i am trying web scraping so i get this error on "\vendor\symfony\dom-crawler\Crawler.php:552"
here is the crawler.php code what the browser showed me:
#throws \InvalidArgumentException When current node is empty
public function text(string $default = null, bool $normalizeWhitespace = true): string
if (!$this->nodes) {
if (null !== $default) {
return $default;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The current node list is empty.');
$text = $this->getNode(0)->nodeValue;
if ($normalizeWhitespace) {
return trim(preg_replace('/(?:\s{2,}+|[^\S ])/', ' ', $text));
return $text;
This exception is thrown when trying to access the text of an empty node list. I have written a util class for this purpose, as I don't always mind the value being empty. Simply pass the node list you want to get the inner text from, like so CrawlUtil::innerText($nodeList). Hope it will help somebody in the future :)
use Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Crawler;
class CrawlUtil
* Suppresses exception that node list is empty.
* #param Crawler $crawler
* #return string|null
public static function innerText(Crawler $crawler): ?string
if ($crawler->count() > 0 && $crawler->text() !== '') {
return $crawler->innerText();
return null;
Disclaimer: I would have preferred a more generic question like "How do I keep track of the state of a recursive method?" on the code review stack exchange site, as that better describes where the problem is currently at. But the constraint on that board is that code must first be working
Background: I have a container that
can recursively hydrate and inject constructor arguments
concretes can be provided to it for use to circumvent hydration
provision context exist in two states: for classes being auto-wired, and for classes using the container as a service locator
Three of these target behaviours function as expected, save when the last 2 are combined.
Main problem: when 3a is followed by 3b, container uses an incorrect context, and I don't know how to inspect that particular state since the hydrator/service locator is recursive. Unit testing the individual methods all work correctly. Integration test of either of the two works. But at the level of multi layer hydration, I can't mock out any of the involved parts, thus, I have no way of determining what context is used there
I feel the problem is more of a philosophical one, where more than one answer is applicable. But instead of down-voting, kindly migrate to the appropriate stack exchange site
The code is in PHP, but if you aren't conversant with it, pseudo-code or a verbal solution is welcome. An acceptable solution may even be a test that demonstrates how to simulate and observe container state after hydration and service location. I already have this, but it fails
public function test_hydrated_class_with_getClass_correctly_uses_needs () {
$ourB = new BCounter; // given
BCounter::class => $ourB
$this->assertSame( // then
->getInternalB(), // when
Relevant parts of the container below
use ReflectionMethod, ReflectionClass, ReflectionFunction, ReflectionType, ReflectionFunctionAbstract, ReflectionException;
class Container {
private $provisionedNamespaces = [], // NamespaceUnit[]
$hydratingForStack = [], // String[]. Doubles as a dependency chain. #see [lastHydratedFor] for main usage
$internalMethodHydrate = false, // Used when [getMethodParameters] is called directly without going through instance methods such as [instantiateConcrete]
$hydratingArguments = false,
$constructor = "__construct",
$externalHydrators = [], $externalContainerManager,
$provisionContext, // the active Type before calling `needs`
$provisionSpace; // same as above, but for namespaces
protected $provisionedClasses = []; // ProvisionUnit[]
public function __construct () {
public function initializeUniversalProvision ():void {
$this->provisionedClasses[self::UNIVERSAL_SELECTOR] = new ProvisionUnit;
public function getInterfaceHydrator ():InterfaceHydrator {
return $this->interfaceHydrator;
* Looks for the given class in this order
* 1) pre-provisioned caller list
* 2) Provisions it afresh if an interface or recursively wires in its constructor dependencies
* #param {includeSub} Regular provision: A wants B, but we give C sub-class of B. Sub-classes of A can't obtain B unless this parameter is used
* #return A class instance, if found
public function getClass (string $fullName, bool $includeSub = false) {
