This is my code when I want to add an operation, but it doesn't check for an existing operation that is already in the database, is there any way to do so?
code below:
$operationname = $_POST['operationname'];
$cost = $_POST['cost'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO operation(operationname,cost) VALUES('$operationname', '$cost')";
$query = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
$data = array(
echo json_encode($data);
} else {
$data = array(
echo json_encode($data);
First of all, as #gertjanknappen already mentioned: make operationname unique in the database, it actually looks like a good candidate for being the tables primary key.
That way the database will prevent duplicate inserts. Next what is your actual goal: just preventing duplicate entry, or also updating cost in case a row for operationname already exists?
In the later case
$sql = "INSERT INTO operation(operationname,cost) VALUES('$operationname', '$cost') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE cost='$cost'";
in combination with a unique or primary key constraint on operationmame should give you what you are looking for.
PS: the way you construct your query string from user input is a sure recipe for SQL injection attacks, so you may also want to read up on prepared statement parameter binding, or at least on how to properly validate and escape user input ...
My entry form I have an inventory database with tables like aluminium, iron etc... Each table contains a subcategory of items like aluminium_pala, iron_1.5inch and so on. The entry code is like this:
$orderNo = $_POST["number"];
$mat1 = $_POST["mat1"];
$selmat1 = $_POST["selmat1"];
$amtmat1 = $_POST["amtmat1"];
$query = "INSERT INTO $mat1 ($selmat1,orderNo) VALUES (-$amtmat1,$orderNo);";
if(!($result = $mysqli->query($query)))
print "<div class='error'>insertion failed. Check your data</div>";
$mat2 = $_POST["mat2"];
$selmat2 = $_POST["selmat2"];
$amtmat2 = $_POST["amtmat2"];
$query = "INSERT INTO $mat2 ($selmat2,orderNo) VALUES (-$amtmat1,$orderNo);";
if(!($result = $mysqli->query($query)))
print "<div class='error'>insertion failed. Check your data</div>";
}... and it goes on till mat11
I am trying to collect each similar table (mat1, mat2..) and their corresponding item (selmat1, selmat2...) and bunch the all in one query. That is, instead of going
INSERT INTO al_openable (zPala,orderNo) VALUES (23,14);
INSERT INTO al_openable (outer,orderNo) VALUES (50,14);
I am trying to execute it like
INSERT INTO al_openable (zPala,outer,orderNo) VALUES (23,50,14);
I need this to avoid duplicate foreign key entry(for $orderNo). One idea I've been considering is to use UPDATE if the order number is pre-existing. Do you guys think this is a good idea? And if so, what will be the best way to execute it? If not, how would a more experienced programmer solve this conundrum?
I think this question is related to your query: Multiple Updates in MySQL
You may use ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in combination with INSERT statement.
I want to make a code where if the data already exists in the database and the user insert the same input again and send to the database, the sql command will detect it and will not allow the duplicate data enter the database. Addtional information, I don`t have primary key for my table. Here is my code.
$sql="INSERT IGNORE INTO tempahan(Nama,Aktiviti,No_HP,Unit,Tempat,Tarikh_Penggunaan,Masa_Mula,Masa_Akhir,Email) VALUES('$_POST[name]','$_POST[Aktiviti]','$_POST[number]','$_POST[unit]','$_POST[tempat]','$_POST[tarikh]','$_POST[masa1]','$_POST[masa2]','$_POST[email]')";
$_POST['tempat'] = $data['Tempat'] ;
$_POST['masa1'] = $data['Masa_Mula'];
$_POST['masa2'] = $data['Masa_Akhir']; if($_POST['tempat'] != $data['Tempat'] && $_POST['masa1'] != $data['Masa_Mula'] && $_POST['masa2'] != $data['Masa_Akhir']) {
echo 'the booking was successful.';
{ echo 'the place already occupied.';}
I'm new to sql and also php. Therefore, I really need help from all of you guys. I already see the other same question. But, every solution provided I've failed.
