I have several database migrations coded in Laravel that I do not want to apply just yet.
I do not want to rename these files or move them into some other folder. If any of the migrations had been applied previously, moving or renaming them breaks Laravel's ability to roll them back.
I do not want a means of applying only one specific migration at a time.
I want a means of marking the class that is a modification to the migration file itself, not some external marking or process (such as adding rows to the migration table).
Is there a programmatic solution for this?
The answer : Laravel 5 - skip migrations may be of help for you, instead of skipping , choose the migrations you want to do directly .
What I'm referring too exactly is the use of caloskao/migrate-specific
I have a started project in Codeigniter. I thought I will use some part of already created sections of similar site. So I have copied the old database and started work.
On that time it has around 40+ tables and has thousands of rows of data.
Then after I setup my environment for this new project, several tables created and all of those used migrations. It's then setup in development environment, so other team members can also work on.
Now I found old users and lots of data that I copied from old project not required
I decided to remove all tables that is not required for current project.
And need to remove all users and related data that was actually came from old project. Now database has 49 tables and I need only around 10 tables for my current project.
Question is Should I use migration to clear an old database?
Should I use migration to remove thousands of old data that are mixed with development data.
Should I use migration to alter several tables where lots of column not required for my current project?
Please provide suggestions
.. Thanks
In Laravel, migrations are there to keep a track of the structure of the database.
If your old database is not defined in migrations, there is no point to create migrations to remove unused tables. You can clean them manually.
But if you have made migrations for that old DB, then you can create new ones to clean it up.
Anything related to the actual data in the database should be placed within seeders nor custom command (e.g. php artisan make:command CleanData)
The reason is that if you ever need to squash your migrations, you will lose any instructions related to data.
I want shorter names for my migration files.
This project will not have tens of thousands of migrations, therefor 2019_11_05_191747_create_units_table.php is verbose.
I want to have clean migration file names like:
But the code in vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migrator.php is exploding on _ and not liking it.
Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError : Class '' not found
How to get this done?
You can't because you should not change Laravel main core (for update compatibility reasons)
You should use the migrations as intended with "YYYY_MM_DD_HHMMSS_action_table_table_description.php" format.
Well, there is a solution, which would be to create a custom command and do what laravel migration does but with another file format and that's a lot of work for just the name of the migration files.
In a previous question, I asked about how to write a trigger and gave a decent example of one way to write it in a laravel 5.X migration file. (note: hard/raw coded)
Referenced Question:
However, as the title states, does anyone know how to write a database routine/subroutine in a laravel migration file??
Does anyone know of a clean way to implement using laravel's methods to create a migration file that will make subroutines or routines within a database?
I have a migration called CreateItemsTable; I ran that, I have items in that table, now I need to add a new field to the table. I can't just add a field to the migration file and migrate:refresh because I need the data that's in it.
Am I supposed to make another migration for adding a field? That's seems like mess while I'm testing things in development, I might change fields a lot. I'm not sure if migrations are cleaner than just PhpMyAdmin... or maybe I don't understand them?
Yes, each time you need to change a table in some way you'd create a new migration for it. That's the whole point of migrations. When you're developing in a collaborative environment and you pull down some changes from a remote repository, one of the things you should do (if working with a database) is run any migrations that other developers might have created. This keeps your databases in sync.
Sure you might drop and add columns occasionally but it's no big deal.
When you create a table for the first time you are probably using Schema::create(). All subsequent migrations for that table should use Scheme::table(). It accepts the same parameters except it doesn't attempt to create the table first.
I'm having a hard time migrating changes I've done i my config/doctrine/schema.yml file.
I added the column age to the user table. Then I did a php symfony doctrine:generate-migrations-diff followed by php symfony doctrine:migrate .
Looking in my database, the column age is now added, without deleting any data.
But, my /lib/model/doctrine/base/BaseUser.class.php is not changed, there is no age field or functions for age . So I also did the command php symfony doctrine:build-model . Finally the model is updated/migrated too.
So I wonder, is this the only way? Seems like a lot of work, and I'm afraid to miss something each time doing it.
Could I go right into phpmyadmin, add changes in the database there and just do a php symfony doctrine:build-schema , and like that skip the migration part (two commands).
Also when the comes to use of models, am I right that /lib/model/doctrine/User.class.php is where I can make functions and such for my User "data class"? Like, making a function isFemale . If not, where would that kind of function be?
This might be a bad question, but why is the model layer inside the /lib/doctrine path? As far as I have learned, you keep modules inside apps, where you create your view and controller. Why should the model be outside. Like this I can make models without attached controller and view?
Why should the model be outside
Because models can be used everywhere in your project, in example, in different applications and modules.
Could I go right into phpmyadmin, add changes in the database there and just do a php symfony doctrine:build-schema , and like that skip the migration part (two commands).
Of course you can, but migrations are a good approach to track your schema when deploying to production or working in team.
Here how I use doctrine migrations (simple use-case):
Add a column age to my User model in schema.yml
./symfony doctrine:generate-migrations-diff. Migration class(-es) have been generated.
./symfony doctrine:migrate. Column age successfully added to table.
./symfony doctrine:build --all-classes. Build forms/filters/models
That's it. The main idea is that doctrine:generate-migrations-diff class:
Gathers information about all your models' structure (php-representation of schema.yml)
Compares your schema.yml and info from (1)
Generates migration classes based on difference
Also when the comes to use of models, am I right that /lib/model/doctrine/User.class.php is where I can make functions and such for my User "data class"? Like, making a function isFemale . If not, where would that kind of function be?
Yes, you can add such method to User model because it's about users.