$concrete = $this->decorateProvidedConcrete($fullName);
if (!is_null($concrete)) return $concrete;
if ($includeSub && $parent = $this->hydrateChildsParent($fullName))
return $parent;
$externalManager = $this->externalContainerManager;
if (
!is_null($externalManager) &&
$concrete = $externalManager->findInManagers($fullName)
) {
$this->saveWhenImplements($fullName, $concrete);
return $concrete;
return $this->initializeHydratingForAction($fullName, function ($className) {
if ($this->getReflectedClass($className)->isInterface())
return $this->provideInterface($className);
return $this->instantiateConcrete($className);
public function decorateProvidedConcrete (string $fullName) {
$freshlyCreated = $this->initializeHydratingForAction($fullName, function ($className) {
return new HydratedConcrete(
if (!is_null($freshlyCreated->getConcrete()))
return $this->getDecorator()->scopeInjecting(
); // decorator runs on each fetch (rather than only once), since different callers result in different behavior
public function getProvidedConcrete (string $fullName) {
$context = $this->getRecursionContext();
if ($context->hasConcrete($fullName))
return $context->getConcrete($fullName);
$globalContext = $this->provisionedClasses[self::UNIVERSAL_SELECTOR];
if ($globalContext->hasConcrete($fullName)) // current provision doesn't include this class. check in global
return $globalContext->getConcrete($fullName);
* Switches unit being provided to universal if it doesn't exist
* #return currently available provision unit
public function getRecursionContext ():ProvisionUnit {
$hydrateFor = $this->lastHydratedFor();
if (!array_key_exists($hydrateFor, $this->provisionedClasses))
$hydrateFor = self::UNIVERSAL_SELECTOR;
return $this->provisionedClasses[$hydrateFor];
* This tells us the class we are hydrating arguments for
public function lastHydratedFor ():?string {
$stack = $this->hydratingForStack;
if(empty($stack) ) return null;
$index = $this->hydratingArguments ? 2: 1; // If we're hydrating class A -> B -> C, we want to get provisions for B (who, at this point, is indexed -2 while C is -1). otherwise, we'll be looking through C's provisions instead of B
$length = count($stack);
return $stack[$length - $index];
* Not explicitly decorating objects from here since it calls [getClass]
private function hydrateChildsParent (string $fullName) {
$providedParent = $this->getProvidedParent($fullName);
if (!is_null($providedParent))
return $this->getClass($providedParent);
* #return the first provided parent of the given class
private function getProvidedParent (string $class):?string {
$allSuperiors = array_keys($this->provisionedClasses);
$classSuperiors = array_merge(
class_parents($class, true),
class_implements($class, true)
return current(
array_intersect($classSuperiors, $allSuperiors)
private function saveWhenImplements (string $interface, $concrete):void {
if (!($concrete instanceof $interface))
throw new InvalidImplementor($interface, get_class($concrete));
$this->storeConcrete( $interface, $concrete);
private function storeConcrete (string $fullName, $concrete):ProvisionUnit {
return $this->getRecursionContext()->addConcrete($fullName, $concrete);
private function getReflectedClass (string $className):ReflectionClass {
try {
return new ReflectionClass($className);
catch (ReflectionException $re) {
$message = "Unable to hydrate ". $this->lastHydratedFor() . ": ". $re->getMessage();
$hint = "Hint: Cross-check its dependencies";
throw new HydrationException("$message. $hint");
* Wrap any call that internally attempts to read from [lastHydratedFor] in this i.e. calls that do some hydration and need to know what context/provision they're being hydrated for
public function initializeHydratingForAction (string $fullName, callable $action) {
$result = $action($fullName);
return $result;
* Tells us who to hydrate arguments for
protected function initializeHydratingFor (string $fullName):void {
$isFirstCall = is_null($this->lastHydratedFor());
$hydrateFor = $isFirstCall ? $this->lastCaller(): $fullName;
private function lastCaller ():string {
$stack = debug_backtrace (2 ); // 2=> ignore concrete objects and their args
$caller = "class";
foreach ($stack as $execution)
if (array_key_exists($caller, $execution) && $execution[$caller] != get_class()) {
return $execution[$caller];
* Updates the last element in the context hydrating stack, to that whose provision dependencies should be hydrated for