The correct way to do this is to enforce a unique constraint on your table, across the fields that you consider to be unique. You can do that as such.
alter table tempahan
add unique (Tempat, Masa_Mula, Masa_Akhir)
Your database will then reject out of hand any attempts to insert duplicate data. No need to do a prior check before inserting.
Here is a very basic demo of what happens when you set your table up with this unique constraint, and then try and insert duplicate data. In short: it errors.
$query = $db->query( // query your table );
$array = array('name'=>$_POST['name'],
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_all($query)) {
$diff = in_array($array, $row);
// insert data into table
//data already exist
// first check existing recors on the database
$select = "SELECT `Tempat`, `Masa_Mula`, `Masa_Akhir`
FROM `tempahan`
WHERE `Tempat` = {$_POST['tempat']}
AND `Masa_Mula` = {$_POST['masa1']}
AND `Masa_Akhir` = {$_POST['masa2']}";
$result = mysql_query($select, $dbconnection);
// check if the have existing records
// the query fetching depends on your work
// but this is a simple way only
// but have more examples on the internet
// to make query more better and ellegant
if (mysql_num_rows($select) > 0) {
echo 'the place already occupied.';
} else {
// insert new record
$sql="INSERT IGNORE INTO tempahan(Nama,Aktiviti,No_HP,Unit,Tempat,Tarikh_Penggunaan,Masa_Mula,Masa_Akhir,Email)
echo 'the booking was successful.';
Here i have made a function to produce random key,
function gen_link(){
$link = '';
$s = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
for ($i= 0 ; $i <= 4 ; $i++)
$link = $link.$s[rand(0,63)];
return $link;
I dont want to repeat the key in mysql table, i have made it unique in mysql, but what i want to do is, when the key already exists i want to regenerate another random key and try to add it to table again, i tried this code below.
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","shashi","asd123","redir");
$sql = " insert into 'links' ('link') values('$link') ";
$link = gen_link();
$result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
but it doesn't seem to work at all, it keeps looping. what can i do?
Instead of generating an actual error, use an INSERT IGNORE query like this:
$sql = "insert ignore into `links` (`link`) values ('$link')";
And check mysqli_affected_rows() to ensure something was actually inserted:
while (mysqli_affected_rows($con) == 0);
All together, that looks like this:
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "shashi", "asd123", "redir");
do {
$link = gen_link();
$sql = "insert ignore into `links` (`link`) values ('$link')";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
} while (mysqli_affected_rows($con) == 0);
Also, a couple notes about your queries:
I changed your quotes around the table and column names to backticks, which is the correct way to quote them in sql.
Because you're including the $link variable directly in the query, you need to define your query after you give the $link variable a value - so I moved that line inside the loop. This is probably the source of your original problem where you kept looping.
It's not important in this instance because you have full control of the value you're inserting (generated in gen_link()), but it's a good idea to get in the habit of properly escaping the variables you insert into a query. Alternatively, read up a bit on prepared statements, and use them instead.
Get the existing key values from the DB as array. Then search your current key with your existing keys using in_array() function. If it is true generate new key. If the condition is false , insert your new key.
//generate new key
//insert current key
I'm working with Prepared Statement an using "ON DUPLICATE KEY", to change the duplicate Value with MYSQL:
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$this->table." ".
