How to access jQuery variable in PHP and PHP variable in jQuery? - php

What I want to do:
I want to get a value from a select element
And then I want the specific record from the database on the basis of that value.
Finally, gets the record and displays it in an input field
This is my code:

You can't pass jQuery variable to PHP as such, however you can do same thing through ajax, where just pass selected value through ajax to PHP file and get returned result display in input field
url: 'getValue.php',
data: 'selectedRole='+$(this).val(),
type: 'POST',
success: function(result){
PHP CODE (getValue.php);
$roles = Roles::find($_POST['selectedRole']);
echo $capabilities = $roles->capabilities;


Posting data from ajax to php

Trying to send a post request from ajax to php.
I did many trial and errors based from the answers including making sure that the "type" is set to post, specifying "dataType", correct "url". I think I miss something important but I can't figure out what it is.
$(".editContact").on("click", function(){
let dataID = $(this).attr("data-id");
type: 'POST',
url: 'functions/phonebook.php',
dataType: "text",
$res = array($data=>var_dump($_POST["data"]));
$res ='null';
Then print the $res variable containing the dataID from ajax to my html element in main.php
<label class="m-label-floating">Contact name <?php echo $res; ?> </label>
The console.log in my main.php prints the data what I want to send in ajax but when I try to send the dataID to my phonebook.php, I get a null value.
Your problem is here:
$res = array($data=>var_dump($_POST["data"]));
You are using var_dump the wrong way.
From the docs:
This function displays structured information about one or more expressions that includes its type and value. Arrays and objects are explored recursively with values indented to show structure.
This function does not return any value, so, in your case, $data=>var_dump($_POST["data"]) will always be null.
What you need to is:
$res = array($data => $_POST["data"]);
If you are sending data to a different page altogether and need to use jquery / JS to do it, it might be simpler to send via window replace:
If you need to stay on the same page, you might want to include a success function in your ajax query, as this will return to the page you are calling from:
type: 'POST',
url: 'functions/phonebook.php',
success: function (html) {
// do your HTML replace / add stuff here

filter Query data with var from html value input

if i have this input on html code
<input value="0001" name="call" id="call">
how i call that value in php script without submit? like event onBlur or anything ??
the php file have query something like this :
select * from table where field = (input html value)
you need to use Ajax for that.
var value = $("#call").val();
url: "you file path where your php code is written to fetch value from database",
and on php file.
write code for sql connection ;
$feild_value = $_POST["call"];
// you can use this $feild_value variable in query;
select * from table where field = $feild_value ;
//echo query result here
echo $query_result;
If you want to send this value to your PHP script when event Blur is triggered, then try this
<input value="0001" name="call" id="call">
<script type="text/javascript">
var value = $(this).val();
url: "",
type: "POST",
data: {"call": value},
success: function(data){
To set input value to PHP session you will need to run ajax request anyway, see this question Set Session variable using javascript in PHP

get the value of <select> without submitting on the same page using php

Hope someone can help me..
i made my program more simpler so that everybody will understand..
i want my program to get the value of the without submitting, i know that this can only be done by javascript or jquery so I use the onChange, but what I want is when i select an option the value should be passed immediately on the same page but using php..
<select id="id_select" name="name" onChange="name_click()">
<option value="1">one</option>
<option value="2">two</option>
function name_click(){
value_select = document.getElementById("id_select").value;
and then i should pass the value_select into php in post method.. i dont know how i will do it.. please help me..
You cannot do this using PHP without submitting the page. PHP code executes on the server before the page is rendered in the browser. When a user then performs any action on the page (e.g. selects an item in a dropdown list), there is no PHP any more. The only way you can get this code into PHP is by submitting the page.
What you can do however is use javascript to get the value - and then fire off an AJAX request to a php script passing the selected value and then deal with the results, e.g.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#my_select').on('change', do_something);
function do_something() {
var selected = $('#my_select').val();
url: '/you/php/script.php',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
data: { value: selected },
success: function(data) {
With this code, whenever the selected option changes in the dropdown, a POST request will be fired off to your php script, passing the selected value to it. Then the returned HTML will be set into the div with ID some_div.
not sure ..but i guess ajax is what you need..
function name_click(){
value_select = $("#id_select").val();
$value=$_POST['value']; //gives you the value_select data
Post with ajax as Alex G was telling you (+1) and then handle the post with PHP. You can define a callback in Javascript which will run when the page responds.
My suggestion go with jquery. Try with this
<script src="">
var url = 'http:\\localhost\getdata.php'; //URL where you want to send data
var postData = {'value' : $(this).value};
type: 'POST',
url: url,
data : postData,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
error: function(e) {
In getdata.php
var $value = $_POST['value'];
// you can do your logic

