My knowledge about coding and website development is basic and self-tought. I do not know what i am doing and will likely not understand your answer.
I am developing a website (e-commerce) using WordPress (woocommerce) and am using a theme (Shopkeeper) which I am not willing to abandon given the amount of work put into it already. Nevertheless, I am stuck on a major layout problem with the website's main header.
Shopkeeper theme comes with 5 default main header layouts. None of which achieve what I want. I have selected the layout most closest to what I want (Layout 5).
The header consists of 2 parts:
Logo [Part_1]
Tool icons (whishlist, cart, account and search) [Part_2]
As of right now, [Part_1] and [Part_2] are one monolithic group that I cannot move independently. I want to achieve that Layout 5 goal and have them positioned in separate places.
Failed attempt:
My approach was to dig through the Theme files and find the source code for Layout 5 to change it (given that Shopkeeper Theme does not provide the user with the option to create or modify existing Layouts through the UI). I have found the code below which is contained in the header-centered-menu-under.php file:
Original code corresponding to Layout 5
$header_width = ( 'full' === Shopkeeper_Opt::getOption( 'header_width', 'custom' ) ) ? 'full-header-width' : 'custom-header-width';
$mobile_class = wp_is_mobile() ? 'is-mobile' : '';
<header id="masthead" class="site-header menu-under <?php echo esc_attr($header_width); ?>" role="banner">
<div class="row">
<div class="site-header-wrapper <?php echo esc_attr($mobile_class); ?>">
<div class="site-branding">
<?php shopkeeper_get_logo(); ?>
<div class="menu-wrapper <?php echo esc_attr($mobile_class); ?>">
<?php if( !wp_is_mobile() ) { ?>
<?php shopkeeper_get_menu( 'show-for-large main-navigation default-navigation', 'main-navigation', 1 ); ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="site-tools">
<?php echo shopkeeper_get_header_tool_icons(); ?>
I have proceeded to change the code as to have two "independent" Parts. This is what I came up with:
Modified code corresponding to Layout 5 modified
$header_width = ( 'full' === Shopkeeper_Opt::getOption( 'header_width', 'custom' ) ) ? 'full-header-width' : 'custom-header-width';
$mobile_class = wp_is_mobile() ? 'is-mobile' : '';
<header id="masthead" class="site-header menu-under <?php echo esc_attr($header_width); ?>" role="banner">
<div class="site-header-wrapper <?php echo esc_attr($mobile_class); ?>">
<div class="site-branding">
<?php shopkeeper_get_logo(); ?>
<header id="masthead" class="site-header menu-under <?php echo esc_attr($header_width); ?>" role="banner">
<div class="menu-wrapper <?php echo esc_attr($mobile_class); ?>">
<?php if( !wp_is_mobile() ) { ?>
<?php shopkeeper_get_menu( 'show-for-large main-navigation default-navigation', 'main-navigation', 1 ); ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="site-tools">
<?php echo shopkeeper_get_header_tool_icons(); ?>
.site-tools {
position: relative;
margin-top: 1%;
margin-left: 70%;
While I seem to have achieved separating [Part_1] from [Part_2] and placed [Part_2] more or less where I wanted, I now have 2 new issues with my Layout 5 modified:
the icons are now stacked (as opposed to their horizontal alignment before the change)
the icons are now preceded by a bullet
What have I done wrong and how can I have the icons aligned horizontally without the bullets ?
I am new to Understrap and I would like to add some margin-top to the blog page that displays all the posts. Unlike other blank wordpress theme starters I have used, I don't yet know the structure in order to add margin top to just the posts page. Between content.php single.php and content-single, I am a bit lost. If any one can orient me on this, I would be very thankful.
I found that I had to modify the index.php page.
I also wanted to add a header to my Resent posts page so I modified the index php as such:
<div class="wrapper" id="index-wrapper">
<div class="darkness"></div>
<div class="<?php echo esc_attr( $container ); ?>" id="content" tabindex="-1">
<div class="row">
<!-- Do the left sidebar check and opens the primary div -->
<?php get_template_part( 'global-templates/left-sidebar-check' ); ?>
<main class="site-main" id="main">
<h1 class="mb-3">Recent Posts</h1>
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
<?php /* Start the Loop */ ?>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
The div with the class darkness was to add some extra margin and color to the top of the page to go behind the transparent header. In the end, this is what I needed.
I made a custom template for the team I'm working on. I used this code for the template (along with the parts that get the header and footer ofc)
<div class="main-container">
$thumbnail = has_post_thumbnail();
<section class="section-header overlay preserve3d">
<div class="background-image-holder parallax-background">
<?php the_post_thumbnail('full', array('class' => 'background-image')); ?>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<div class="article-body">
if(!( $thumbnail ))
</div><!--end of article snippet-->
But if there's no featured image, a gray box will appear. I'd rather just have the whole section be hidden if there is no featured image, because it will look much better.
I'm a php rookie so I have no idea how to do this. What I think I need to do: Have an if/else statement check for the featured image. If there is no image, add a class to said section and define 'display none' in my css file for that class.
