Laravel how to add relationship queries via model instance in controller - php

I'm working in a Laravel 9 project. I have a Buyer model which has a relationship called tiers, I need to load the count on here.
Right now, I'm doing it like:
* Display the specified resource.
* #param int $id
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function show(Company $company, Buyer $buyer)
$this->authorize('view', Buyer::class);
$buyer = Buyer::where('company_id', $company->id)
->where('id', $buyer->id)
if (!$buyer) {
return new ApiSuccessResponse(null, [
'message' => 'Buyer not found or invalid buyer ID.'
], 404);
return new ApiSuccessResponse($buyer);
There must be a better way since the buyer instance is already defined and working as the function argument.
Something like...
* Display the specified resource.
* #param int $id
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function show(Company $company, Buyer $buyer)
$this->authorize('view', Buyer::class);
$buyer = $buyer->withCount('tiers');
return new ApiSuccessResponse($buyer);
Why doesn't this work and what do I need to change to get it to work?

Laravel has deferred loading for counts, so all you need to do is use loadCount instead of withCount, and there's no need to reassign the variable:
public function show(Company $company, Buyer $buyer)
$this->authorize('view', Buyer::class);
return new ApiSuccessResponse($buyer);


Laravel scoping route params to final model query

I'm working inside a Laravel 9 project and am switching over my controller methods to scope the resources. For example, I have an Affiliate model where I'm grabbing the company ID and affiliate ID from the function, and then querying these.
I'm now trying to switch it over to defining the model in the function argument, but aren't sure how to parse company_id through to Affiliate?
This is the previous controller method:
* Display the specified resource.
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function show($company_id, $id)
$this->authorize('view', Affiliate::class);
$affiliate = Affiliate::where('company_id', $company_id)
->where('id', $id)
if (!$affiliate) {
return new ApiSuccessResponse(null, [
'message' => 'Affiliate not found or invalid affiliate ID.'
], 404);
return new ApiSuccessResponse($affiliate);
And here's my progress so far, how do I add the company_id check to the affiliate?
* Display the specified resource.
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function show($company_id, Affiliate $affiliate)
$this->authorize('view', $affiliate);
return new ApiSuccessResponse($affiliate);
My route looks like:
And my api.php file:
Route::apiResource('company.affiliates', AffiliateController::class);

