WordPress: Child theme + Custom Post Template - php

I'm building a WordPress site using Elementor theme. I'm quite new to WordPress development.
I'm using a custom post type for a group of entities. I need to create a custom post template for these. I'm using the default Hello Elementor theme. I've created a child theme, so that I'm not making code changes to the base theme, in order to avoid issues when updating.
In the child theme, I've created a template for the custom post type, using the structure described in the documentation here, by creating a file called single-{entity name}.php. This works, as I can modify this file, and it'll affect the results rendered when I try and access one of these pages.
My problem is that the header and footer disappears and it seems to disregard everything from the parent theme. If I copy this single-{entity name}.php file into the parent file, it works just as expected with the header and footer showing.
I'm guessing there's some logic that intercepts the render in the parent theme and adds the header and footer, but I don't know how it actually works.
I'm not sure whether I should keep it in the parent theme to get this to work of if I should move it back to the child theme and then add some configuration in order to get the header/footer to show? If the last option is the recommended way, guideline on how to achieve this.
Goal is to be able to have a file that governs the template for all entities of this type, keep the header/footer and not be at risk of breaking when updating the theme and/or WordPress.

Have you tried to copy an existing file (exact copy of single_post.php for example) just to see if it works ?
If the page have header and footer, then the error is on this php file, otherwise it's somewhere else.
You can have an idea like that


How can i have a pagination on my wordpress website

I'm trying to have a pagination on my custom Products page that is not the default one in Woocommerce.
I used Elementor to customize this page and after some research I saw that I could call a function that is already integrated in WordPress using the < paginate_links > function.
The only problem is that I have no idea where to call this function in order to have a pagination on my product page.
To be more precise, i would like to know where exactly i have to change or add my php functions, and what code should i use to get my pagination.
Normally it is in the archive.php or a version of that file name specific to your post-type. But before you go and change it, create a child theme in case you haven't done that already. In the child theme folder, you then duplicate the archive.php or similar to make it overwrite the one from the parent theme. This way you keep your version of the theme clean and updatable without losing any changes.
(For creating a child-theme you will need to create at least a style.css [with a WordPress-specific comment, you can google] and a functions.php-file that needs a bit of php-code to enqueue the child-themes scripts and styles. The code for the functions.php can also be found by a quick google search. You then just place the style.css and the functions.php into a new folder you name in the pattern [foldername of your themes name]-child. You then place this folder next to the parent-themes folder in the "/wp-content/themes/"-directory.)
And here you go for the pagination: https://codex.wordpress.org/Pagination

Is it possible to hook a text box into a WordPress theme, via the functions.php file?

I am currently using a WordPress theme to create an ecommerce website. I am looking to create a horizontal text box, with 3 columns, to appear directly beneath the Main Menu navigation. Rather than edit the header.php file, and risk breaking the theme, is it possible to achieve this by hooking into the theme, via a functions.php file in the child theme or would thus be bad practice?
So adding "right after the main menu" is not something WordPress will be able to give you directly, no. Because, by definition, the structure of a page is a theme's responsibility.
That would be a perfect case for a child theme, and it would be my first choice. There you can safely override the index file (or header file, depending on how the theme is built) and add your html to it.
Another option a child theme might give you, is adding html through the theme's own filters and actions - but that will totally depend on your theme giving you such hooks.
Finally, if truly you want to add right after the main navigation, you might look at the wp_nav_menu filter: using that, it should be possible to first detect if you are looking at the main navigation or not, and if you are, append your own html. But frankly, I think the risk of breaking your layout is greater with that method.
Hope this helps!

How do I customize content in the WP starter theme Roots?

I am fairly new to WP and very new to Roots (http://roots.io/) and I am having trouble creating a custom home page. Here's how far (I think) I understand it:
To create a custom home page I put a file named "front-page.php" in the WP root directory. This file is based off of "page.php".
"front-page.php" loads "content-page.php" from the templates directory.
And that's where it gets a bit fuzzy to me. The function "the_content()" lives in "content-page.php" and I'm assuming it loads the content of the page but it's loading some default stuff (I think it's added by the Roots theme) that I don't want there. I don't think the proper way to customize the home page content is to modify "content-page.php" and remove or change the function "the_content()". I'm assuming there is a better, modular way to do this, possibly creating a custom class that will be loaded when "the_content()" is called but I don't know where and how to do that.
As you're a bit vague with the details I'm going to have to read between the lines a bit. If you need further clarification just ask:
the_content() just outputs the content stored for a particular post, which you would edit in the WP admin. In terms of editing the markup that surrounds the content you have a couple of options. You could edit content-page.php as you require, or create a new partial (such as content-home.php and load that instead.
You can also use filters for modifying content; these are often used to change content that appears in multiple places such as 'read more' links. Check out this introduction to filters for more info.
In closing, you don't want/need to edit the_content()

Make special pages from WordPress theme?

