Create flat directory from zip - php

In my controller I receive ZIP file, which may contain xml and nested multi level zip files.
How to create flat directory, which will contain only xml files recursively extracted from all zip files?

I'd recommend for the sake of simplicity, creating a temporary directory, extracting the ZIP to that directory:
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($zip->open('') === TRUE) {
} else {
echo 'failed';
then, maybe a recursive function to iterate all files.
function recursiveDirectoryIterator($path){
$out = [];
foreach(glob($path . "/*") as $entry){
if ( is_dir($entry) ) {
$sub = recursiveDirectoryIterator($entry);
foreach($sub as $subEntry){ $out[] = $subEntry; }
} else {
$out[] = $entry;
return $out;
then, to finish just use:
foreach(recursiveDirectoryIterator("tmp") as $file){
if ( !rename ( $file , getcwd() . basename($file) ) {
echo 'Failed to rename: ' . $file . ' to ' . getcwd() . basename($file) . '<br>';
if you have multiple nested ZIP archives, just amend this approach. Maybe created a key => value list of the archives, such as:
$archive['imagePack1'] = "tmp/";
$archive['imagePack2'] = "tmp/"
foreach($archive as $key => $path){
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($zip->open('tmp/' . $path) === TRUE) {
$zip->extractTo('tmp/' . $key);
} else {
echo 'failed';


How to presence of some string data in PHP code

I have the code below which list files from directory and all sub directory and its working fine.
Now what I want to achieve is to only display PHP files that contains the following string functions
eval, system, shell_exec.
I guess I have to create an array like
$check=array("unescape", "system(","shell_exec(");
Below is the code that just list all the PHP files
function c_check($path){
if(file_exists($path) && is_dir($path)){
$files = glob($path ."/*");
if(count($files) > 0){
// Loop through retuned array
foreach($files as $file){
// Display only filename
echo basename($file) . "<br>";
} else if(is_dir("$file")){
} else{
echo " directory file not found";
} else {
echo " directory does not exist.";
// Call the function
You could do something similar to the code below, loading each file and then checking if it contains any of those strings.
Keep in mind this won't be very fast, i'd consider using something like grep and parsing it's output.
function c_check($path)
$checks = ["unescape", "system(", "shell_exec("];
if (file_exists($path) && is_dir($path)) {
$files = glob($path . "/*");
if (count($files) > 0) {
// Loop through returned array
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (is_file("$file")) {
$fileContents = file_get_contents($file);
foreach ($checks as $illegalString) {
if (strpos($fileContents, $illegalString) !== false) {
echo basename($file) . "<br>";
} else {
if (is_dir("$file")) {
} else {
echo " directory file not found";
} else {
echo " directory does not exist.";
You have to read the content of the file first and do a search. Try replacing your if block in foreach loop with this.
$contents = file_get_contents($file);
if(strpos($contents, "eval")!==false || strpos($contents, "system")!==false || strpos($contents, "shell_exec")!==false){
//this is the file you're looking for.
It read the content for the file and make a search for the words.

Get list of multi layered folder structure in php [duplicate]

