i try to simply count object into a city
enter image description here
in paris, i have 5 object, i don't want show 11111 but just 5,
that my code
{% set newAnnounceCity = [] %}
{% for item in announceCity %}
{% if item.infoCity is not null %}
{% if item.infoCity.city not in newAnnounceCity %}
<span class=" font-semibold mr-2 text-left flex-auto">
<a href="{{path('app_city_show',{slug: item.infoCity.slug})}}">
<button class=" m-2 p-2 pl-5 pr-5 bg-transparent border-2 border-red-500 text-red-500 text-lg rounded-lg hover:bg-gradient-to-b hover:from-red-600 hover:to-pink-500 hover:text-gray-100 focus:border-4 focus:border-red-300">
{{ (item.infoCity.city) }}
{% for key in item.infoCity.announce|keys %}
{{key|length }}
{% endfor %}
{% set newAnnounceCity = newAnnounceCity|merge([item.infoCity.city]) %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
someone can help me
i try to count an keys object
It's a bit hard to guess without a sample structure of your input array, but maybe try replacing
{% for key in item.infoCity.announce|keys %}
{{key|length }}
{% endfor %}
with simply
{{ item.infoCity.announce|length }}
I am looping through an array and would like to add a class if it is the first item.
I have tried
{% if field|first %}
{% if field.first %}
{% if field.first() %}
{% if loop|first %}
{% if loop.first %}
{% if loop.first() %}
none work, please help. (the reason I don't use css pseudo first is that this is a grid layout and I have am doing responsive layout things with it)
{% for field in row.fields %}
<div class="c-product-table__item {% if field|first %}{{ first_item }}{% endif %} ">
<span class="c-product-table__text">{{ field.text }}</span>
{% endfor %}
I don't know why twig filters are not working, I solved it another way. I set a var and made it blank after first loop
{% set thiscount = 'first_item' %}
{% for field in row.fields %}
<div class="c-product-table__item {{ thiscount }}">
<span class="c-product-table__text">{{ field.text }}</span>
{% set thiscount = '' %}
{% endfor %}
I want to display news without first one. How I can achieve this?
Here is code I have to change:
<div class="home-box-news carousel-news slide home-box-shadow" id="news" style="clear: both;">
<ol class="carousel-indicators news-box">
{% for i in 0..news|length-1 %}
{% if loop.index is not divisibleby (2) %}
<li data-target="#news" data-slide-to="{{ i / 2 }}" {% if loop.first %}class="active"{% endif %}></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<div class="carousel-inner">
{% for item in news %}
{% if loop.index is not divisibleby (2) %}
<div class="item{% if loop.first %} active{% endif %}">
<div class="carousel-caption">
{% endif %}
<h3>{{ item.name }}</h3>
<p class="date">{{ item.createdAt|date('d.m.Y, G:i') }}</p>
<p {% if loop.index is divisibleby (2) %}style="border-bottom: 0;" {% endif %}>{{ item.content[:110]|nl2br }}{% if item.content|length > 110 %}... <a class="more" href="{{ path('home_news_index') }}">czytaj dalej</a>{% endif %}</p>
{% if loop.index is divisibleby (2) or loop.last %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
There is more concise version of what Robert suggested:
{% for item in news[1:] %}
You can use slice filter which works like array_slice() function in PHP.
{% for item in news[1, news.length -1 ] %}
put this in your loop to omit first news
{% if loop.index0 > 0 %}
{# display your news #}
{% endif %}
Of course there is another answer which may/may not be cleaner/simpler/w/e - don't pass the row to Twig in the first place.
I have a problem with errors display in my twig templates.
Here is my twig with one nested form form.pictures :
{{ form_start(form) }}
{% if not form.vars.valid %}
<div class="flash-errors-wrapper">
{{ form_errors(form) }}
<div class="form-errors">{{ form_errors(form.pictures) }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% for formChild in form.pictures %}
<div class="child">
{% if not formChild.vars.valid %}
<div class="flash-errors-wrapper">
{{ form_errors(form) }}
<div class="form-errors">{{ form_errors(form.picture) }}</div>
<div class="form-errors">{{ form_errors(form.caption) }}</div>
{% endif %}
{{ form_widget(formChild.picture) }}
{{ form_widget(formChild.caption) }}
{% endfor %}
{{ form_end(form) }}
After submission, when a child form is non valid, my parent form is not valid too.
Problem is that it display empty div on top like :
<div class="flash-errors-wrapper">
<div class="form-errors"></div>
I don't want that because css exist on flash-errors-wrapper class so style is applied.
Any ideas?
You certainly need to check if one child form is not valid when you check if the parent form is valid. One way to do it would be (Untested, it may need some adaptation):
{% if not form.vars.valid %}
{% set all_childs_valid = True %}
{% for formChild in form.pictures %}
{% if not formChild.vars.valid %}
{% set all_childs_valid = False %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if all_childs_valid %}
<div class="flash-errors-wrapper">
{{ form_errors(form) }}
<div class="form-errors">{{ form_errors(form.pictures) }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
I usually display form errors just as described in docs:
{% if errors|length > 0 %}
{% for error in errors %}
<li>{{ error.message }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
What I am trying to achieve is to render a simple 5-star rating HTML element based on a number ( 0-5 )
Example :
{{ user.rating }} // returns integer 4
Output should be:
<div class="rating">
<i class="star voted"></i>
<i class="star voted"></i>
<i class="star voted"></i>
<i class="star voted"></i>
<i class="star-empty"></i>
// 4 lighted stars out of 5
You can archive your problem with this code:
<div class="rating">
{% for i in 1..5 %}
{% set starClass = (user.rating >= i ? "star voted" : "star-empty") %}
<i class="{{ starClass }}"></i>
{% endfor %}
See the working solution on this twigfiddle
From the doc:
If you do need to iterate over a sequence of numbers, you can use the
.. operator:
{% for i in 0..10 %}
* {{ i }}
{% endfor %}
The Twig built-in .. operator is just syntactic sugar for the range function.
Simple way :
{% set stars, count,starsResult = 4 , 1 , "" %}
{% for i in range(1, 5) %}
{% if stars >= count %}
{% set starsResult = starsResult ~ "<i "star active">" %}
{% else %}
{% set starsResult = starsResult ~ "<i class="star disable">" %}
{% endif %}
{% set count = count + 1 %}
{% endfor %}
{{ starsResult }}
I have this code on my related products:
<h3>HAVE YOU TRIED...</h3>
{% assign max = 10 %}
{% assign count = '' %}
{% assign list = '' %}
{% capture list %},{{ product.id }}{% endcapture %}
{% for collection in product.collections %}
{% if collection.handle contains 'related' %}
{% for product_related in collection.products %}
{% capture id %},{{ product_related.id }}{% endcapture %}
{% unless list contains id %}
{% if count.size < max and product_related.images.size > 0 %}
<div class="rel-product">
<div class="rel-img">
{% for image in product_related.images offset:1 limit:1 %}
<img src="{{ image.src | product_img_url: 'compact' }}}" alt="" />
{% endfor %}
<div class="rel-cnt">
<h6>{{ product_related.title }}</h6>
<p>{{ variant.option1 }}</p>
<span class="price">{{ product_related.price | money }}</span>
{% capture count %}{{ count }}.{% endcapture %}
{% capture list %}{{ list }}{{ id }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
It seems to work fine for products in one collection but not at all for products in another collection, the "have you tried" box is empty. Can anyone tell me what this code is doing in terms of picking related products in shopify and why it might not be showing any related products for items in that collection.
Firstly print your 'product' array and check what it will return to you while checking for other one.