Search in a php string for a count of numbers - php

I have variables like this:
Example 1: 709000-037602-14-5_ABC
Example 2: 702000-025801-12_4_DEF
Example 3: 210104-1041-011866_GHI
How can i cut the data?
My idea is to seach for the underscore BUT the example 1 does cut on the false segment.
I want to get this variables: $var=709000-037602-14-4, $var=709000-037602-14_4 and $var1=210104-1041-011866
(ABC, DEF, GHI are not important. I only wanted to show i cant search for it.)
For now my used function is:
$var= strstr($var_original, '_', true);
Question: Can I count the number of numbers on the secound sequment (037602, 025801 or 1041) because this is 6 OR 4 digits.
Thanks for help :)

You can use:
$string = '709000-037602-14-5_ABC';
$string1 = '702000-025801-12_4_DEF';
echo explodeCode($string).'<br>'. explodeCode($string1);
function explodeCode($code){
$final = explode('_', $code);
return (count($final) === 2) ? implode('_', $final) : implode('', $final);
After your multiple example i suppose is better use preg_split like:
$string = '709000-037602-14-5_ABC';
$string1 = '702000-025801-12_4_DEF';
$string2 = '709000-037602-14-5_ABC_test_no1';
echo explodeCode($string).'<br>'. explodeCode($string1). '<br>'. explodeCode($string2);
function explodeCode($code){
return preg_split("/\_[A-Z]/", $code)[0];


Count how many numbers appears in a string

I was wondering if there's a combo of functions or a direct function that can count how many numbers appears in a string, without use a long-way as str_split and check every character in a loop.
From a string like:
It returns that there's 8 numbers inside.
You can use filter_var() with the FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT constant, then check the length of the new string. The new string will contain only numbers from that string, and all other characters are filtered away.
$string = "j3987snmj3j";
$numbers = filter_var($string , FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$length = strlen($numbers); // 5
echo "There are ".$length." numbers in that string";
Note that each number will be counted individually, so 137 would return 3, as would 1m3j7.
Live demo
Other solution:
function countNumbers(string $string) {
return preg_match_all('/\d/', $string, $m);
You can use regular expression
Try like this:
$myString = 'Som3 Charak1ers ar3 N0mberZ h3re ;)';
$countNumbers = strlen((string)filter_var($myString, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT));
echo 'Your input haz ' . $countNumbers . ' digits in it, man';
You can also make a function out of this to return only the number, if you need it.
Following code does what you intend to do:
$string = 'dsfds98fsdfsdf8sdf908f9dsf809fsd809f8s15d0d';
foreach ($splits as $split){
Output: 17

How to sort words in alphabetical order from a sentence, not array

I'm trying to take sentences from a user and storing them to compare them later, but i want them to be alphabetial, like;
taken from a string like, "Banana, Oranges And Apples"; So before that i first cut the words i don't want but i don't know how I'll go about sorting since PHP sort() seems to only work on array
$str = 'Man Methord Wifi HOlla Teddy Husband';
$result = trim( preg_replace(
" ",
" $str "
) );
$lower_str = strtolower ($result);
echo $lower_str;
This function may work for you :
function sortstring($string,$unique = false) {
$string = str_replace('.', '', $string);
$array = explode(' ',strtolower($string));
if ($unique) $array = array_unique($array);
return implode(' ',$array);
You can find this function and its example usage at
It has got an easy function that is called sort().In sort function, there are many type of different sort algorithms working on sort function.This function has got 2 parameters.First parameter of sort function is array which will be sort and Second one is about type of sort algorithm.
$data = array("a","k","b","z","i","v");