I'd like my script to scandir recursively,
$files = scandir('/dir');
foreach($files as $file){
echo '<li><label class="tree-toggler nav-header"><i class="fa fa-folder-o"></i>'.$file.'</label>';
$subfiles = scandir($rooturl.'/'.$file);
foreach($subfiles as $subfile){
// and so on and on and on
echo '<li>';
} else {
echo $file.'<br />';
I'd like to loop this in a way that for each dir found by scandir, it runs another scandir on the folders that have been found within that dir,
So dir 'A' contains dir 1/2/3, it should now scandir(1), scandir(2), scandir(3)
and so on for each dir found.
How can I manage to implement this easily without copy pasting the code over and over in every foreach?
EDIT: Since the answers are nearly the very same as I already tried, I'll update the question a bit.
With this script I need to create a treeview list. With the current posted scripts the following get's echo'd happens:
What I actually need is:
And so on, Thank you for the already posted answers!
I know this is an old question but I wrote a version of this that was more functional. It doesn't use global state and uses pure functions to figure things out:
function scanAllDir($dir) {
$result = [];
foreach(scandir($dir) as $filename) {
if ($filename[0] === '.') continue;
$filePath = $dir . '/' . $filename;
if (is_dir($filePath)) {
foreach (scanAllDir($filePath) as $childFilename) {
$result[] = $filename . '/' . $childFilename;
} else {
$result[] = $filename;
return $result;
You can scan directory recursively in this way the target is your top most directory:
function scanDir($target) {
$files = glob( $target . '*', GLOB_MARK ); //GLOB_MARK adds a slash to directories returned
foreach( $files as $file )
scanDir( $file );
You can adapt this function for your need easily.
For example if would use this to delete the directory and its content you could do:
function delete_files($target) {
$files = glob( $target . '*', GLOB_MARK ); //GLOB_MARK adds a slash to directories returned
foreach( $files as $file )
delete_files( $file );
rmdir( $target );
} elseif(is_file($target)) {
unlink( $target );
You can not do this in the way you are doing.
The following function gets recursively all the directories, sub directories so deep as you want and the content of them:
function assetsMap($source_dir, $directory_depth = 0, $hidden = FALSE)
if ($fp = #opendir($source_dir))
$filedata = array();
$new_depth = $directory_depth - 1;
$source_dir = rtrim($source_dir, '/').'/';
while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($fp)))
// Remove '.', '..', and hidden files [optional]
if ( ! trim($file, '.') OR ($hidden == FALSE && $file[0] == '.'))
if (($directory_depth < 1 OR $new_depth > 0) && #is_dir($source_dir.$file))
$filedata[$file] = assetsMap($source_dir.$file.'/', $new_depth, $hidden);
$filedata[] = $file;
return $filedata;
echo 'can not open dir';
return FALSE;
Pass your path to the function:
$path = 'elements/images/';
$filedata = assetsMap($path, $directory_depth = 5, $hidden = FALSE);
$filedata is than an array with all founded directories and sub directories with their content. This function lets you scan the directories structure ($directory_depth) so deep as you want as well get rid of all the boring hidden files (e.g. '.','..')
All you have to do now is to use the returned array, which is the complete tree structure, to arrange the data in your view as you like.
What you are trying to do is in fact a kind of file manager and as you know there are a lot of those in the wild, open source and free.
I hope this will help you and I wish you a merry Christmas.
function getFiles(string $directory, array $allFiles = []): array
$files = array_diff(scandir($directory), ['.', '..']);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$fullPath = $directory. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$file;
if( is_dir($fullPath) )
$allFiles += getFiles($fullPath, $allFiles);
$allFiles[] = $file;
return $allFiles;
I know this is old but i wanted to show a slightly different version of the other answers. Uses array_diff to discard the "." and ".." folders. Also the + operator to combine 2 arrays ( i rarely see this used so it might be useful for someone )
Though the question is old. But my answer could help people who visit this question.
This recursively scans the directory and child directories and stores the output in a global variable.
global $file_info; // All the file paths will be pushed here
$file_info = array();
* #function recursive_scan
* #description Recursively scans a folder and its child folders
* #param $path :: Path of the folder/file
* */
function recursive_scan($path){
global $file_info;
$path = rtrim($path, '/');
if(!is_dir($path)) $file_info[] = $path;
else {
$files = scandir($path);
foreach($files as $file) if($file != '.' && $file != '..') recursive_scan($path . '/' . $file);
Create a scan function and call it recursively...
function scandir_rec($root)
echo $root . PHP_EOL;
// When it's a file or not a valid dir name
// Print it out and stop recusion
if (is_file($root) || !is_dir($root)) {
// starts the scan
$dirs = scandir($root);
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
if ($dir == '.' || $dir == '..') {
continue; // skip . and ..
$path = $root . '/' . $dir;
// run it when needed
You can do a lot variation of this function. Printing a 'li' tag instead of PHP_EOL for instance, to create a tree view.
function scandir_rec($root)
// if root is a file
if (is_file($root)) {
echo '<li>' . basename($root) . '</li>';
if (!is_dir($root)) {
$dirs = scandir($root);
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
if ($dir == '.' || $dir == '..') {
$path = $root . '/' . $dir;
if (is_file($path)) {
// if file, create list item tag, and done.
echo '<li>' . $dir . '</li>';
} else if (is_dir($path)) {
// if dir, create list item with sub ul tag
echo '<li>';
echo '<label>' . $dir . '</label>';
echo '<ul>';
scandir_rec($path); // <--- then recursion
echo '</ul>';
echo '</li>';
// init call
$rootDir = 'rootDir';
echo '<ul>';
echo '</ul>';
Modern way:
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
$path = '/var/www/path/to/your/files/';
foreach ( new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS ) ) as $file ) {
// TODO: Uncomment to see additional information. Do your manipulations with the files here.
// var_dump( $file->getPathname() ); // Or simple way: echo $file;
// var_dump( $file->isFile() );
// var_dump( $file->isDir() );
// var_dump( $file->getFileInfo() );
// var_dump( $file->getExtension() );
// var_dump( $file->getDepth() );
function deepScan($dir = __DIR__){
static $allFiles = [];
$allFiles[$dir] = [];
$directories = array_values(array_diff(scandir($dir), ['.', '..']));
foreach($directories as $directory){
foreach(deepScan("$dir\\$directory") as $key => $value) $allFiles[$key] = $value;
$allFiles[$dir][] = "$directory";
return $allFiles;

