Reasons for error in creating pdf file in Laravel - php

I use the following package to create PDF
But in producation and in php 7.4 the case of the following error :
read of 8192 bytes failed with errno=21 Is a directory
an anyone help me?
I was expecting a PDF output
my code is :
$path_certificate = storage_path($create_certificate->template->img);
$path = $create_certificate->template->type == CertificateTypesEnum::PRINTABLE ? 'public/certificates/' : 'public/digital_certificates/';
$type_certificate = $create_certificate->template->type == CertificateTypesEnum::PRINTABLE ? 'pc' : 'dc';
$filename_pdf = auth()->id() . '_edu' . '_' . $create_certificate->education->id . '_' . $type_certificate;
$data = [
'path_cert' => $path_certificate,
'body_inner' => $body_inner,
'user_name' => auth()->user()->name,
'course_name' => $create_certificate->education->title,
'certificate_template' => $create_certificate->certificate_template,
'course_time' => $create_certificate->education->sessions_time / 60,
'score' => number_format($create_certificate->score, 0),
'tracking_code' => $create_certificate->tracking_code,
'date_created' => env('app_locale') == 'fa' ? \Morilog\Jalali\CalendarUtils::strftime('Y-m-d', strtotime($create_certificate->created_at)) : \Illuminate\Support\Carbon::create($create_certificate->created_at)->format('Y/m/d')
$pdf_digital = Pdf::loadView('',
$data)->setPaper('a4', 'landscape');


Cannot upload file: (file name), Ckeditor 5 Laravel

Help :(, I'm a newbie trying out CKeditor 5 for my post form
I'm using ckeditor 5, and i'm trying to upload images in it. But, when i'm trying to load image i have a massage: Cannot upload file filename.
Where's the problem?
Init function :
.create( document.querySelector( '#body' ), {
uploadUrl: "{{ route('ckeditor.upload') .'?token=' . csrf_token()}}"
} )
.catch( error => {
console.error( error );
} );
PHP config :
$config['backends']['default'] = array(
'name' => 'default',
'adapter' => 'local',
'baseUrl' => config('app.url').'/userfiles/',
'root' => public_path('/userfiles/'),
'chmodFiles' => 0777,
'chmodFolders' => 0755,
'filesystemEncoding' => 'UTF-8'
Controller :
public function uploadImage(Request $request){
if($request -> hasFile('upload')){
$originame = $request->file('upload')->getClientOriginalName();
$fileName = pathinfo($originame, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$extension = $request->file('upload')->getClientOriginalExtension();
$fileName = $fileName . '_' . time() . '.' . $extension;
$request->file('upload')->move(public_path('media'), $fileName);
$url = asset('media/' . $fileName);
return response()->json(['fileName' => $fileName, 'uploaded'=> 1, 'url' => $url]);
Thank you, help me :')

file upload a pdf in laravel

Hi everyone i need some help i work a program called file upload , but i dont get it what happen to the file i upload in laravel. in public folder there's a name called php4CA1.tmp every time i upload a pdf file please can anybody help me ? what is the meaning of this php4CA1.tmp or my code is wrong?
'cover' => 'required',
'book' => 'required',
'name' => 'required',
'description' => 'required',
'price' => 'required|numeric'
$image = $request->file('cover');
$new_name = rand() . '.' . $image->getClientOriginalExtension();
$book = $request->file('book');
$new_book_name = rand() . '.' . $book->getClientOriginalExtension();
$data = array(
'cover' => $new_name,
'book' => $new_book_name,
'name' => $request->name,
'description' => $request->description,
'price' => $request->price
Hi friend please follow as below you are passing the file instead of file name,
$book = $request->file('book');
$new_book_name = rand() . '.' . $book->getClientOriginalExtension();
$response = $book->move(public_path('books'),$new_book_name );
You are passing $book in
Use this:
$book = $request->file('book');
$new_book_name = rand() . '.' . $book->getClientOriginalExtension();

Laravel and Guzzle fopen(): can´t find file uploading to an server

I´m trying to upload an image from my server to another one using an API.
I´ve uploaded to my server using native Storage facade and then, call the Guzzle function to upload the file to the other server.
The problem is that I can´t get the local of the file. Let´s see some code:
public function saveImage(Request $request)
// return $request;
$consorciado = Consorciado::where('id', '=', $request->consorciado_id)->first();
$documento = Documento::where('doc_id', '=', $request->id)->first();
$documento = new Documento();
$image = request()->file('f');
$documento->consorciado_id = $consorciado->id;
$documento->doc_id = $request->id;
$documento->tipo = $request->tipo;
$documento->remark = $request->remark;
$documento->idTematica = $request->idTematica;
$documento->field1 = $request->field1;
$documento->field2 = $request->field2;
$documento->field3 = $request->field3;
$documento->field4 = $request->field4;
$documento->field5 = $request->field5;
$filename = $consorciado->id . "_" . $documento->doc_id . "." . $image->getClientOriginalExtension();
$documento->nome = $filename;
// dd($doc);
// $file = fopen(Storage::disk('local') . '/' . file_get_contents($image), 'r');
// dd($file);
$client = new Client([
'base_uri' => '',
$response = $client->request('POST', '', [
'multipart' => [
'name' => 'idTematica',
'contents' => '201'
'name' => 'f',
// 'contents' => $filename, file_get_contents($image)
'contents' => fopen('/' . $filename, file_get_contents($image), 'w+')
'name' => 'field1',
'contents' => '132.626.688-85'
'name' => 'field2',
'contents' => '7758'
'name' => 'field3',
'contents' => '404'
'name' => 'field4',
'contents' => '0'
'name' => 'field5',
'contents' => 'Marcello Dantas Correia'
'name' => 'remark',
'contents' => 'Enviando do meu servidor para o GED'
return $response;
Storage::disk('local')->put('public/' . $filename, file_get_contents($image), 'public');
$documento->save(); //salva no meu banco
I´m using php artisan storage:link and the error is:
{message: "fopen(/1_1.jpeg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory",…}
exception: "ErrorException"
file: "/Users/marcellopato/Sites/contemplado/app/Http/Controllers/DocumentoController.php"
line: 234
message: "fopen(/1_1.jpeg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory"
trace: [{function: "handleError", class: "Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions", type: "->"},…]
As you can see, I get the name of the file, but not its path.
What I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!