How would one construct a complex/composite controller for multiple controllers

I am new to OOP/MVC and I do have a basic understanding of a controller which interacts with an underlying model. Basically, a controller acts as a "CRUD gateway" to a model. However, consider an e-commerce marketplace object: Order.
An e-commerce order in a marketplace would interact with multiple tables and hence an order can be thought of as a join of multiple tables: orders, order_items, order_sellers, order_buyer (and more perhaps).
If I understand it correctly, each one of these tables would have a controller allowing CRUD operations (OrderInfoController, OrderItemController,OrderSellerController,OrderBuyerController etc.).
However, could I also create a controller for 'Orders' which then instantiates the Controller Object for each of the tables involved in an Order?
OrderController {
$this->orderInfo = OrderInfo Object;
$this->orderItems = array of Order Item Objects;
$this->orderSellers = array of Order Seller Objects;
$this->orderBuyer = OrderBuyer Object;
function create($arr_order)
//create the order object by calling each of the member controllers.
function get($orderId)
//get the complete order by order Id....
function update($orderId)
function delete($orderId)
I have gone through a few MVC docs but I have not come across a solution to this problem. My question is then: Is this the correct approach to write a controller which interacts with multiple tables?
If I understand it correctly, each one of these tables would have a controller allowing CRUD operations [...].
In a web MVC-based application, each request is, indeed, served by a controller (the "C" in "MVC").
Though, the controller delegates the whole processing of the request to one or more application services (e.g. use cases, e.g actions - see resources list below), as part of the service layer. These services interact with the model (the "M" in "MVC"), e.g. domain model, e.g. model layer, which, in turn, interact with the database.
The final result of the processing of the request data, e.g. the response object, is either returned to the controller, in order to be passed and printed on screen by the view (the "V" in "MVC"), or directly to the view, for the same reason.
After watching both videos in the resources list below, you will understand, that the model doesn't need to know anything about the database. So, the components of the model layer (mostly interfaces) should not know where and how the data passed to them by the services is saved. Therefore, the services and the controllers should also know nothing about the database.
All informations regarding the database should be located in data mappers only - as part of the infrastructure layer. These objects should be the only ones understanding the database API. Therefore, the only ones containing and beeing able to execute SQL statements.
Is this the correct approach to write a controller which interacts with multiple tables?
No. But it's not a problem. Just keep learning about MVC.
Keynote: Architecture the Lost Years by Robert Martin.
Sandro Mancuso : Crafted Design
Here is some code of mine. At first sight, it's maybe a lot of it, but I'm confident, that it will help you to better understand.
For simplicity, follow the definition of the method getAllUsers in the view class SampleMvc\App\View\Template\Users\Users.
First of all, here is a not so important note (yet): In my code, the controller only updates the model layer, and the view only fetches data from the model layer. Only the response returned by the view is, therefore, printed. The controller and the view are called by a class RouteInvoker, like this:
namespace MyPackages\Framework\Routing;
class RouteInvoker implements RouteInvokerInterface {
public function invoke(RouteInterface $route): ResponseInterface {
$controller = $this->resolveController($route);
$view = $this->resolveView($route);
$parameters = $route->getParameters();
$this->callableInvoker->call($controller, $parameters);
return $this->callableInvoker->call($view, $parameters);
The result ($response) of RouteInvoker:invoke is printed like this:
And from here follows an example of a code invoked by RouteInvoker:invoke:
A controller to handle the users:
namespace SampleMvc\App\Controller\Users;
use function sprintf;
use SampleMvc\App\Service\Users\{
Users as UserService,
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
* A controller to handle the users.
class Users {
* #param UserService $userService A service to handle the users.
public function __construct(
private UserService $userService
) {
* Add a user.
* #param ServerRequestInterface $request A server request.
* #return void
public function addUser(ServerRequestInterface $request): void {
$username = $request->getParsedBody()['username'];
try {
} catch (UserExists $exception) {
* Remove all users.
* #return void
public function removeAllUsers(): void {
A view to handle the users:
Notice, that controller and view share the same UserService instance.
namespace SampleMvc\App\View\Template\Users;
use SampleMvc\App\{
Service\Users\Users as UserService,
use Psr\Http\Message\{
use AlePackages\Template\Renderer\TemplateRendererInterface;
* A view to handle the users.
class Users extends Primary {
* #param UserService $userService A service to handle the users.
public function __construct(
ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory,
TemplateRendererInterface $templateRenderer,
MainNavigation $mainNavigationService,
private UserService $userService
) {
parent::__construct($responseFactory, $templateRenderer, $mainNavigationService);
* Display the list of users.
* #return ResponseInterface The response to the current request.
public function default(): ResponseInterface {
$bodyContent = $this->templateRenderer->render('#Templates/Users/Users.html.twig', [
'activeNavItem' => 'Users',
'users' => $this->getAllUsers(),
$response = $this->responseFactory->createResponse();
return $response;
* Add a user.
* #return ResponseInterface The response to the current request.
public function addUser(): ResponseInterface {
$bodyContent = $this->templateRenderer->render('#Templates/Users/Users.html.twig', [
'activeNavItem' => 'Users',
'message' => 'User successfully added',
'users' => $this->getAllUsers(),
$response = $this->responseFactory->createResponse();
return $response;
* Remove all users.
* #return ResponseInterface The response to the current request.
public function removeAllUsers(): ResponseInterface {
$bodyContent = $this->templateRenderer->render('#Templates/Users/Users.html.twig', [
'activeNavItem' => 'Users',
'message' => 'All users successfully removed',
'users' => $this->getAllUsers(),
$response = $this->responseFactory->createResponse();
return $response;
* Get a list of users.
* #return (string|int)[][] The list of users.
private function getAllUsers(): array {
$users = $this->userService->findAllUsers();
$usersFormatted = [];
foreach ($users as $user) {
$usersFormatted[] = [
'id' => $user->getId(),
'username' => $user->getUsername(),
return $usersFormatted;
A service to handle the users:
namespace SampleMvc\App\Service\Users;
use SampleMvc\Domain\Model\User\{
use SampleMvc\App\Service\Users\Exception\UserExists;
* A service to handle the users.
class Users {
* #param UserCollection $userCollection A collection of users.
public function __construct(
private UserCollection $userCollection
) {
* Find a user by id.
* #param int $id An id.
* #return User|null The found user or null.
public function findUserById(int $id): ?User {
return $this->userCollection->findById($id);
* Find all users.