protected function pushHydratingFor (string $fullName):void {
$this->hydratingForStack[] = $fullName;
* #param {completedHydration} To guarantee push-pop consistency. When the name of what is expected to be removed doesn't match the last item in stack, it indicates we're currently hydrating an interface (where its name differs from concretes involved). When this happens, we simply ignore popping our list since those concretes were not the ones that originally got pushed
private function popHydratingFor (string $completedHydration):void {
if (end($this->hydratingForStack) == $completedHydration)
* #throws InvalidImplementor
* #return Concrete of the given [Interface] if it was bound
protected function provideInterface (string $interface) {
$caller = $this->lastHydratedFor();
if ($this->hasRenamedSpace($caller)) {
$newIdentity = $this->relocateSpace($interface, $caller);
$concrete = $this->instantiateConcrete($newIdentity);
else {
$concrete = $this->getInterfaceHydrator()->deriveConcrete($interface);
if (!is_null($concrete))
$this->saveWhenImplements($interface, $concrete);
if (is_null($concrete))
throw new InvalidImplementor($interface, "No matching concrete" );
return $concrete;
* A shorter version of [getClass], but neither checks in cache or contextual provisions. This means they're useful to:
* 1) To hydrate classes we're sure doesn't exist in the cache
* 2) In methods that won't be called more than once in the request cycle
* 3) To create objects that are more or less static, or can't be overidden by an extension
* All objects internally derived from this trigger decorators if any are applied
public function instantiateConcrete (string $fullName) {
$freshlyCreated = $this->initializeHydratingForAction ($fullName, function ($className) {
if (!method_exists($className, $this->constructor))
return new HydratedConcrete(new $className, $this->lastHydratedFor() );
return $this->hydrateConcreteForCaller($className);
$this->storeConcrete($fullName, $freshlyCreated->getConcrete());
return $this->getDecorator()->scopeInjecting(
public function hydrateConcreteForCaller (string $className):HydratedConcrete {
$dependencies = $this->internalMethodGetParameters(function () use ($className) {
return array_values($this->getMethodParameters($this->constructor, $className));
return new HydratedConcrete(
new $className (...$dependencies),
public function internalMethodGetParameters (callable $action) {
$this->internalMethodHydrate = true;
$result = $action();
$this->internalMethodHydrate = false;
return $result;
* Fetch appropriate dependencies for a callable's arguments
* #param {callable}:string|Closure
* #param {anchorClass} the class the given method belongs to
* #return {Array} associative. Contains hydrated parameters to invoke given callable with
public function getMethodParameters ( $callable, string $anchorClass = null):array {
$context = null;
if (is_null($anchorClass))
$reflectedCallable = new ReflectionFunction($callable);
else {
$reflectedCallable = new ReflectionMethod($anchorClass, $callable);
if (!$this->internalMethodHydrate)
$context = $this->getRecursionContext();
$dependencies = $this->populateDependencies($reflectedCallable, $context);
if (is_null($anchorClass)) return $dependencies;
elseif (!$this->internalMethodHydrate)
return $this->getDecorator()->scopeArguments( $anchorClass, $dependencies, $callable);
public function populateDependencies (ReflectionFunctionAbstract $reflectedCallable, ?ProvisionUnit $callerProvision):array {
$dependencies = [];
foreach ($reflectedCallable->getParameters() as $parameter) {
$parameterName = $parameter->getName();
$parameterType = $parameter->getType();
if (!is_null($callerProvision) )
$dependencies[$parameterName] = $this->hydrateProvidedParameter($callerProvision, $parameterType, $parameterName);
elseif (!is_null($parameterType))
$dependencies[$parameterName] = $this->hydrateUnprovidedParameter($parameterType);
elseif ($parameter->isOptional() )
$dependencies[$parameterName] = $parameter->getDefaultValue();
else $dependencies[$parameterName] = null;
return $dependencies;
* Pulls out a provided instance of a dependency when present, or creates a fresh one
* #return object matching type at given parameter
private function hydrateProvidedParameter (ProvisionUnit $callerProvision, ReflectionType $parameterType, string $parameterName) {
if ($callerProvision->hasArgument($parameterName))
