Why does the following code not work when I use the command or?
include "connect.php";
$query="SELECT * FROM product WHERE $sort='0' ORDER BY id DESC OR $sort='1' ORDER BY id ASC ";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
while ($row=$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
echo JSON_encode($product);
What is it you're trying to attempt here? It looks like you're trying to dump an if else statement within the sql query. That's not the correct way to do it. If I'm correct with what Im saying. You can try something like this
if (Something == SomethingElse) {
$query="SELECT * FROM product WHERE $sort='0' ORDER BY id DESC"
} else {
$query="SELECT * FROM product WHERE $sort='1' $sort='1' ORDER BY id ASC"
Something along those routes. Also, I highly suggest you use a foreach statement for your rows instead of assigning them individually.
$query="SELECT * FROM product WHERE $sort='0' ORDER BY id DESC"
foreach ($query as $row) {
Remember this is just an example, so you'll have to work out the rest of the code yourself. Since you shared so little of what these variables exactly mean its hard for me to understand what you precisely want.
More about Foreach
You can't do that, you can't change the order of SELECT using OR. The OR is only for WHERE statements.
You can try to create one query and next using IF to make one or another query with ORDER BY.
Another thing, be carefully with inject strings from POST directly to your SQL statement, it is very insecure. More on SQL injection.
I have 2 tables, one is called post and one is called followers. Both tables have one row that is called userID. I want to show only posts from people that the person follows. I tried to use one MySQL query for that but it was not working at all.
Right now, I'm using a workaround like this:
$getFollowing = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM followers WHERE userID = '$myuserID'");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_object($getFollowing))
$FollowingArray[] = $row->followsID;
if (is_null($FollowingArray)) {
// not following someone
else {
$following = implode(',', $FollowingArray);
$getPosts = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE userID IN($following) ORDER BY postDate DESC");
As you might imagine im trying to make only one call to the database. So instead of making a call to receive $following as an array, I want to put it all in one query. Is that possible?
Use an SQL JOIN query to accomplish this.
Assuming $myuserID is an supposed to be an integer, we can escape it simply by casting it to an integer to avoid SQL-injection.
Try reading this wikipedia article and make sure you understand it. SQL-injections can be used to delete databases, for example, and a lot of other nasty stuff.
Something like this:
PHP code:
$escapedmyuserID = (int)$myuserID; // make sure we don't get any nasty SQL-injections
and then, the sql query:
FROM followers
LEFT JOIN posts ON followers.someColumn = posts.someColumn
WHERE followers.userID = '$escapedmyuserID'
ORDER BY posts.postDate DESC
I'm trying to count all of the rows from an item list where the id matches a user input. I am switching all of my code from mysql to PDO as I have learned it is much better.
The code below is what I found to work in my situation.
$id = '0';
$sql="SELECT count(*) FROM item_list WHERE item_id = $id";
echo $data;
However, It is not safe for a live site due to sql injections.
I want to know how can I change it to work whare it sanatizes the user input.
I would prefer using a prepare and execute functions so the variables are kept seperately.
So is there something I can do?
This is where you start binding parameters. I prefer to do it using ? and one array for inputs.
Assuming $connMembers is your PDO object:
$sql="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item_list WHERE item_id = ?";
$input=array($id); //Input for execute should always be an array
To add more variables to your sql, just add another ? to the query and add the variable to your input.
$sql="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item_list WHERE item_id = ? AND item_name=?";
$input=array($id, $name); //Input for execute should always be an array
OR you can use bindParam:
$sql="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM item_list WHERE item_id = :itemID";
$statement->bindParam(':itemID', $id);
/*Here I am binding parameters instead of passing
an array parameter to the execute() */
i got a fairly simple layout going and for the life of me i cant figure out why this returns nothing:
// Gets A List Of Comic Arcs
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$db_tbl_comics." GROUP BY ".$db_fld_comics_arc." ORDER BY ".$db_fld_comics_date." DESC LIMIT 20");
while ($comic = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// Now Go Back And Count Issues For Each Comic Arc Above
$result22 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$db_tbl_comics." WHERE ".$db_fld_comics_arc."=".$comic[$db_fld_comics_arc]);
$total_issues = mysql_num_rows($result22);
echo $total_issues;
No other query is refered to as $result22.