* #return User[] The list of users.
public function findAllUsers(): array {
return $this->userCollection->all();
* Add a user.
* #param string|null $username A username.
* #return User The added user.
public function addUser(?string $username): User {
$user = $this->createUser($username);
return $this->storeUser($user);
* Remove all users.
* #return void
public function removeAllUsers(): void {
* Create a user.
* #param string|null $username A username.
* #return User The user.
private function createUser(?string $username): User {
$user = new User();
return $user;
* Store a user.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return User The stored user.
* #throws UserExists A user already exists.
private function storeUser(User $user): User {
if ($this->userCollection->exists($user)) {
throw new UserExists('Username "' . $user->getUsername() . '" already used');
return $this->userCollection->store($user);
An exception indicating that a user already exists:
namespace SampleMvc\App\Service\Users\Exception;
* An exception indicating that a user already exists.
class UserExists extends \OverflowException {
An interface to a collection of users:
Notice, that this is an interface.
Notice, that this interface is a component of the domain model!
Notice, that its implementation (e.g. SampleMvc\Domain\Infrastructure\Repository\User\UserCollection further down below) is not part of the domain model, but of the infrastructure layer!
namespace SampleMvc\Domain\Model\User;
use SampleMvc\Domain\Model\User\User;
* An interface to a collection of users.
interface UserCollection {
* Find a user by id.
* #param int $id An id.
* #return User|null The found user or null.
public function findById(int $id): ?User;
* Get all users from the collection.
* #return User[] All users in the collection.
public function all(): array;
* Store a user.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return User The stored user.
public function store(User $user): User;
* Check if a user exists in the collection.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return bool True if the user exists, or false otherwise.
public function exists(User $user): bool;
* Remove all users from the collection.
* #return static
public function clear(): static;
A collection of users:
namespace SampleMvc\Domain\Infrastructure\Repository\User;
use SampleMvc\Domain\Model\User\{
UserCollection as UserCollectionInterface,
use SampleMvc\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\User\UserMapper;
* A collection of users.
class UserCollection implements UserCollectionInterface {
* #param UserMapper $userMapper A user mapper.
public function __construct(
private UserMapper $userMapper
) {
* #inheritDoc
public function findById(int $id): ?User {
return $this->userMapper->fetchUserById($id);
* #inheritDoc
public function all(): array {
return $this->userMapper->fetchAllUsers();
* #inheritDoc
public function store(User $user): User {
return $this->userMapper->saveUser($user);
* #inheritDoc
public function exists(User $user): bool {
return $this->userMapper->userExists($user);
* #inheritDoc
public function clear(): static {
return $this;
An interface to a user mapper:
Notice that this is the interface of a data mapper.
namespace SampleMvc\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\User;
use SampleMvc\Domain\Model\User\User;
* An interface to a user mapper.
interface UserMapper {
* Fetch a user by id.
* Note: PDOStatement::fetch returns FALSE if no record is found.
* #param int $id A user id.
* #return User|null The user or null.
public function fetchUserById(int $id): ?User;
* Fetch all users.
* #return User[] The list of users.
public function fetchAllUsers(): array;
* Save a user.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return User The saved user.
public function saveUser(User $user): User;
* Check if a user exists.
* Note: PDOStatement::fetch returns FALSE if no record is found.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return bool True if the user exists, or false otherwise.
public function userExists(User $user): bool;
* Delete all users.
* #return static
public function deleteAllUsers(): static;
A PDO user mapper:
Notice, that this component is the implementation of a data mapper.
Notice, that this component is the only one understanding the database API. Therefore, the only one containing and beeing able to execute SQL statements.
Notice, that this component is not part of the domain model, but of the infrastructure layer!
(1) Notice, that you can write any SQL statements that you want, including JOIN statements. So, the fetched data can come from multiple tables as well.
(2) Notice also, that the result of a method of this class could be a list of objects of a type defined by you (!), independent of the underlying table(s) data..
The conclusion from (1) and (2) above: The database structure does NOT affect in any way the way in which your application is structured.
namespace SampleMvc\Domain\Infrastructure\Mapper\User;
use SampleMvc\Domain\{
use PDO;
* A PDO user mapper.
class PdoUserMapper implements UserMapper {
* #param PDO $connection A database connection.
public function __construct(
private PDO $connection
) {
* #inheritDoc
public function fetchUserById(int $id): ?User {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
'id' => $id,
$dataArray = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return ($dataArray === false) ? null : $this->convertDataArrayToUser($dataArray);
* #inheritDoc
public function fetchAllUsers(): array {
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM users';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
$listOfDataArrays = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $this->convertListOfDataArraysToListOfUsers($listOfDataArrays);
* #inheritDoc
public function saveUser(User $user): User {
return $this->insertUser($user);
* #inheritDoc
public function userExists(User $user): bool {
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM users WHERE username = :username';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
':username' => $user->getUsername(),
$data = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return ($data['cnt'] > 0) ? true : false;
* #inheritDoc
public function deleteAllUsers(): static {
$sql = 'DELETE FROM users';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
return $this;
* Insert a user.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return User The user, with updated id.
private function insertUser(User $user): User {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES (:username)';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
':username' => $user->getUsername(),
return $user;
* Update a user.
* #param User $user A user.
* #return User The user.
private function updateUser(User $user): User {
$sql = 'UPDATE users SET username = :username WHERE id = :id';
$statement = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
':username' => $user->getUsername(),
':id' => $user->getId(),
return $user;
* Convert the given data array to a user.
* #param array $dataArray A data array.
* #return User The user.
private function convertDataArrayToUser(array $dataArray): User {
$user = new User();
return $user;
* Convert the given list of data arrays to a list of users.
* #param array[] $listOfDataArrays A list of data arrays.
* #return User[] The list of users.
private function convertListOfDataArraysToListOfUsers(array $listOfDataArrays): array {
$listOfUsers = [];
foreach ($listOfDataArrays as $dataArray) {
$listOfUsers[] = $this->convertDataArrayToUser($dataArray);
return $listOfUsers;