return $callerProvision->getArgument($parameterName);
$typeName = $parameterType->getName();
if ($callerProvision->hasArgument($typeName))
return $callerProvision->getArgument($typeName);
return $this->hydrateUnprovidedParameter($parameterType);
private function hydrateUnprovidedParameter (ReflectionType $parameterType) {
$typeName = $parameterType->getName();
if ( $parameterType->isBuiltin()) {
$defaultValue = null;
settype($defaultValue, $typeName);
return $defaultValue;
if (!in_array($typeName, $this->hydratingForStack)) {
$this->hydratingArguments = true;
$concrete = $this->getClass($typeName);
$this->hydratingArguments = false;
return $concrete;
if ($this->getReflectedClass($typeName)->isInterface())
throw new HydrationException ("$typeName's concrete cannot depend on its dependency's concrete");
trigger_error("Circular dependency detected while hydrating $typeName", E_USER_WARNING);
public function whenType (string $toProvision):self {
if (!array_key_exists($toProvision, $this->provisionedClasses))
$this->provisionedClasses[$toProvision] = new ProvisionUnit;
$this->provisionContext = $toProvision;
return $this;
public function whenTypeAny ():self {
return $this->whenType(self::UNIVERSAL_SELECTOR);
public function needs (array $dependencyList):self {
if (is_null ($this->provisionContext))
throw new HydrationException("Undefined provisionContext");
return $this;
public function needsAny (array $dependencyList):self {
$this->provisionContext = null;
return $this;
public function needsArguments (array $argumentList):self {
if (is_null ($this->provisionContext))
throw new HydrationException("Undefined provisionContext");
return $this;
public function provideSelf ():void {
$this->whenTypeAny()->needsAny([get_class() => $this]);
protected function getDecorator ():DecoratorHydrator {
return $this->decorator;
The relevant parts are:
decorateProvidedConcrete (who I want to assert was called twice, but by mocking, getClass can no longer function)
public function test_hydrated_class_with_getClass_reads_provision () {
// given
$container = $this->positiveDouble(Container::class, [
"getDecorator" => $this->stubDecorator(),
"getProvidedConcrete" => $this->returnCallback(function ($subject) {
return $this->positiveDouble($subject, []); // return a stub
], [
"getProvidedConcrete" => [2, [
$this->callback(function ($subject) {
return BCounter::class == $subject; // this obviously won't work, since method attempts to hydrate other classes, as well
]] // then 1
// when
getRecursionContext, who I have no way of observing until getClass returns. But I would like to know what context it's working with by the time we're doing the service location. And, that's difficult to figure out since getClass is recursive
Finally, ARequiresBCounter. I want to DI this class with provided BCounter. Then when getInternalB runs, it equally uses the provided BCounter
class ARequiresBCounter {
private $b1, $container, $primitive;
public function __construct (BCounter $b1, Container $container, string $primitive) {
$this->b1 = $b1;
$this->container = $container;
$this->primitive = $primitive;
public function getConstructorB ():BCounter {
return $this->b1;
public function getInternalB ():BCounter {
return $this->container->getClass(BCounter::class);
I've recently learned about the advantages of using Dependency Injection (DI) in my PHP application.
However, I'm still unsure how to create my container for the dependencies. Before, I use a container from a framework and I want to understand how is he doing things in back and reproduce it.
For example:
The container from Zend 2. I understand that the container make class dynamic, he does not have to know about them from the beginning, he checks if he already has that class in his registry and if he has not he check if that class exist and what parameters has inside constructor and put it in his own registry so next time could take it from there, practical is doing everything dynamic and it is completing his own registry, so we do not have to take care of nothing once we implement the container as he can give as any class we want even if we just make that class.
Also if I want to getInstance for A which needs B and B needs C I understand that he doing this recursive and he goes and instantiate C then B and finally A.
So I understand the big picture and what is he suppose to do but I am not so sure about how to implement it.