how to use jquery variable in php to insert into database

hello in the following code variable checked_num contains the integer value like 1,2,.
now i want this value in database using php code using mysql insert query..
the jquery code i have is:
<script type="text/javascript">
// function for counting check boxes
$(document).ready(function (){
var checked_num =$('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length;
now i want that variable "checked_num" is accessed in php code so i can insert this variable value into database
Have you readed the jQuery ajax/post/get ?
You can use ajax to update your database.
var checked_num =$('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length;
type: 'POST',
url: 'yourpage.php', //this page inserts your data in database
data: {'checked_num': checked_num},
success: function(response){
//do whatever you want on success
error: function(xhr, status, errorThrown){
//handle ajax error
You can also use $.get() or $.post() instead of $.ajax().
You can use jQuery's $.post() method:
var checked_num =$('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length;
$.post('myPHPScript.php', { checked : checked_num }, function(data) {
/* data is the response you receive from the server. */
Here "checked" is the name of the post variable you're sending over. If you wanted to post a string named "myString" containing the text "Hello, world!", for example, you'd use { myString : "Hello, world!" }. This is an object, meaning multiple variables can be sent over by separating each with a comma.
In PHP you'd then retrieve this using $_POST:
$checked = $_POST['checked'];
You'd probably want to encode this post data however before inserting it into your database.
As for how to insert the data into your database, check out PDO or mysqli.
You are using javascript to set a flag if one or more of the HTML checkboxs in your form are checked.
So you already have a <form> on the page.
When you submit the form you can access that information directly using PHP
All you have to remember is that checkboxes are only submitted back to the server PHP code if they ARE checked. So all you need to do is test for their existance.
if ( array_key_exists( 'checkbox_name', $_POST ) ) {
// this check box is checked
} else {
// this checkbox is not checked

JQuery to PHP function and back Ajaxed

i have a set of php function that i want to call on different events mostly onclick with jquery async (ajax).
The first function is called on load
$("#div1").empty().html('<img src="ajax-loader.gif" />');
type: "POST",
url: "WebFunctions.php",
data: {'func':'1'},
success: function(html)
The Data: {'func':'1'} --> is a switch statement on the php side
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
"This functions are calls to a soap server" <-- irrelevant.
So when that function finishes i get an array which contains IDs and Names. I echo the names but i want the ID for reference so when i click on the echoed name i can call an other php function with parameter the ID of the name...
How do i get rid of the switch statement?? How do i call properly php functions and pass params to it??? How can i save this IDs so when i click on an item with that id an other php function is called??
Plz feel free to ask any question, any answer is welcome :)
$("#div1").empty().html('<img src="ajax-loader.gif" />');
type: 'post',
async: true,
url: "Parents.php",
data: {'id' : 12200},
dataType: "json",
cache: false,
success: function(json_data)
$.each(json_data, function(key, value)
$("#div1").append('<p class="node"><b>['+key+']</b> => '+value+'</p>');
$(this).data('id', key);
var id = $(this).data('id');
alert('The ID is: ' + id);
I got json communication working but my problem is the data stuff,
when i click on a node the id is undefined... it gets printed but when i click on it oupsss.. so the problem is how can i properly attach the ID to each corresponding .. .
You can avoid the switch statement by using an MVC framework that routes your request to the proper function. For example, using CodeIgniter REST Server, you might have the following URL's to your functions:
You can then POST the parameters along with each AJAX request.
You would probably also want to return the ID you pass as part of the response, so it will be available when you make a request for the next function.
One solution for managing your ID's would be to encode your data as JSON. This will allow you to pass the whole PHP array to Javascript, and have it natively understand and read the ID's and Names.
To encode your PHP array as JSON, try this:
echo json_encode($my_array);
(You'll need PHP 5.2+ for this to work)
This will print out JSON data when the page is requested. Next, in your JavaScript add a "dataType" argument to your Ajax function call. Something like this:
// Get JSON Data and Save
type: "POST",
url: "WebFunctions.php",
data: {'func':'1'},
dataType: "json",
success: function(json_data) {
// Display the ID when clicked
var id = $(this).data('id');
alert('The ID is: ' + id);
This tells the Ajax function to expect JSON back.
When the success function is called you can access the "json_data" variable and find all the ID's and Names just as you had them in PHP. You'd then need to write some code to appropriately save those ID's and Names. They can then be used later on (ie. when you click on the button etc).
EDIT: I've updated the code above. The JSON data is now associated with the HTML element "#div1", so you can refer back to it in the future. I've also added a simple click event. Whenever the element is clicked, it's ID will be displayed.