How can I fix the `Event Listener` problem when I update the shop table in laravel?

Now I need to send message to User whose shop is activated. And also give them a dashboard to add new products.
Goal: When in shops table the value of column is_active is made to active from inactive then I need to fire the email to user.
public function seller() //user --> seller
return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'user_id');
I need observer class so I can find all these information on documentation in event section of Eloquent.
Step 1
Run below command to Create observer class for Shop Model
~$ php artisan make:observer ShopObserver --model=Shop
Now we have DealOcean\app\Observers\ShopObserver.php
namespace App\Observers;
use App\Shop;
class ShopObserver
* Handle the shop "created" event.
* #param \App\Shop $shop
* #return void
public function created(Shop $shop)
* Handle the shop "updated" event.
* #param \App\Shop $shop
* #return void
public function updated(Shop $shop)
* Handle the shop "deleted" event.
* #param \App\Shop $shop
* #return void
public function deleted(Shop $shop)
* Handle the shop "restored" event.
* #param \App\Shop $shop
* #return void
public function restored(Shop $shop)
* Handle the shop "force deleted" event.
* #param \App\Shop $shop
* #return void
public function forceDeleted(Shop $shop)
Step 2
Before doing that, we need to tell Laravel that you need to use this class whenever model events related to Shop is updated. To register an observer, use the observe method on the model you wish to observe. You may register observers in the boot method of one of your service providers. In this example, we'll register the observer in the AppServiceProvider:
Go to AppServiceProvider
use App\Shop;
use App\Observers\ShopObserver;
public function boot()
Step 3
public function updated(Shop $shop)
SO when I update the is_active column to active from inactive then this doesn't work.
I mean the it should call the update function. But this function is not called.
I can't figure out the problem.
public function update(Request $request, Shop $shop)
Shop::where('id', $request->shop_id)
'is_active' => $request->is_active,
'description' => $request->description,
'location_id' => $request->location
return Redirect::route('dashboard.shops');
If you take a look at the docs, this is called mass update because the models are not retrieved so events are not fired. You should find the shop first then update its details like this.
$updatingShop = Shop::where('id', $request->shop_id)->first();
if($updatingShop) {
'is_active' => $request->is_active,
'description' => $request->description,
'location_id' => $request->location
In updated method of observer you can compare old value with new value.
Also, my suggestion would be to use event/listener methodology there so you can have something similar to this:
* Handle the User "updated" event.
* #param \App\Shop $shop
* #return void
public function updated(Shop $shop)
if ($shop->is_active === 'active'
&& $shop->is_active !== $shop->getOriginal('is_active')) {
// you can make quick and dirty way here
// but correct and well done job would be if you set event/listener
event(new ShopUpdatedToActive());
You can always check old values with some of methods from this trait (isDirty, isClean, wasChanged, hasChanges, getOriginal etc.)
Do you update the Shop model or the User model? Pay attention, you subscribed to the Shop model.
Try to avoid Observers, as they introduce some magic to the requests flow.
I prefer to use Events and Event Listeners to do such a job.
just use the $shop in your controller update method to update
public function update(Request $request, Shop $shop)
'is_active' => $request->is_active,
'description' => $request->description,
'location_id' => $request->location
return Redirect::route('dashboard.shops');
this will fire the observer class
the problem that you are using where on the model it self and that is a mass update, that will not fire the observer
if you want the observe to work only on the is_active field
you should edit
in your observe class add that:
public function updated(Shop $shop)
// add your code

