I use Hash::make($req->pass); to login in Laravel. Now I forgot the password. Can I change the password by editing PHPMyAdmin? Is there any PHPMyadmin function to change the Bcrypt?
For eg. To change the password stored in MD5, I can change it by using MD5 function. And it works fine for all WordPress logins.
Thanks in Advance
I would use Tinker to achieve this:
php artisan tinker
$user = App/Models/User()::find(/* user_id */);
$user->password = Hash::make('your new password here');
// You should receive a "true" if the update is successful.
// This can all be done via the command line.
You can also (for the sake of answering your question) just output the password from the route file:
Route::get('generate-password', function () {
return Hash::make('your new password');
visit the '/generate-password' url, copy that password, then paste it into PHPMyAdmin
One way to change the password manually is to get the value from
to a variable and copy that value into users table password field.
I want to get user data
I tried using
$user_data = App\User::where(["username"=>"admin", "password"=>bcrypt("test123")])->get();
But it is not working! I am sure the username and password is correct!
then I tried another one without bcrypt
$user_data = App\User::where(["username"=>"admin", "password"=>"test123"])->get();
And still not working!.
I don't know what is the problem.
I wondering if I can use Auth::attempt just to get the user data (without log-in)
$user_data = Auth::attempt(["username"=>"admin", "password"=>"test123"]);
Auth::attempt will signing you in. But I don't want that. I just want to get the user data only (without sign-in)
I forgot to mention that I'm creating an API...
However, I solved the problem by using Auth::once()
Auth::once(['username'=>'admin', 'password'=>'test123']);
I have a table in my database called (users_system) contains:
user_pass (plain text)
... some other fields
What I want is to be able to do laravel(5.2) authentication using those two fields considering the (Auth::attempt) only deal with email and hashed password.
So is that possible and if so how to do it?
You can check credentials and login user manually:
$userSystem = UserSystem::where('user_id', $userId)->where('user_pass', $password)->first();
if (!is_null($userSystem)) {
// Manually login user.
$user = User::find($userId);
But this is a terrible idea to use plain text passwords. You should never do that in a real app.
Perhaps I'm just unsure on the documentation. I've tried to figure it out, but I've never used this Codeigniter library before (Aauth). I'm attempting to create a form / page that will allow a user to change their password. The form works fine, but it's not changing the users password in the database.
The documentation says this:
Please note that I am not sure what "FALSE" represents. I do not see a change password method in the documentation provided here.
update_user($user_id, $email = FALSE, $pass = FALSE, $name = FALSE)
Updates user by using user_id
I'm not seeing any errors.
I'm writing something like this:
// get user info for currently logged user (this part works)
$userdata = $this->aauth->get_user();
// Change Password (not currently changing the password for the user)
$this->aauth->update_user($userdata->id, $userdata->email, $_POST['formpassword']);
Whoops, didn't realize when it said "FALSE" it meant it was required.
The correct solution:
// I did not want to change email or name. Password only.
$this->aauth->update_user($userdata->id, FALSE, $_POST['formpassword'], FALSE);
I want to check whether old password which user typed is matched with DB password using check hash, but its not working correctly please advice.
Below is my code which I used to update password function
fields which required are old_passwrord, new_password.
Currently it doesn't go to hash check fucntion and directly update password.
else if (Hash::check('password', $getPassword->password))
return ['error'=>['code'=>206, 'message'=>'old password is not matching']];
else if (Hash::check('password', $getPassword->password))
else if ( ! Hash::check('password', $getPassword->password))
My livecart can't access after change the database password, but find the database config file , and found the message like this:
What can I do to change the password?
The password is inbetween the first : and the last #
Change to this
where NEWPASSWORD is your new password