I am having issue with build rules not firing deleting 1 element from a HasMany association on a model in CakePHP 3. My base table (Settings) is structured with the following association:
// SettingsTable.php
public function initialize(array $config)
$this->hasMany('Mappings', [
'foreignKey' => 'mappings_id',
'saveStrategy' => 'replace'
The associated mappings table has custom rule in it's model that checks for the existence of children in the values table, prior to letting a mapping be deleted:
// MappingsTable.php
public function initialize(array $config)
$this->hasMany('Values', [
'foreignKey' => 'values_id',
'saveStrategy' => 'replace'
public function buildRules(RulesChecker $rules): RulesChecker
$rules->addDelete(/* Has children rule, prevents deletion if children are found in Values table */);
I am using the following to update the settings table, and delete a nested mapping table entry (id 3):
$requestData = [
'title' => 'A new updated title',
'mappings' => [
['id' => 1, 'sort_order' => '5'],
['id' => 2, 'sort_order' => '10'],
// mappings id 3 was previously defined, but removed to make patchEntity() / save() delete it
$settingsTable->patchEntity($settingEntity, $requestData, [
'associated' => ['Mappings', 'Mappings.Values']
Based on what I read about setting the saveStradegy key to replace for the hasMany association in the cake docs here, it seems like this should work.
The delete on the mapping with id 3 does fire in cake using this code, but for some reason the buildRules() call in the 2nd code spinet never fires. $rules->addDelete() never fires if there are child values on a mapping, and cake is forced to default to show the MySQL foreign key constraint failure message, rather than a cleaner build rule failure:
"SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`db`.`values`, CONSTRAINT `values_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`field_id`) REFERENCES `fields` (`id`))"
What do I need to do to get the buildRules() on MappingsTable to fire when when a mapping is removed from a setting, like I am above?
Any help is appreciated!
Problem description
I'm trying to configure a CakePHP 3.7 API to save associated data in a child-first manner. The entities - for the sake of example, lets call them Users and Persons - and their relationships are as follows:
$this->belongsTo('Persons', [
'foreignKey' => 'person_id',
'joinType' => 'LEFT',
'className' => 'MyPlugin.Persons',
$this->hasOne('Users', [
'foreignKey' => 'person_id',
'className' => 'MyPlugin.Users'
In their respective entities, they each have one another's property visibility set to true. What I'm trying to do is POST to the /users/ route (UsersController.php) and have it also save the Persons object included. The payload is as such:
"username": "foo",
"password": "bar",
"persons": {
"dob": "1982-07-03",
The relevant part of the saving method is below, from UsersController.php:
if ($this->request->is('post') && !empty($this->request->getData())) {
$data = $this->request->getData();
$newEntity = $this->Users->newEntity($data, ['associated' => 'Persons']);
$savedEntity = $this->Users->save($newEntity);
The error
This produces the following SQL error.
PDOException: SQLSTATE[23502]: Not null violation: 7 ERROR: null value in column 'person_id' violates not-null constraint
DETAIL: Failing row contains (1, null, foo, bar)
I understand this is because Cake is attempting to save to Users without having a person_id to satisfy the foreign key constraint. It's not possible to reverse this FK relationship in my application domain as we desire leftward one-to-many relationship (User -> 1 Person).
I suspect sending an id in the persons object of the JSON payload will allow this to save correctly. However, for various reasons, this isn't possible at runtime. For example, this is how it's shown in the "Saving Data" CakePHP Book page...
$data = [
'title' => 'First Post',
'user' => [
'id' => 1,
'username' => 'mark'
$article = $articles->newEntity($data, [
'associated' => ['Users']
I know the following would also likely work as suggested by xPfqHZ for a similar issue, as Persons can save to Users, but it feels less suitable as compared to what I'm trying to do and feels as if there is a way via the associations on Users.
if ($this->request->is('post') && !empty($this->request->getData())) {
$data = $this->request->getData();
$newEntity = $this->Users->Persons->newEntity($data, ['associated' => 'Persons']);
$savedEntity = $this->Users->Persons->save($newEntity);
Now I believe this used to be possible in CakePHP 2.X, as stated in this answer by ndm on a similar question where a person is attempting to save the belongsTo associated entity and it's parent hasOne entity in one request via the belongsTo entity.
That's the expected behavior, saveAssociated() is not meant to save only the associated records, it will save the main record as well, so you should use saveAssociated() only, no need to manually set the foreign key, etc, CakePHP will do that automatically.
public function create() {
if ($this->request->is('post') && !empty($this->request->data)):
if ($this->CandidatesProblemReport->saveAssociated($this->request->data)):
// ...