$comic[] has already been defined in the previous query.
echo mysql_error($result22); returns no errors.
Let me know if you need any other info.
I am assuming that the column $db_fld_comics_arc is a string.
$result22 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$db_tbl_comics." WHERE ".$db_fld_comics_arc."=".$comic[$db_fld_comics_arc]);
$result22 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$db_tbl_comics." WHERE ".$db_fld_comics_arc."='".$comic[$db_fld_comics_arc]."'");
Am I wrong? If so, let me know the table structure, and what your error reporting is set to.
Also, could you let us know the purpose of your SQL? It may also be possible to put the data together in one query, instead of looping sql queries through, and using data from a first query.
Maybe it is because $db_fld_comics_arc is in $comic[$db_fld_comics_arc]
if both are the same then you should try replacing $db_fld_camics_arc with $comic[$db_fld_comics_arc].
I have a table with 4 record.
Records: 1) arup Sarma
2) Mitali Sarma
3) Nisha
4) haren Sarma
And I used the below SQL statement to get records from a search box.
$sql = "SELECT id,name FROM ".user_table." WHERE name LIKE '%$q' LIMIT 5";
But this retrieve all records from the table. Even if I type a non-existence word (eg.: hgasd or anything), it shows all the 4 record above. Where is the problem ? plz any advice..
This is my full code:
$q = ucwords(addslashes($_POST['q']));
$sql = "SELECT id,name FROM ".user_table." WHERE name LIKE '%".$q."' LIMIT 5";
$rsd = mysql_query($sql);
Your query is fine. Your problem is that $q does not have any value or you are appending the value incorrectly to your query, so you are effectively doing:
"SELECT id,name FROM ".user_table." WHERE name LIKE '%' LIMIT 5";
Use the following code to
A - Prevent SQL-injection
B - Prevent like with an empty $q
//$q = ucwords(addslashes($_POST['q']));
//Addslashes does not work to prevent SQL-injection!
$q = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['q']);
if (isset($q)) {
$sql = "SELECT id,name FROM user_table WHERE name LIKE '%$q'
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
echo "id: ".htmlentities($row['id']);
echo "name: ".htmlentities($row['name']);
} else { //$q is empty, handle the error }
A few comments on the code.
If you are not using PDO, but mysql instead, only mysql_real_escape_string will protect you from SQL-injection, nothing else will.
Always surround any $vars you inject into the code with single ' quotes. If you don't the escaping will not work and syntax error will hit you.
You can test an var with isset to see if it's filled.
Why are you concatenating the tablename? Just put the name of the table in the string as usual.
If you only select a few rows, you really need an order by clause so the outcome will not be random, here I've order the newest id, assuming id is an auto_increment field, newer id's will represent newer users.
If you echo data from the database, you need to escape that using htmlentities to prevent XSS security holes.
In mysql, like operator use '$' regex to represent end of any string.. and '%' is for beginning.. so any string will fall under this regex, that's why it returms all records.
Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/pattern-matching.html once. Hope, this will help you.
I have a PHP search suggestion script which uses MySQL as its back-end. I am aware there are many vunerabilities in my code, I was just wondering what I can do to make it more secure.
Here is my code:
$database=new mysqli('localhost','username','password','database');
"SELECT * FROM search WHERE name LIKE '%" . $query .
"%' ORDER BY value DESC LIMIT 5");
echo '<a>'.$result->name.'</a>';
Actually there aren't, considering you are escaping the only external value in the SQL
Anyway I suggest you to use PDO::prepare for queries. Go here for further infos
$sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM article WHERE id = ?');
$red = $sth->fetchAll();
Some tips from me:
use PDO,
don't concatenate query parameters, use prepared statements in PDO,
don't put "*" in SELECT statement, get only the columns you'll need,
use fetchAll() in PDO, don't fetch records in while() loop.