I have a function that shows the uploaded avatar and remove button in case you want to delete the avatar. Everything works correctly. My problem is that the displayed avatar and remove button are merged together, if I want to move the remove button somewhere else I can't do it.
So I'm looking for a way to call the remove button wherever I want. I was thinking of js solutions to change the html structure as a last hope and solution, but I don't want to do that.
Anyone have any ideas on how I could move the remove button elsewhere? The function is located in functions.php, the destination I should move the button to is the form-edit-account.php template which I customized to my needs.
The line i want to move is this:
echo '<a href=' . wc_get_account_endpoint_url('impostazioni') . '?rm_profile_image_id=' . $attachment_id . '> ' . __('Remove') . ' </a>';
This is a complete function:
// Display / Remove Avatar
function action_woocommerce_edit_account_form($size) {
// Get current user id
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
// Get attachment id
$attachment_id = get_user_meta($user_id, 'image', true);
// True
if ($attachment_id) {
$original_image_url = wp_get_attachment_url($attachment_id);
// Display Image instead of URL
echo wp_get_attachment_image($attachment_id, $size = array('150', '150')); // Invece dell'array size, stava 'full' come parametro.
if (isset($_GET['rm_profile_image_id'])) {
if ($attachment_id == $_GET['rm_profile_image_id']) {
//delete_user_meta($user_id, 'image');
if (delete_user_meta($user_id, 'image')) {
?><script>window.location='<?php echo wc_get_account_endpoint_url('impostazioni') ?>';</script><?php
} else {
echo '<a href=' . wc_get_account_endpoint_url('impostazioni') . '?rm_profile_image_id=' . $attachment_id . '> ' . __('Remove') . ' </a>';
} add_action( 'woocommerce_edit_account_form_start', 'action_woocommerce_edit_account_form' );
Ok, it's weird but it works, I put the function directly inside the form. It's not a very "clean" solution, but it's working for me. If anyone thinks I am doing something wrong I appreciate any suggestions and corrections.
<form name="Form" class="mts-edit-account" action="" method="post" <?php do_action( 'woocommerce_edit_account_form_tag' );?> >
<!-- Avatar Remove button -->
<div class="global_container avatar">
if (isset($_GET['rm_profile_image_id'])) {
if ($attachment_id == $_GET['rm_profile_image_id']) {
//delete_user_meta($user_id, 'image');
if (delete_user_meta($user_id, 'image')) {
?><script>window.location='<?php echo wc_get_account_endpoint_url('impostazioni') ?>';</script><?php
} else {
echo '<a href=' . wc_get_account_endpoint_url('impostazioni') . '?rm_profile_image_id=' . $attachment_id . '> ' . __('Remove') . ' </a>';
} ?>
//Other fields........
I am trying to add the alt attribute to post thumbnails on my blog.
I get the alt text to echo, but not as an attribute, but as text!
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {$image_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(),’thumbnail’ ); $image_alt = wpseoFocusKW();
echo '<img width="100%" src="' . $image_src[0] . '" alt=' . $image_alt .' >';} ?></div></div>
You can see the issue here: http://benefacto.org/three-days-paid-volunteering-leave-an-update-from-rob-wilsons-office/
You will note I'm using the Yoast Keyword as the alt, which works fine.
Any thoughts much appreciated.
Try the following (only PHP part):
if (has_post_thumbnail()) {
$image_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id(),'thumbnail');
$image_alt = wpseo_get_value('focuskw', $post->ID);
echo '<img width="100%" src="'.$image_src[0].'" alt="'.$image_alt.'">';
The content of the function wpseoFocusKW() looks like this:
function wpseoFocusKW()
$focuskw = wpseo_get_value('focuskw', $post->ID);
echo $focuskw;
This function only echo the keyword, but don't return!
Reference: http://snipplr.com/view/67931/
You can create a custom function or change the original like this:
function wpCustomSeoFocusKW($return = false)
$focuskw = wpseo_get_value('focuskw', $post->ID);
if ($return) {
return $focuskw;
} else {
echo $focuskw;
Hey everyone I am having an issue with echoing an image or an iframe, the idea is there is an image link or an iframe in the same row in the database & i want to only echo what the string content is, if it echos the iframe there is a blank space of an image & underneath is the youtube video, if it echos the image the iframe does not show, they both currently echo the same row id labled url, I only want one to echo based on the string content instead of both echo's.