However, I'm not able to find or use the saveAssociated() method upon the Cake\ORM\Table object which the Users entity inherits from, in the documentation. Calling it produces a method not found error. This method only appears to exist on the Cake\ORM\Association object as detailed in the documentation. Unless I'm missing the obvious, is there a way to use this or is it used internally by BelongsTo() and its sibling methods?
Logging / Dumping entity
Using Cake\Log\Log::error($newEntity); or die(var_dump($newEntity)); shows the Users data of the payload hydrated into an object, but I don't see the Persons object attached (see below).
public 'username' => string 'foo' (length=3)
public 'password' => string 'bar' (length=3)
public '[new]' => boolean true
public '[accessible]' =>
array (size=5)
'*' => boolean false
'person_id' => boolean true
'username' => boolean true
'password' => boolean true
'person' => boolean true
public '[dirty]' =>
array (size=2)
'username' => boolean true
'password' => boolean true
public '[original]' =>
array (size=0)
public '[virtual]' =>
array (size=0)
public '[hasErrors]' => boolean false
public '[errors]' =>
array (size=0)
public '[invalid]' =>
array (size=0)
public '[repository]' => string 'MyPlugin.Users' (length=17)
Attempting to \Cake\Log\Log::error($savedEntity); shows nothing in the log file.
save() associations arguments
Another solution I considered was using the $options['associated] of save() as shown in the documentation (extract below). With this set to true as below, the error still occurred.
save( Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity , array $options [] )
... associated: If true it will save 1st level associated entities as they are found in the passed $entity whenever the property defined for the association is marked as dirty. If an array, it will be interpreted as the list of associations to be saved. It is possible to provide different options for saving on associated table objects using this key by making the custom options the array value. If false no associated records will be saved. (default: true) ...
if ($this->request->is('post') && !empty($this->request->getData())) {
$data = $this->request->getData();
$newEntity = $this->Users->newEntity($data, ['associated' => 'Persons']);
$savedEntity = $this->Users->save($newEntity, ['associated' => true]);
Without going through the PersonsController.php and utilising its hasOne relationship, I'm not having much luck getting my Users and Persons data to save through the UsersController.php.
If I've missed any important information, or you have questions/need more, please ask! I might have missed something obvious, but I'd appreciate any suggestions/solutions possible.
As #ndm identified, the error lay in the posted data. As per the "Saving Data: Saving BelongsTo Associations" page of the documentation:
When saving belongsTo associations, the ORM expects a single nested entity named with the singular, underscored version of the association name.
The posted key persons should have been person. Equally, if the entity were named PersonSnapshots, the relevant key in the payload hydrated into the entities would need to have been person_snapshot.
I have two tables - Roles and Users. Inside of Roles, I have a single record.
id: 1, name: Employee, timestamps: blahblah
The strange thing is, whenever I call my User factory (which has a foreign key for field role_id) it deletes the record in the Roles table. It also fails the creation of the factory instantiation, saying that the role_id foreign key constraint fails. I have no idea why this is happening.
Here is the code for the user factory. I've hardcoded values until I can figure it out.
$factory->define(App\User::class, function (Faker $faker) {
return [
'name' => $faker->name,
'email' => $faker->unique()->safeEmail,
'email_verified_at' => now(),
'password' => Hash::make("12341234"),
'remember_token' => str_random(10),
'company_id' => 1,
'role_id' => 1,
And the error:
Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity
constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign
key constraint fails (app.users, CONSTRAINT
users_role_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (role_id) REFERENCES roles
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your foreign key validation seems to be the issue as you error says.
The given context your role_id seems to be the foreign key and you are just passing an arbitrary value which you will never work.
To resolve you will have to create a factory Method that creates a new role and do the following
$factory->define(App\User::class, function (Faker $faker) {
return [
'name' => $faker->name,
'email' => $faker->unique()->safeEmail,
'email_verified_at' => now(),
'password' => Hash::make("12341234"),
'remember_token' => str_random(10),
'company_id' => 1,
'role_id' => factory(Role::class)->create()->id,
PS make sure your mass assignment includes role_id
While I wasn't able to figure out the exact weirdness associated with this, I believe it to be related to the database configuration for PHPUnit. I added the following lines to my phpunit.xml which resolved the issue.
It's also worth mentioning that the role entity was being deleted because the test was using RefreshDatabase.