I'm trying to figure out how a certain WordPress sets things up. I'd like to have a special page where I could make WP calls and interact with the theme, without affecting anything else.
I just making test.php and putting it into my theme's folder, but that doesn't work.
#Eliran provides one possible option, but you could also add a page in the back-end of WP, just make sure it has the slug 'test', and change your 'test.php' filename to 'page-test.php'. If you're worried about the public seeing this, set the page visibility in the admin to 'private'.
to move your understanding along a little further also, you should review the way that WordPress determines what file to grab to render a particular URL. This can be pretty confusing to start with, so be patient if you're not familiar with it, but it's at the heart of designing WP themes. I'll link to the examples, and if you scroll down a little there's a diagram that, along with the text, will help you see how WP is 'thinking'.
You can see here: Page Templates
all you need to do is create a page named page-{custom-name}.php and add it to the theme folder.
and inside this php file add:
Template Name: My Custom Page
and than to use this page you need to go to the wp-admin, add/edit a page and chose it:
inside the php file everything you do is classic wordpress.
all this is giving you is a custom page tamplate.
Put it in your root folder. When you go to look at it, you'd look at www.mywebsite.com/test.php
It may be other ways to do this, but I rather use the rewrite API and custom query vars, to create custom routes.
A previous answer on the subject can be found here
The basic idea is to add a new url rule, catch the query var with the parse_request filter and maybe do a die or redirect to prevent the default wordpress template from loading.
I prefer this over theme templates, because with templates you need to create a page for each new url, and if that page gets acidentally deleted, that functionality would stop working.
What Pages are Not:
Pages are not Posts, nor are they excerpted from larger works of fiction. They do not cycle through your blog's main page. WordPress Plugins are available to change the defaults if necessary.
Pages cannot be associated with Categories and cannot be assigned Tags. The organizational structure for Pages comes only from their hierarchical interrelationships, and not from Tags or Categories.
Pages are not files. They are stored in your database just like Posts are.
Although you can put Template Tags and PHP code into a Page Template file, you cannot put these into the Page or Post content without a WordPress Plugin like Exec-PHP which Read overwrites the code filtering process.
Pages are not included in your site's feed.
Pages and Posts may attract attention in different ways from humans or search engines.
Pages (or a specific post) can be set as a static front page if desired with a separate Page set for the latest blog posts, typically named "blog."
More About Pages.
In WordPress to add a new page you have to log in to the admin/backend and from the pages menu you can add a new page. In this case, you can select templaes for your page and also you can create a custom page template for that page.
You may read Createing a new page in WordPress. and custom Page template in WordPress.

How to add PHP or Javascript code to a custom content type

I am working with Drupal 7.17.
I have a custom content type I created called Sidebar Ad (machine name sidebar_ad) that I want to add Javascript and PHP to. From what I understand, in the templates directory of the theme I am working with, I need to create a file called 'page--sidebar_ad.tpl.php' and I can put PHP and Javascript code in there, and it will only run in blocks and pages that contain the custom content type Sidebar Ad.
I am trying this out with one of the stock themes, Bartik, and it is not working for me. I tried it by copying the page.tpl.php file, renaming it page--sidebar_ad.tpl.php, and adding a bit of text in a few places - at the top of the php file, and in the content div. But I don't see anything change on the pages on my site that contain that custom content type.
Is there something I am missing?
Most likely the thing you're missing is flushing Drupal's cache...any time you add a hook or template file, you need to flush the cache so the various registries can pick it up.
In the case of an overridden page template file you also need a copy of the standard page.tpl.php file in your theme. Same goes for the node template and most likely others, you need the original in there for the overrides to work.
