Google PlayIntegrity API - validate token via PHP - php

I am no professional Android developer and I'm having problems to get the Google PlayIntegrity token from my app to decode via PHP through my back-end server and couldn't find much help online.
I included the Google PHP API onto my server, integrated the API into my app and activated&linked it on the Play Console. But it seems I am doing something wrong, I am getting the following PHP error messages:
Warning: Attempt to read property "appLicensingVerdict" on null
My code:
namespace foo;
use Google\Client;
use Google\Service\PlayIntegrity;
use Google\Service\PlayIntegrity\DecodeIntegrityTokenRequest;
require_once __DIR__ . '/google/vendor/autoload.php';
// Google Integrity token, as obtained from Google through my app:
$token = $_POST['IntegrityToken'];
$client = new Client();
$service = new PlayIntegrity($client);
$tokenRequest = new DecodeIntegrityTokenRequest();
$result = $service->v1->decodeIntegrityToken('', $tokenRequest);
// Read and handle the JSON response:
$appLicensingVerdict = $result->accountDetails->appLicensingVerdict;
// ... more fields are available in the JSON... see Google documentation
// Check/verify the obtained response values.....
Any help would be much appreciated! Many thanks!

Also thanks to hakre's help, I was able to solve the problems I was facing. The code works fine with tokenPayLoadExternal included:
$appLicensingVerdict = $result->tokenPayloadExternal # <-- this