You may be better off using one of the existing Dependency Containers out there, such as PHP-DI or Pimple. However, if you are looking for a simpler solution, then I've implemented a Dependency Container as part of an article that I wrote here: http://software-architecture-php.blogspot.com/
Here is the code for the container
class Container implements \DecoupledApp\Interfaces\Container\ContainerInterface
* This function resolves the constructor arguments and creates an object
* #param string $dataType
* #return mixed An object
private function createObject($dataType)
if(!class_exists($dataType)) {
throw new \Exception("$dataType class does not exist");
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($dataType);
$constructor = $reflectionClass->getConstructor();
$args = null;
$obj = null;
if($constructor !== null)
$block = new \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock($constructor);
$tags = $block->getTagsByName("param");
if(count($tags) > 0)
$args = array();
foreach($tags as $tag)
//resolve constructor parameters
$args[] = $this->resolve($tag->getType());
if($args !== null)
$obj = $reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs($args);
$obj = $reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs();
return $obj;
* Resolves the properities that have a type that is registered with the Container.
* #param mixed $obj
private function resolveProperties(&$obj)
$reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass(get_class($obj));
$props = $reflectionClass->getProperties();
foreach($props as $prop)
$block = new \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock($prop);
//This assumes that there is only one "var" tag.
//If there are more than one, then only the first one will be considered.
$tags = $block->getTagsByName("var");
$value = $this->resolve($tags[0]->getType());
if($value !== null)
if($prop->isPublic()) {
$prop->setValue($obj, $value);
} else {
$setter = "set".ucfirst($prop->name);
if($reflectionClass->hasMethod($setter)) {
$rmeth = $reflectionClass->getMethod($setter);
$rmeth->invoke($obj, $value);
* #param string $dataType
* #return object|NULL If the $dataType is registered, the this function creates the corresponding object and returns it;
* otherwise, this function returns null
public function resolve($dataType)
$dataType = trim($dataType, "\\");
$obj = null;
//TODO: check if the class exists
$className = $this->singletonRegistry[$dataType];
$obj = $className::getInstance();
else if(isset($this->closureRegistry[$dataType]))
$obj = $this->closureRegistry[$dataType]();
else if(isset($this->typeRegistry[$dataType]))
$obj = $this->createObject($this->typeRegistry[$dataType]);
if($obj !== null)
//Now we need to resolve the object properties
return $obj;
* #see \DecoupledApp\Interfaces\Container\ContainerInterface::make()
public function make($dataType)
$obj = $this->createObject($dataType);
return $obj;
* #param Array $singletonRegistry
* #param Array $typeRegistry
* #param Array $closureRegistry
public function __construct($singletonRegistry, $typeRegistry, $closureRegistry)
$this->singletonRegistry = $singletonRegistry;
$this->typeRegistry = $typeRegistry;
$this->closureRegistry = $closureRegistry;
* An array that stores the mappings of an interface to a concrete singleton class.
* The key/value pair corresond to the interface name/class name pair.
* The interface and class names are all fully qualified (i.e., include the namespaces).
* #var Array
private $singletonRegistry;
* An array that stores the mappings of an interface to a concrete class.
* The key/value pair corresond to the interface name/class name pair.
* The interface and class names are all fully qualified (i.e., include the namespaces).
* #var Array
private $typeRegistry;
* An array that stores the mappings of an interface to a closure that is used to create and return the concrete object.
* The key/value pair corresond to the interface name/class name pair.
* The interface and class names are all fully qualified (i.e., include the namespaces).
* #var Array
private $closureRegistry;
The above code can be found here: https://github.com/abdulla16/decoupled-app (under the /Container folder)
You can register your dependencies as a singleton, as a type (every time a new object will be instantiated), or as a closure (the container will call the function that you register and that function is expected to return the instance).
For example,
$singletonRegistry = array();
$singletonRegistry["DecoupledApp\\Interfaces\\UnitOfWork\\UnitOfWorkInterface"] =
$typeRegistry = array();
$typeRegistry["DecoupledApp\\Interfaces\\DataModel\\Entities\\UserInterface"] =
$closureRegistry = array();
$closureRegistry["DecoupledApp\\Interfaces\\DataModel\\Repositories\\UserRepositoryInterface"] =
function() {
global $entityManager;
return $entityManager->getRepository("\\DecoupledApp\\DataModel\\Entities\\User");
$container = new \DecoupledApp\Container\Container($singletonRegistry, $typeRegistry, $closureRegistry);
This Container resolves properties of a class as well as the constructor parameters.
