Shortcode content not visible - php

I have this code that creates a dynamic TOC inside single.php at the top of the page, based on the given class "toc-item" for specific elements. It works as a filter but I would like to use it in a shortcode.
I tried using add_shortcode('toc_content', 'create_toc'); but it does not display anything. Any idea how can I change this into a shortcode function? Thanks a lot!
function create_toc($html) {
$toc = '';
if (is_single()) {
if (!$html) return $html;
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
$toc = '<div class="toc-bound">
<div class="toc-ctr">
table of contents
<ul class="toc">';
$h2_status = 0;
$i = 1;
$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);
$expression = '//*[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(#class), " "), " toc-item ")]';
foreach ($xpath->evaluate($expression) as $element) {
$toc .= '</li>';
$h2_status = 0;
$h2_status = 1;
$toc .= '<li>' . $element->textContent . '';
$element->setAttribute('id', 'toc-' . $i);
$toc .= '</li>';
$toc .= '</ul></div>';
$html = $dom->saveHTML();
return $toc . $html;
add_filter('the_content', 'create_toc');
//add_shortcode('toc_content', 'create_toc'); does not work

The add_shortcode() callback function is passed three arguments: $atts (an array of shortcode arguments), $content (whatever it is inside the shortcode tags, if anything at all) and $tag (the name of the shortcode).
Your $html argument, as it is, would be an array of shortcode arguments (always empty I'm assuming).
If you just need the shortcode to return a div element, you probably don't need any argument at all. Just return the element.


PHP Preg Replace - Match String with Space - Wordpress

I'm trying to scan my wordpress content for:
<p><span class="embed-youtube">some iframed video</span></p>
and then change it into:
<p class="img_wrap"><span class="embed-youtube">some iframed video</span></p>
using the following code in my function.php file in my theme:
$classes = 'class="img_wrap"';
$youtube_match = preg_match('/(<p.*?)(.*?><span class="embed-youtube")/', $content, $youtube_array);
$content = preg_replace('/(<p.*?)(.*?><span class=\"embed-youtube\")/', '$1 ' . $classes . '$2', $content);
but for some reason I am not getting a match on my regex nor is the replace working. I don't understand why there isn't a match because the span with class embed-youtube exists.
function give_attachments_class($content){
$classes = 'class="img_wrap"';
$img_match = preg_match("/(<p.*?)(.*?><img)/", $content, $img_array);
$youtube_match = preg_match('/(<p.*?)(.*?><span class="embed-youtube")/', $content, $youtube_array);
// $doc = new DOMDocument;
// #$doc->loadHTML($content); // load the HTML data
// $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
// $nodes = $xpath->query('//p/span[#class="embed-youtube"]');
// foreach ($nodes as $node) {
// $node->parentNode->setAttribute('class', 'img_wrap');
// }
// $content = $doc->saveHTML();
$content = preg_replace('/(<p.*?)(.*?><img)/', '$1 ' . $classes . '$2', $content);
else if(!empty($youtube_match))
$content = preg_replace('/(<p.*?)(.*?><span class=\"embed-youtube\")/', '$1 ' . $classes . '$2', $content);
$content = preg_replace("/<img(.*?)src=('|\")(.*?).(bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png)(|\")(.*?)>/", '<img$1 data-original=$3.$4 $6>' , $content);
return $content;
Instead of using regex, make effective use of DOM and XPath to do this for you.
$doc = new DOMDocument;
#$doc->loadHTML($html); // load the HTML data
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$nodes = $xpath->query('//p/span[#class="embed-youtube"]');
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$node->parentNode->setAttribute('class', 'img_wrap');
echo $doc->saveHTML();
Here is a quick and dirty REGEX I did for you. It finds the entire string starting with p tag, ending p tag, span also included etc. I also wrote it to include single or double quotes for you since you never know and also to include spaces in various places. Let me know how it works out for you, thanks.
(<p )+(class=)['"]+img_wrap+['"](><span)+[ ]+(class=)+['"]embed-youtube+['"]>[A-Za-z0-9='" ]+(</span></p>)
I have tested it on your code and a few other variations and it works for me.

How to introduce white space in following?