<env name="DB_CONNECTION" value="sqlite" />
<env name="DB_DATABASE" value=":memory:" />
I have these tables currently:
User table
id (primary key), name, email
User Model
protected $fillable = ['name', 'email'];
protected $visible = ['id','name','email'];
public function customAttributes()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\UserAttribute');
UserAttribute Table
user_id, attribute_id, value //user_id and attribute_id is a composite key, both foreignkeys acting as primary keys establishing an unique combination
UserAttribute Model
protected $fillable = ['user_id', 'attribute_id','value'];
protected $visible = ['user_id', 'attribute_id','value'];
I'll use the following example to explain the issue:
$user = $this->user->create(['name' => 'admin', 'email' => 'admin#admin.com']);
//This works
$user->customAttributes()->save(new \App\Models\UserAttribute(['user_id' => $user->id, 'attribute_id' => 1, 'value' => 'Just a custom1']));
//This does not work
$user->customAttributes()->create([new \App\Models\UserAttribute(['user_id' => $user->id, 'attribute_id' => 1, 'value' => 'Just a custom1'])]);
I could just repeat the save for every custom that I want since it works, but I'm trying to figure out why create doesn't work.
The error I'm getting when I use create is (and yes, I've checked the record exists in the table that isn't listed here):
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`testdatabase`.`user_attributes`,
CONSTRAINT `user_attributes_attribute_id_foreign` FOREIGN KEY (`attribute_id`) REFERENCES `attributes` (`id`))
This is the query it's trying to execute:
insert into `user_attributes` (`user_id`) values (1)
I'm just curious at why this doesn't work with create, I'm not sure if it's something related to this specific scenario (create to a composite key table by relationship). It's somewhat ignoring the value and attribute_id field in the query that is executing
try this:
$user->customAttributes()->create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'attribute_id' => 1, 'value' => 'Just a custom1']);
customAttributes() already returns you instance of UserAttribute model, you don't need to enject that dependency when you use create() method via that relation
your query should be like below;
'user_id' => $user->id,
'attribute_id' => 1,
'value' => 'Just a custom1'
'user_id' => $user->id,
'attribute_id' => 2,
'value' => 'Just a custom2'
I would like to create a junction table tbl_guid_cost_centre that gets taken care of without me manually saving it to the database. I tried adding this to my relations:
'costCentre' => [
'foreignKey' => 'guid',
'tbl_guid_cost_centre(guid_to, cost_center_id)',
"order" => "id desc"],
so that my when saving the costCentre, a row is created for it in my tbl_guid_cost_centre. However I'm getting the error:
Property "CHasOneRelation.0" is not defined.
Any suggestion?
You can have your junction table with the keyword through in your relations:
public function relations() {
'guidCostCentre' => [
['guid_to' => 'guid']
'costCentre' => [
'through' => 'guidCostCentre'
You're defining HAS_ONE relation in a wrong way. The first three elements of relation configuration array should be: relation type, related model name and foreign keys definition. All further elements should be indexed by keys related to relation properties. 'tbl_guid_cost_centre(guid_to, cost_center_id)', probably generates this error, because it does not have a key, so it is treaded as a value for 0 property. You didn't share any details, so it is hard to guess what you want to achieve, but you should start from something like this:
'costCentre' => [
'order' => 'id desc',
And add additional settings at the end array with correct key.
Some examples and explanation you can find in the documentation: https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/database.arr#declaring-relationship
I have defined the following associations:
class RecipesTable extends Table
$this->belongsToMany('Ingredients', [
'through' => 'RecipesIngredients',
'foreignKey' => 'recipe_id',
'targetForeignKey' => 'ingredient_id',
class IngredientsTable extends Table
$this->belongsToMany('Recipes', [
'through' => 'RecipesIngredients',
'foreignKey' => 'ingredient_id',
'targetForeignKey' => 'recipe_id',
class RecipesIngredientsTable extends Table
The table 'RecipesIngredients' has the following structure:
id | recipe_id | ingredient_id | unit_id | ...
Now I make a request like the one below to get Recipes and the associated Ingredients. But without the Units.
$data = $this->Recipe->find('all')
->where('Recipe.id' => 55)
->contain(['Ingredient', ...])
My question is: how do I get the data of the associated 'Units' in a call of $this->Recipe?
I tried different contains like ->contain(['Ingredient' => ['Unit'], ...]) (and so on) but this doesn't work. CakePHP just returns the associated ingredients and the contents of the 'through' join table without linking to the associated units. Or gives an error of missing associations.
That won't work using contain(), at least not with a belongsToMany association, as the on-the-fly created intermediate association for the join table is being created too late for the eager loader to recognize it.
What you can do is explicitly create the otherwise on-the-fly generated hasMany association for the join table manually, eg on the RecipesTable class add:
$this->hasMany('RecipesIngredients', [
'foreignKey' => 'recipe_id'
Then you can contain your associations like:
->contain(['RecipesIngredients' => ['Ingredients', 'Units']])