Here is the code I use to fetch the stuff, its only the echo area you want to pay attention to, I am not sure what kind of, if or else statement i could put in here.
< ?php
$limit = (intval($_GET['limit']) != 0 ) ? $_GET['limit'] : 4;
$offset = (intval($_GET['offset']) != 0 ) ? $_GET['offset'] : 0;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM bookmarks WHERE 1 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $limit OFFSET
try {
$stmt = $DB->prepare($sql);
$results = $stmt->fetchAll();
} catch (Exception $ex) {
echo $ex->getMessage();
if (count($results) > 0) {
foreach ($results as $row) {
echo '<li><kef>' . $row['title'] . '</kef></br>';
echo '<img src=' . $row['url'] . '></br>'; /*here */
echo '<kef1>' . $row['url'] . '</kef1></br>'; /*and here*/
echo '<kef2>' . $row['desc'] . '</kef2></br>';
echo '<kef3>' . $row['tag'] . '</kef3></br> </br> </li>';
} }
This script is a get results php
The best solution would be to save the data in different columns in the database. But if you want to keep the current structure would be able to check if the string contains HTML, then it is an iframe. Otherwise it is a link to the image.
if($row['url'] == strip_tags($row['url'])) {
//No HTML in string = link
echo '<img src="' . $row['url'] . '" alt="" />';
} else {
//Contains HTML = iframe
echo $row['url'];
This assumes that you in your database have saved the values as either http://www.exempel.com or <iframe src =" http: // www ... ">. If the iframe-value also consists only of a URL, you must use another solution.
If you know whether the url is an image or video when you save them in the database then you could add another field for the media type. You could then use this in an if statement in your code, for example:
if (count($results) > 0) {
foreach ($results as $row) {
echo '<li><kef>' . $row['title'] . '</kef></br>';
if ($row['mediaType'] === 'image') {
echo '<img src=' . $row['url'] . '></br>'; /*here */
} if ($row['mediaType'] === 'video') {
echo '<kef1>' . $row['url'] . '</kef1></br>'; /*and here*/
echo '<kef2>' . $row['desc'] . '</kef2></br>';
echo '<kef3>' . $row['tag'] . '</kef3></br> </br> </li>';
In WordPress i'm currently using Yoast's SEO Plugin to display breadcrumbs for my pages and posts, which is working fine when visiting a specific page.
Here is the function i'm using to display the breadcrumbs inside of my WordPress templates:
<?php if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) {
yoast_breadcrumb('<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>');
} ?>
For example when browsing to Team Members which is a child of About Us I get:
Home > About Us > Team Members
However i'd like to be able to display the same breadcrumbs (for the individual pages and posts) inside the search results loop.
So far what displays when searching for Members is:
Your Search Results:
Team Members
Home > Search > Members
Members Area
Home > Search > Members
But I don't want breadcrumbs for the Search Results page, I want them for the individual pages and posts that are displayed as a result of searching for a keyword.
For example Imagine I searched again for Members I would like displayed the below:
Your Search Results:
Team Members
Home > About Us > Team Members
Members Area
Home > Members Area
I'm not fussed if this is or isn't integrated with the SEO plugin, however thus far it's the best solution I found to display breadcrumbs in WordPress!
Also incase abody requires it, here is my search.php file: http://pastebin.com/0qjb2954
Try this. That's my own working snippet that shows breadcrumbs inside search loop.