Buddypress groups_create_group undefined

I am trying to create a buddypress through a custom plugin with the following code
global $wpdb;
$csv_us_city_map = array_map('str_getcsv',file(""));
/*$groups = BP_Groups_Group::get(array(
'per_page'=> -1
for($i =0; $i < count($csv_us_city_map); $i++){
$countyName = $csv_us_city_map[$i][0];
$stateName = $csv_us_city_map[$i][2];
$fullGroupName = $countyName . ", " . $stateName;
$groupSlug = strtolower($countyName) . "-" . strtolower($stateName);
$groupDescription = "<span style=\"font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;font-size: 13px;text-align: center\">Together we OPEN Doors to a brighter future for the students in $fullGroupName, $stateName.</span>";
//$groups = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM wp_bp_groups");
//$newGroup = $wpdb->insert("wp_bp_groups",array('creator_id' => 1, 'name' => $fullGroupName, 'slug' => $groupSlug, 'description' => $groupDescription, 'status' => 'public'));
$args = array(
'group_id' => 0,
'creator_id' => 1,
'name' => $fullGroupName,
'description' => $groupDescription,
'slug' => $groupSlug,
'status' => 'public',
'parent_id' => 0,
'enable_forum' => 0
$newGroup = groups_create_group($args);
I am getting this error when running this code
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function groups_create_group()
I have tried as you can see to include the wp-load.php file and I have even required the file containing the function groups_create_group but it always shows this same error and I do not know why the function is undefined
SO How do I fix this error?
The path to the file that im working on is wp-content/plugins/t4tf/t4tf.php
Do not use http urls to include php files.
is plain wrong on so many levels.
Use relative or absolute file system path.
It is not clear where your code is used exactly, so I can't just give you a working code, but something like the following line should work:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../wp-load.php');

zf2 how to upload files, more than 1 file

I refer to and follow this, I can upload 1 file successfully by using rename filter in ZF2.
However when I use this way to upload 2 files, it goes wrong. I paste my code as following:
'name' => 'bigpicture',
'attributes' => array(
'type' => 'file'
'options' => array(
'label' => 'Big Pic'
'name' => 'smallpicture',
'attributes' => array(
'type' => 'file'
'options' => array(
'label' => 'Small Pic'
<div class="row"><?php echo $this->formRow($form->get('smallpicture')) ?></div>
<div class="row"><?php echo $this->formRow($form->get('bigpicture')) ?></div>
$data = array_merge(
if ($form->isValid()) {
$picid = $this->getProductTable()->saveProduct($product);
$pathstr = $this->md5path($picid);
//move_uploaded_file($data['smallpicture']['tmp_name'], 'public/images/product/'.$pathstr.'/'.$picid.'_small.jpg');
//move_uploaded_file($data['bigpicture']['tmp_name'], 'public/images/product/'.$pathstr.'/'.$picid.'_big.jpg');
$fileadaptersmall = new \Zend\File\Transfer\Adapter\Http();
'source' => $data['smallpicture']['tmp_name'],
'target' => 'public/images/product/'.$pathstr.'/'.$picid.'_small.jpg',
'overwrite' => true
$fileadapterbig = new \Zend\File\Transfer\Adapter\Http();
'source' => $data['bigpicture']['tmp_name'],
'target' => 'public/images/product/'.$pathstr.'/'.$picid.'_big.jpg',
'overwrite' => true
the above are form,view,action.
using this way, only the small picture uploaed successfully. the big picture goes wrong.
a warning flashed like the following:
Warning:move_uploaded_file(C:\WINDOWS\TMP\small.jpg):failed to open stream:Invalid argument in
on line 173
Warning:move_uploaded_file():Unable to move 'C:\WINDOWS\TMP\php76.tmp'
to 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\big.jpg' in
on line 173
Who can tell me how to upload more than 1 file in this way. you know, the rename filter way similar to above. thanks.
I ran into the same problem with a site i did. The solution was to do the renaming in the controller itself by getting all the images and then stepping through them.
if ($file->isUploaded()) {
$pInfo = pathinfo($file->getFileName());
$time = uniqid();
$newName = $pName . '-' . $type . '-' . $time . '.' . $pInfo['extension'];
$file->addFilter('Rename', array('target' => $newName));
Hope this helps point you in the right direction.
I encountered the same problem and i managed to make it work using the below code;
$folder = 'YOUR DIR';
$adapter = new \Zend\File\Transfer\Adapter\Http();
foreach ($adapter->getFileInfo() as $info) {
$originalFileName = $info['name'];
if ($adapter->receive($originalFileName)) {
$newFilePath = $folder . '/' . $newFileName;
$adapter->addFilter('Rename', array('target' => $newFilePath,
'overwrite' => true));
