Mysql query to laravel eloquent or query builder nested select - php

I got the following code that gonna return the sum of score if tgl is '2023-01-01' and then that return value will be selected again to not show any null that the query find
SELECT `kodeSales`,
(SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN tgl IN ('2023-01-01') THEN score END)) AS '1'
FROM `history_penjualan`
WHERE `tgl` BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-01-30'
`departemenId` = '28'
GROUP BY `tgl`
) AS temp
How do I do this in laravel eloquent or query builder ?

Try this way,
I tried this and it works. but in here you can change the ->having() statement as havingRaw("'1' IS NOT NULL") or I provided code also works.
$sum_of_score = DB::table('history_penjualan')
->select('kodeSales', 'departemenId', 'tgl', DB::raw("SUM(CASE WHEN tgl = '2023-01-01' THEN score END) AS '1'"))
->whereBetween('tgl', ['2023-01-01', '2023-01-30'])
->where('departemenId', '=', 28)
->having('1', '!=', null)
If you want to learn about Laravel queries refer the document.
or if you need query in dynamic try this way,
$query = DB::table('history_penjualan')
->select(DB::raw('kodeSales, departemenId, tgl, SUM(CASE WHEN tgl = "2023-01-01" THEN score END) as "1"'))
->whereBetween('tgl', ['2023-01-01', '2023-01-30'])
->where('departemenId', '=', '28')
$final_data = $query->having('1', '<>', null)->get();
If this is not your expected answer please leave a comment, I'll give another way to do this :)


Select where not in with select

Im trying to do this SELECT IN SQL SERVER
SELECT cast(datediff(DAY, min([fbh].FBH_DATA_INICIAL), CASE
WHEN max([fbh].FBH_DATA_Final) = '9999-12-31' THEN cast(getdate() AS date)
ELSE max([fbh].FBH_DATA_Final)
END)AS FLOAT) / CAST(365 AS FLOAT) AS duration
FROM [funcionario] AS [f]
INNER JOIN [funcionario_banda_historico] AS [fbh] ON [f].[FUN_ID] = [fbh].[FUN_ID]
AND [f].[FUN_BANDA] = [fbh].[FUN_BANDA]
FROM funcionario_banda_historico t1
WHERE t1.fun_id = [fbh].fun_id
AND [f].[FUN_ID] = '9999999'
GROUP BY f.fun_id,
Im trying to do this select with where not in and select in LARAVEL
protected function getYearsInBand($userId) {
$fbh = DB::table('funcionario as f')
->join('funcionario_banda_historico as fbh', function($join) {
$join->on('f.FUN_ID', '=', 'fbh.FUN_ID');
$join->on('f.FUN_BANDA', '=', 'fbh.FUN_BANDA');
->selectRaw('cast(datediff(day,min([fbh].FBH_DATA_INICIAL),case when max([fbh].FBH_DATA_Final) = "9999-12-31" then cast(getdate() as date) else max([fbh].FBH_DATA_Final) end)AS FLOAT)/CAST(365 AS FLOAT) AS duration')
->where('f.FUN_ID', $userId)
->whereNotIn('1', function($q) {
->from('funcionario_banda_historico as t1')
->where('t1.fun_id = [fbh].fun_id')
->where('t1.FBH_DATA_INICIAL > [fbh].FBH_DATA_Final')
->where('t1.FUN_BANDA <> [fbh].FUN_BANDA')
->groupBy('f.FUN_ID', 'f.FUN_BANDA')
if (!$fbh) {
\Log::debug('funcionario_banda_historico not found'); // Grava no log
return 0;
return $fbh->duration;
and i had the error Invalid column name 'fun_id = [fbh]'
can you help me?
I think it's not correct syntax for "where" clause in Laravel. Instead you should do:
->whereRaw('t1.FUN_ID = fbh.FUN_ID')
->whereRaw('t1.FBH_DATA_INICIAL > fbh.FBH_DATA_Final')
->whereRaw('t1.FUN_BANDA <> fbh.FUN_BANDA')
->where('t1.FUN_ID', 'fbh.FUN_ID')
->where('t1.FBH_DATA_INICIAL', '>', 'fbh.FBH_DATA_Final')
->where('t1.FUN_BANDA', '<>', 'fbh.FUN_BANDA')
Notice that I also change "fun_id" to uppercase like everywhere in your code. I don't know if "[fbh]" is correct in Laravel, try to type just "fbh". For raw example you may also need to add Database prefix this way - "DB::getTablePrefix()"

How can I make select in select on laravel eloquent?

