How to Make Laravel Eloquent "AND" in a Query? - php

I am making a website in my job and I have an issue.
This is what I want to do; in MySQL (PHPMyAdmin) it works with no problems:
FROM tipo_usuarios
tipo_usuarios.jerarquia = "Administrador";
Well this is my Eloquent in Laravel, it works but only with IDs. I don't know how to add AND in Eloquent.
$visitas = User::join("visitas", "visitas.id_usuario", "=", "")

You can use function for second argument in join
$visitas = User::join("visitas", function ($join) {
$join->on("visitas.id_usuario", "=", "")
However, you should read the documentation for creating Eloquent relationship. This is a more convenient and understandable functionality than using the query builder
Eloquent relationship


Using multi where queries Laravel relationships

I have two tables (Table1, Table2).
I want to print the sum of the records whose properties match Table1 in Table2 while listing the Table1 table.
My two tables contain very large records, performance is important to me.
// Model -> relationships
public function cars()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Table2', 'list_id', 'list_id');
// Controller
$table1 = Table1::with('cars' => function($query){
$query->where('table2.color','=', 'table1.color')
$query->where('table2.year','=', 'table1.year')
I'm adding the sample database pictures:
Thank you.
First, add below use statement to the top of your controller:
use DB;
Now, If you only want to get the records amount, you can do this:
$amount = DB::table('table1')
->join('table2', function($join){
$join->on('table1.color', '=', 'table2.color');
$join->on('table1.year', '=', 'table2.year');
But if you want to get the list of the table1 records, you can change the query a bit like below:
$records = DB::table('table1')
->join('table2', function($join){
$join->on('table1.color', '=', 'table2.color');
$join->on('table1.year', '=', 'table2.year');
Please follow Laravel's official guide on this topic:
Use join to merge the two tables read more about join here

Laravel Eloquent join with IN clause

I'm currently trying to use the Eloquent query builder to create a join with multiple clauses, one of which being an IN clause.
The type of query I would like to create would be
SELECT * FROM trusts t
LEFT JOIN trust_group tg ON tg.trust_id =
AND tg.group_id IN (1,2,4)
I've tried
->leftJoin('trust_group', function($join) {
$join->on('trust_group.trust_id', '=', '');
$join->on('trust_group.group_id', 'IN', [1,2,4]);
which results in
and `trust_group`.`group_id` = `IN`
and I've also tried
->leftJoin('trust_group', function($join) {
$join->on('trust_group.trust_id', '=', '');
$join->on(DB::raw('trust_group.group_id IN (1,2,4)'));
but this results in a query containing something along the lines of
and trust_group.group_id IN (1,2,4) = ``
(Obviously those group IDs are for example purposes, and would by dynamic)
Can Eloquent support IN clauses on joins?
This is only part of a pretty large query, so would prefer to use the join rather than use a whereIn
As this is kinda deadlock at the moment, I am posting this as an answer until this is officially PRed. Unfortunately joining with an In clause is not yet supported officially. There are some discussions in this closed thread
You can use it as raw query :
$results = DB::select("
SELECT * FROM trusts t
LEFT JOIN trust_group tg ON tg.trust_id =
AND tg.group_id IN (?)", $groupIds);
Also there is Model::hydrate($array) method if you want to have eloquent collection back from result array.
This is a pretty old post, but for anyone searching, you can now simply use where functions to build more complex joins (tested in Laravel 7) :
->leftJoin('trust_group', function($join) {
->on('trust_group.trust_id', '=', '')
->whereIn('trust_group.group_id', [1, 2, 4])