PHP adding the value 1 to a position in an string and replace

I want to replace a letter with another character and also add 1 value more.
I mean the values are dynamic
For example I have H9 ,i want to replace as G10 .
H2 as G3
H6 as G7
Is it possible to use str_replace() for this ?
I got this one which works for me:
$old_string = "H2";
$new_string = "G" . (substr($old_string, 1) + 1);
echo $new_string;
Works fine for me. This is just for one value, but i guess you can loop through an array too, just have to modify the values like this
foreach($old_values as $v) {
$new_values[] = "G" . (substr($v, 1) + 1);
So you could save all the values into the $new_string array
Try This
$str = "H25";
preg_match_all('!\d+!', $str, $matches);
$str = str_replace($matches['0']['0'], $matches['0']['0']+1, $str, $count);
echo $str;
Of course you can use str_replace()
$new = array("G10", "G3", "G7");
$old = array("H9", "H2", "H6");
$string = str_replace($old, $new, $string);
where $string is your original string.
More simpler way... (Generalized Solution)
preg_match('!\d+!', $str, $digit); //<---- Match the number
$str = substr($str,0,1); //<--- Grab the first char & increment it in the second line
echo ++$str.($digit[0]+1); //"prints" H11

preg_replace php to replace repeated characters

So I have a list of values like that goes like this:
values: n,b,f,d,e,b,f,ff`
I want to use preg_replace() in order to remove the repeated characters from the list of values (it will be inserted to a MySQL table). b and f are repeated. ff should not count as f because it's a different value. I know that \b \b will be used for that. I am not sure on how to take out the repeated b and f values as well as the , that precedes each value.
If the list is in a string looking like the example above, a regex is overkill. This does it just as well;
$value = implode(',', array_unique(explode(',', $value)));
I agree with other commenters that preg_replace is not the way to go; but, since you ask, you can write:
$str = preg_replace('/\b(\w+),(?=.*\b\1\b)/', '', $str);
That will remove all but the last instance of a given list-element.
No need for regex for this:
join(",", array_unique(split(",", $values)))
If this list you're dealing with is a simple string, a possible solution would be like this:
function removeDuplicates($str) {
$arr = explode(',', $str);
$arr = array_unique($arr);
return implode(',', $arr);
$values = removeDuplicates('n,b,f,d,e,b,f,ff'); // n,b,f,d,e,ff
$str = "values: n,b,f,d,e,b,f,ff";
$arr = array();
preg_match("/(values: )([a-z,]+)/i", $str, $match);
$values = explode(",", $match[2]);
foreach($values AS $value){
if(!$arr[$value]) $arr[$value] = true;
$return = $match[1];
foreach($arr AS $a){
$return .= ($i++ >= 1 ? "," : "").$a;

How can we split a sentence

I have written the PHP code for getting some part of a given dynamic sentence, e.g. "this is a test sentence":
I get the output:
this is a te
But i need it stop as a full word instead of splitting a word:
this is a
How can I do that, remembering that $sentence isn't a fixed string (it could be anything)?
use wordwrap
If you're using PHP4, you can simply use split:
$resultArray = split($sentence, " ");
Every element of the array will be one word. Be careful with punctuation though.
explode would be the recommended method in PHP5:
$resultArray = explode(" ", $sentence);
first. use explode on space. Then, count each part + the total assembled string and if it doesn't go over the limit you concat it onto the string with a space.
Try using explode() function.
In your case:
$expl = explode(" ",$sentence);
You'll get your sentence in an array. First word will be $expl[0], second - $expl[1] and so on. To print it out on the screen use:
$n = 10 //words to print
for ($i=0;$i<=$n;$i++) {
print $expl[$i]." ";
Create a function that you can re-use at any time. This will look for the last space if the given string's length is greater than the amount of characters you want to trim.
function niceTrim($str, $trimLen) {
$strLen = strlen($str);
if ($strLen > $trimLen) {
$trimStr = substr($str, 0, $trimLen);
return substr($trimStr, 0, strrpos($trimStr, ' '));
return $str;
$sentence = "this is a test sentence";
echo niceTrim($sentence, 12);
This will print
this is a
as required.
Hope this is the solution you are looking for!
this is just psudo code not php,
char[] sentence="your_sentence";
string new_constructed_sentence="";
string word="";
if(character==' ') {new_constructed_sentence+=word;word="";continue}
new_constructed_sentence is what you want!!!
