Get url path from guzzleHttp requestAsync after setup - php

I've a problem using guzzleHttp with multiple requests. I want to get the path of an url after setup the request but before sending it. Here's my code:
include "../../vendor/autoload.php";
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
/* Initiate Guzzle Client */
$client = new Client([
"verify" => false, // disable ssl certificate verification
"timeout" => 30, // maximum timeout for requests
"http_errors" => false, // disable exceptions
$requests = [];
$requests["a"] = $client->requestAsync('GET', "");
$requests["b"] = $client->requestAsync('GET', "");
$requests["c"] = $client->requestAsync('GET', "");
$content = performMultiRequest($requests);
function performMultiRequest($requests)
foreach ($requests as $key => $object) {
* here comes more to send the requests, but that doesn't care for this problem
In this case I get a GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise Object. My goal is to get only the path /aaa.html from $object. It must be found inside the function performMultiRequest(). There's no chance to read and parse the url before, e.g. when the requestAsync() is used.
This is the relevant part of $object I need:
I tried SO, Guzzle documentation, google, trail & error... nothing found... any ideas?


Guzzle PSR7 request with multipart/form-data

I created a simple API in Lumen (application A) which:
receives PSR-7 request interface
replaces URI of the request to the application B
and sends the request through Guzzle.
public function apiMethod(ServerRequestInterface $psrRequest)
$url = $this->getUri();
$psrRequest = $psrRequest->withUri($url);
$response = $this->httpClient->send($psrRequest);
return response($response->getBody(), $response->getStatusCode(), $response->getHeaders());
The above code passes data to the application B for the query params, x-www-form-urlencoded, or JSON content type. However, it fails to pass the multipart/form-data. (The file is available in the application A: $psrRequest->getUploadedFiles()).
Edit 1
I tried replacing the Guzzle invocation with the Buzz
$psr18Client = new Browser(new Curl(new Psr17Factory()), new Psr17Factory());
$response = $psr18Client->sendRequest($psrRequest);
but still, it does not make a difference.
Edit 2
Instances of ServerRequestInterface represent a request on the server-side. Guzzle and Buzz are using an instance of RequestInterface to send data. The RequestInterface is missing abstraction over uploaded files. So files should be added manually
$options = [];
/** #var UploadedFileInterface $uploadedFile */
foreach ($psrRequest->getUploadedFiles() as $uploadedFile) {
$options['multipart'][] = [
'name' => 'file',
'fileName' => $uploadedFile->getClientFilename(),
'contents' => $uploadedFile->getStream()->getContents()
$response = $this->httpClient->send($psrRequest, $options);
But still no luck with that.
What I am missing? How to change the request so files will be sent properly?
It seems that $options['multipart'] is taken into account when using post method from guzzle. So changing the code to the $response = $this->httpClient->post($psrRequest->getUri(), $options); solves the problem.
Also, it is important not to attach 'content-type header.

GuzzleHttp and Memcached key

I'm playing around with the GuzzleHttp client, GuzzleCacheMiddleware and Memcached.
The setup is calling the same url with different parameters.
This results in one! memcached hit, so I think the memcached key is created from the url and only the url.
Can I somehow change this behaviour, so the key includes a md5 of the parameters?
You would have to create your own CacheStrategy class. For example you can extend PrivateCacheStrategy class and override getCacheKey method which is responsible for creating the cache key.
You are right that it creates storage key based on only the URL and request method.
Decided to look into it. You are right that it needs GreedyCacheStrategy because it literally caches everything regardless of any RFC standards.
Custom class for cache key creating.
class ParamsGreedyCacheStrategy extends GreedyCacheStrategy
* Ignoring any headers, just straight up cache key based on method, URI, request body/params
* #param RequestInterface $request
* #param KeyValueHttpHeader|null $varyHeaders
* #return string
protected function getCacheKey(RequestInterface $request, KeyValueHttpHeader $varyHeaders = null)
return hash(
'greedy' . $request->getMethod() . $request->getUri() . $request->getBody()
Creating requests. I used Laravel caching here, you can use memcached. I also allow POST HTTP method to be cached, because by default only GET is being cached!
$handlerStack = HandlerStack::create();
$cacheMiddleware = new CacheMiddleware(
new ParamsGreedyCacheStrategy(
new LaravelCacheStorage(
// Not documented, but if you look at the source code they have methods for setting allowed HTTP methods. By default, only GET is allowed (per standards).
$cacheMiddleware->setHttpMethods(['GET' => true, 'POST' => true]);
$client = new Client([
'base_uri' => '',
'http_errors' => false,
'handler' => $handlerStack
for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$response = $client->post('/test', [
'form_params' => ['val' => $i]
// Middleware attaches 'X-Kevinrob-Cache' header that let's us know if we hit the cache or not!