I have done a very simple IoC class which works as intended. I've investigated the IoC and DI pattern and especially after reading this answer. Let me know if something is not right or you have any questions .
class Dependency {
protected $object = null;
protected $blueprint = null;
* #param $instance callable The callable passed to the IoC object.
public function __construct($instance) {
if (!is_object($instance)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Received argument should be object.");
$this->blueprint = $instance;
* (Magic function)
* This function serves as man-in-the-middle for method calls,
* the if statement there serves for lazy loading the objects
* (They get created whenever you call the first method and
* all later calls use the same instance).
* This could allow laziest possible object definitions, like
* adding annotation parsing functionality which can extract everything during
* the call to the method. once the object is created it can get the annotations
* for the method, automatically resolve its dependencies and satisfy them,
* if possible or throw an error.
* all arguments passed to the method get passed to the method
* of the actual code dependency.
* #param $name string The method name to invoke
* #param $args array The array of arguments which will be passed
* to the call of the method
* #return mixed the result of the called method.
public function __call($name, $args = array())
if (is_null($this->object)) {
$this->object = call_user_func($this->blueprint);
return call_user_func_array(array($this->object, $name), $args);
* If the object implements \ArrayAccess you could
* have easier access to the dependencies.
class IoC {
protected $immutable = array(); // Holds aliases for write-protected definitions
protected $container = array(); // Holds all the definitions
* #param $alias string Alias to access the definition
* #param $callback callable The calback which constructs the dependency
* #param $immutable boolean Can the definition be overriden?
public function register ($alias, $callback, $immutable = false) {
if (in_array($alias, $this->immutable)) {
return false;
if ($immutable) {
$this->immutable[] = $alias;
$this->container[$alias] = new Dependency($callback);
return $this;
public function get ($alias) {
if (!array_key_exists($alias, $this->container)) {
return null;
return $this->container[$alias];
class FooBar {
public function say()
return 'I say: ';
public function hello()
return 'Hello';
public function world()
return ', World!';
class Baz {
protected $argument;
public function __construct($argument)
$this->argument = $argument;
public function working()
return $this->argument->say() . 'Yep!';
* Define dependencies
$dic = new IoC;
$dic->register('greeter', function () {
return new FooBar();
$dic->register('status', function () use ($dic) {
return new Baz($dic->get('greeter'));
* Real Usage
$greeter = $dic->get('greeter');
print $greeter->say() . ' ' . $greeter->hello() . ' ' . $greeter->world() . PHP_EOL . '<br />';
$status = $dic->get('status');
print $status->working();
I think the code is pretty self-explanatory, but let me know if something is not clear
Because I haven't find anything near what I wanted,I tried to implement on my own a container and I want to hear some opinion about how is looking,because I've start to learn php and oop a month ago a feedback is very important for me because I know I have many things to learn,so please feel free to bully my code :))
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class ioc
private $defs;
static $instance;
private $reflection;
private function __construct()
$defs = array();
$reflection = array();
private function __clone()
public static function getInstance()
if (!self::$instance) {
self::$instance = new ioc();
return self::$instance;
public function getInstanceOf($class)
if (is_array($this->defs) && key_exists($class, $this->defs)) {
if (is_object($this->defs[$class])) {
return $this->defs[$class];
} else {
if (class_exists($class)) {
if (is_array($this->reflection) && key_exists($class, $this->reflection)) {
$reflection = $this->reflection[$class];
} else {
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($class);
$this->reflection[$class] = $reflection;
$constructor = $reflection->getConstructor();
if ($constructor) {
$params = $constructor->getParameters();
if ($params) {
foreach ($params as $param) {
$obj[] = $this->getInstanceOf($param->getName());
$class_instance = $reflection->newInstanceArgs($obj);
$this->register($class, $class_instance);
return $class_instance;
if (!$constructor || !$params) {
$class_instance = new $class;
$this->register($class, $class_instance);
return $class_instance;
public function register($key, $class)
$this->defs[$key] = $class;
Background :
I am trying to create a flat file key value store. When i use the code below the array that has been written to the file gets deleted and i end up with an empty file. On the next request the file gets populated with the array. This process loops itself on every page request.
