Target class [db.schema] does not exist After upgrading to Laravel 9 - php

After upgrading from Laravel 8 to 9, I get stuck on this error
Target class [db.schema] does not exist.
at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php:895
any idea the cause and how to fix ? thanks !
Going through the upgrade guide nothing is said about any changes to the DatabaseServiceProvider or ServiceProviders in general


Logger does not work anymore after upgrade from Laravel 5.5

Since I've upgraded to Laravel version 5.6 from Laravel version 5.5 my Logger doesn't work properly anymore.
At first I got the following error stack :
laravel.EMERGENCY: Unable to create configured logger. Using emergency logger. {"exception":"[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): Log [] is not defined. at /home/vagrant/Code/grotesmurf/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Log/LogManager.php:181)
which was solved by simply adding the new config/logging.php file that is provided by Laravel 5.6.
But now I'm getting no output from the Logger! I'm simply running \Log::info('hello!') as a tinker command, but it doesn't generate any log output anymore (same for scripts calling the \Log() method).
I've tried different LOG_CHANNEL settings (daily, single, stack), but none of these work.
Hope anyone has ran into this error already and is able to provide me with some suggestions. I have followed the upgrade guide and it doesn't help unfortunately.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. I'm running php version 7.1 & am on ubuntu.
P.P.S. I have cleared all cached config using artisan.
Well I have found the actual problem, we use an adjusted storage_path() method in our application and the new Logger is now using the storage_path() method to generate its path - this caused the log file to be created in a different directory than storage/logs.
i had the same issue, deleting the files in bootstrap/cache solved it.

Issue when upgrading Symfony 2.7

Hi StackOverflow community,
I'm working on a project with Sf2 and CouchDB database. I try to update my Sf2.7 to the last version, but when i update to Sf2.8, I have an error on cache clean / warmup commands.
Type error: Argument 1 passed to Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader::__construct() must be an instance of Doctrine\Common\Annotations\DocParser, instance of Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader given, called in /var/www/symfony/app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php on line 766
I know that CachedReader gonna be deprecated, but I don't know where to search to solve this.
I can't find this kind of issue on GitHub couchdb-odm / odm-bundle repositories ...
Tell me if you want more informations about all versions, and thanks for your help !
Stack trace:
0 /var/www/symfony/app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php(766): Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationReader->__construct(Object(Doctrine\Common\Annotations\CachedReader))
1 /var/www/symfony/app/bootstrap.php.cache(2248): appDevDebugProjectContainer->getDoctrineCouchdb_Odm_DefaultDocumentManagerService()
2 /var/www/symfony/vendor/doctrine/couchdb-odm-bundle/Doctrine/Bundle/CouchDBBundle/CacheWarmer/ProxyCacheWarmer.php(35): Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container->get('doctrine_couchd...')
3 /var/www/symfony/vendor/sy in /var/www/symfony/vendor/doctrine/annotations/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/AnnotationReader.php on line 176
You could always overwrite the service definition and remove the argument causing the issue
<service id="doctrine_couchdb.odm.metadata.annotation_reader" class="%doctrine_couchdb.odm.metadata.annotation_reader.class%" public="false">

Drupal 8: You have requested a non-existent service "router.route_provider.old"

I am creating two custom content type with reference to these pages:
Uncaught PHP Exception
"You have requested a non-existent service
"router.route_provider.old". Did you mean one of these:
"router.route_provider", "router.route_preloader"?" at
line 157
Could anyone please help me, why this is happening and how to fix it ?
I am using Drupal 8.1.8 version.
I checked in file, there is no route declared as "router.route_provider.old"
I have created a router names as "router.route_provider.old" by copying "router.route_provider" in the file, which solves my problem.
i think Drupal uses "router.route_provider.old" router as a temporary to copy "router.route_provider" router info. But as this router name is not exists, its throwing exception.
I don't know if this is a bug or there is better way to fix it.
A patch is provided here:

removing reference to googlesitemaps in silverstripe

I've recently moved a silverstripe site to a new server. Since then it's bringing up the error:
Fatal error: Class 'SiteTreeDecorator' not found in /home/priorysc/public_html/googlesitemaps/code/GoogleSitemapDecorator.php on line 9
I try removing the googlesitemaps folder, but then it just brings up the error that it can't find the googlesitemaps _config file. Is there any way I can remove the reference to googlesitemaps, or failing that just get the thing to work?
I'm a fairly verse php coder but I don't know that much about silverstripe as it's just been dumped on me.
Anyone know? I'm tearing my hair out over this!
SiteTreeDecorator was a class that existed in v2.4 of SilverStripe, the fact that the error is saying it doesn't exist tells me you're running v3.0 or higher. Double check which version of SilverStripe you're running, then update the 'googlesitemaps' module to the appropriate version:
SilverStripe v3.0:
SilverStripe v3.1:

Class sfDoctrineRouteCollection not found

I'm starting a new project using SF 1.4.18 and sfDoctrine & sfDoctrineGuard plugins. I had both active at config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php as follow:
public function setup() {
All is good so far but when I try to reach the URL http://inventario.devserver/backend_dev.php/sfGuardUser this error come up:
Fatal error: Class 'sfDoctrineRouteCollection' not found in /var/www/html/inventario
/plugins/sfDoctrineGuardPlugin/lib/routing/sfGuardRouting.class.php on line 59
I don't know what's causing the error because I follow every step at plugins docs. Any help or advice?
Symfony 1.4 is shipped with sfDoctrinePlugin. You shouldn't add the plugin on your own.
Remove the folder sfDoctrinePlugin from your /plugins folder, clear your cache and it will solve your issue.
It's exactly the same problem from this guy, on the official Symfony forum, in 2009.