/*Begin Loop */
echo '<div class="b-search_result_list__item_breadcrumbs breadcrumbs">';
$current_type = get_post_type();
if ($current_type == 'page') {
$parents = get_post_ancestors(get_the_ID());
echo '<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb">';
echo '<a rel="v:url" property="v:title" title="'.get_the_title($parents[$i]).'" href="'.get_permalink($parents[$i]).'">'.get_the_title($parents[$i]).'</a>';
echo '</span>';
echo '<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb">';
echo '<a rel="v:url" property="v:title" title="'.get_bloginfo('name').'" href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'">'.get_bloginfo('name').'</a>';
echo '</span>';
echo '<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb">';
echo '<span property="v:title">'.get_the_title().'</span>';
echo '</span>';
$current_obj = get_post_type_object($current_type);
echo '<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb">';
echo '<a rel="v:url" property="v:title" title="'.get_bloginfo('name').'" href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'">'.get_bloginfo('name').'</a>';
echo '</span>';
echo '<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb">';
echo '<a rel="v:url" property="v:title" title="'.$current_obj->labels->name.'" href="'.get_post_type_archive_link( $current_type ).'">'.$current_obj->labels->name.'</a>';
echo '</span>';
$current_taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($current_type);
$current_terms = get_the_terms(get_the_ID(), $current_taxonomies[0]);
$current_term = array_shift($current_terms);
echo '<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb">';
echo '<a rel="v:url" property="v:title" title="'.$current_term->name.'" href="'.get_term_link($current_term).'">'.$current_term->name.'</a>';
echo '</span>';
var_dump($current_obj->labels->name); // Archive name
var_dump(get_post_type_archive_link( $current_type )); // Archive link
var_dump($current_term->name); // Term name
var_dump(get_term_link($current_term)); // Term link
var_dump(get_permalink()); // Post link
echo '<span typeof="v:Breadcrumb">';
echo '<span property="v:title">'.get_the_title().'</span>';
echo '</span>';
echo '</div>';
/*End Loop*/
try adding this line of code above the yoast breadcrumb function in your search.php file:
WPSEO_Breadcrumbs::$instance = NULL;
This would be line 22 I believe, and also make sure to use the Yoast breadcrumb function from your question, not the new breadcrumb() function that's there now.
Please let me know if this works!
Full explanation:
The Yoast plugin breadcrumbs functionality is build on the page load, based on the current page as the child. To make it load the right child and parents, you'd need to reset it before you run the function. There is no built-in reset function, however setting the static $instance to NULL should cause the plugin to re-generate its data based on the current global post object which is set while you're looping.
Building upon Yavor's answer I found a way. Been banging my head about it for hours. You can place the backup and restore otuside of the loop though. Here it is:
global $wp_query;
$old_singular_value = $wp_query->is_singular;
$wp_query->is_singular = true;
WPSEO_Breadcrumbs::$instance = NULL;
if (function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb')){
yoast_breadcrumb('<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>');
$wp_query->is_singular = $old_singular_value;
It fakes the query to make it singular so the newly-refreshed breadcrumbs thinks that this is not the search page but a single post or page or whatever you are displaying as your search results.
Using a plugin to generate breadcrumbs is not really necessary. Here's a simple PHP function you can add to your functions.php file:
function breadcrumbs() {
global $post;
echo "<ul id='breadcrumbs'>";
if (!is_home()) {
echo '<li>Home</li>';
if (is_category() || is_single()) {
echo "<li>" . the_category(' </li><li> ');
if (is_single()) {
echo "</li><li>" . the_title() . "</li>";
} elseif (is_page()) {
foreach ( get_post_ancestors( $post->ID ) as $ancestor ) {
echo '<li>' . get_the_title($ancestor) . '</li>' . get_the_title();
} else {
echo "<li>" . get_the_title() . "</li>";
} elseif (is_tag()) {
} elseif (is_day()) {
echo "<li>Archive for " . the_time('F jS, Y') . "</li>";
} elseif (is_month()) {
echo "<li>Archive for " . the_time('F, Y') . "</li>";
} elseif (is_year()) {
echo "<li>Archive for " . the_time('Y') . "</li>";
} elseif (is_author()) {
echo "<li>Author Archive</li>";
} elseif (isset($_GET['paged']) && !empty($_GET['paged'])) {
echo "<li>Blog Archives</li>";
} elseif (is_search()) {
echo "<li>Search Results for" . the_search_query() . "</li>";
echo "</ul>";
along with some CSS to style it, customize as you desire
#breadcrumbs {
margin:5px 0;
#breadcrumbs li{
#breadcrumbs li+li:before {
content: '| ';
padding:0 4px;
You can then implement those breadcrumbs on any page you like, including your searchpage.php file or whichever file you use to display search results with this call
<?php breadcrumbs(); ?>
The search pages have a conditional function that can be used. You could always apply that to loading the breadcrumbs. Here is an example:
if ( ! is_search() ) {
if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) {
yoast_breadcrumb('<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>');
It depends where you are loading the breadcrumbs as well, but this should typically work unless your theme is very unique.
Long story short a couple months ago i made a plugin for WordPress with the Bigcommerce API to fetch products in the Widget Area.
Now I have updated the Single File "Bigcommerce.php" and now the Function getProductImages () is none existent. And I cant seem to find the new function to get the Product Images. Maybe its just to late and Im tired or just plain Blind.
Please let me know how to fetch now the image for a specific product.