Fat Free Use Google OAuth + Google API

I'm trying the following thing for quite a while now and am heavily struggling...
On a website, I first want to authenticate a user with his Google Account using OAuth. Therefore, I'm using this library. In order to get it working, I used $f3->set('AUTOLOAD','vendor/ikkez/f3-opauth/lib/opauth/'); to load the PHP files and then used the following code to create the routes and make the authentication possible:
$f3 = \Base::instance();
// load opauth config (allow token resolve)
$f3->config('vendor/ikkez/f3-opauth/lib/opauth/opauth.ini', TRUE);
// init with config
$opauth = OpauthBridge::instance($f3->opauth);
// define login handler
header('Content-Type: text');
// define error handler
header('Content-Type: text');
echo 'Auth request was canceled.'."\n";
So far so good, thats all working fine, once permission is granted from Google I get the correct callback, also including the login token.
Now the next step is, that after user gave permission for that (by authenticating), I want to check, if the user subscribed to a specific channel on Youtube (and afterwards saving that information to my DB, printing it at the first step would be enough though).
Now I did my homework for multiple hours in trying to figuring out how it works...
What I (in general found) is that the following curl request should give me the desired result:
curl \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
I then tried to sent this curl request with PHP, substituting the API KEY with my Google API Key and "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" with the token I got from OAUTH.... However, it's throwing an error, saying "request had insufficient authentication scopes"... That seems to be because when checking the PHP example from Google, I have to provide the Scopes I'm using - in my case
The PHP code provided by Google is the following:
* Sample PHP code for youtube.subscriptions.list
* See instructions for running these code samples locally:
if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) {
throw new Exception(sprintf('Please run "composer require google/apiclient:~2.0" in "%s"', __DIR__));
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setApplicationName('API code samples');
// TODO: For this request to work, you must replace
// "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_FILE.json" with a pointer to your
// client_secret.json file. For more information, see
// Request authorization from the user.
$authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl();
printf("Open this link in your browser:\n%s\n", $authUrl);
print('Enter verification code: ');
$authCode = trim(fgets(STDIN));
// Exchange authorization code for an access token.
$accessToken = $client->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($authCode);
// Define service object for making API requests.
$service = new Google_Service_YouTube($client);
$queryParams = [
'forChannelId' => 'UC_x5XG1OV2P6uZZ5FSM9Ttw',
'mine' => true
$response = $service->subscriptions->listSubscriptions('snippet,contentDetails', $queryParams);
This let's me run into a new issue... Trying to use this code, I'm getting the error, that Google_Client is not known as class... I then went ahead and installed Google Client with Composer and tried to use vendor/autoload.php in order to use the class.... However, when including the autoload.php, I get the error Fatal error: Cannot declare class Prefab, because the name is already in use... This seems to be the case, because the f3-opauth declares this Prefab class already and then the google apiclient tries to declare it again... However, I didn't manage to to include google apiclient without the autoload...
You see, I really tried a lot and I've been working on this for about 5-6 hours today, only getting that one API request to work and I don't know what else to try...
Any hint on how to get it working would be appreciated - if there's any hint on doing it a completely other way, I'd be willing to change it as well, as the project itself just started.
Summarizing, what I'm trying to do is the following:
-> User can log in on Website with his Youtube/Google Account
-> When authenticating, its checked, if the User is a Subscriber of a specific channel. Next step would be to also check, if he is a channel member of this speicific channel. Both information would need to be saved to database
-> after that, user can always log in into his account with Google again and in the database, you can find the information if the user is subscriber and/or channel member of this channel..
Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure if this will help with your exact use case, but I've worked with Google APIs in the past with Fat-Free. I couldn't get it to work right off the bat, so I installed and got it working with the Google Client/API/SDK. Once I got that working, then I worked backwards to see if I could make it work with Fat-Free. One of the things that I noticed I was running into was missing fields in the Oauth request. access_type was one that got me as well as approval_prompt. I know that you said you've gotten your access token thus far, so it may not apply, but it could for future requests. Here's some example code I've got working to generate an oauth URL for Google Sign in, and then to process the request and make the call to the userinfo portion.
class App_Auth {
public static function generateOauthUrl() {
$fw = Base::instance();
$Oauth = new \Web\OAuth2();
$Oauth->set('client_id', $fw->get('google.client_id'));
$Oauth->set('scope', 'profile email');
$Oauth->set('response_type', 'code');
$Oauth->set('access_type', 'online');
$Oauth->set('approval_prompt', 'auto');
$Oauth->set('redirect_uri', $fw->SCHEME.'://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $fw->BASE.'/oauthRedirect');
return $Oauth->uri('', true);
public static function processAuthCodeAndGetToken($auth_code) {
$fw = Base::instance();
$Oauth = new \Web\OAuth2();
$Oauth->set('client_id', $fw->get('google.client_id'));
$Oauth->set('client_secret', $fw->get('google.client_secret'));
$Oauth->set('scope', 'profile email');
$Oauth->set('access_type', 'online');
$Oauth->set('grant_type', 'authorization_code');
$Oauth->set('code', $auth_code);
$Oauth->set('approval_prompt', 'auto');
$Oauth->set('redirect_uri', $fw->SCHEME.'://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $fw->BASE.'/oauthRedirect');
return $Oauth->request('', 'POST');
public static function getOauthUserInfo($access_token) {
$Oauth_User_Info = new \Web\OAuth2();
return $Oauth_User_Info->request('', 'GET', $access_token);
One other error that has bitten me in the backside was we would get our access token from Google and then store it in the database for subsequent requests. We would get that scopes error you mentioned request had insufficient authentication scopes. We eventually figured out that the access_token was longer than our database field (VARCHAR(32) if I remember right) so we needed to make our database field longer so it would store the whole thing.
Hopefully one of those triggers something for you to figure out your issue.

Zoho crm api v2 for php

I am trying to connect with Zoho CRM using PHP. I followed PHP SDK for Zoho CRM and installed the package.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use zcrmsdk\crm\setup\restclient\ZCRMRestClient;
use zcrmsdk\oauth\ZohoOAuth;
$configuration =array("client_id"=>"clientid","client_secret"=>"clientsecret","redirect_uri"=>"redirecturl","currentUserEmail"=>"useremail");
$a = ZCRMRestClient::initialize($configuration);
$oAuthClient = ZohoOAuth::getClientInstance();
$refreshToken = "refreshtoken";
$userIdentifier = "emailid";
$oAuthTokens = $oAuthClient->generateAccessTokenFromRefreshToken($refreshToken,$userIdentifier);
$result = ZCRMRestClient::getModule("Contacts");
error I am getting:
Not able to get access token from refresh token, invalid client_id.
But I am using correct credentials to connect Zoho API.
Spent a day on this myself when I set it up.
Make sure that you are using the same domain for the api and the oauth client app.
They have 2 domains:
If you created the oauth clinet app on one, use the same one for the api endpoint.
Further to this, if you are using accounts_url= in the file, then you should also set in the file.
Given the parameters are read from these two properties files, I don't think you need that configuration array.