So this is the code I tried to pair with that, but it did not work:
// Must be inside a loop.
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
else {
Is this code incorrect? Where do I need to place this in my document for it to work?
While PHP is executed on the server, jquery is executed on the user end. You could always echo that jquery statement and that way it would be sent to the user.
You could follow the path Martin E. said on his comment (which in my opinion is a much cleaner version) or you could pursue the way you were working on by adding jquery on your header if you haven't and trying something like this:
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
else {
echo '<script>$("section:first").addClass("noshow");</script>';
my goal is to tweak/replace the existing wordpress php menu code, having as a start point, this html/css/js menu structure in codepen:
Home / Portfolio / About and going down in Portfolio structure, another page having Home / Portfolio projects.
In a few words, I've registered in script-calls.php the mynewmenu.js file with the following sequence
// mynewmenu implementation
var height, index, prevIndex
$('nav ul li').mouseover(function(e){
//Set the aesthetics (similar to :hover)
$('nav ul li').removeClass('hovered');
//Gets relevant data required for scrolling of menuRight
height = $("#menuRight").css("height").replace('px','');
index = $(this).index();
//If the category button (from the navlist) has changed
if (index != prevIndex){
$("#menuRight").animate({"scrollTop":height*index}, 800, 'easeOutBounce'); //This requires jQuery UI for easing options.
prevIndex = index;
I've created the desired menu structure (assigning different menus to different pages as u'll see here) and I've identified the php that manage the existing menu structure:
<!-- Start Header -->
<div class="myrow max_width ">
<div class="small-5 <?php if ($header_style == 'style2') { echo 'medium-8'; } else { echo 'medium-4';} ?> columns menu-holder">
<?php $full_menu_true = ($menu_mobile_toggle_view == 'style2' && $header_style == 'style2');?>
<?php if ($full_menu_true) { ?>
<nav id="full-menu" role="navigation">
<?php if ($page_menu) { ?>
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'menu' => $page_menu, 'depth' => 2, 'container' => false, 'menu_class' => 'full-menu', 'walker' => new thb_mobileDropdown ) ); ?>
<?php } else if(has_nav_menu('nav-menu')) { ?>
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'nav-menu', 'depth' => 2, 'container' => false, 'menu_class' => 'full-menu', 'walker' => new thb_mobileDropdown ) ); ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<ul class="full-menu">
<li>Please assign a menu from Appearance -> Menus</li>
<?php } ?>
/* I think that <div id='menuRight'> html sequences *translated*
in *php* should begin here in a conditional manner: *if* we find ourself on the
Home page, should be activated Home / Portfolio / About sequence and also if we
are on the Portfolio page, we should receive the menu 2, generated by Home / Portfolio
projects sequence. More details below. */
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($header_search != 'off') { do_action( 'thb_quick_search' ); } ?>
<?php if ($header_cart != 'off') { do_action( 'thb_quick_cart' ); } ?>
<a href="#" data-target="open-menu" class="mobile-toggle<?php if (!$full_menu_true) { ?> always<?php } ?>">
<!-- End Header -->
At this point, my question is, how can I implement into the header.php the following html sequences that generate the rollover images linked to the menu buttons, keeping in mind that there are different sections, each menu with his section as follow. Home / Portfolio / About:
<div id='menuRight'>
<img src='http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31100000/random-space-space-31155586-598-398.jpg'>
<img src='http://www.keenthemes.com/preview/metronic/theme/assets/global/plugins/jcrop/demos/demo_files/image1.jpg'>
<img src='http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31100000/random-space-space-31155586-598-398.jpg'>
and menu 2, Home / Portfolio projects:
<div id='menuRight'>
<img src='http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31100000/random-space-space-31155586-598-398.jpg'>
<img src='http://www.keenthemes.com/preview/metronic/theme/assets/global/plugins/jcrop/demos/demo_files/image1.jpg'>
<img src='http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31100000/random-space-space-31155586-598-398.jpg'>
<img src='http://www.keenthemes.com/preview/metronic/theme/assets/global/plugins/jcrop/demos/demo_files/image1.jpg'>
I left intentionally the css out of discussion because, that's another chapter of this code tweak.
LE: I have to mention that the rollover image effect activated by the menu buttons, will be enough (and make sense) for it to be available, only on the Home page and Portfolio page of the site. I think that It could be very tricky to achieve the same effect when we have a project page opened (let's say FIVA) and have the mouse over another project button for example.
LE2: regarding the rollover images, I am not looking for a fancy php code that's supposed to grab a preview of the last project or something; a php code that allows me to predefine image source links like we have in the above html menu sections, will be just fine, taking in consideration the fact that these images will not be replaced so often.
LE3: Pure experimental, and please correct me, I was just thinking, using include PHP function to call two separate html files in header.php (including in these the above described menu 1 and 2 sections) could be the beginning of a workaround?