relatableQuery() for two resource fields on same model in Laravel Nova

I have a relationship between work 'days' and projects of different types. So my 'days' record has a reference to my 'projects' table twice because I have two different types of projects called 'Series' and 'Event'.
In my 'days' resource I've created two fields as such:
What I'm trying to do is filter the projects by their types so I've created this:
public static function relatableProjects(NovaRequest $request, $query){
return $query->where('type', 'Series');
I've tried making relatableSeries and relatableEvents but they don't work. How can I make this connect to the fields correctly without having to create two separate tables for 'series' and 'events'.
The relatableQuery above winds up filtering both resource fields.
Because relatableQuery() is referencing a relatableModel() (so relatableProjects() references the Project model) I was able to create another model solely for the purpose of helping with this.
I created an Event model which references the same projects table and then was able to create a relatableEvents() method to use the where() filter query.
Note: I did have to also create an Event resource which references the Event model since this is how Nova works but was able to hide it from being accessed which you can find more information about here
See revised BelongsTo fields and new model below:
Day resource
* Build a "relatable" query for the given resource.
* This query determines which instances of the model may be attached to other resources.
* #param \Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest $request
* #param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
public static function relatableProjects(NovaRequest $request, $query){
return $query->where('type', 'Series');
* Build a "relatable" query for the given resource.
* This query determines which instances of the model may be attached to other resources.
* #param \Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest $request
* #param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
public static function relatableEvents(NovaRequest $request, $query){
return $query->where('type', 'Event');
* Get the fields displayed by the resource.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #return array
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
DateTime::make('Last Updated','updated_at')->hideFromIndex()->readOnly(),
new Panel('Schedule',$this->schedule()),
new Panel('Time Entry',$this->timeEntries()),
Event model
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Event extends Model
* The table associated with the model.
* #var string
protected $table = 'projects';
protected $casts = [
'starts_on' => 'date',
'ends_on' => 'date',
public function event(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Event');
public function project(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Project');
i know it is an old question but i was facing same problem with laravel nova belongsto field, in some resource i have a belongsto that relates to users but these should be of 'supervisor' role in another resource i hace a belongsto field relating to users but these should be of role 'guard', as laravel nova belongsto field just takes all users in both selects all users appeared and it seems nova belongsto field doe not have a way, or at least i did not find it to scope the query, so what i did was creating a php class named BelongstoScoped this class extends laravel nova field BelongsTo so i overwrote the method responsible of creating the query
namespace App\Nova\Customized;
use Laravel\Nova\Query\Builder;
use Laravel\Nova\Fields\BelongsTo;
use Laravel\Nova\Http\Requests\NovaRequest;
class BelongsToScoped extends BelongsTo
private $modelScopes = [];
//original function in laravel belongsto field
public function buildAssociatableQuery(NovaRequest $request, $withTrashed = false)
$model = forward_static_call(
[$resourceClass = $this->resourceClass, 'newModel']
$query = new Builder($resourceClass);
//here i chaned this:
$request, $model->newQuery(), $request->search,
[], [], ''
//To this:
$request, $this->addScopesToQuery($model->newQuery()), $request->search,
[], [], ''
//The method search receives a query builder as second parameter, i just passed the result of custom function
//addScopesToQuery as second parameter, thi method returns the same query but with the model scopes passed
$request->first === 'true'
? $query->whereKey($model->newQueryWithoutScopes(), $request->current)
: $query->search(
$request, $this->addScopesToQuery($model->newQuery()), $request->search,
[], [], ''
return $query->tap(function ($query) use ($request, $model) {
forward_static_call($this->associatableQueryCallable($request, $model), $request, $query, $this);
//this method reads the property $modelScopes and adds them to the query
private function addScopesToQuery($query){
foreach($this->modelScopes as $scope){
return $query;
// this method should be chained tho the field
//example: BelongsToScoped::make('Supervisores', 'supervisor', 'App\Nova\Users')->scopes(['supervisor', 'active'])
public function scopes(Array $modelScopes){
$this->modelScopes = $modelScopes;
return $this;
In my users model i have the scopes for supervisors and guard roles like this:
public function scopeActive($query)
return $query->where('state', 1);
public function scopeSupervisor($query)
return $query->role('supervisor');
public function scopeSuperadmin($query)
return $query->role('superadmin');
public function scopeGuarda($query)
return $query->role('guarda');
So in the laravel nova resource i just included the use of this class
*remember the namespace depends on how you name your file, in my case i created the folder Customized and included the file there:
use App\Nova\Customized\BelongsToScoped;
In the fields in nova resource i used like this:
BelongsToScoped::make('Supervisor', 'supervisorUser', 'App\Nova\Users\User')
->scopes(['supervisor', 'active'])
So that way i could call the belongsto field in the nova resources which filter users depending on modle scopes.
I hope this helps someone, sorry if my English is not that good.