DialogFlow - How to Batch Update Intents via API?

I'm looking for a basic example on how to utilize DialogFlow's batchUpdate, and how to utilize batchUpdateResponse to show an actual response once complete.
Have found no examples for DialogFlow V1 or V2 (at this point either would be helpful), the below is all I've managed to setup - looking for the missing arguments to be added:
$intentsClient->batchUpdateIntents($formattedParent, $languageCode, $test_3);
Currently using PHP but any language is fine here.
Ended up figuring this out through the use of and the Google Client Library for PHP (
Below is a basic example for updating the text on two intents at once, via PHP. Hopefully this helps someone in the future, am somewhat surprised at the general lack of helpful documentation and/or examples for using DialogFlow's API V2 (or even V1 for that matter). So many awesome things can be done by using this rather than their Dashboard to train your bot!
// Global variable pointing to the .json file downloaded with private key from DialogFlow
// Setup Google Client
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new Google_Client();
$httpClient = $client->authorize();
// Setup array to update intent (minified)
$update_intent = array('intentBatchInline'=>array('intents'=>array(
// Post to DialogFlow API
$response = $httpClient->post('', [
GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::JSON => $test_batch_intent_1
// Print out response for troubleshooting
echo "<br /><br />Here's to getting past DialogFlow API's hurdles! :)";
This is similar to my answer. Where I have given a complete example. Do check it out.
Stack Overflow answer.
And this is based out of NodeJs. As you told the language does not matter.
And do check out this documentation for different kinds of examples. This document covers even the batchUpdate functionality.
Please check these out:
GitHub repo
GitHub repo

Download url not working in Google Drive API PHP

I am having issue with the Google Drive API, i was able to fetch the files using API But i can't download via this link. I guess, must some auth, but i have used refresh tokens to authenticate.Please see below for my code
include APPPATH . '/libraries/google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_DriveService.php';
// Library Files Configuration to get access token and Refresh Token
$client = new Google_Client();
$client->setAccessType('offline'); // default: offline
$client->setApplicationName('xxx'); //name of the application
$client->setClientId('yyyy'); //insert your client id
$client->setClientSecret('zzz'); //insert your client secret
$service = new Google_DriveService($client);
$parameters = array();
$files = $service->files->listFiles($parameters);
foreach ($files['items'] as $key => $items)
Anybody knows how to get the download url with authentication?
This is having the answer:
(Java) Download URL not working
There seem to be some changes on v2 of GDrive, instead of using "downloadUrl" you may have to use "webContentLink" for getting the download link
To get downloadUrls, you need to get the metadata of a file. You can do so by using the get method. The method will return a File Resource representation. In this resource, there is a downloadUrl property. If you're able to access the files and get the URL already, then there should be no problem with your authentication setup. There could be permission issues where you may not have access to certain drive files, but if you receive no error for it, you should be fine there too. I am not particularly familiar with PHP, but perhaps you are not downloading it correctly? Here it seems to be done differently.
I also suggest that you check out the Drive PHP Quickstart App to use as a reference.
I have bumped into the same problem today and just found a solution for my case. I hope that this helps the one or another confused PHP coder out there who also does not get a downloadUrl. I assume that you are working with the examples of the v2 API, as seen on
First, I have altered the head to not only access the metadata but get full access (mind the DRIVE constant):
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
const DRIVE = "";
define('APPLICATION_NAME', 'MAGOS poller');
define('CREDENTIALS_PATH', 'credentials.json');
define('CLIENT_SECRET_PATH', 'client_secret.json');
define('SCOPES', implode(' ', array(Google_Service_Drive::DRIVE)));
Then I have deleted my credentials file (credentials.json) and reran the script so it authenticated once more against gDrive and recreated the credentials file. After that
$downloadUrl = $file->getDownloadUrl();
finally worked like a charm.

Not able to get Access token in Google Analytics API PHP?

$ga = new GoogleAnalyticsAPI('service');
$ga->auth->setClientId('your_client_id'); // From the APIs console
$ga->auth->setEmail('your_email_addy'); // From the APIs console
$auth = $ga->auth->getAccessToken();
i am getting all values in $ga except AccessToken.I have given all paths,email,client id.if i print $auth, nothing is getting displayed.What should i do to get access token?
I refered this site
Thanks in advance.