Pact for PHP - 404 response code from mock server

I've tried to configure Pact for PHP using example configuration. My problem is I can run a mockServer, but every request I make returns 404 response. Of course I set everything up like in a GitHub readme. Still, I know server is visible (localhost config) but routes could not be registered.
Code example:
class PactTest extends \Tests\BaseTestCases\V2TestCase
/** #var MockServerConfig */
private $config;
public function setUp()
// Create your basic configuration. The host and port will need to match
// whatever your Http Service will be using to access the providers data.
$this->config = new MockServerConfig();
// Instantiate the mock server object with the config. This can be any
// instance of MockServerConfigInterface.
$server = new MockServer($this->config);
// Create the process.
// Stop the process.
public function testSimple()
$matcher = new Matcher();
// Create your expected request from the consumer.
$request = new ConsumerRequest();
->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
// Create your expected response from the provider.
$response = new ProviderResponse();
->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=utf-8')
'message' => $matcher->term('Hello, Bob', '(Hello, )[A-Za-z]')
// Create a configuration that reflects the server that was started. You can
// create a custom MockServerConfigInterface if needed. This configuration
// is the same that is used via the PactTestListener and uses environment variables.
$builder = new InteractionBuilder($this->config);
->given('a thing exists')
->uponReceiving('a get request to /test/abc')
->willRespondWith($response); // This has to be last. This is what makes an API request to the Mock Server to set the interaction.
$service = new HttpClientService($this->config->getBaseUri()); // Pass in the URL to the Mock Server.
$result = $service->getTestAbc(); // Make the real API request against the Mock Server.
self::assertEquals('Hello, Bob', $result); // Make your assertions.
Where getTestAbc() is:
public function getTestAbc(): string
$uri = $this->baseUri;
$response = $this->httpClient->get("{$uri->getHost()}/test/abc", [
'headers' => ['Content-Type' => 'application/json']
$body = $response->getBody();
$object = \json_decode($body);
return $object->message;
What do I do wrong?
You're stopping the mock server in setUp. You should stop the server after the test in tearDown. I've noticed that's the code from the manual and it may be quite misleading, but I think it was intended as an example how to start/stop mock server by hand.