See below for the old code used i reverted back to the Old "Bigcommerce.php" and it works again but would ratehr use the new way.
'store_url' => $store_url,
'username' => $username,
'api_key' => $api_key
$countProducts = 0;
$products = Bigcommerce::getProducts();
echo '<div class="BCStoreWidget">';
if (!$products) {
echo '<div class="BCerror">';
$error = Bigcommerce::getLastError();
echo $error->code;
echo $error->message;
echo '</div>';
} else {
foreach ($products as $product) {
$productImages = Bigcommerce::getProductImages($product->id);
echo '<h4>' . $product->name . '</h4>';
if ($productImages->image_file){
echo '<div class="pimage">';
echo '<img src="' . $store_url . '/product_images/' . $productImages->image_file . '">';
echo '</div>';
// echo '<p>' . substr($product->description,0,100) . ' ...</p>';
echo '<p>' . number_format($product->price, 2, '.', '') . ' USD</p>';
echo '<p> Buy Now </p>';
if ($countProducts == $max_show)
echo '</div>';
Thank you all in Advance
You can get product images just by getting the "images" attribute of the product object. So, all you have to do is:
$productImages = $product->images;
You can also access images directly using the getCollection function:
I have a page that has a list of items. On the bottom of the page is a "view more" button. When someone clicks this button, the page needs to add more items. The var is $displayedquestions, and the page is coded right now to refresh when the "view more" button is clicked, but we'd like to have it do it live. How can this be done?
Here is code:
include "db_connect.php";
function tags($tags)
while($finished=='false') {
if (empty($tagarray[$i])=='true') {
} else {
$taglist = $taglist . '<a class="commonTagNames" href="">' . $tagarray[$i] . '</a> ';
return $taglist;
function formattime($timesince)
if ($nodecimals<1){
return "Less than a minute ago";
} elseif ($nodecimals>=1&&$nodecimals<60) {
return $nodecimals . " min ago";
} elseif ($nodecimals>60&&$nodecimals<1440){
return $hoursnodecimals . " hours ago";
} elseif ($nodecimals>1440){
return $daysnodecimals . " days ago";
if($numquestions!=0) {
} else {
$sql="SELECT * FROM `Questions` ORDER BY `Questions`.`ID` DESC LIMIT 0, " . $displayedquestions;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($questions))
$id = $row['ID'];
$user = $row['userAsking'];
$question = $row['question'];
$tags = $row['tags'];
$timestamp = $row['timestamp'];
$responses=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `answersToQuestions` WHERE `idOfQuestion`= '$id'");
$likes=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `likesOfQuestions` WHERE `idOfQuestion`= '$id'");
$userprofileq = mysql_query("SELECT `ID`,`avatar` FROM `Users` WHERE `username` = '$user'");
$userprofileresult = mysql_fetch_row($userprofileq);
$linktoprofile = $userprofileresult[0];
$avatar = $userprofileresult[1];
echo "</li>";
echo '<li class="questionsList" onclick="showUser(' . $id . ')">
<div id="questionPadding">
<img class="askerImage" width=50 height=50 src="../Images/userimages/' . $avatar . '.png"/>
<div class="questionFirstRow"><h1 class="questionTitle">' . $question . '</h1></div>
<span class="midRow">
<span class="askerSpan"><a class="askerName" href="">'. $user .'</a></span>
<span class="bottomRow">
<img src="../Images/comment.png"/>
<span class="comments">' . $comments . '</span>
<img src="../Images/likes.png"/>
<span class="likes">' . $numlikes . '</span>
' . $timesince . '
<center><img class="moreQuestions" src="../Images/viewMoreBar.png" alt="More" /></center>
Without doing a lot of work you can add ajax to this. Use this function:
First, (I am assuming you are including the code above into another file) create a container around it. Ex:
<div id='container'>...</div>
Second, add this javascript to the page that includes the code you have above:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#container img.moreQuestions").parent().live('click', (function (e) {
This will load into #container the script you already have without refreshing the rest of the page.
Note the selector for the More link (slash button) in my example is $("#container img.moreQuestions").parent() because you don't have a class or id on it. You should give a class or id to the More link and use that for the selector.
like #diEcho mentioned, jQuery would be a great help: You could easily refresh your list of items by ajax (retrieving the complete list from a php file for example) as well as update your DOM elements with newly added values. Give it a try.
In addition you should think about getting you initial items by ajax as well. Data logic /display /UI functionality were seperated cleanly this way.