rename all files and folder ftp in php language

i want rename all files and folder recursively i written a function that works and rename files but my problem when occurred when i make array of files and folders in a path, its not sort as parent child
so when i rename parent folder first , in next loop when function wants rename child said "No such file or directory" its true Error cause parent folder renamed a couple minutes ago
i changed my code but not help me
code for reading files and folder from ftp :
if (!self::ftp_is_dir($resource, $thisPath)) {
// for Files (anything that isnt a readable directory)
if ($first == TRUE) {
return array("Path doesn't Exist (" . $thisPath . ")");
$theList[] = $thisPath;
return $theList;
} else {
$contents = ftp_nlist($resource, $thisPath);
// For empty folders
if (count($contents) == 0) {
$theList[] = $thisPath;
return $theList;
} else {
$theList[] = $thisPath;
// Recursive Part
foreach ($contents As $file) {
$theList = self::ftp_nlistr($resource, $file, $theList, FALSE);
return $theList;
and this return array like this
enter image description here
and this code i used for renaming folder and files
$replacers = array(" ", "", " ", "-=", "=-", '©',"!", ";", "#", "#", "'", '<', '>');
foreach ($paths as $path) {
if (preg_match('/' . implode('|', $replacers) . '/', $path) != 0) {
$route = preg_replace('/ftp/', "", $path, 1);;
if (is_dir($route)) {
$newName = str_replace($replacers, "_", basename($path));
$directory = pathinfo($path);
if (ftp_rename($connectionID, $path, $directory['dirname'] . '/' . $newName)) {
Logger::setLog('renaming', "Renaming: $path to $newName");
} else {
Logger::setLog('failed to renaming', "Renaming: $path to $newName");
} else {
$newName = str_replace($replacers, "_", basename($path));
$directory = pathinfo($path);
if (ftp_rename($connectionID, $path, $directory['dirname'] . '/' . $newName)) {
Logger::setLog('renaming', "Renaming: $path to $newName");
} else {
Logger::setLog('failed to renaming', "Renaming: $path to $newName");
public static function ftp_is_dir($conn, $dir)
$cdir = ftp_pwd($conn);
if (#ftp_chdir($conn, $dir)) {
ftp_chdir($conn, $cdir);
return true;
} else {
return false;
If you have:
+ folder
- file1
- file2
+ folder with space
- file with space
... you currently first rename /folder with space to /folder_with_space.
And then you try to rename /folder with space/file with space to /folder with space/file_with_space. But that file does not exist anymore.
The easiest solution is to actually first rename children, then parent:
$contents = ftp_nlist($resource, $thisPath);
// Recursive Part
foreach ($contents As $file) {
$theList = self::ftp_nlistr($resource, $file, $theList, FALSE);
$theList[] = $thisPath;
return $theList;

