Saving a meeting in my outlook calender from a cakephp website - php

I am working on a website that was build using cakephp. I want to add the option for visitors of the website to make a appointment, then this should automatically be added to my outlook calender.
I found this tutorial from Microsoft on how to use the Microsoft graph API with php, however its made in laravel since I am not familiar with cakephp I was wondering on if it is a lot diffrent to do the same in cakephp or maybe there is a better or simpler solution. I wasnt realy able to find a guide or example made with cakephp (if you know of one that would be great).
Any help is appreciated, thanks!


Which changes need to do in code while publishing shopify app

I am trying to publish my shopify application to shopify store,but i don't have any idea that which changes i have to do in code in php for make it perfect like api key,secrate key,access tokens and etc.If anyone knows about that please help me to fix it.
I read shopify blogs and another blogs about shopify app publishing,but i can't get code demo in php or tiny samples of it,so i am little confused about it.If anyone have idea that how to solve it or how to code about api and secret keys mention your answer below. Thank you in advance...
Shopify doesn't care what technology and code patterns you have used. Even using Shopify's template doesn't guarantee that your app is fine. Each app is different. Shopify will run automatic tests on your app which check if everything is fine. If not, you will get feedback that will tell you which parts you need to fix. You can read about app submission here:

WordPress database set up with rest api

I want use WordPress to develop a e-commerce website. I know basics about Wordpress like how to create blog or website. But I don’t know how to create database and relationship between tables, rest api etc. How can I set up my database and performing CRUD using rest api?
If you want to make an ecommerce site, its better not re-invent the wheel, install woocommerce. If you are tryng to use wordpress as a development framework, try - This requiere not only knowledge of wordpeess, but php and laravel too. Wordpress , out of the box, together with JWT PLugin will give you a way to use it as a RBAC - Typerocket will give you the MVC structure. is another one. Good luck
Consult the Wordpress REST API:
Then for features the API doesn't offer you will either have to learn to program and make your own API or hire a developer to do it.

Integration forum framework on own site

I want to integrate some forum on my own site, but the problem is that i have to find solution to merge or connect my users table with forum framework users table, i mean user in my site can create forum and the other users can us it. i did research for find good forum framework which has good api for integration, but can't find, i tried to use phpBB open source forum, but all integration part for this forum, only about login user or something like that.
If anyone did this kind of work please help me, which forum tool is best for this situation and how can i made this think.
Vanilla Forums works really good for this. Vanilla 2 features Single sign on and you can create your own Plugin for your website:

How do I create a webcal in php so that user can subscribe to it?

I'm creating a resource planner and I want to enable webcal subscribing for the resources. Right now I don't have a clue of how to develop a webcal subscribing system in PHP. Are there any documentions/library or code snippets you can share with me?
Well , there are quite a few i have known of, some good ones that can be of help are
I hope these can be of some help to you in getting started with webcal

Getting a list of tickets based on a particular project using Fogbugz API

I'm wanting to list all tickets of a certain project using the Fogbugz API. I have the FogBugz project ID and name, now im not too sure how to get the tickets for the project.
I've looked on their API docs and unable to find this option, does anybody know how you are able to do this?
Thanks in advance
Sure, you just use the search function:,sPersonAssignedTo
You can also use q=project:"=12"+status:active where 12 is the project ID.
edit that should do it.