The following snippet of PHP code creates $desc alright, but I like it to introduce two (2) blank spaces between every dpItemFeatureList found as it goes through its iteration.
I can't seem to garner exactly what or where to add a snippet to do this?
function get_description($asin){
$url = '' . $asin . '?d=f&pd=1';
$data = request_data($url);
$desc = '';
if ($data) {
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
if (preg_match('#dpItemFeaturesList#',$data)){
$k = $xpath->query('//ul[#class="dpItemFeaturesList"]');
foreach ($k as $c => $tot) {
$desc .= $tot->nodeValue;
return $desc;
Looking at the code you have shared here and consequently having a look at the data that you are processing (a sample of which I have pasted here) you actually want to collect the text within the <li> child elements of the <ul class="dpItemFeaturesList"> node.
In your original code snippet your XPath is as follows:
This will only select the <ul> element and not the child elements. Consequently when you try to do a $tot->nodeValue it will concatenate all the text within all it's child nodes without spaces (ah ha, the real reason why you want spaces in the first place).
To fix this we should do two things:
Select the <li> nodes within the appropriate node. Change the XPath to //ul[#class="dpItemFeaturesList"]/li.
In the foreach loop concatenate 2 non-breakable spaces (because this is HTML) to the $desc variable.
Here $c is the array index.
function get_description($asin){
$url = '' . $asin . '?d=f&pd=1';
$data = request_data($url);
$desc = '';
if ($data) {
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
if (preg_match('#dpItemFeaturesList#',$data)){
$k = $xpath->query('//ul[#class="dpItemFeaturesList"]/li');
foreach ($k as $c => $tot) {
if ($c > 0) {
$desc .= " ";
$desc .= $tot->nodeValue;
return $desc;
We check for $c > 0 so that you will not get extra spaces after the last node in the loop.
P.S.: Unrelated to your original question. The code for which you shared a link has an undefined variable $timestamp in $date = date("format", $timestamp); on line 116.
Since you're appending everything to desc, try something like
$desc .= $tot->nodeValue;
$desc .= "<br />"
try that:
$desc .= $tot->nodeValue.' ';
and trim($desc) after the loop to avoid two spaces at the end.
or, alternatively create an array:
$desc = array();
$desc[] = $tot->nodeValue;
and return implode(' ', $desc)
If you need that between each one, you need to add in front on each iteration but the first:
$k = $xpath->query('//ul[#class="dpItemFeaturesList"]');
foreach ($k as $c => $tot) {
$c && $desc .= ' '; # all but first
$desc .= $tot->nodeValue;
This is an expression which saves you an if but it works similar. Maybe a bit of taste so sure, an if can do it as well:
$k = $xpath->query('//ul[#class="dpItemFeaturesList"]');
foreach ($k as $c => $tot) {
if($c) $desc .= ' '; # all but first
$desc .= $tot->nodeValue;
This works because every integer number but zero is true in PHP.
See the demo.

extracting and printing an html element by it's id using DOMDocument

i want to extract couple of tables from a web page and show them in my page
i was going to use regex to extract them but then i saw the DOMDocument class
and it seems cleaner i've looked in stackoverflow and it seems all the questions are about getting inner text or using a loop to get inner nodes of elements . i want to now how can i extract and print a html element by it's id .
$html = file_get_contents("");
$xml = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($xml);
$table =$xpath->query("//*[#id='myid']");
$table->saveHTML(); // this obviously doesn't work
how can i show or echo the $table as an actual html table on my page ?
Firstly, DOMDocument has a getElementById() method so your XPath is unnecessary - although I suspect that is how it works underneath.
Secondly, in order to get fragments of markup rather than a whole document, you use DOMNode::C41N(), so your code would look like this:
// Load the HTML into a DOMDocument
// Don't forget you could just pass the URL to loadHTML()
$html = file_get_contents("");
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
// Get the target element
$element = $dom->getElementById('myid');
// Get the HTML as a string
$string = $element->C14N();
See a working example.
You can use DOMElement::C14N() to get the canonicalized HTML(XML) representation of a DOMElement, or if you like a bit more control so that you can filter certain elements and attributes you can use something like this:
function toHTML($nodeList, $tagsToStrip=array('script','object','noscript','form','style'),$attributesToSkip=array('on*')) {
$html = '';
foreach($nodeList as $subIndex => $values) {
if(!in_array(strtolower($values->nodeName), $tagsToStrip)) {
if(substr($values->nodeName,0,1) != '#') {
$html .= ' <'.$values->nodeName;
if($values->attributes) {
for($i=0;$values->attributes->item($i);$i++) {
if( !in_array( strtolower($values->attributes->item($i)->nodeName) , $attributesToSkip ) && (in_array('on*',$attributesToSkip) && substr( strtolower($values->attributes->item($i)->nodeName) ,0 , 2) != 'on') ) {
$vvv = $values->attributes->item($i)->nodeValue;
if( in_array( strtolower($values->attributes->item($i)->nodeName) , array('src','href') ) ) {
$vvv = resolve_href( $this->url , $vvv );
$html .= ' '.$values->attributes->item($i)->nodeName.'="'.$vvv.'"';
if(in_array(strtolower($values->nodeName), array('br','img'))) {
$html .= ' />';
} else {
$html .= '> ';
if(!$values->firstChild) {
$html .= htmlspecialchars( $values->textContent , ENT_COMPAT , 'UTF-8' , true );
} else {
$html .= toHTML($values->childNodes,$tagsToStrip,$attributesToSkip);
$html .= ' </'.$values->nodeName.'> ';
} elseif(substr($values->nodeName,1,1) == 't') {
$inner = htmlspecialchars( $values->textContent , ENT_COMPAT , 'UTF-8' , true );
$html .= $inner;
return $html;
echo toHTML($table);