php loop through files in subfolders in folder and get file paths

Im really new to PHP i searched google to find a correct script that loops through all subfolders in a folder and get all files path in that subfolder
$di = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('posts');
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($di) as $filename => $file) {
echo $filename. '<br/>';
So i have folder 'posts' in which i have subfolder 'post001' in which i have two files
And the code above echos this
But i want to echo only the file paths inside these subfolders like this
The whole point of this is that i want to dynamically create divs for each subfolder and inside this div i put img with src and some h3 and p html tags with text equal to the .txt file so is this proper way of doing that and how to remake my php script so that i get just the file paths
So I can see the answers and they are all correct but now my point was that i need something like that
foreach( glob( 'posts/*/*' ) as $filePath ){
//create div with javascript
foreach( glob( 'posts/$filePath/*' ) as $file ){
//append img and h3 and p html tags to the div via javascript
//append the created div somewhere in the html again via javascript
So whats the correct syntax of doing these two foreach loops in php im really getting the basics now
See if this works :)
$di = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('posts');
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($di) as $filename => $file) {
if ((substr($file, -1) != '.') && (substr($file, -2) != '..')) {
echo $file . '<br/>';
<h1>Directory Listing</h1>
* Recursive function to append the full path of all files in a
* given directory $dirpath to an array $context
function getFilelist($dirpath, &$context){
$fileArray = scandir($dirpath);
if (count($fileArray) > 2) {
/* Remove the . (current directory) and .. (parent directory) */
foreach ($fileArray as $f) {
$full_path = $dirpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $f;
/* If the file is a directory, call the function recursively */
if (is_dir($full_path)) {
getFilelist($full_path, $context);
} else {
/* else, append the full path of the file to the context array */
$context[] = $full_path;
/* $d is the root directory that you want to list */
$d = '/Users/Shared';
/* Allocate the array to store of file paths of all children */
$result = array();
getFilelist($d, $result);
$display_length = false;
if ($display_length) {
echo 'length = ' . count($result) . '<br>';
function FormatArrayAsUnorderedList($context) {
$ul = '<ul>';
foreach ($context as $c) {
$ul .= '<li>' . $c . '</li>';
$ul .= '</ul>';
return $ul;
$html_list = FormatArrayAsUnorderedList($result);
echo $html_list;
Take a look at this:
$filename[] = 'posts\.';
$filename[] = 'posts\..';
$filename[] = 'posts\post001\.';
$filename[] = 'posts\post001\..';
$filename[] = 'posts\post001\controls.png';
$filename[] = 'posts\post001\text.txt';
foreach ($filename as $file) {
if (substr($file, -4, 1) === ".") {
echo $file."<br>";
What this does is checking if the 4th last digit is a dot. If so, its an extension of three letters and it should be a file. You could also check for specific extensions.
$ext = substr($file, -4, 4);
if ($ext === ".gif" || $ext === ".jpg" || $ext === ".png" || $ext === ".txt") {
echo $file."<br>";