What i have tried :
Various methods with "json_encode()"/"json_decode()".
Also tried to do the same with "serialize()"/"unserialize()".
Tried various coding structures with "array_merge()" and "array_merge_recursive()".
Nothing seems to work! I end up with the same loop of an empty file -> file with array and it continues
Question :
Can someone more experienced tell me what i am doing wrong?
code :
* Class Orm
class Orm
* #var string The Root database directory with a trailing slash. default is "./database/".
static $dir = "./database/";
* #var array
protected $data;
* #var string
protected $file = "";
* #param $file
* #return string
public function load_table($file)
try {
if (file_exists(self::$dir . $file)) {
return $this->file = $file;
} else {
throw new Exception("The file " . $file . " cannot be created, because it already exists");
} catch (Exception $error) {
return $error->getMessage();
* #param String
* #param array $values An associative array of values to store.
* #return array
public function set($key, $values = array())
if (!empty($key) && !empty($values)){
return $this->data[$key] = $values;
} else {
throw new Exception();
} catch (Exception $error){
return $error->getMessage();
public function save()
if (file_exists(self::$dir . $this->file)) {
if (filesize(self::$dir . $this->file) == 0)
file_put_contents(self::$dir . $this->file, print_r($this->data, TRUE));
$tmp = file_get_contents(self::$dir . $this->file);
$content = array_merge($tmp, $this->data);
file_put_contents(self::$dir . $this->file, print_r($content, TRUE));
} else {
throw new Exception();
} catch(Exception $error){
return $error->getMessage();
$user = new Orm();
$user->set("Tito",array("age" => "32", "occupation" => "cont"));
PS : I thought this would be a nice project to familiarize myself with Php. So please do not advise to use SQL as this is for learning and understanding Php only.
I can not say why your code fails to do that or not. However I would create another object as well that takes care of loading and saving a string to disk. Nothing more and nothing less:
class StringStore
private $path;
public function __construct($path) {
$this->path = $path;
* #return string
public function load() {
... move your load code in here
return $buffer;
* #param string $buffer
public function save($buffer) {
... move your save code in here
That might look a bit less, however you can move a larger part of code out of the ORM class. If the problem is with storing to disk (e.g. maybe some mistake made?) you can fix it in the store class then.
If the mistake has been made in the string processing, then you know you need to look in the ORM class instead to continue fixing.
After upgrade of Codeigniter i get this message
Cannot access protected property MY_Loader::$_ci_cached_vars
i know that this property is now protected so i change
else if (isset($CI->load->_ci_cached_vars[$key]))
$val = $CI->load->_ci_cached_vars[$key];
if (isset($CI->load->get_var($key)))
$val = $CI->load->get_var($key);
but then i get
Can't use method return value in write context
this is get_var method
* Get Variable
* Check if a variable is set and retrieve it.
* #param array
* #return void
public function get_var($key)
return isset($this->_ci_cached_vars[$key]) ? $this->_ci_cached_vars[$key] : NULL;
what can i do, just use
if ($CI->load->get_var($key)) != null) {
$val = $CI->load->get_var($key);
without isset? i want to check if is not NULL, becouse get_var method return null
or is if ($CI->load->get_var($key))) { check enough?
You cannot use isset on a function
i.e. $CI->load->get_var($key) will always return "something" - but what that "something" is depends.
So you are correct - the code below will achieve your goal. If the function returns "null" - then isset already failed. If the function returns something else (besides null) - then you will have a valid return.
if ($CI->load->get_var($key)) != null) {
$val = $CI->load->get_var($key);
I'm trying to use a foreach loop for an array of objects. Inside of the BeginBattle() method I want to iterate through all of the objects and increment their played count automatically. Unfortunately, the web browser shows I have an error: Fatal error: Call to a member function BattleInitiated() on a non-object in /nfs/c05/h01/mnt/70299/domains/munchkinparty.neededspace.net/html/Battle.php on line 75
Any ideas?