Laravel Undefined Offset: 1 - cause by routing

I get the error when trying to make a post call to /api/subject/search
I assume it's a simple syntax error I'm missing
I have my api routes defined below
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'api'), function()
Route::post('resource/search', 'ResourceController');
Route::resource('resource', 'ResourceController');
Route::post('subject/search', 'SubjectController');
Route::resource('subject', 'SubjectController');
Route::resource('user', 'UserController');
Route::controller('/session', 'SessionController');
Route::post('/login', array('as' => 'session', 'uses' => 'SessionController#Store'));
And my controller is mostly empty
class SubjectController extends \BaseController
public function search()
$subjects = [];
if((int)Input::get('grade_id') < 13 && (int)Input::get('grade_id') > 8)
$subjects = Subject::where('name', 'like', '%HS%')->get();
$subjects = Subject::where('name', 'not like', '%HS%')->get();
return Response::json([
'success' => true,
'subjects' => $subjects->toArray()
* Display a listing of the resource.
* #return Response
public function index()
* Show the form for creating a new resource.
* #return Response
public function create()
* Store a newly created resource in storage.
* #return Response
public function store()
* Display the specified resource.
* #param int $id
* #return Response
public function show($id)
* Show the form for editing the specified resource.
* #param int $id
* #return Response
public function edit($id)
* Update the specified resource in storage.
* #param int $id
* #return Response
public function update($id)
* Remove the specified resource from storage.
* #param int $id
* #return Response
public function destroy($id)
You need to specify the method.
Route::post('subject/search', 'SubjectController#search');
See the named route example:
Laravel Docs
In your case I think search is not resolved by the controller to load the search() method. You are also sending a POST for search functionality and I guess it's better to do a GET request since POST and PUT are for storing data.
When creating API's it's a good thing to stick to naming conventions and patterns.
Your route could be simpler like this:,term2. Doing this with a GET query makes it going to the index() method. There you can check the GET params and do your search stuff and return.
Check this for the cleanest and truely RESTful way to make an API in Laravel:
How do I create a RESTful API in Laravel to use in my BackboneJS app
I got same error when accessing object at index of an empty array in view blade php file.