PHP scandir recursively

I'd like my script to scandir recursively,
$files = scandir('/dir');
foreach($files as $file){
echo '<li><label class="tree-toggler nav-header"><i class="fa fa-folder-o"></i>'.$file.'</label>';
$subfiles = scandir($rooturl.'/'.$file);
foreach($subfiles as $subfile){
// and so on and on and on
echo '<li>';
} else {
echo $file.'<br />';
I'd like to loop this in a way that for each dir found by scandir, it runs another scandir on the folders that have been found within that dir,
So dir 'A' contains dir 1/2/3, it should now scandir(1), scandir(2), scandir(3)
and so on for each dir found.
How can I manage to implement this easily without copy pasting the code over and over in every foreach?
EDIT: Since the answers are nearly the very same as I already tried, I'll update the question a bit.
With this script I need to create a treeview list. With the current posted scripts the following get's echo'd happens:
What I actually need is:
And so on, Thank you for the already posted answers!
I know this is an old question but I wrote a version of this that was more functional. It doesn't use global state and uses pure functions to figure things out:
function scanAllDir($dir) {
$result = [];
foreach(scandir($dir) as $filename) {
if ($filename[0] === '.') continue;
$filePath = $dir . '/' . $filename;
if (is_dir($filePath)) {
foreach (scanAllDir($filePath) as $childFilename) {
$result[] = $filename . '/' . $childFilename;
} else {
$result[] = $filename;
return $result;
You can scan directory recursively in this way the target is your top most directory:
function scanDir($target) {
$files = glob( $target . '*', GLOB_MARK ); //GLOB_MARK adds a slash to directories returned
foreach( $files as $file )
scanDir( $file );
You can adapt this function for your need easily.
For example if would use this to delete the directory and its content you could do:
function delete_files($target) {
$files = glob( $target . '*', GLOB_MARK ); //GLOB_MARK adds a slash to directories returned
foreach( $files as $file )
delete_files( $file );
rmdir( $target );
} elseif(is_file($target)) {
unlink( $target );
You can not do this in the way you are doing.
The following function gets recursively all the directories, sub directories so deep as you want and the content of them:
function assetsMap($source_dir, $directory_depth = 0, $hidden = FALSE)
if ($fp = #opendir($source_dir))
$filedata = array();
$new_depth = $directory_depth - 1;
$source_dir = rtrim($source_dir, '/').'/';
while (FALSE !== ($file = readdir($fp)))
// Remove '.', '..', and hidden files [optional]
if ( ! trim($file, '.') OR ($hidden == FALSE && $file[0] == '.'))
if (($directory_depth < 1 OR $new_depth > 0) && #is_dir($source_dir.$file))
$filedata[$file] = assetsMap($source_dir.$file.'/', $new_depth, $hidden);
$filedata[] = $file;
return $filedata;
echo 'can not open dir';
return FALSE;
Pass your path to the function:
$path = 'elements/images/';
$filedata = assetsMap($path, $directory_depth = 5, $hidden = FALSE);
$filedata is than an array with all founded directories and sub directories with their content. This function lets you scan the directories structure ($directory_depth) so deep as you want as well get rid of all the boring hidden files (e.g. '.','..')
All you have to do now is to use the returned array, which is the complete tree structure, to arrange the data in your view as you like.
What you are trying to do is in fact a kind of file manager and as you know there are a lot of those in the wild, open source and free.
I hope this will help you and I wish you a merry Christmas.
function getFiles(string $directory, array $allFiles = []): array
$files = array_diff(scandir($directory), ['.', '..']);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$fullPath = $directory. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .$file;
if( is_dir($fullPath) )
$allFiles += getFiles($fullPath, $allFiles);
$allFiles[] = $file;
return $allFiles;
I know this is old but i wanted to show a slightly different version of the other answers. Uses array_diff to discard the "." and ".." folders. Also the + operator to combine 2 arrays ( i rarely see this used so it might be useful for someone )
Though the question is old. But my answer could help people who visit this question.
This recursively scans the directory and child directories and stores the output in a global variable.
global $file_info; // All the file paths will be pushed here
$file_info = array();
* #function recursive_scan
* #description Recursively scans a folder and its child folders
* #param $path :: Path of the folder/file
* */
function recursive_scan($path){
global $file_info;
$path = rtrim($path, '/');
if(!is_dir($path)) $file_info[] = $path;
else {
$files = scandir($path);
foreach($files as $file) if($file != '.' && $file != '..') recursive_scan($path . '/' . $file);
Create a scan function and call it recursively...
function scandir_rec($root)
echo $root . PHP_EOL;
// When it's a file or not a valid dir name
// Print it out and stop recusion
if (is_file($root) || !is_dir($root)) {
// starts the scan
$dirs = scandir($root);
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
if ($dir == '.' || $dir == '..') {
continue; // skip . and ..
$path = $root . '/' . $dir;
// run it when needed
You can do a lot variation of this function. Printing a 'li' tag instead of PHP_EOL for instance, to create a tree view.
function scandir_rec($root)
// if root is a file
if (is_file($root)) {
echo '<li>' . basename($root) . '</li>';
if (!is_dir($root)) {
$dirs = scandir($root);
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
if ($dir == '.' || $dir == '..') {
$path = $root . '/' . $dir;
if (is_file($path)) {
// if file, create list item tag, and done.
echo '<li>' . $dir . '</li>';
} else if (is_dir($path)) {
// if dir, create list item with sub ul tag
echo '<li>';
echo '<label>' . $dir . '</label>';
echo '<ul>';
scandir_rec($path); // <--- then recursion
echo '</ul>';
echo '</li>';
// init call
$rootDir = 'rootDir';
echo '<ul>';
echo '</ul>';
Modern way:
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
$path = '/var/www/path/to/your/files/';
foreach ( new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS ) ) as $file ) {
// TODO: Uncomment to see additional information. Do your manipulations with the files here.
// var_dump( $file->getPathname() ); // Or simple way: echo $file;
// var_dump( $file->isFile() );
// var_dump( $file->isDir() );
// var_dump( $file->getFileInfo() );
// var_dump( $file->getExtension() );
// var_dump( $file->getDepth() );
function deepScan($dir = __DIR__){
static $allFiles = [];
$allFiles[$dir] = [];
$directories = array_values(array_diff(scandir($dir), ['.', '..']));
foreach($directories as $directory){
foreach(deepScan("$dir\\$directory") as $key => $value) $allFiles[$key] = $value;
$allFiles[$dir][] = "$directory";
return $allFiles;
