my php session do not die after configurate new session_save_path - php

I want to manage my sessions in another folder than the defined by default.
So I have this in my code :
session_save_path($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .'../sessions/');
ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1);
ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 100);
The sessions are created by the serveur in the right folder and I connect correctly to the site but the sessions do not die passed the defined maxlifetime, here in the script 300, so 5 minutes.
The sessions are destroyed correctly by session_destroy() but it seems that the server do not destroy them by itself.
Did I miss something ?
I have read most part of the documentation but I can't find the cause.
Any idea ?

Well, in fact that's ok.
If the server do not delete old session files in the new session save folder, that's better cause that forced me to think and finally decide to control the sessions through the script itself.
I define in the script the lifetime of the sessions and if the lifetime is passed, I simply empty the session array and I regenerate the session_id(), deleting automatically the old session_id file (see in php doc, the true parameter in session_regenerate_id() function and I connect again automatically.
I will never have old lost session files in the folder cause the script make the optimum treatment.


PHP session resetting

I have PHP 5.6 running on IIS 8.5. I used this test log:
echo '<p>'.sizeof($_SESSION).' - '.session_id().' - '.ini_get('session.cookie_domain').'</p>';
With it I see that $_SESSION has some elements, cookie_domain is properly set in php.ini as my domain, but session_id() has a different string on each page load. session_start() is being called on every page load.
Any idea on what I can do to make session persistent?
$sessionfile = ini_get('session.save_path') . '/' . 'sess_'.session_id(); shows where the session file is. I'm able to open it and data is there. Indeed it's something in the creation of each session, not in saving their files.
Is it possible that some IIS setting or some asp is reseting the session?
This problem occur most times if you don't have permissions to store the session in your IIS. I had the same problem before a long time. To correct the permissions or the session path solved my problem.

Can't write PHP cookies or sessions on RackSpace server

I'm working on a RackSpace server, and I am unable to successfully write cookies or persistent sessions through PHP (I can write javascript cookies just fine).
The cookies are never written at all, and the sessions are never accessible on any page but the one they're written on. I've tried the exact same code on a different server, and it worked just fine -- so I'm assuming it's some kind of configuration issue.
Here's an example:
Page 1:
$_SESSION['mysession'] = 'hello';
//writes correct value
echo $_SESSION['mysession'];
Page 2:
//this dumps 'NULL'
//this never gets written.
setcookie($mycookie, $myvalue, time() + (86400 * 30), "/");
Are there any particular server settings I should be looking at?
I ran phpinfo, and see my session.save_path. I tried setting that to 777 just to see if it would help, but it did not.
I'm stumped, and their support couldn't help me. Anyone have any ideas?
Upon closer inspection, I can see that the sessions are being written -- I just can't read them.
You can gather more information by creating a php file with content:
<?php phpinfo();
Request this site and search for the session settings.
- Are sessions really enabled?
- Which session save handler is used?
Maybe the session data is not even saved in a file and the error is anywhere else.

PHP Sessions with cookies (lifetime and files)

I have followed a tutorial to work with sessions using cookies. I have now two issues:
My lifetime session is too short (one or two hours), eventhough I've set the value of session.cookie_lifetime and session.gc_maxlifetime to "1209600"
I try to save sessions into files using:
ini_set("session.save_handler", "files");
session_set_save_handler($session, true);
session_save_path($rel_path . "/sessions");
where $session is the instance of the sessions I've created but not yet started.
Now, this works correctly when I use it locally with XAMPP, but not when I upload the site online. I guess the problem comes from my web host which is, but I have no idea on how to solve this problem. Any idea or suggestion?
I solved the issue by adding this line of code:
ini_set('session.force_path', 0);
with the other ini_set and session parameters. The session.force_path parameter wasn't visible in the session section when I printed the phpinfo() locally (using XAMPP), while it was on my web hosting service. This also solved my session lifetime issue as it was depending on the existence of the session file.

Can't access Session variables on different servers

I have dedicated a server to maintain Memcached and store sessions, so that all my servers can work on the same session without difficulties.
But somehow I think I may have misunderstood the meaning of Memcached possibilities about PHP sessions.
I thought that I would be able to stand on Apache 1 and create a session e.g. $_SESSION['test'] = "This string is saved in the session" and then go to Apache 2 or and simply continue the session and type echo $_SESSION['test']; and it would output the string.
It doesn't, but i am sure that I was told that memcached would be a great tool if you have multiple webservers to share the same session.
What have I done wrong?
By the way. We seriously need a fully detailed tutorial or ebook to describe how to set up the server, using php, building clusters etc. based on Memcached.
In my php.ini file it says:
session.save_path = ""
Tutorials told me not to define a protocol, and the ip address has been given to the Apache 3 - memcached Server
Here is an image of phpinfo()
The domain in session.cookie_domain is not called domain but it is a .local.
It has been changed for this image.
Just for information. When I am using a simple Memcached based PHP command - everything works perfectly. But somehow when I am trying to save a session, the memcached server doesn't store the item.
This works:
$m = new Memcached();
$m->addServer('', 11211);
$m->set('int', 99);
$m->set('string', 'a simple string');
$m->set('array', array(11, 12));
/* expire 'object' key in 5 minutes */
$m->set('object', new stdclass, time() + 300);
This doesn't work
$_SESSION['name'] = "This is a simple string.";
I noticed that after deleting the cache history including cookies etc. the browser didn't finish the job. The problem continued due to the fact, that it hang on to the original individual session id, which made each subdomain separated from each other.
Everything defined here is correct, just make sure your browser resets its cookies when you ask it to. >.<
By default (session) cookies are domain specific, so set the cookie domain in your php.ini
session.cookie_domain = ""
Also see here
Allow php sessions to carry over to subdomains
Make sure to restart your webserver and clear all of your browser cookies after making the change. Your browser could get confused if you have cookies with the same name but different subdomains.
Other things to check:
That the sessions work fine on each individual server.
Make sure the session handler is set properly by using phpinfo() if you are working with a large codebase especially inherited / 3rd party stuff there may be something overriding it.
If you are using 3rd party code - like phpbb for instance - check that the cookie settings are correct in there too.
(please note this answer tidied to remove brainstorming, kept all relevant info)

How does PHP detect that a session has timed out?

I'm wondering how PHP detects that a specific session has timed out.
In detail: I'm using the default (file based) session handler, with a default session lifetime and so on. Everything in php.ini is on default.
If now a session is started, PHP does a check (depending non session.gc_divisor and session.gc_probability) if there are any timed out sessions. But from where does get PHP the last session access time from the sessions to check against?
The session file itself contains only the workload, e.g. x|i:1; for a $_SESSION['x'] = 1;, so there is no information about the last session access time.
I think that there are no in-memory information related to session start times as the sessions are still working after a full server restart.
So, where does PHP get the information from? Is it comparing the mtime/ctime of the session file?
PHP's default session handler stores the $_SESSION data in a file using serialize(), in the directory specified by session.save_path. Generally the filename looks something like $filename = 'sess_' . session_id().
Since it's just a file, PHP can use the file's mtime (time of last modification) to determine which session files are stale. Basically it'll grab all the session files whose mtime exceeds the session.gc_maxlifetime value and unlink() them. As you've said, the probability of the cleanup occuring is governed by the session.gc_* ini variables.
Now, if you create your own session handlers with session_set_save_handler(), this is all out the window, and you've now got control over how sessions are stored and cleaned up, but this does explain the default behavior.