"(".implode(',',$fields).") VALUES
UPDATE key_field = concat(substr(key_field,1,".($laenge_key-3)."),FORMAT(FLOOR(RAND()*999),0))
I'm in a bit of a pickle here, its just that I'm trying to enter some data that I get from users into a table, but for some reason it won't let me insert the data, however I have exactly the same query for another part of the table and that seems to work perfectly fine.
for example when I execute this query, it doesn't work:
$updateibtask2 = "UPDATE ibtask_task2_75beep SET
Trial1_tone_actual= '$taskerror[0]', Trial2_tone_actual= '$taskerror[1]', Trial3_tone_actual= '$taskerror[3]',
Trial4_tone_actual= '$taskerror[4]', Trial5_tone_actual= '$taskerror[5]', Trial6_tone_actual= '$taskerror[6]',
Trial7_tone_actual= '$taskerror[7]', ... WHERE user_id = '$memberid'";
However, when I try this query it works perfectly fine:
$updateibtask2_estimate = "UPDATE ibtask_task2_75beep SET
Trial1_tone_estimate= '$taskerror[0]', Trial2_tone_estimate= '$taskerror[1]', Trial3_tone_estimate= '$taskerror[3]',
Trial4_tone_estimate= '$taskerror[4]', Trial5_tone_estimate= '$taskerror[5]', Trial6_tone_estimate= '$taskerror[6]',
Trial7_tone_estimate= '$taskerror[7]', ... WHERE user_id = '$memberid'";
I'm just wondering where I'm going wrong?
Also if it helps the PHP code that I'm using to run these queries are:
$task2 = array();
$task2 = $_SESSION['task2'];
$task2estimate = array();
$task2estimate = $_SESSION['estimatedpress2'];
$task2actual = array();
$task2actual = $_SESSION['actualpress2'];
addacutalerror_75($memberid, $task2actual);
addestimatederror_75($memberid, $task2estimate);
Also to check whether there was data present for $task2actual I had done an echo ..[0], .. [1].. etc and there was data present in the array.
For those who are searching for solutions and have the same problem, here's what I did:
function addacutalerror_75($memberid, $task2actual) {
$insertmember = "INSERT INTO ibtask_task2_75beep (user_id, Trial1_tone_actual,
Trial2_tone_actual, Trial3_tone_actual, Trial13_tone_actual,
Trial14_tone_actual, ..., Trial40_notone_actual) VALUES ('$memberid', '$task2actual[0]', '$task2actual[1]', '$task2actual[3]', '$task2actual[18]', '$task2actual[21]', '$task2actual[22]', '..., '$task2actual[24]', '$task2actual[29]', '$task2actual[33]','$task2actual[38]' )";
mysql_query($insertmember) or die(mysql_error());
by the way, UPDATE is very different from INSERT.
UPDATE - modify the existing record(s) on the table.
INSERT - adds new record(s) on the table.
Your query is fine but you are doing update. But you want to insert record not to update record right? The query when you insert record looks like this,
$updateibtask2 = "INSERT INTO ibtask_task2_75beep
(Trial1_tone_actual, Trial2_tone_actual,
VALUES ('$taskerror[0]', '$taskerror[1]',...)";
and your query is vulnerable with SQL Injection. Please take time to read the article below to protect against SQL injection,
Best way to prevent SQL injection in PHP?
I am having problems with the following code, it seems to work and creates the records just fine, the problem is each time I hit submit, instead of it updating the record it just creates a new one. If I turn off auto incremental for the primary key it updates the record just fine but then doesn't create any new ones, it seems either one or the other :-S
$query = mysql_query("
INSERT INTO hqfjt_chronoforms_data_emailform
") or die(mysql_error());
did you already try to echo your query string? guess the variable replacement inside it is wrong. try something like that for debugging:
$sql = "INSERT INTO hqfjt_chronoforms_data_emailform
echo $sql; // for debugging
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
Note the corrected variable names above. (curly braces around it, quotes around the array index)
I can't imagine it's the problem, but does the same thing happen when you cast the ID to an int and leave out the quotes?
$query = mysql_query("
INSERT INTO hqfjt_chronoforms_data_emailform
(" . (int) $_POST['cf_id'] . ",'$_POST[cf_uid]','$_POST[emailformname]','$_POST[datesent]')
") or die(mysql_error());
By the way, you really shouldn't use your $_POST variables in your query without mysql_real_escape_string or better yet, use prepared statements (PDO or mysqli).