How Symfony container collects vendor classes? - php

I am working on very old legacy code, mostly procedural. Trying to improve it. Rewriting applications is impossible right now. The plan is to add a few libraries which would help organize things and improve that way.
I added a Symfony dependency-injection component in order to do that. It would provide the possibility to fetch needed services with its dependency easy.
I watched symfonycast tutorial on how to play with container. And with that knowledge, I managed to write a simple loader to start the container and to use services made by me. It is simple, it guesses FQCN based on file path, and then uses reflection to get dependencies. But I can not figure out how to load vendor classes, because here you can not guess namespace that way. :)
The question is: What exactly Symfony uses to load classes from the vendor folder, does it reads composer.json files to see namespaces, does it uses some composer feature, or something else?

Loading classes is different than instancing services.
The first can in fact use regular composer facilities to discover vendored classes in a legacy project like yours, even if they weren't installed with composer. This uses the standard php autoload mechanism with some added magic.
To include the, let's say lib/ legacy directory in the discoverable files you would add the following to composer.json:
"autoload": {
"classmap": ["lib/"]
And then run composer dump-autoload. Note that by including vendor/autoload.php in your legacy files you could even forego the require directives for your dependencies and rely on composer as well. This can be a path for migrating them to composer-managed dependencies, too.
Service instancing requires not only being able to locate the classes themselves, but also their respective dependencies so the container can create the object tree automatically. This usually involves hand-writing service definition files: classes in the vendor/ folder are not automatically registered as services. A bundle (or your own definitions) enables support for an specific library.
Take for instance the Mailer component: you can use it as a standalone library, but for framework integration (which includes service definitions and depen) you'd need to install Mailer bundle as well.
The exception where automatic service registration applies (when using symfony framework, not the standalone dependency injection component) is for files under src/. During container compilation, services.yaml is loaded and the ContainerConfigurator with help from FileLoader, looks for *.php files the directories configured as a resource, creating service definitions for them.
I guess you could do a similar thing for your legacy dependencies in a CompilerPass by using a similar technique or by trying to leverage the composer classmap but, specially if your legacy dependencies do not follow a PSR loading standard, I'd advise against it, since it can pull in tests, example files, etc.


PHP, GIT, Location for reusable components

Thanks for your attention, this is a question of organization, I work with PHP and GIT for version control. I use Netbeans IDE to program, GIT integrated (although I am still a rookie).
Normally, I follow the approach that Symfony2 specifies for organize the project files, but I use my own framework for my projects.
The (main) question is: Any component or code part which has its own version control must be located under the /vendor/directory?
For example:
I have my project files in src\Acme\ProjectX\, also the utility package which use all my projects: src\Acme\Util\, and it is under the version control too (GIT).
and now let's remember the basic skeleton of a project based on Symfony or similar:
/app (application related elements)
/src (source code of the project)
/vendor (third party libraries)
/web (front end controller, the web directory, assets resources etc...)
So, Must be 'Acme\Util' included in the vendor directory? And, is necessary to use composer to declare the dependences?
In addition, the Utility package has a lot of classes but only few are used in projects. Must I remove those are not using by the project.
Summarizing, It will be nice if someone can contribute his knowledge for help me to represent an scenario like this.
I hope I could explained...
Thanks in advance!
Vendor directory
It's a good practice to separate external dependencies and the application code. If you are using Composer you can change it to something else.
Unused classes
Unused classes shouldn't matter if they aren't being loaded. They'll just take a bit of extra disc space.
It might be a good idea to separate the Utility package into multiple packages if you find yourself frequently using only a small part of it.
Dependency managers
It isn't necessary to use a dependency manager, but it sure does help. Having to install, configure and maintain everything manually (especially with many dependencies and sub-dependencies) would be a horror.

Can we use Composer with sparse SVN checkout to share dependencies?

Our current development setup uses a single Subversion repository containing multiple projects, each with branches, tags, and trunk. We then use a "sparse checkout" to select the projects, and branches of those projects, to work with.
The result is that the directory structure of a working copy matches that of the repository, including branch information, and we never use svn switch. (This style of working will probably be familiar to anyone who uses SVN, but may be surprising to those who don't.)
We are thinking of using Composer to manage both external and internal dependencies, but I'm not sure how this can work with the sparse checkout style of working.
I would like some way of using a directory within the existing checkout to satisfy a dependency, rather than each "root project" needing a separate copy.
For example:
depends on lib Aaa, so references lib/Aaa/trunk
depends on lib Bbb 1.5.*, so references lib/Bbb/branches/release-1.5
depends on lib Aaa 1.0.*, so references lib/Aaa/branches/release-1.0
depends on lib Bbb 1.5.*, so references lib/Bbb/branches/release-1.5
At present, if I edit the code in lib/Bbb/branches/release-1.5, I can test those changes on both sites, without needing to commit one and update the other.
Is there any way of using Composer to manage these dependencies?
(PS: Please don't answer with "give up on SVN, use Git, it is teh awesomez"; that is an answer to a different question.)
No - I do not believe that you can do this with Composer as standard: it expects to copy the files from whichever source (Packagist/VCS/Zips) to the local vendor folder, which is not what you want.
That said, I believe there are two potential ways you could get this working (at least in part):
You could try using the autoload field in the composer.json file to include the correct files into the project. You would still need to manage the checkouts of the relevant branches/versions manually (like I assume you do now), but you would be able to manage the inclusion of the internal libraries through Composer. This will probably require that your libraries are properly namespaced. The paths to the files for each namespace are relative to the root of the project, but can go below the root (via the /../ path) if required.
To be honest though, if you already have an autoloader for these files, there may not be much advantage to this solution. Relevant Docs
Composer Plugin
You could also write a composer plugin/"custom installer" that could probably manage this. This would have the advantage that you could have it manage checking out the correct parts of the sparse repository to have the correct version available, as well as doing correct wildstar version checking, but would be a much more difficult and riskier venture.
The basic process would be that you would define a new package type (e.g. 'internal-svn-package'). You would create the plugin as an external library that gets installed normally via Composer, which declares (via it's composer.json) that it handles this new type of package. Your custom logic would then be used for any packages that are listed with this custom type. I'm not sure how much of the internal composer logic for SVN checkouts you would be able to reuse however. Relevant Docs