adding rel="nofollow" while saving data

I have my application to allow users to write comments on my website. Its working fine. I also have tool to insert their weblinks in it. I feel good with contents with their own weblinks.
Now i want to add rel="nofollow" to every links on content that they have been written.
I would like to add rel="nofollow" using php i.e while saving data.
So what's a simple method to add rel="nofollow" or updated rel="someother" with rel="someother nofollow" using php
a nice example will be much efficient
Regexs really aren't the best tool for dealing with HTML, especially when PHP has a pretty good HTML parser built in.
This code will handle adding nofollow if the rel attribute is already populated.
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$anchors = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a');
foreach($anchors as $anchor) {
$rel = array();
if ($anchor->hasAttribute('rel') AND ($relAtt = $anchor->getAttribute('rel')) !== '') {
$rel = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($relAtt));
if (in_array('nofollow', $rel)) {
$rel[] = 'nofollow';
$anchor->setAttribute('rel', implode(' ', $rel));
The resulting HTML is in $dom->saveHTML(). Except it will wrap it with html, body elements, etc, so use this to extract just the HTML you entered...
$html = '';
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)->childNodes as $element) {
$html .= $dom->saveXML($element, LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG);
echo $html;
If you have >= PHP 5.3, replace saveXML() with saveHTML() and drop the second argument.
This HTML...
hello converted into...
Good Alex. If it is in the form of a function it is more useful. So I made it below:
function add_no_follow($str){
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$anchors = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a');
foreach($anchors as $anchor) {
$rel = array();
if ($anchor->hasAttribute('rel') AND ($relAtt = $anchor->getAttribute('rel')) !== '') {
$rel = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($relAtt));
if (in_array('nofollow', $rel)) {
$rel[] = 'nofollow';
$anchor->setAttribute('rel', implode(' ', $rel));
$html = '';
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0)->childNodes as $element) {
$html .= $dom->saveXML($element, LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG);
return $html;
Use as follows :
$str = "Some content with link Some content ... ";
$str = add_no_follow($str);
I've copied Alex's answer and made it into a function that makes links nofollow and open in a new tab/window (and added UTF-8 support). I'm not sure if this is the best way to do this, but it works (constructive input is welcome):
function nofollow_new_window($str)
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$anchors = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a');
foreach($anchors as $anchor)
$rel = array();
if ($anchor->hasAttribute('rel') AND ($relAtt = $anchor->getAttribute('rel')) !== '') {
$rel = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($relAtt));
if (in_array('nofollow', $rel)) {
$rel[] = 'nofollow';
$anchor->setAttribute('rel', implode(' ', $rel));
$target = array();
if ($anchor->hasAttribute('target') AND ($relAtt = $anchor->getAttribute('target')) !== '') {
$target = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($relAtt));
if (in_array('_blank', $target)) {
$target[] = '_blank';
$anchor->setAttribute('target', implode(' ', $target));
$str = utf8_decode($dom->saveHTML($dom->documentElement));
return $str;
Simply use the function like this:
$str = '<html><head></head><body>fdsafffffdfsfdffff dfsdaff flkklfd aldsfklffdssfdfds Google</body></html>';
$str = nofollow_new_window($str);
echo $str;

