorFail($id);
'name' => $request->get('name'),
'email' => $request->get('email')
return \Redirect::route('users.edit', [$user->id])->with('message', 'Details Updated!');
public function destroy($id)
The Blade is here.
if you have a hard time finding the solution the easiest solution is using
Route::any('users/{user}', 'UserEntryController#update');
this allow you to access this action with any method type
Route::match(array('get', 'put'), 'users/{user}', 'UserEntryController#update');
so you need 2 method which are
get -> view
put -> submit update
you can just indicate which method type you want to be accessible with in this action
i think you are using model in form.try this
{{ Form::open(['method' => 'put', 'route'=>['users.update', $user->id], 'class'=>'form']) }}
As per your route list and route put doesnt taking id so you get method not found exception
PUT users/{user} App\Http\Controllers\EditUserController#update
instead of using resouce just type each route for each method
Route::put('users/{user}', 'EditUserController #update');
It seems like after sorting out the routes, the issue fell to a bad capitalisation. $user->id should have been $user->ID.

What is the use of After Validation Hook in Laravel 5

I'm learning Laravel 5 and trying to validate if an email exists in database yet then add some custom message if it fails. I found the After Validation Hook in Laravel's documentation
$validator = Validator::make(...);
$validator->after(function($validator) use ($email) {
if (emailExist($email)) {
$validator->errors()->add('email', 'This email has been used!');
if ($validator->fails()) {
return redirect('somewhere')
but I don't really understand what this is. Because I can simply do this:
//as above
if (emailExist($email)) {
$validator->errors()->add('email', 'This email has been used!');
//redirect as above
It still outputs the same result. When should I use the 1st one to validate something instead of the 2nd one?
The point of the first method is just to keep everything contained inside of that Validator object to make it more reusable.
Yes, in your case it does the exact same thing. But imagine if you wanted to validate multiple items.
foreach ($inputs as $input) {
if ($validator->fails()) { ... }
In your case you will have to add that "if" check into the loop. Now imagine having to run this validation in many different places (multiple controllers, maybe a console script). Now you have this if statement in 3 different files, and next time you go to modify it you have 3x the amount of work, and maybe you forget to change it in one place...
I can't think of many use cases for this but that is the basic idea behind it.
By the way there is a validation rule called exists that will probably handle your emailExist() method
$rules = [
'email' => 'exists:users,email',
There may be many scenarios where you may feel it's requirement.
Just assume that you are trying to build REST api for a project. And you have decided that update request method will not have any required rule validation for any field in request (as there maybe many parameters and you do not want to pass them all just to change one column or maybe you do not have all the columns because you aren't allowed access to it) .
So how will you handle this validation in UpdatePostRequest.php class where you have put all the validation rules in rules() method as given in code.
Further more there may be requirement that sum of values of two or more request fields should be greater or less than some threshold quantity. Then what?
I agree that you can just check it in controller and redirect it from there but wouldn't it defeat the purpose of creating a dedicated request class if we were to do these checks in controllers.
What I feel is controllers should be clean and should not have multiple exit points based on validation. These small validation checks can be handled in request class itself by creating a new Rule or extending your own custom validation or creating after validation hooks and all of them have their unique usage in Laravel.
Therefore what you may want to to do here is create a validation hook where it's assigned is to check whether request is empty or not like the example given below
public function withValidator($validator)
$validator->after(function ($validator) {
if (empty($this->toArray())) {
$validator->errors()->add('body', 'Request body cannot be empty');
if (!$this->validateCaptcha()) {
$validator->errors()->add('g-recaptcha-response', 'invalid');
And here is the full example for it.
namespace App\Http\Requests\Posts;
use App\Helpers\General\Tables;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
class UpdatePostRequest extends FormRequest
public function authorize()
return auth()->user()->can('update-post', $this);
public function rules()
return [
'name' => ['string', 'min:3', 'max:255'],
'email' => ['string', 'email', 'min:3', 'max:255'],
'post_data' => ['string', 'min:3', 'max:255'],
public function withValidator($validator)
$validator->after(function ($validator) {
if (empty($this->toArray())) {
$validator->errors()->add('body', 'Request body cannot be empty');
passedValidation method will trigger if the validation passes in FormRequest class. Actually this method is rename of afterValidation method. See: method rename Commit
So you can do like
class RegistrationRequest extends FormRequest
* Handle a passed validation attempt.
* #return void
protected function passedValidation()
'password' => bcrypt($this->password),
