how to access dll (generated with VB) via COM with codeigneter - php

how to access dll (created with VB) via COM with codeigneter, in php using function COM (Component Object Model) what about codeigniter?
<?php $perhitungan = new COM("Jocki.Perhitungan"); $hasil = $perhitungan->HitungJumlah(11,22); print "Hasil dari method di COM DLL adalah $hasil"; ?>


PHP DOTNET() not able to load from "System" assembly

Trying to use the Microsoft's .NET classes from System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates located in System assembly raises the following error:
$certificate2 = new DOTNET('System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089', 'System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2');
com_exception: Failed to instantiate .Net object [Unwrapped, QI for IDispatch] [0x80004002] No such interface supported
in ...\test.php on line 2
Whereas the following calls do work and return DOTCOM instances.
$certificate = new DOTNET('mscorlib', 'System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate');
$form = new DOTNET('System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089', 'System.Windows.Forms.Form');
Is there something special to System.dll or its classes contained in System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates?
Why could this file or classes not be usable?
digging deeper
The Exception origins to a failed method call in php_dotnet extension source code, line 250. But this is too low level for me. The call is:
hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(V_UNKNOWN(&unwrapped), &IID_IDispatch, &V_DISPATCH(&obj->v));
side notes
PHP version is 5.5.5
this happens on a Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 box
the assembly seems to accessed correctly, but classes can not be found
selected .NET Framework Version is (<=3.5), because PHP DOTNET does not work with Version >= 4
Cryptography classes from mscorlib do not suffice, because of limited functionality
Try this.It's working for me
$stack = new DOTNET("mscorlib", "System.Collections.Stack");
$stack->Push("Hello ");
echo $stack->Pop() . $stack->Pop();
The link for the doc, Click here

Consuming a VB.NET web service from PHP

I'm relatively new to PHP, and totally new to VB.NET / Web Services / SOAP / XML, and i'm having trouble to make my PHP communicate with the VB.NET web service.
This is my PHP script:
$client = new SoapClient("");
$param = array("usuario" => "name", "senha" => "test");
$response = $client->__soapCall("HelloWorld", $param);
And here is the VB.NET asmx.
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports System.ComponentModel
' To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line.
' <System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService()> _
<System.Web.Services.WebService(Namespace:="")> _
<System.Web.Services.WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo:=WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)> _
<ToolboxItem(False)> _
Public Class Service1
Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService
<WebMethod()> _
Public Function HelloWorld(ByVal usuario As String, ByVal senha As String) As String
Return usuario & " - " & senha
End Function
End Class
And here is what printed on the browser:
stdClass Object ( [HelloWorldResult] => - )
It was supposed to return name - test, wasn't it?
I think that the PHP SOAP Client is passing the parameters without the names. So usuario nor senha means nothing to the HelloWorld method.
I would try something like
$client->HelloWorld(array("usuario"=>"name", "senha"=>"test"));
Haven tested though.
From this question Call web service from PHP with multiple parameters
Pass your params like this
$params->usuario = 'name';
$params->senha = 'test';

Configuring propel return type for flex

I use wamp server and Propel.I have written my service using Propel but when I want to connect the data returned from the service Flex cannot recognize the return type.
This is the php code that I wrote
// Include the main Propel script
require_once 'C:/wamp/propel/runtime/lib/Propel.php';
// Initialize Propel with the runtime configuration
// Add the generated 'classes' directory to the include path
set_include_path("C:/wamp/www/school/build/classes" . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
class TeacherService {
function getTeachers()
foreach($allTeachers as $teacher1)
array_push($teachers, $teacher1);
return $teachers;
I wanto to display the information of teacers in a datagrid yet when I choose to auto-detect the return type it gives the error
'teacher' cannot be set to the data type "StdClass" because it has no properties.
How can I let flex know the properties of teacher rows returned by propel?
Propel is a PHP ORM framework.
If you want serialization to work on your php class you would have to have something like this
var $_explicitType = "";
and on your Flex side VO's you would have to have something like this.
This is assuming you are using AMF. Also in your AMF endpoint you have to specify the mapping, so for example I would have something like this in my endpoint file.
$server->setClassMap('' , 'path\to\classes\Teacher');
This lets your endpoint know that when it sees a class with the matching descriptor, which class on the PHP side it should be deserialized to.

AMFPHP how to get object in php that is dispatched by flex?

i am working on AMFPHP and i had this problem
-> i am using XAMPP server with AMFPHP gate way for flex and this is working well for returning values from PHP
->the problem is how can i get the object in php which i passed to the pap class using flex code is here:-
connection.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF3;
var obj:Employ = new Employ(inputs.ename.text,inputs.occu.text,inputs.adder.text, );
var responder = new Responder(recvdata,recverror);"Employ.employrecord.employdata.insertrecord",responder,obj);
the obj is a employ class object and i want to get it in php class but how "need help"
thanx in advance
AMFPHP will handle the heavy lifting of converting the Flash/Flex data structures into PHP equivalents. At most you should just define a service handler and provide the appropriate arguments for the method so AMF can pass the client-side data to the PHP handler.
There's a decent example of both sides of the process here.

Retrieve catalog, metadata or schema information from MS Access database when connecting with PHP

I am using following PHP code to connect to MS Access database:
$odb_conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection");
$connstr = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=". $db_path.";";
How can I retrieve database catalog/metadata from the mdb file?
$rs_meta = $odb_conn->OpenSchema(20, array(Null, Null, Null, "TABLE"));
You will find information on ADO here :
The connection object has an OpenSchema method to get database schema information.
I don't know how to use MS Acces DB with PHP and how your new COM() object works, but I think it's better to use an OleDB connection instead an ADO object :
The MSysObjects table can be used to query metadata in Access:
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE Type In (1,4,6) AND Left([Name],4)<>"MSYS"