Automatically generate nested table of contents based on heading tags

Which one of you crafty programmers can show me an elegant php coded solution for automatically generating a nested table of contents based on heading tags on the page?
So I have a html document thus:
<h1> Animals </h1>
Some content goes here.
Some content goes here.
<h2> Mammals </h2>
Some content goes here.
Some content goes here.
<h3> Terrestrial Mammals </h3>
Some content goes here.
Some content goes here.
<h3> Marine Mammals </h3>
Some content goes here.
Some content goes here.
<h4> Whales </h4>
Some content goes here.
Some content goes here.
More specifically, I want a linked table of contents in the form of a nested list of links to headings on the same page:
Table of Contents (automatically generated by PHP code)
I don't find it elegant, but might help in getting general idea how to create one ;)
It uses simple_html_dom to find and manipulate elements in original html
$htmlcode = <<< EOHTML
<h1> Animals </h1>
Some content goes here.
Some content goes here.
<h2> Mammals </h2>
Some content goes here.
Some content goes here.
<h3> Terrestrial Mammals </h3>
Some content goes here.
Some content goes here.
<h3> Marine Mammals </h3>
Some content goes here.
Some content goes here.
<h4> Whales </h4>
Some content goes here.
Some content goes here.
// simpehtmldom or other dom manipulating library
require_once 'simple_html_dom.php';
$html = str_get_html($htmlcode);
$toc = '';
$last_level = 0;
foreach($html->find('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6') as $h){
$innerTEXT = trim($h->innertext);
$id = str_replace(' ','_',$innerTEXT);
$h->id= $id; // add id attribute so we can jump to this element
$level = intval($h->tag[1]);
if($level > $last_level)
$toc .= "<ol>";
$toc .= str_repeat('</li></ol>', $last_level - $level);
$toc .= '</li>';
$toc .= "<li><a href='#{$id}'>{$innerTEXT}</a>";
$last_level = $level;
$toc .= str_repeat('</li></ol>', $last_level);
$html_with_toc = $toc . "<hr>" . $html->save();
Here’s an example using DOMDocument:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
// create document fragment
$frag = $doc->createDocumentFragment();
// create initial list
$head = &$frag->firstChild;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$last = 1;
// get all H1, H2, …, H6 elements
foreach ($xpath->query('//*[self::h1 or self::h2 or self::h3 or self::h4 or self::h5 or self::h6]') as $headline) {
// get level of current headline
sscanf($headline->tagName, 'h%u', $curr);
// move head reference if necessary
if ($curr < $last) {
// move upwards
for ($i=$curr; $i<$last; $i++) {
$head = &$head->parentNode->parentNode;
} else if ($curr > $last && $head->lastChild) {
// move downwards and create new lists
for ($i=$last; $i<$curr; $i++) {
$head = &$head->lastChild->lastChild;
$last = $curr;
// add list item
$li = $doc->createElement('li');
$a = $doc->createElement('a', $headline->textContent);
// build ID
$levels = array();
$tmp = &$head;
// walk subtree up to fragment root node of this subtree
while (!is_null($tmp) && $tmp != $frag) {
$levels[] = $tmp->childNodes->length;
$tmp = &$tmp->parentNode->parentNode;
$id = 'sect'.implode('.', array_reverse($levels));
// set destination
$a->setAttribute('href', '#'.$id);
// add anchor to headline
$a = $doc->createElement('a');
$a->setAttribute('name', $id);
$a->setAttribute('id', $id);
$headline->insertBefore($a, $headline->firstChild);
// append fragment to document
// echo markup
echo $doc->saveHTML();
I found this method, by Alex Freeman (
//reformat the results to be more usable
$toc = implode("\n",$resultats[0]);
$toc = str_replace('<a name="','<a href="#',$toc);
$toc = str_replace('</a>','',$toc);
$toc = preg_replace('#<h([4-6])>#','<li class="toc$1">',$toc);
$toc = preg_replace('#<\/h[4-6]>#','</a></li>',$toc);
//plug the results into appropriate HTML tags
$toc = '<div id="toc">
<p id="toc-header">Table des matières</p>
<hr />
</div><br /><br />';
return $toc;
In the HTML, the headers have to be written as:
<h2><a name="target"></a>Text</h2>
Combined some of the above to make a nested index of the headings. This function also inserts links into html itself so it can be linked. Pure php no library needed.
function generateIndex($html)
$index = "<ul>";
$prev = 2;
foreach ($matches[0] as $i => $match){
$curr = $matches[1][$i];
$text = strip_tags($matches[2][$i]);
$slug = strtolower(str_replace("--","-",preg_replace('/[^\da-z]/i', '-', $text)));
$anchor = '<a name="'.$slug.'">'.$text.'</a>';
$html = str_replace($text,$anchor,$html);
$prev <= $curr ?: $index .= str_repeat('</ul>',($prev - $curr));
$prev >= $curr ?: $index .= "<ul>";
$index .= '<li>'.$text.'</li>';
$prev = $curr;
$index .= "</ul>";
return ["html"=>$html,"index"=>$index];
Have a look at the TOC class. It allows generating table of contents from nested headings. h1 tag can be followed by any lower level h tag. The class uses recursion to extract the headings from article text
Short solution using SimpleHTMLDom :
public function getSummary($body)
$dom = new Htmldom($body);
$summ = "<ul>";
$prev = 2;
foreach($dom->find("h2,h3,h4") as $x => $htag)
$curr = intval(substr($htag->tag, -1));
$prev <= $curr ?: $summ .= "</ul>";
$prev >= $curr ?: $summ .= "<ul>";
$summ .= "<li>$htag->plaintext</li>";
$prev = $curr;
$summ .= "</ul>";
return $summ;
You have a very simple library for this caseyamcl/toc
$tocGenerator = new TOC\TocGenerator();
$toc = $tocGenerator->getHtmlMenu($html);
echo $htmlOut;
Bonus: If you want, he can fix the header without tag id by insert this code before.
$tocGenerator = new TOC\TocGenerator();
$html = $markupFixer->fix($html);