Mock Slim endpoint POST requests with PHPUnit

I want to test the endpoints of my Slim application with PHPUnit. I'm struggling to mock POST requests, as the request body is always empty.
I've tried the approach as described here: Slim Framework endpoint unit testing. (adding the environment variable slim-input)
I've tried writing to php://input directly, but I've found out php://input is read only (the hard way)
The emulation of the environment works correctly as for example the REQUEST_URI is always as expected. I've found out that the body of the request is read out in Slim\Http\RequestBody from php://input.
I want to avoid calling the controller methods directly, so I can test everything, including endpoints.
I want to avoid guzzle because it sends an actual request. I do not want to have a server running while testing the application.
my test code so far:
//inherits from Slim/App
$this->app = new SyncApiApp();
// write json to //temp, does not work
$tmp_handle = fopen('php://temp', 'w+');
fwrite($tmp_handle, $json);
//override environment
$this->app->container["environment"] =
'REQUEST_URI' => '/1.0/' . $relativeLink,
'slim.input' => $json,
'SERVER_NAME' => 'localhost',
'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json;charset=utf8'
//run the application
$response = $this->app->run();
//result: the correct endpoint is reached, but $request->getBody() is empty
Whole project (be aware that I've simplified the code on stackoverflow):
Note 2:
I've asked at the slimframework forum, link: I'll keep both stackoverflow and discourse.slimframework up to date what is happening.
Note 3:
There is a currently open pull request of mine for this feature:
There was help over at, the solution was to create the Request from scratch, and write to the request body.
//setup environment vals to create request
$env = Environment::mock();
$uri = Uri::createFromString('/1.0/' . $relativeLink);
$headers = Headers::createFromEnvironment($env);
$cookies = [];
$serverParams = $env->all();
$body = new RequestBody();
$uploadedFiles = UploadedFile::createFromEnvironment($env);
$request = new Request('POST', $uri, $headers, $cookies, $serverParams, $body, $uploadedFiles);
//write request data
$request->write(json_encode([ 'key' => 'val' ]));
//set method & content type
$request = $request->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
$request = $request->withMethod('POST');
//execute request
$app = new App();
$resOut = $app($request, new Response());
$this->assertEquals('full response text', $resOut->getBody()->getContents());
The original blog post which helped to answer was at

Created Request using die() also dies the Request caller

I don't know if it's the right terms to employ...
I made an API, in which the answer is sent by the die() function, to avoid some more useless calculations and/or functions calls.
example :
if (isset($authorize->refusalReason)) {
die ($this->api_return(true, [
'resultCode' => $authorize->resultCode,
'reason' => $authorize->refusalReason
// api_return method:
protected function api_return($error, $params = []) {
$time = (new DateTime())->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$params = (array) $params;
$params = ['error' => $error, 'date_time' => $time] + $params;
return (Response::json($params)->sendHeaders()->getContent());
But my website is based on this API, so I made a function to create a Request and return the contents of it, based on its URI, method, params, and headers:
protected function get_route_contents($uri, $type, $params = [], $headers = []) {
$request = Request::create($uri, $type, $params);
if (Auth::user()->check()) {
$request->headers->set('S-token', Auth::user()->get()->Key);
foreach ($headers as $key => $header) {
$request->headers->set($key, $header);
// things to merge the Inputs into the new request.
$originalInput = Request::input();
$response = Route::dispatch($request);
$response = json_decode($response->getContent());
// This header cancels the one there is in api_return. sendHeaders() makes Content-Type: application/json
header('Content-Type: text/html');
return $response;
But now when I'm trying to call an API function, The request in the API dies but dies also my current Request.
public function postCard($token) {
$auth = $this->get_route_contents("/api/v2/booking/payment/card/authorize/$token", 'POST', Input::all());
// the code below is not executed since the API request uses die()
if ($auth->error === false) {
return Redirect::route('appts')->with(['success' => trans('messages.booked_ok')]);
return Redirect::back()->with(['error' => $auth->reason]);
Do you know if I can handle it better than this ? Any suggestion of how I should turn my code into ?
I know I could just use returns, but I was always wondering if there were any other solutions. I mean, I want to be better, so I wouldn't ask this question if I knew for sure that the only way of doing what I want is using returns.
So it seems that you are calling an API endpoint through your code as if it is coming from the browser(client) and I am assuming that your Route:dispatch is not making any external request(like curl etc)
Now There can be various approaches to handle this:
If you function get_route_contents is going to handle all the requests, then you need to remove the die from your endpoints and simply make them return the data(instead of echoing). Your this "handler" will take care of response.
Make your Endpoint function to have an optional parameter(or some property set in the $request variable), which will tell the function that this is an internal request and data should be returned, when the request comes directly from a browser(client) you can do echo
Make an external call your code using curl etc(only do this if there is no other option)