PHP Composer - How to work with multiple vendors?

The project I'm working on requires using the PHP SDK's from multiple 3rd parties. Two of these are Amazon Web Services and the Google API Client (for Google+), and both of them use Composer to manage their files / dependencies. I'm not sure how to best set it up code / structure wise, though, because I don't need both AWS and Google loaded together. I might need AWS in one area and Google in another, so I don't want to just autoload everything every time and have the additional overhead from libraries I don't need right then. Right now I have the structure set up like this:
So, everything Composer related is in a shared composer.json file, and all vendor files in the single vendor directory. But, I can't seem to find a way to just load up say AWS. It wants me to use the autoload.php from what I can tell, which seems to want to load up everything.
Do I need to set it up more like this if I want control over each library?
I'm obviously new to Composer and how to best utilize it, and want to make sure that I am setting it up the best way for both my situation, and for future management.
When using Composer, it only loads the classes when they are actually called in your code. To my knowledge this uses the PHP spl_autoload_register.
So in answer to your question, there won't be a significant extra overhead (if any).
Autoloading means that the file which defines a class gets read when you first use that class.
You should include all your project dependencies in one composer.json, they won't be loaded in files you don't use them in.

Bundles management in PHP

I have a home-made framework which contains two types of bundles. Application bundles and dependencies. Application bundles are specific to the application (can be a news module, administration, etc.). Dependencies are libraries which I re-use in several projects.
For every new project, I start by adding the app bundles and dependencies. Until now I kept a separate copy of these bundles and copied them manually into my project.
I rarely need to modify dependencies. However with application bundles, I always have to customize the views and controllers, so they are meant to be modified in all the projects they are used.
I want to improve the way I manage these bundles and thought of using Composer. However, it does not comply very well with the application bundles, as you are not supposed to modify the packages. I would need to be able to install packages for once, then ignore them in the next updates (they become part of the application source code).
I could add some override mechanism (copy classes to another directory, which would override the default bundle classes) as Symfony does I think, but I don't like this idea. It just adds unnecessary complexity.
Could use another bundles management system, or even a custom one, but then this means no access to Composer packages, which would be great.
Using Composer for dependencies and another system for the application bundles would be messy..
How would you handle it?
It it should run on unix, use apt, yum, yast ...
Simply try to build your own dep / rpm pakages.
Build foreach application bundle and depencencies bundle.
That add at theapplication bundle the depencencies bundle as depends.
Or do you looking for something like pear?

In Symfony2 where do I put e.g. TCPDF?

I'm on Symfony 2.0 and understood that third-party libraries go in /vendor. I have two third party classes I'm using, one is TCPDF and another is a Paypal class. Neither have formal Symfony2 Bundles.
So I followed the instructions here which namespaces them and makes them usable inside /vendor:
Add third party libraries to Symfony 2
This works and I can access them from my Controllers. However I'm rethinking if that's the right thing. Whenever I do..
php bin/vendors install --reinstall
..those custom classes disappear because they don't have a Git repo in 'deps'. This has caused real problems e.g. when trying to deploy on e.g. PagodaBox. I get the strong instinct that this code while 'third-party' belongs closer to the code of my app.
If that's true, should it:
Sit next to my Controllers in src/MyCompany/MyBundle/Controller/tcpdf.php
Be with my other custom-written services in src/MyCompany/MyBundle/DependencyInjection/tcpdf.php
Go in its own directory under my bundle: src/MyCompany/MyBundle/TCPDF/tcpdf.php
If I move these two classes from /vendor to one of the above, would I access it from a Controller with a 'use' statement, or would I need to define it in 'services.yml'?
I hope this isn't so much a matter of discussion or opinion but some guidance I've missed or best practise I'm unaware of that a more experienced Symfony2 dev would know.
Would it be sensible to switch to Composer even before Symfony 2.1 is ready?
Thanks for reading.
If you're using deps to manage vendor libraries then you should add the git repo's for those libraries there.
For TCPDF you can use:
If you have other libraries that aren't in a public repo then you may want to commit them to your own repo.
The same would hold true for Composer. Just the syntax for adding non-packagist repo's is different.