I use laravel 5.3
My sql query is like this :
FROM products
WHERE `status` = 1 AND `stock` > 0 AND category_id = 5
ORDER BY updated_at DESC
) AS product
GROUP BY store_id
I want to change it to be laravel eloquent
But I'm still confused
How can I do it?
In cases when your query is to complex you can laravel RAW query syntax like:
$data = DB::select(DB::raw('your query here'));
It will fire your raw query on the specified table and returns the result set, if any.
If you have Product model, you can run
$products = Product::where('status', 1)
->where('stock', '>', 0)
->where('category_id', '=', 5)
->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')
I think this should give you the same result since you pull everything from your derived table.

Laravel subquery

I want to write this query in laravel 5.2
FROM booking b
(SELECT sum(amount) AS TotalP,
FROM payment
GROUP BY booking_id) AS T ON = T.booking_id
WHERE COALESCE(TotalP, 0) < b.booking_amount
My Question is related to this post.
I wrote a query after searching and studying but It is not working and need more constraint
$result = DB::table('my_booking')
->leftJoin(DB::raw('(SELECT booking_id,sum(amount) as TotalP FROM `my_payment` GROUP BY booking_id) TotalPayment'), function($join)
$join->on('', '=', 'TotalPayment.booking_id');
Sql query to get data diffrence of total in 2 tables
You can try this,
$booking_payments = Booking::with('Payment')->find(1);
$total = 0;
foreach($booking_payments->payment as $booking_payment){
$total += $booking_payment->amount;
if($booking_payments->booking_amount == $total){
// if the total and booking_amount is equal
This should work in Laravel and give you the same exact result as your MySQL query. I moved COALESCE into the subquery select area so that you don't have to write a raw DB where statement in Laravel.
$sql_subquery = "(SELECT COALESCE(SUM(amount),0) AS TotalP,
FROM payment
GROUP BY booking_id) AS T";
$result = DB::table('booking AS b')
->leftJoin(DB::raw($sql_subquery), '', '=', 'T.booking_id')
->where('T.TotalP','<', 'b.booking_amount')

