Sending email via postmark on laravel with different message Streams - php

How to change the default message stream of Postmark mailer while using Laravel mail.
I've tried with the below code on build() in the mail MarketingMail.php.
But it isn't working.
Searched for the solution and can't find the correct solution.
$date = date('d M Y',strtotime("today"));
$this->subject("Visa Rates ".$date)->markdown('',['data'=>$this->data]);
$this->withSymfonyMessage(function (Email $message) {
'X-PM-Message-Stream', 'broadcast'
return $this;


sending multiple emails using queue - laravel 7

I need to send bulk emails using Laravel queue and jobs. If I understood, my method this way should dispatch 1 job where all the emails are fetched and send it one by one going through the foreach loop, right? Somehow, only one email got send. And when I check the message, it appears the recipient message is in this format - "" <>. Only test1 email account received the email. I am not sure what causing it. Thank you for your help.
$body = $request->body;
$titleName = $request->subject;
$job = (new \App\Jobs\SendQueueEmail($body, $titleName))
public function handle(Request $request)
$emailsAlumni = ['', ''];
$date = Carbon::now()->format('d M Y');
$data = [
"body" => $this->body,
"date" => $date
foreach ($emailsAlumni as $email) {
Mail::send('', $data, function ($message) use ($email) {
You don't need to loop whole Mail instance you can just try it as
Mail::send('', $data, function ($message) use ($emailsAlumni) {

Can't send mail with Gmail

I'm trying to send an email when a user is subscribing in my web site.
To save me time ... I'm using Swift_Mailer with Symfony.
First, I tried to send a mail with the console :
php .\bin\console swiftmailer:email:send
And that's working, the mail was sent and the client received it.
So now I said to myself, I will be able to send emails with the code.
That's my Controller code :
public function register(Request $request, \Swift_Mailer $mailer)
// Here saving new user in the database
$this->sendMail($user->getEMail(), $mailer);
$content = $this->renderView("register.html.twig");
return new Response($content);
private function sendMail($email, \Swift_Mailer $mailer)
$message = (new \Swift_Message('Hello Email'))
->setFrom(['' => "my name"])
->setBody('Here is the message itself');
And That's my .env file :
When I'm trying to send the mail, no error, I tried this StackOverflow link, but no problem, echo "Successfull", but nothing in the Gmail send box and nothing my client email box.
Can you please help me to ... save me time ^^
------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT 1 ------------------------------------------------------------
I never edited the config/packages/swiftmailer.yaml file, that's it's content :
url: '%env(MAILER_URL)%'
spool: { type: 'memory' }
------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT 2 ------------------------------------------------------------
I also tryed to make a new transporter with this code :
$transport = (new \Swift_SmtpTransport('', 465))
$mailer = new \Swift_Mailer($transport);
And that's the error I get : Connection could not be established with host [php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Unknown host. #0]
------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT 3 ------------------------------------------------------------
I've got a swiftmailer.yaml fil in the config/packages/dev folder and that's it's default content :
# See
# send all emails to a specific address
#delivery_addresses: ['']
I tried to put the same content as in the config/packages/swiftmailer.yaml, but no result.
I don't see something like this in your code:
// Create the Transport
$transport = (new \Swift_SmtpTransport('mail hoster etc', port))
->setUsername('your email')
->setPassword('your password');
// Create the Mailer using your created Transport
$mailer = new \Swift_Mailer($transport);
Maybe it's a reason why your mails isn't sent.

Laravel Mailgun send two mail

When the user of my website used the contact form, i want send a mail with the confirmation to the user and send to me other message with the created ticket.
I´m using Laravel 5.2 + Mailgun
But only sent the last mail to my email, the user confirmation email is not sent.
Laravel not returns any error. This is my code:
// for the client mail
Mail::send('emails.success_email', ['name' => Input::get('nombre'), 'content' => $content], function ($message)
$message->subject('FrikiNow ha recibido su consulta');
$message->from('', 'FrikiNow Support');
// for me
Mail::send('emails.ticket_email', ['email'=> Input::get('email'),'name' => Input::get('nombre'), 'content' => Input::get('mensaje'),'mobile_phone' =>Input::get('telefono')], function ($message)
$message->subject('Ticket de Cliente: '.Input::get('asunto'));
$message->from('', Input::get('nombre'));
How I can send two different emails at once?
You may add CC header
Im not full aware of MailGun API, but you can try this:
$message->cc(''); //Copy of the message goes to this email

Laravel 4 sending mail after returning data from controller

I have a function in my controller which saves messages from users, first it saves message into database than it sends email to that user's mail address and than it returns json response to the sender.
Problem: sometimes it takes too long for email to be sent, and the sender has to wait long time for the response, or sometimes email is not even sent (due to some smpt problems etc.) and it triggers an error, however I don't really care that much if email is sent or not, most important that message is saved to the database.
What I'm trying to achieve:
I want to save message to the database, ->
immediately after that send response to the sender, ->
and only after run Mail::send();
so run Mail::send() after controller returns json to the sender, so the sender will receive a positive response regardless of how Mail::send() performs
$message = new MessageDB;
$message->listing_id = e(Input::get('listing_id'));
$message->user_id = $listing->User->id;
$message->name = e(Input::get('name'));
$message->mobile = e(Input::get('mobile'));
$message->message = e(Input::get('message'));
if ($message->save()) {
Mail::send('emails.message', ['user' => 'Jon Doe','message' => $message], function($m) use($listing){
$listing_agent = $listing->Agent;
if ($listing->agent == null) {
$mail_to = $listing->User->email;
$name = '';
$mail_to = $listing->Agent->email;
$name = $listing->Agent->first_name.' '.$listing->Agent->second_name;
$m->to($mail_to)->subject('new message from');
return ['success' => 1, 'message' => 'messasge has been sent'];
You can use Mail Queueing functions of Laravel. Here's the Link
Mail::queue('emails.welcome', $data, function($message) {});Queue mail for background Sending.
Mail::later(5, 'emails.welcome', $data, function($message){});Define Seconds after which mail will be sent.

How to show send email message immediately in laravel 4.2

I have tried a lot to show send message immediately,but it takes time.
I think queue is not working properly.
In app/config/queue.php I am using
'default' => 'sync'
Please help me out.I am confused what to so now.It is taking time to show success message but I want immediate success message
$tasktime = new Tasktime();
$tasktime->TaskTitle = Input::get('tasktitle');
$tasktime->Description_Task = Input::get('taskdescribe');
$tasktime->Estimated_Time = $case;
$tasktime->Task_Status = Input::get('status');
$tasktime->Priority_Task = Input::get('priority');
$tasktime->Assignee_Id = Input::get('Assignee_Id');
$tasktime->cat_id = Input::get('taskcategories');
$tasktime->Task_DueDate = Input::get('duedate');
$tasktime->Task_created_by = Auth::user()->firstname;
$tasktime->Created_User_Id = Auth::user()->id;
$tasktime->tasktype = Input::get('tasktype');
// send mail to assignee id
$assigneeUser = User::find(Input::get('Assignee_Id'));
Mail::send(array('html'=>'emails.send'),array('TaskTitle' => Input::get('tasktitle'), 'Priority_Task' => Input::get('priority')), function ($message) use ($assigneeUser) {
return Redirect::to('toggle')->with('message', 'Email has been sent to assignee related to work');
Queuing message means you are not sending it instantly. This process is done in background. To send the email instantly you can use:
Mail::send(array('html.view', 'text.view'), $data, $callback);
REF: laravel 4.2 mail doc