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.
* Description of Battle
* #author joshualowry
class Battle {
* #var <type>
private $_players;
* #var <type>
private $_battleInProgress;
public function Battle(){
$this->_players = array();
$this->_battleInProgress = FALSE;
* #param <type> $player
* #return <type>
public function AddPlayer($player){
$this->_players[] = $player;
//Spit some error
* #param <type> $player
* #return <type>
public function BattleWon($player){
if($player != NULL)
//Spit some error
/** GetPlayerByName Get the player's object by the player's name field.
* #param <type> $playerName
* #return <type>
public function GetPlayerByName($playerName){
foreach($this->_players as &$player) {
if($player->GetName() == $playerName)
return $player;
return NULL;
public function BeginBattle(){
$this->_battleInProgress = TRUE;
foreach($this->_players as $player){
public function DisplayCurrentBoard() {
echo "Name Alias Wins Battles<br/>";
foreach($this->_players as &$player){
echo "$player->GetName() $player->GetAlias() $player->GetWins() $player->GetBattles()<br/>";
This is where everything is declared and called:
include 'Battle.php';
include 'Person.php';
include 'Player.php';
$currentBattle = new Battle();
$playerA = new Player("JohnnyDanger","John",0,0);
$playerB = new Player("JoshTheJest","Josh",0,0);
$PlayerC = new Player("CarbQueen","Nicole",0,0);
The Player Class
* Description of Player
* #author joshualowry
class Player extends Person {
private $_alias;
private $_wins;
private $_battles;
public function Player($name, $alias, $wins, $battles) {
$this->_alias = $alias;
$this->_battles = $battles;
if($battles == 0) {
$this->_wins = 0;
else {
$this->_wins = $wins;
protected function SetAlias($value){
$this->_alias = $value;
public function GetAlias(){
return $this->_alias;
protected function SetBattles($value) {
$this->_battles = $value;
public function GetBattles(){
return $this->_battles;
protected function SetWins($value) {
$this->_wins = $value;
public function GetWins() {
return $this->_wins;
public function BattleWon(){
$this->_wins += 1;
public function BattleInitiated(){
$this->_battles += 1;
The error message indicates that you are trying to all the BattleInitiated() method on something that wasn't an object.
Judging from your code, the problem seems to be with this loop, in the BeginBattle() method :
foreach($this->_players as $player){
Which means $player, at least one in your array, is probably not an object ; maybe it's null, or an array ?
To know more, you should use var_dump to display the content of $this->_players before the loop, just to make sure it contains what you expect it to :
public function BeginBattle(){
$this->_battleInProgress = TRUE;
foreach($this->_players as $player){
If $this->_players doesn't contain what you expect it to (and it probably doesn't !), you'll then have to find out why...
Considering $this->_players is modified by the AddPlayer() method, which adds what it receives to the end of the array, I would bet that AddPlayer() is called at least once without a correct $player as a parameter.
To help with that, you could use var_dump on the $player being added :
public function AddPlayer($player){
$this->_players[] = $player;
//Spit some error
If that var_dump indicates at least once that $player is not an object (for instance, it's null, or an array, or a string, ...), that's the cause of your Fatal Error.
don't you see it??
it's all because of a small typo:
$playerA = new Player("JohnnyDanger","John",0,0);
$playerB = new Player("JoshTheJest","Josh",0,0);
$PlayerC = new Player("CarbQueen","Nicole",0,0);
declared: $_P_layerC
used: $_p_layerC
correct that and you're good to go
Your $player variable is either null or not an Object of the type you want it to be.
PlayerObject is what ever your class name for player is.
For example
$battle=new Battle();
$player1=new PlayerObject();
when you call BeginBattle() the $player1->BattleInitiated(); will be successful but the $player2->BattleInitiated() will give you the fatal error and stop your code from running. same if $player2 was null, an integer or something that is not PlayerObject.