convert SQL query to query builder style

Im trying days to understand how I can convert a SQL query to a query builder style in laravel.
My SQL query is:
$tagid = Db::select("SELECT `id` FROM `wouter_blog_tags` WHERE `slug` = '".$this->param('slug')."'");
$blog = Db::select("SELECT *
FROM `wouter_blog_posts`
WHERE `published` IS NOT NULL
AND `published` = '1'
AND `published_at` IS NOT NULL
AND `published_at` < NOW()
SELECT count( * )
FROM `wouter_blog_tags`
INNER JOIN `wouter_blog_posts_tags` ON `wouter_blog_tags`.`id` = `wouter_blog_posts_tags`.`tags_id`
WHERE `wouter_blog_posts_tags`.`post_id` = `wouter_blog_posts`.`id`
AND `id`
IN (
)) >=1
ORDER BY `published_at` DESC
Where I now end up to convert to the query builder is:
$test = Db::table('wouter_blog_posts')
->where('published', '=', 1)
->where('published', '=', 'IS NOT NULL')
->where('published_at', '=', 'IS NOT NULL')
->where('published_at', '<', 'NOW()')
->select(Db::raw('count(*) wouter_blog_tags'))
->join('wouter_blog_posts_tags', function($join)
$join->on('', '=', 'wouter_blog_posts_tags.tags_id')
->on('wouter_blog_posts_tags.post_id', '=', '')
->whereIn('id', $tagid[0]->id);
I have read that I can't use whereIn in a join. The error i now get:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause::whereIn()
I realy dont know how I can convert my SQL to query builder. I hope when I see a good working conversion of my query I can understand how I have to do it next time.
This work for me:
->where('published', 1)
->whereRaw('published_at < NOW()')
->whereRaw("(SELECT count(*)
FROM wouter_blog_tags
INNER JOIN wouter_blog_posts_tags ON = wouter_blog_posts_tags.tags_id
WHERE wouter_blog_posts_tags.post_id =
AND id
IN (
)) >=1")
->orderBy('published_at', 'desc')
The following Query Builder code will give you the exact SQL query you have within your DB::select:
->where('published', 1)
->whereRaw('`published_at` < NOW()')
->where(DB::raw('1'), '<=', function ($query) use ($tagid) {
->join('wouter_blog_posts_tags', '', '=', 'wouter_blog_posts_tags.tags_id')
->whereRaw('`wouter_blog_posts_tags`.`post_id` = `wouter_blog_posts`.`id`')
->whereIn('id', [$tagid[0]->id]);
->orderBy('published_at', 'desc')
The subquery condition had to be reversed because you can't have a subquery as the first parameter of the where method and still be able to bind the condition value. So it's 1 <= (subquery) which is equivalent to (subquery) >= 1. The query generated by the above code will look like this:
FROM `wouter_blog_posts`
WHERE `published` IS NOT NULL
AND `published` = 1
AND `published_at` IS NOT NULL
AND `published_at` < Now()
AND 1 <= (SELECT `count(*)`
FROM `wouter_blog_tags`
INNER JOIN `wouter_blog_posts_tags`
ON `wouter_blog_tags`.`id` =
WHERE `wouter_blog_posts_tags`.`post_id` =
AND `id` IN ( ? ))
ORDER BY `published_at` DESC
LIMIT 10 offset 0
My process when creating more complex queries is to first create them and try them out in a SQL environment to make sure they work as indended. Then I implement them step by step with the Query Builder, but instead of using get() at the end of the query, I use toSql() which will give me a string representation of the query that will be generated by the Query Builder, allowing me to compare that to my original query to make sure it's the same.

Left join to get a single row in Laravel

I have been unsuccessfully trying to leftjoin and get the required data
Here is my code:
$album = Albums::->where('users_id',$user_id)
The comments are some of my several trying...
I want to get only a single record from the photos table matching the foreign key album_id which was updated first and also with status 1
pls help...
I have used DB::raw() in order to achieve this
$album = Albums::select( 'albums.*',
DB::raw('(select photo from photos where albums_id = and status = 1 order by id asc limit 1) as photo') )
#JarekTkaczyk 's coding was similar and displayed the same result as I needed, so a special thanks to him for his time and effort...
But comparing the execution time for the quires I stayed to mine as my above snippet
select `albums`.*, (select photo from photos where albums_id = and status = 1 order by id asc limit 1) as photo from `albums` where `users_id` = '1' and `albums`.`status` = '1'
took 520μs - 580μs
and #JarekTkaczyk 's
select `albums`.*, `p`.`photo` from `albums` left join `photos` as `p` on `p`.`albums_id` = `albums`.`id` and `p`.`created_at` = (select min(created_at) from photos where albums_id = p.albums_id) and `p`.`status` = '1' where `users_id` = '1' and `albums`.`status` = '1' group by `albums`.`id`
took 640μs - 750μs But both did the same...
You can achieve it using either leftJoin or rightJoin (but the latter would return Photo models, so probably you won't need that):
Albums::where('users_id', $user_id)
->leftJoin('photos as p', function ($q) {
$q->on('photos.albums_id', '=', '')
->on('photos.updated_at', '=',
DB::raw('(select min(updated_at) from photos where albums_id = p.albums_id)'))
->where('photos.status', '=', 1);
->where('albums.status', 1)
->select('albums.*', fields from photos table that you need )
Are you trying to check for albums that have the status of '1'? If this is the case you are missing an equals sign from your final where.
Alternatively you may be able to achieve this with an 'on' instead of a 'where' inside the join function. You also don't need to split up query inside of the function and can do it as one line with the '->' :
$album = Albums::->where('users_id',$user_id)
You need to make sure that you are using 'first', as it will return a single row of the first result. Get() will return an array.
As a straightforward answer which results in a single object I suggest the following query:
$album = DB::table('albums')->select('albums.*', '')
->join('photos', '', '=', '')