How to create SQL Join Statement in Laravel Controller

I have two table customer_id namely tbl_customer and tbl_stocks connected on the same database. My logic about this problem is JOIN sql statement.
This is for Laravel and MySQL, so far i've tried this on PHP and is working fine but when I implement it on laravel it is not working i wonder why?
here is my code in PHP and want to convert it to laravel but I dont know where to put? will i put it in the View or in the Controller
$query = "SELECT c.*, s.* FROM tbl_customer c JOIN tbl_stock s ON s.customer_id = c.customer_id AND c.customer_id = 1";
$data = DB::table('tbl_customer')
->join ...... //Im not sure about this
->select .... // neither this
I have no codes on my model
Route::get('/admin/shopcontrol', 'Admin\ShopsController#testquery');
I expect a result of fetching or getting the query or result of the values in just a simple echo and the fetch join is connected
Have you checked the Laravel site?
It has a demonstration you could use to reorganize your code.
As it follows below from the site.
Inner Join Clause
The query builder may also be used to write join statements. To perform a basic "inner join", you may use the join method on a query builder instance. The first argument passed to the join method is the name of the table you need to join to, while the remaining arguments specify the column constraints for the join. Of course, as you can see, you can join to multiple tables in a single query:
$users = DB::table('users')
->join('contacts', '', '=', 'contacts.user_id')
->join('orders', '', '=', 'orders.user_id')
->select('users.*', '', 'orders.price')
You may find more information there if it suits you.
Try this:
$data = DB::table('tbl_customer')
->join('tbl_stock', 'customer_id', '=', 'tbl_customer.customer_id')
->select('tbl_customer.*', 'tbl_stock.*')
->where('customer_id', '=', 1)

How to get a collection of models using where and relationships?

I have an Order table with some relationships (Status, User) using their IDs to create it (status_id, user_id)
I need to get a collection of Order models using and Eloquent ORM but I need to filter by their status name (which is in Status table only) and user name (which is in User table only)
When I use 'join' in my query builder. The relationships aren't hydrating, like in this case:
$emprestimo = DB::table('emprestimos')
->join('status', 'status_id', '=', '')
->where('status.nome', 'Solicitado')
->where('emprestimos.dono_id', Auth::user()->id)
How can I filter using joins and also hydrate my collection of models?
you can try something like this
see if that works
$emprestimo = DB::table('emprestimos')
->join('status', function ($join) {
$join->on('emprestimos.status_id', '=', '')
->where('status.nome', 'Solicitado')
->where('emprestimos.dono_id', Auth::user()->id)

Laravel 4 select column from another table in subquery

I am attempting to do the equivalent of this:
select, p.title, b.brand,
(select big from images where images.product_id = order by id asc limit 1) as image
from products p
inner join brands b on = p.brand_id
Here is where I am at now, but it of course doesn't work:
public function getProducts($brand)
// the fields we want back
$fields = array('', 'p.title', 'p.msrp', 'b.brand', 'p.image');
// if logged in add more fields
array_push($fields, 'p.price_dealer');
$products = DB::table('products as p')
->join('brands as b', '', '=', 'p.brand_id')
->select(DB::raw('(select big from images i order by id asc limit 1) AS image'), '', '=', '')
->where('', '=', 1)
->where('p.display', '=', 1)
->where('b.brand', '=', $brand)
return Response::json(array('products' => $products));
I don't really see anything in the docs on how to do this, and I can't seem to piece it together from other posts.
In "regular" SQL, the subquery is treated AS a column, but I am not sure how to string that together here. Thanks for any help on this.
I strongly recommend you to use Eloquent, instead of pure SQL. It's one of the most beautful things in Laravel. Two models and relations and it's done! If you need to use pure SQL like that, put it all in DB::raw. It's easier, simpler and (ironically) less messy!
With the models, you could use relations between the two tables (represented by the models itself) and say (so far I understood) that Brands belongs to Products, and Images belongs to Product. Take a look at Eloquent's documentation on Laravel. Probably will be more clearly.
Once the relations are done, you can only say that you wanna get
$product = Product::where(function ($query) use ($brand){
$brand_id = Brand::where('brand', '=', $brand)->first()->id;
$query->where('brand_id', '=', $brand_id);
That and a better look at Eloquent's documentation should help you to do the job.
P.S.: I didn't test the code before send it and wrote it by head, but i think it works.