<!-- Start Header -->
<div class="myrow max_width ">
<ul class="full-menu">
<li>Please assign a menu from Appearance -> Menus</li>
<?php } ?>
/* But there still should be a php code, that call the
html sections *if* we are on Homepage or Portfolio page.
Something like:
Php instructions, if Home page */
// and also php instructions, if Portfolio page
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($header_search != 'off') { do_action( 'thb_quick_search' ); } ?>
<!-- End Header -->
Any thoughts? Thank you,
I'm not a wordpress dev, but it seems to me you need a way to detect the active category/post/page? you are on... it's difficult to understand your data structures from looking at the website.
<!-- Start Header -->
<div class="myrow max_width ">
<ul class="full-menu">
<li><a href="<?php echo get_admin_url().'nav-menus.php'; ?>">
Please assign a menu from Appearance -> Menus
<?php } ?>
$thisCat = get_category(get_query_var('cat'));
switch ($thisCat->name) {
case 'Home':
echo "Home test";
case 'Portfolio':
echo "portfolio test";
case 'About Us':
echo "About Us test";
<!-- End Header -->
Revised my answer to give you a better idea of what test I'm referring too.
I have a few nested divs on a website I am creating with the Joomla engine. The problem lies mainly in the fact that the plugins themselves nest 2 divs inside my already created div "banner", meaning I do not have access to these two divs. Within them is the small, rectangular image. This image should help you see my issue (I'd post an embedded image but you know, apparently I need 10 rep):
I don't want the banner ad butted against the search bar. But the three nested divs will not increase in height no matter what CSS properties I modify. Even #banner won't budge. They all seem to size themselves to the minimum needed (bottom of the search bar + banner ad's height). I'm looking for a way around this so any suggestions would be really appreciated.
Here is the chunk of the php file where the divs I am concerned about are:
<!-- Logo -->
<div id="logo">
<?php if ($logo && $logoimage == 1): ?>
<img src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($logo); ?>" alt="<?php echo $sitename; ?>" />
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!$logo || $logoimage == 0): ?>
<?php if ($sitetitle): ?>
<?php echo htmlspecialchars($sitetitle); ?><br/>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($sitedescription): ?>
<div class="sitedescription"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($sitedescription); ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- Search -->
<div id="search">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="position-0" />
<!-- Banner -->
<div id="banner" style= "text-align: right;">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="banner-position" />
Try using sibling selectors for CSS. Sometimes it helps me fix the alignments of divs.
I am using Bootstrap but under the roots.io wordpress template using a 'wrapperless theme'
i am trying to achieve this http://roots.io/ - where there are sections of colour but the page content itself isn't full width.
the answer I have been given is to make the container class 100% - but this just makes all the content full width.
Im really stuck and ive been trying to figure this out for hours. - I know that sounds noobish and it is, but I can't get past this point.
all the page templates take their its style from base.php, code here
<?php get_template_part('templates/head'); ?>
<body <?php body_class(); ?>>
<!--[if lt IE 8]><div class="alert alert-warning"><?php _e('You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.', 'roots'); ?></div><![endif]-->
// Use Bootstrap's navbar if enabled in config.php
if (current_theme_supports('bootstrap-top-navbar')) {
} else {
<div class="wrap container" role="document">
<div class="content row">
<div class="main <?php echo roots_main_class(); ?>" role="main">
<?php include roots_template_path(); ?>
</div><!-- /.main -->
<?php if (roots_display_sidebar()) : ?>
<aside class="sidebar <?php echo roots_sidebar_class(); ?>" role="complementary">
<?php include roots_sidebar_path(); ?>
</aside><!-- /.sidebar -->
<?php endif; ?>
</div><!-- /.content -->
</div><!-- /.wrap -->
<?php get_template_part('templates/footer'); ?>
so Im just not sure how to get past it in any of the page templates
About the first part of your question: "100% width colored parts".
Cause Bootstrap use the box-sizing: border-box model every html-element gets 100% width of its parent by default. So wrap your .container div's in other element (div, header, etc). This wrapper is a direct child of the body and gets 100% width. See: http://bootply.com/87196
<header role="banner" class="banner">
<div class="container" style="background-color:red;">
Header example
<div style="background-color:blue;">Elements get 100% width by default</div>
The second part about your page templates. The code you show use the get_template_part(). This function is a core function of WordPress. See http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_template_part#Using_loop.php_in_child_themes. You will find where your templates should be located.
But i think read http://roots.io/roots-101/#theme-templates first.
Thank you, I had a few solutions offered to me yesterday also, in case anyone else looks at this.
my own was simply to remove the .container class from the base.php file. - this just stopped the content of every page being constrained in a container by default. - this way I was able to add sections to the page at full browser width, and add .container inside them to constrain the actual content.
lines 16 and 17 of original base.php
<div class="wrap <?php if ( ! is_front_page() ): ?>container<?php endif; ?>" role="document">
<div class="content <?php if ( ! is_front_page() ): ?>row<?php endif; ?>">
In app.less
.home .main {
padding: 0;
Then add your sections like so:
<section class="semantic-section-class">
<div class="container">
<!-- your content -->